Friday, June 29, 2007

The Immigration Bill (CIS) Was Defeated. Now What?

The ANTI forums are rejoicing their Victory. They are giving each other Virtual High Fives! We all know the ANTI are a small group of zealots, but a very noisy, pompous group of zealots, nevertheless. "What next? What can we tackle next?" is their outcry. Give them an inch, now they want a mile.

Some ANTIs are calling for English as the Official Language (I will write about the problems with this in a future blog). Others are calling for an end to the 14th Ammendment - Jus Soli or "Anchor Babies" as they call them.

Many ANTIs are now pushing a new bill proposed in the House: HR 499. It is on Rep Baker´s website. This bill calls for enforcement of the current immigration laws, strict prosecution and some new xenophobic sections.

Here is a summary of HR 499
1. Increased-trained Border Patrol agents
2. Increased Immigration investigators

1. Implement entry-exit portions of Visitor Visa Indicators
2. Enforce Immigrant Affadavidits, Prosecute anyone caught and returned (vs escorting to border and allowing them to self return as is done today)
3. Strict Employer Sanctions and increased workplace sweeps
4. Prosecute anyone helping bring in an undocumented worker, regardless 1 or more.
5. 700 Mile Fence

1. Stop Financial Institutions from accepting Matricula Cards as ID
2. Stop In-state college tuