Monday, August 29, 2011

GREAT NEWS: Alabama's Racial Profiling Bill BLOCKED!!!

Washington (CNN) -- A federal judge temporarily blocked enforcement of a tough immigration law in Alabama on Monday. Opponents of the measure -- including state church leaders, the U.S. Justice Department and the American Civil Liberties Union-- had asked U.S. Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn to stop the law, which was scheduled to go into effect Thursday. State officials argue the law would help Alabama and not violate civil rights.

In her two-page order, Judge Blackburn said there was not enough time before Thursday to address all the legal arguments from various parties over the law's constitutionality. "It is hereby ordered that Act 2011-535 is temporarily enjoined, and may not be executed or enforced," wrote Blackburn.

The Alabama law requires that police "attempt to determine the immigration status of a person who they SUSPECT (Racial Profiling) is an unauthorized alien of this country," according to an Alabama House of Representatives fact sheet. That provision is similar to other laws aiming to crack down on illegal immigration passed by other state legislatures over the past year.

But the Alabama law also includes more expansive measures, including requiring the state to check immigration status of students in public schools. Blackburn made clear her order does not reflect on the merits of either side's legal arguments. She ordered both the state and the law's opponents to file further legal briefs in the case, and said her injunction will remain in place at least until September 29.

Further appeals to higher federal courts could prevent the law from going into effect for months, even years.
During a hearing last week in Birmingham, an attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center argued the public-school portion of the law is unconstitutional.

Earlier this month, leaders from the Episcopal, Methodist and Catholic churches of Alabama sued the state's governor, its attorney general and a district attorney over the law, known as HB 56. One attorney representing the bishops said in court that representatives of the church did not want to become immigration agents, and that the law would make church officials targets for ministering to illegal immigrants. A U.S. Department of Justice attorney also argued the federal government, not individual states, should control immigration enforcement.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Republican Lawmakers are facing EXTREME HEAT back home as Americans DEMAND: "Leave My Medicare & Social Security Alone! Tax the Rich!!!"

Republicans are facing "Extreme Heat" at home in Town Meetings with WE THE PEOPLE! We Americans are DEMANDING Republicans keep their greedy hands OFF of Our Social Security and Medicare and INSIST they do their jobs and STOP tax cuts for the Rich!!

Watch this video as GOP Good Ole Boy Rep. Charlie Bass tries to defend Tax Cuts for the Rich. WE THE PEOPLE Americans demand he support Us! And SAVE OUR Social Security and Medicare and STOP EXTENDING TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH!!!

Republicans: WE THE PEOPLE KNOW YOUR AGENDA! STOP IT! Save Our Social Security and Medicare!!! WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT!!! DO YOUR JOB!!!!

Hate Crimes Against Latinos Increase by 46.9% in San Diego County!

NC Times reports: The number of hate crimes in San Diego County increased last year compared with the previous year, bucking a statewide trend, according to a report issued by the state attorney general's office. While hate crimes against Jews, blacks and gays decreased statewide from 2009 to 2010, the number of hate crimes against Latinos increased 46.9 percent, from 81 in 2009 to 119 in 2010, according to the state's report, released last week.

By law, a hate crime involves any criminal act based on a person's race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity or national origin or disabilities. In North County cities, the number of hate crimes also increased, from 25 in 2009 to 41 in 2010, according to the state's "Hate Crime in California: 2010" report...

..Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at Cal State San Bernardino, said.."San Diego is a border county and so the issues related to the debate over immigration are going to be hotter than in most other parts of the state." ..The number of hate crimes in the county appear to be inching up over the past several years, from 119 in 2007 to 136 in 2010, according to the state...
Attorney General Kamala Harris said that though hate crimes are aimed at specific groups of people, they affect everyone. "A crime that is motivated by hate is a crime against all people," Harris said in a written statement. "We will monitor and prosecute these crimes to the fullest extent of the law."

..Levin also cautioned that the actual number of hate crimes may be underreported throughout the state because of budget cuts in local police departments. He said some police departments may be losing personnel who keep track of these numbers and help victims report hate crimes.

Shades of Watergate: Karl Rove's Secret EMails Reveal Republicans' Vicious Tactics to Deceive the American Public in 2012 Election!

Shades of Watergate! Karl Rove is plotting with an underground network of Republican conspirators to DECEIVE the American Public!

Rove/Republican National Committee have thousands of PAID volunteers (yes, Rove admits he pays them) who are posing as dis-satisfied Democrats on the internet, in media and blogger comment sections across the country. These Republican PC stooges are pretending to be disaffected Democrats, not content with our President's actions. They, pretending they are Liberals, are advising other Liberal/Democrat to "Stay Home" and "Don't Vote" next election! READ Rove's email to find out how treacherous and conniving his tactics are -- BE ON THE LOOKOUT when reading comment sections that they are actually Rove's Republican Stooges:
From: KR
To: All Internet Operatives and Interns
Re: Internet Operations -- For Immediate and Aggressive Implementation

Hello Gang,

You've all been working hard, and it's paying off. Obama's numbers are plummeting as I type this. Congratulations all around. But we can't afford to be complacent now.

I just want to briefly go over a few Mission Points with you.
1. Main mission: Infiltrate all liberal web sites, posing as disaffected liberals with liberal-sounding user names, icons and signatures. (Reference Bernie Sanders, Dennis Kucinich, FDR, Smedley Butler, Bill Clinton, etc.)
2. Express. Disappointment. With. Obama. (Whining pays double!) (jk!)
3. Push primary challenge. Push third party. Push Green. Push Socialist. Push write-in voting. Push non-voting to "send a message."
4. Effective memes/talking points:
"Obama is a DINO."
"Obama is no different than a Republican."
"Obama has sold us out."
"It feels good to vote your conscience."
"It feels good to stick to your principles."
"Don't be trapped into voting for the lesser of two evils."
"We need to punish Obama and the Democrats by not voting."
"We'd be better off with a Republican in the White House."
"Obama is a war-mongering, torturing, corporatist shill."

I simply cannot emphasize this point enough: No meme is too extreme or radical. "Obama is worse than Bush!" "Obama is a war criminal!" Remember: the reader thinks he is reading the opinion of a fellow liberal. It's all about peer suggestibility, people. Keep expanding the Overton Window. The more you push a radical notion, the more likely a slightly less radical notion becomes acceptable. Someone else said it this way: "The bigger the lie, the more likely people will believe it."
(see the rest of his email here)

ROVE is disgusting! He is WORSE than the Watergate burglars and the entire American Public should be aware of his evil and vicious tactics!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Teaparty Hate Group Leader William Gheen of Alipac Advocates Violence in the Streets!

(A Big Thanks to Immigration Clearinghouse and America's Voice for a heads-up re: this news)
Teaparty Hate Group Leader William Gheen of Alipac Advocates Violence in the Streets!
William Gheen is advocating Illegal and VIOLENT activity in the Streets of America over the President's decision to have Homeland Security and ICE focus on deporting Felonious Criminals versus Students and Workers and is now calling our President "Dictator Obama" and advocating his members do the same! Gheen leads the extreme far right Tea Party group "Alipac." According to the ADL, Alipac is a HATE Group.

(Double-Click on picture for a closer view of Gheen's rants - screenshots from his site)
During a recent radio interview, Gheen said, "We’re no longer referring to him as President Barack Obama, our national organization has made the decision and made the announcement we now refer to him as Dictator Barack Obama. That’s what he is. And basically at this point, if you’re looking for a peaceful political recourse, there really isn’t one that we can think of, and I’m really not sure what to tell people out there other than I guess they need to make decisions soon to just accept whatever comes next or some type of extra-political activities that I can’t really talk about because they’re all illegal and violent."

He also posted on his Hate Group discussion board under his alias, Alipac President, "If we make peaceful revolution impossible, we make violent revolution inevitable."

In the meantime, his even scarier/violent followers are posting outwardly RACIST pictures of our President!
As we move closer to the 2012 election, these scary/violent extremists are coming out of the woodwork and becoming very blatant in their speech! It is time for the FBI to step in and further investigate these kooks before they act upon their own words!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

GUILTY! Nashville and Davidson County's Sheriff Department Guilty of Shackling Young, Pregnant Latina Mother!

GUILTY! Last Thursday, a Nashville Jury ruled against the joint government of Nashville and Davidson County in which the county sheriff's deputies violated Mom Juana Villegas' rights when they shackled her while pregnant, while in labor and during her postpartum recovery. In April, U.S. District Judge William Haynes ruled in favor of Villegas, and after a three-day trial this week, the jury set the award for the terrorized mom at a $200,000 award for the torture she received.

Villegas' nightmare began on July 3, 2008, when she was nine months pregnant and driving home with her (citizen) children in the car from a doctor's appointment in metro Nashville. A police officer pulled her over and Mom showed a current car registration but had no license. She also showed a matricular card. The police asked her to call someone who could come and drive them and the car home. She called her husband's brother, he came, spoke to police, and then was ready to drive the car home when the cop decided that the pregnant mom was going to jail. He BULLIED her and drove her to jail. (double click on picture below to see a closer look of how she was bullied by police) Another cop who was nearby … came to speak with the uncle after the mom was driven away. “The cop said he would have never arrested her, and that it was wrong to arrest her. But that he couldn't do an
ything about it.” (MORE On the arresting officer later)
Mom Villegas was transported to a detention center, where two days later, she went into labor. According to court documents, Mom Villegas was taken to Nashville General Hospital where she was placed on a gurney with her HANDS AND FEET SHACKLED!!
Once in her hospital room, two Davidson County sheriff's MALE deputies refused to leave the room WHILE SHE CHANGED into her hospital gown, and unplugged her phone so she could NOT call her husband about her labor. Afterwards, one of the MALE deputies SHACKLED HER LEFT FOOT AND RIGHT HAND TO THE HOSPITAL BED, something that the medical staff called a "barbaric" violation of medical standards, court records state. The SHACKLES were finally removed before MOM VILLEGAS delivered her baby.

The situation was so brutal that the labor and delivery nurses were crying. Later, when she was taken back to the jail, she developed infections in both breasts because the officers at the Davidson County Jail (in Nashville) would NOT allow her to have a breast pump. She was separated from her newborn for 2 days. The baby developed jaundice.

During the trial Mom Villegas testified about how afraid she was for the safety of her baby. She didn't know what to expect. She didn't know what was going to happen.
After she had delivered the baby, and AGAINST doctor's orders, a third deputy SHACKLED her to the bed again, according to the court documents. Note: Mom Villegas' baby is an American citizen. Mrs. Villegas has been in the United States for 12 years and her husband and two other children are also American Citizens.
The sheriff's department's policies (287(g) program) that led the deputies to shackle her throughout the ordeal were a violation of the U.S. and Tennessee constitutions, her lawyers argued. Additionally, the arresting officer, Tim Coleman, was a local school board candidate who ran on "ANTI-Latino" and "ANTI-Immigrant" rhetoric in support of the 287(g) program. He also testified, under oath, and in court that there was NO VIDEOTAPEs of the arrest. However, two years later (in 2010) it was reported there was a videotape. See this link.

This case reminds us: We live in America! We are not supposed to violate the Human Rights of ANYONE. We are supposed to be better than this. AND we should be above condoning such treatment. Even the court said so when they ruled against the deputies' actions!

In a 2009 Supreme Court decision, none of the 9 Justices -- and, indeed, not even the Bush administration -- argued that the Constitution applies only to American citizens. It is indisputable, well-settled Constitutional law that the Constitution restricts the actions of the Government with respect to both American citizens and foreigners. It's not even within the realm of mainstream legal debate to deny that.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Call him HERO! The Brave Man who saved American Child was an "undocumented" Immigrant

He is a Hero! The man who rescued a 6 year old American girl from a vicious kidnapper has come forward and said he is an undocumented immigrant. This HERO saw a precious little girl being snatched away into a van by a vicious kidnapper. Without a moment's hesitation, Antonio Diaz Chacon, 23, thought nothing of his own safety and gave chase to the kidnapper in order to rescue this young child.

The kidnapping occurred Monday night in southwest Albuquerque when the girl went to a neighbor's house. After witnessing the attempted abduction, Diaz raced to his truck and chased the van the kidnapper was driving. The HERO chased the van for several miles before it crashed into a light pole, allowing him to catch up and rescue the girl, police said. The police and officials have acknowledged that Antonio Diaz is a hero.

HERO Diaz says he was compelled to reveal his immigration status after facing questions from the media. Martha Diaz said the couple had planned to apply for legal residency, but were told they would need an immigration lawyer. "We put it off because we knew it would be a lot of money," she said, adding that mortgage payments and medical bills took priority.

The shy HERO said, "Everyone keeps calling me a hero, but I feel like a normal person who did something for that little girl that anybody could or should have done."

Originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, Hero Diaz has been living in the United States for four years, according to his wife, Martha, who is a U.S. citizen. Martha Diaz said they are afraid of the consequences of coming forward with his immigration status, but "we know that if God put us there at the exact time to be able to save the little girl -- we know that he won't leave us by ourselves."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

President Obama FINALLY supporting measures to ONLY target Felonious Criminals! Will Stop Deporting DREAM Students and Workers!

At Last! As I've long suggested to our President: STOP Targetting DREAM Students and workers for Deportation. Focus the Deportations ONLY on the Felonious Criminals! IF this policy is successful, then we will Finally see an Accomplishment towards POSITIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM! We at ITWAMA will keep you posted on the Progress!
CNN Reports: Administration says it will conduct case-by-case review on deportation
Washington (CNN) -- In a move that could shake up the U.S. immigration system, the Department of Homeland Security is going to begin reviewing all 300,000 pending deportation cases in federal immigration courts to determine which individuals meet specific criteria for removal and to focus on "our highest priorities." DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano said the review will enhance public safety. "Immigration judges will be able to more swiftly adjudicate high priority cases, such as those involving convicted felons," Napolitano wrote Thursday in a letter to assistant majority leader Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Illinois, and 21 other senators including Indiana Republican Richard Lugar.

In April, Durbin and Lugar sent a letter to Napolitano asking her to stop deportations of immigrant students who could earn legal status under the the DREAM Act -- legislation that would give children of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship through military service or college education. Napolitano said the Obama administration has frequently pointed out "it makes no sense to expend our enforcement resources on low-priority cases, such as individuals... who were brought into this country as young children and know no other home."

Officials say immigration court dockets are clogged, putting public safety in jeopardy, costing money, resources and time. They want to see DHS enforcement resources diverted from illegal immigrants who don't have criminal records to individuals who pose a threat to public safety and national security. A senior administration official, who requested anonymity because details of the policy change had not yet been announced, told reporters 79% of deportations involve people without a criminal record -- people who have just entered the country illegally or had been previously deported and re-entered.

Napolitano said the new policy change would not negate reforming immigration laws and "will not alleviate the need for passage of the DREAM Act," which would give legal status to illegal immigrant students who attend college or join the military. She added, "President Obama has called the DREAM Act the right thing to do for the young people it would affect, and the right thing to do for the country."

But the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) (the group the ADL says is RACIST!), which advocates changing policies to decrease the number of immigrants coming to the United States (aka MASS Deportation), said in a statement on its website that the action by the Obama administration "amounts to an administrative amnesty and a sweeping overhaul of the nation's immigration policy without approval by Congress."

FAIR President Dan Stein said in the statement, "In essence, the administration has declared that U.S. immigration is now virtually unlimited to anyone willing to try to enter and only those who commit violent felonies after arrival are subject to enforcement." Under the new process, a DHS and the Department of Justice working group will develop specific criteria to identify low-priority removal cases that should be considered for prosecutorial discretion, including cases with minors, the elderly, pregnant and nursing women, victims of serious crimes, veterans and members of the armed services and individuals with serious disabilities or health problems.

Durbin expressed support for the Obama administration announcement, saying in a written statement that it was "the right decision" specifically as it relates to students. "These students are the future doctors, lawyers, teachers and maybe, senators, who will make America stronger," Durbin stated. "We need to be doing all we can to keep these talented, dedicated, American students here, not wasting increasingly precious resources sending them away to countries they barely remember." Durbin's statement added that when reviews of individual cases result in cases being closed, those individuals "will be able to apply for certain immigration benefits, including work authorization." Durbin's statement did not elaborate on that aspect of the policy change, beyond saying such applications for benefits would be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

The National Day Laborer Organizing Network, an organization advocating improved rights for day laborers, praised the move. "The administration had earned the President the title of 'Deporter-in-Chief.' We hope the statement today announcing review of the current caseload of victims of indiscriminate enforcement is carried forth," the group said in a news release.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ha Ha Ha TeaPartiers! Your Good Ole Boy Rick Perry Says "No Damn Fences!"

I looooooooove this! Yesterday, Rick Perry, the Tea Party Darling, said NO to Border Fences!

Texas Rick Perry has blasted the idea of a fence along the US-Mexican border as “RIDICULOUS,” highlighting a dubious attitude on the issue of illegal immigration in America.

Listen to his Good Ole English Grammar: “You got strategic fencing in some of the metropolitan areas – it’s very helpful,” Perry said while at a campaign stop in New Hampshire on Tuesday. “But the idea that you’re going to build a wall from Brownsville to El Paso is just — it’s ridiculous on its face.”

Ha Ha Ha Ha! I Love It! The Tea Partiers are going to be crying Crocodile Tears over this one! Ha Ha Ha!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Michele Bachmann on Meet the Press. I hope she gets the Republican Nomination! As they say, she is Truly Bat Shxtt!

OMG! I just saw Michele Bachmann on Meet the Press this morning. I hope she gets the Republican nomination. She is truly (as Bill Maher said) Bat Shxtt! She is loonier than a jay bird. Bonkers!
Here are some examples of what she said:
. If she had the deciding vote, she would allow the American Government to default and send us reeling into a deep depression.
. She believes ALL WOMEN should be SUBMISSIVE to their husbands.
. She believes anyone who is Gay is mentally ill. If a gay couple adopts a child they are not a family.
Some of her past quotes include:
1. Not all cultures are equal
2. Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful, but there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.
3. I'm not a deep thinker..I wish I was more knowledgeable, but I'm not a scientist.

Go Michele Go!
Go Loony Teapartiers Go!
Select Michele Bachmann as your Presidential Candidate!
We want you to!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Guest Voz - So Mexican: "You know you're So Mexican if you grew up eating chorizo con frijoles"

Guest Voz - So Mexican: You know you're So Mexican if you grew up eating chorizo con frijoles and huevos con weenie as a major food group!

Don't laugh at the pic, this is homemade style mi gente!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Looking Ahead, Latino Voters See A Choice Between Do Nothing Democrats And Republican Tea Party Kryptonite!

HP Reports: DeeDee Garcia Blase, a Republican activist in Arizona, said many of the Latinos she's spoken with say they'll vote for Obama only because they see the rise of the Tea Party and the "anti-immigrant" rhetoric associated with it as a potential catastrophe for Latinos.

"Even though they’ve very disgruntled," she said, "they view the Tea Party Republicans as having significant control over the entire Republican Party, and the Tea Party is kryptonite to the Hispanic population."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Latino Realizes American Dream - New Owner of the Atlanta Hawks

The new owner of the Atlanta Hawks (pending NBA approval) faced the media with two surprising confessions: He’d never held a news conference before, and he was very nervous.
In fact, it took three tries just to get the obligatory Hawks cap on his head. He's not the typical high-powered, mega-wealthy kind of guy you might expect. He had something unexpected: humility.

To understand where that comes from, you have to understand where he came from. Growing up, Alex Meruelo loved basketball. He was a starter for his California Catholic high school team. He loved the sport, but he was smart enough to know he wasn’t going to make a living at it. So when his dad offered for him to take over the family tuxedo business, you could say Meruelo’s basketball career came to a formal end.

This son of Cuban immigrants quickly found that although he was good at basketball, he was great at business. The empire he has created makes everything from pizzas to wind turbines. He got rich and got back to basketball. He will be the first Hispanic majority owner of an NBA team.

And I asked whether he knew, when he was negotiating the deal, that would be the headline.
"I’m not sure if you really think about it. It’s something that just happens. It happens," he said. "It’s something that, there’s no question that it’s a big responsibility. It’s something that at the same time, I’m very privileged. I’m honored. I want to make sure I do a good job.”

Media reports tell of his father leaving Cuba, setting up a new life in America. It's the American dream. So for Meruelo, emotions were likely to factor in. "Emotion is a tremendous part of this deal. And I am trying to contain myself as much a possible because to explain it, how I feel or what I believe, is very hard to put into words right now. Very hard," he said. "It’s a dream come true, and Atlanta, I am so happy to be here. I’m happy to be part of this organization, and I am so committed to making sure we do the right thing, and I want to make sure that I own the respect. The loyalty of the Atlanta Hawks fans is something that is even more important to me.”

Does he feel he now has a sense of responsibility to the Hispanic community? “Of course, when you put it like that, there is no question you have a sense of responsibility. I plan to make sure that I fulfill my sense of responsibility and to make sure that their voice is heard," he said. "It’s something that, again, I’m taken aback by, and I’m very proud of it, and I am very humbled.”

There was a moment during the first news conference when Meruelo seemed to get choked up. What had gotten to him? "You want to see me cry, don’t you?" he quipped. "I’m extremely elated, and I am trying so hard to control my emotions, but I am sure you will see them on the court. You will see them in the games."

As a reporter, you can become jaded about interviewing important people. Sometimes, they use the interview as a way to advance their own agendas. This was not one of those times. This was a kid whose mom and dad fled Castro and communism, a kid who loved a game but had to give it up to take on the family business. A kid who made it big and bought a team with hopes of making it great. I didn’t really want to make him cry. But it happened when I asked what his father would say. “I’m sure he’s very proud of me," he simply said.

Each word was spoken haltingly, and his eyes were brimming with tears. It was said in a way that made you realize, for Alex Meruelo, buying the Hawks was a big deal in more ways than one.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

9 States Slashing Unemployment Benefits! reports: 14 million people in the U.S. are jobless today. Yet, several states — even some that are experiencing economic recoveries — have begun to cut jobless benefits, according to recent data obtained by 24/7 Wall St. This is another example that the unemployment problem has become more insidious. Federal and state governments use two milestones — 26 weeks and 99 weeks — to determine unemployment insurance payments and when they are terminated. The number of people out of work for each of these time periods, or longer, grows.

States with the highest unemployment also tend to have the most financial trouble themselves. This is due to low tax receipts caused in large part by the high unemployment level. People out of work pay little or no taxes. But financial desperation is only one reason for states to decrease jobless benefits. A second group of states, some of which have begun strong recoveries, has also begun cutbacks. Governors and legislators of these states want to decrease budget deficits both by taking advantages of improved economic positions and through austerity programs for state costs.

24/7 Wall St. examined how the relationship between employment insurance and state finances has begun to change from the ways they operated in the early part of the recession until 2011. We reviewed the just released report on state unemployment law by the National Employment Law Project. The report identifies the states that are reducing their unemployment insurance coverage. The nine that are reducing benefits this year did so by either cutting the number of eligibility weeks or by reducing the payment amount.

Our analysis shows that local governments are choosing to make these reductions for a variety of reasons. Some, like Michigan and Arkansas, are seemingly forced to cut benefits because of ballooning unemployment rates along with struggling local economies. Others, like Illinois and Wisconsin, which are seeing their economies recover and the unemployment rates improve, are cutting also benefits.

All states that have altered their unemployment payment rules, either because of economic weakness or a desire to couple improved tax receipts with austerity, have one thing in common. They are part of a breakdown in a system to support a huge pool of Americans who have not found jobs for months, and may not find them at any time in the foreseeable future. This is especially true if there is another recession. The decisions by the states affect the extent to which the federal government has to bear the economic burden of the jobless. Recent battles in Washington make it less and less likely that there are nearly limitless funds to support the jobless once they have exhausted their state benefits. In addition to the other weight the jobless carry, they also may no longer be financially supported by governments in a similar manner to the recent past.

Republicans Out to Destroy the Poor & Middle Class with Tax Code Revisions

Today on Meet the Press, the Republicans/John McCain cited the Republican Agenda:
1. End Medicare as we know it
2. End Social Security as we know it
3. Privatize Health Care
4. Tax Code: Change from the Progressive Tax to a Flat Tax
(click on picture)
We're all familiar with their views on their top 3 items, but let's talk about how they want to change the way we are TAXED and why all Poor and Middle Class Americans should be concerned.

Our current IRS tax system utilizes the Progressive Tax. Each year, each taxpayer is taxed on their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). Everyone is allowed to take certain deductions (eg: dependents,earned income, education, healthcare, etc). The percentage of tax paid is based on your AGI into the Federal Tax Brackets. You must understand that you are taxed on the last dollar earned. That is, a person earning $83,000 is NOT taxed 28% on the entire amount. Instead, he is taxed 10% on the first $8,350 earned, 15% for the portion up to $33,950, 25% for the portion up to $82,250, and pays 28% ONLY for the last $750.

What the Republicans want to do is change from a Progressive Tax to a FLAT Tax. They are LYING about the Progressive Tax -- which is FAIR for all levels of income. And instead, they are laying out such nice terms for their proposal -- the FLAT TAX. "Our current tax system is unfair and archaic and too difficult to understand. Why not let everyone pay one flat tax." Such nice, flowery words. In reality, what this means is, they want the Rich to pay far less taxes and they want the poor, those who are barely surviving, many of our sick and elderly, to pay much more in Taxes. The Republicans are Brutal and Heartless!

They want to ELIMINATE the ability to take Deductions as you do today including deductions for your children and for low income tax credits. Today, understandably, those earning below the poverty level, are able to utilize these low income tax credits to significantly reduce their taxes. In 2011, the low income level for a family of 4 is $22,350. These families make only about $400 a week or about $1800 a month. Now think about their home and food costs. Think about their rent (obviously they cannot afford to buy a house). If their rent is only 700 a month, utilities only 400 a month, their car and insurance is only 300 a month, that leaves only 600 a month ($150 a week) for groceries, clothes, and everything else. We are not even taking anything out for taxes, healthcare, accidents, emergencies, phone, tv, cable, NOTHING!

When paying taxes, these families take out their justified deductions and pay very little in taxes, and sometimes receive tax credit at the end of each year. What the Republicans want to happen is, they will FORCE these families, who have NO MONEY TO SPARE TODAY, to pay a FLAT TAX -- a 10% - 25% TAX. Let's take this same family. They will NOT be able to take deductions or receive a family tax credit. Instead they will be FORCED to PAY between $2,235 to $5,588 a year in taxes. Can you imagine? Where are they going to get the money to pay these taxes? The Republicans and their supporters are outsourcing jobs offshore. They certainly are NOT creating jobs here in America.

At the other end of the spectrum -- the Rich Millionaires -- will, at most, only have to pay 25% -- this is, on average, over a 25% Tax Reduction for most of them -- a Windfall!! Additionally, Republicans, like Paul Ryan are recommending MORE LOOPHOLES for the Rich. Ryan is recommending "Elimination of Double Taxation of Savings." What a BOGUS name for a Tax Loophole. Here is what he is proposing. Today, most of the rich invest their excess money into Tax Shelters. If they are investing After Tax dollars, this portion of the money remains invested "Tax Free." The only portion of these monies taxed is the earnings and dividends. These rich millionaires pay taxes on these dollars, as they should because this is earned income. Ryan, using his Republican "Save the Rich" mentality, suggests these earnings are "double taxed." (What a load of crap that is!) and NOW he wants the Rich to get even Richer by NOT taxing them on these earnings. Do you get it? They shelter the money, it grows exponentially, then he DOESN'T WANT THEM TO BE TAXED ON IT.... All under the name "Elimination of Double Taxation of Savings."

Do you see what Ryan, McCain and the Republicans are doing? They are AGAIN protecting their backers, the RICH/BIG Business and they are AGAIN hurting the Poor and the Middle Class. They LIE by putting pretty words around their Outrageous plans for the future. Their plan: To WIDEN the GAP between the Rich and the Poor -- the Haves and the Have Nots!

MY FEAR: What will happen to the Elderly, the Sick, the Poor, the Jobless if the Republicans ever get back in Power! We need to be ever vigilant of what the Republicans are proposing, for if they ever get back in power, WOE TO ALL OF US!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Report Indicates "Border Crossings" have dropped by 95% since 2005

Border Crossings have dropped significantly since 2005 and by over 95% in Yuma. Over this same period, the Border Patrol has more than Doubled! So tell me, why are all of the Tea Party extremists agitating for more Border Enforcement dollars?
Yuma, AZ Reports --A report released by the Center for American Progress claims that border apprehensions of illegal aliens along the U.S.-Mexico border have dropped by more than 70% in the last 10 years. Center for American Progress Director of Immigration Policy, Marshall Fitz says, "well we know for sure is that far fewer people are attempting to enter the united states without authorization. And for those who do attempt to cross, our border patrol is preventing or catching them at a far greater rate than ever before."
Fitz says more Border Patrol Agents and improved technology have caused the drop in illegal crossings. According to the report there are more than 21,000 Border Patrol Agents nationwide. More than double the number of agents there were back in 2004. Arizona alone has over 5,000 of those agents.
The report also said that as more fences and cameras have been put up, they've helped agents catch more crosser's. Showing a distinct difference in the infrastructure between the Yuma sector border in 2006 and 2008.
The report says the number of illegal immigrant apprehensions has dropped across the board from San Diego to Texas.
Here in Yuma, apprehensions were at their highest in 2005 with more than 135,000 arrests.
That number dropped to just over 7,000 in 2010.

Former Immigration Commissioner Doris Meissner and current Senior Fellow at the Migration Policy Institute says the poor economy has also played a role in the drop, "what we're looking at now, with the change in the economy in the U.S. and the dramatically reduced flow because jobs are not available in the U.S. has brought us to a point where there is no net growth whatsoever to the illegal population in the united states."

However, not everyone agrees with the report.
Arizona Representative Jeff Flake is quoted saying, "anyone who thinks our border is safer now more than ever has obviously never been to the border or spoken with those who live and work along it."

Why does the President Persist in Pushing Forward "Right of Center" Policies, Slapping Latino Americans in the Face, Once Again!

As my long time viewers know, I have supported our President throughout his Presidency. Many of my fellow bloggers have been very concerned by the President's lack of support for passing Immigration Reform legislation, no progress on the Dream Act and for the increased number of ICE Deportations. Eric Holder has made no progress on the Joe Arpaio investigation. And now, the Department of Homeland Security has said it will move ahead with its controversial Secure Communities immigration enforcement program, even if states do not agree to participate. This means even MORE ICE Deportations.
I disagree with this bill. President Obama continues to stand to the right of center, pleading for the Independen­t Vote. He believes the Latinos will vote for him regardless of Racial Profiling policies like this. In President Obama's quest/obse­ssion for winning over the Center, he will have a TOUGH TIME holding on to his base!
I plead with the President: Why do you persist in pushing forward right of Center policy, slapping Latino Americans in the face? Do you really think we will continue to stand with you and vote for you if you continue doing this?
You have done NOTHING, NOTHING to support Immigratio­n Reform.
You have NOT even made an inch of progress with the Dream Act.
How can you slap us in the face like this? How can you push these Racial Profiling policies?
We need a response. A slap like this will not bring out any votes! I ask the Democratic Committee to give us OPTIONS in 2012. If President Obama continues to push right of center policies, PLEASE, Give us Hillary as an Option! I can tell you where OUR Votes will go!
HP Reports: Secure Communities Agreements Canceled, Participation Still Required
WASHINGTON -- Activists are outraged over a Friday announcement from the Department of Homeland Security that it will move ahead with its controversial Secure Communities immigration enforcement program, even if states do not agree to participate.
"Today’s announcement confirms [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]’s status as a rogue agency," Pablo Alvarado, director of the National Day Laborer's Organizing Network and a vocal critic of Secure Communities, said in a statement. "The recent actions constitute a crisis not only for our civil rights but our democracy as a whole. Governments cannot rule by decree."
The government faces a backlash over Secure Communities, a program that allows federal authorities to screen fingerprints of those arrested by local police in order to detect undocumented immigrants. Critics say the program nets large numbers of non-criminal undocumented immigrants and takes focus away from the primary targets of immigration enforcement, violent offenders.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Bigotry of Republican Pat Buchanan; Calls the President - Al Sharpton's 'Boy' on Debt Deal

Republican Teapartiers are exposing themselves for the Racists they are!
Now, Republican Pat Buchanan has called our President - "Al Sharpton's boy!"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Racist Tea Party Republican Doug Lamborn calls Our President a "Tar Baby!"

Emboldened by the phony debt ceiling political theater, a little-known teaparty Republican from Colorado put himself in the National Radar! Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado called our African American President a "Tar Baby!" I was SHOCKED when I first heard his words. How could ANYONE, even a Teaparty Republican, do something SO BLANTANTLY RACIST?

Lamborn made the comment during an interview on a Denver radio station about proposals to raise the nation's debt ceiling in exchange for spending cuts. "Even if some people say, 'Well, the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,' they will hold the president responsible," Lamborn said. "Now I don't want to even have to be associated with him. It's like touching a tar baby and you get, you get it (to Teapartiers), you know (what he means) ... you are stuck and you are part of the problem now and you can't get away."

Racist and Disrespectful! Tar Baby - worse than the "N" word!

From Disney wiki: The term "tar baby" is viewed as a negative connotation revolving around African Americans. The controversy of the Tar Baby, and other issues relating to race, has plagued Song of the South from being released on home video or DVD in the United States.

It is clear that Racist Lamborn was sending a wink and a nod to his racist Tea Party supporters. Once this was publicized across the media, Lamborn offered a half-hearted apology: "I regret I chose the phrase 'tar baby,' rather than the word 'quagmire."

What a LAME Apology from such a Racist Nut! He should have said, "I am sorry I outed my racist self by saying in public what I say to my Tea Party friends in private!"

I hope Lamborn resigns soon! His racist stench is stinking up the political arena! Good Riddance!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Alabama Immigration Law: Obama Administration Files Lawsuit To Block Measure

WASHINGTON(Reuters) - The Obama administration Monday sued to block enforcement of Alabama's new immigration law, widely considered to be the toughest measure in the United States to try to crack down on illegal immigrants. The law, known as H.B. 56, was signed by Republican Governor Robert Bentley in June and is due to take effect on Sept. 1. Civil rights groups brought a separate lawsuit challenging the law about a month ago.

``If allowed to go into effect, H.B. 56's enforcement scheme will conflict with and undermine the federal government's careful balance of immigration enforcement priorities and objectives,'' administration lawyers said. ``The scheme will cause the detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants, and citizens who do not have or carry identification documents specified by the statute, or who otherwise will be swept into the ambit of H.B. 56's enforcement-at-all-costs approach,'' according to the lawsuit filed in federal court in Alabama. The administration argued that federal law preempted the state from adopting its own immigration regime and would interfere with the federal immigration system. There are an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States... Attempts to overhaul federal immigration policy have gone nowhere in the U.S. Congress. Besides Alabama, Georgia, Arizona, Utah and Indiana are defending new immigration laws in federal court. The Obama administration successfully sued to block Arizona's tough law last year.

``Today's action makes clear that setting immigration policy and enforcing immigration laws is a national responsibility that cannot be addressed through a patchwork of state immigration laws,'' Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement. Alabama's law requires public schools to determine, by reviewing birth certificates or sworn affidavits, the legal residency status of students upon enrollment. Police must also detain someone they suspect of being in the United States illegally if the person cannot produce proper documentation when stopped for any reason. That is similar to the Arizona law blocked by the courts from taking effect. The Alabama law also would be a crime to knowingly transport or harbor someone who is in the country illegally.

The law also imposes penalties on businesses that knowingly employ someone without legal resident status, and a company's business license could be suspended or revoked. A similar Arizona law was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in May.The Alabama law also requires businesses to use a database called E-Verify to confirm the immigration status of new employees.

Debt Ceiling Raised, but at What Cost? Our President & Dems Bent Over and took the Satan Sandwich! Mr. President Stand Strong or Step Aside!

The Debt Ceiling has been raised. Congress has passed the bill, rife with homage to the insane Tea Party Republicans. Our President has bowed down to their demands. He lost command of the dialogue. He AGAIN has conceded to the "right of Center."
In this bill:
. Tax Cuts for the Rich are continued!
. We will see massive Reductions for the Poor and Middle Class.
. No extensions for the Unemployed.
. Possible impact to Medicare and Unemployment

The idiotic Tea Party is still upset. Those white haired, medicare recipients are STILL insisting on Voting NO to the Bill. These zealots advocate even more Reductions in Medicare and Social Security. These zealots who are ON SS and Medicare DO NOT HAVE A CLUE of what they are asking for.. instead they are being led blindly by their Tea Party Leaders, the Koch Brothers, who wrote their agenda:
1. Continued Tax Cuts for the Rich
2. Continued Outsourcing Overseas
3. the END to Regulations
4. the END to the Minimum Wage
and to FUND their demands, put the cost on the Lower & Middle Americans by:
1. End Medicare and Social Security
2. End Education as we know it today
3. Continue Guest Workers while Mass Deporting those 12M here!

If we let the TeaParty/Republican extremists win, we are DOOMED to having only two classes of Americans, the very Rich, and the very Poor. We will be like apartheid South Africa.
The Tea Party extremists are too ignorant to know what they are asking for!

I am worried that our President is too weak to FIGHT the extremist Right Wing! He keeps giving in to their demands. What are WE Loyal Americans of ALL ethnicities to do??
I believe we need to send a message to our President.
Ask him to stand STRONG to OUR CAUSE! Otherwise, if he insists on Staying Weak and bending over to the Extremist Right Wing, he must step down. Step down and support someone who can take up the reigns of WE THE PEOPLE!

Mr. President! Stand Strong! Stand Firm!
Step Down!
Allow Hillary Clinton to take the reigns for WE THE PEOPLE!
For now, Mr. President, WE THE PEOPLE are Behind you.

Determination! Heart of a Lion! Gabby Giffords is BACK!

What a woman! No right wing terrorists can Hold Her Down! Rep. Gabby Giffords was back on the floor of Congress today VOTING for Raising the Debt Ceiling!

Go Gabby! Go!

No Domestic Terrorist can hold down a Strong Democratic Woman!

Take That Jared Loughner!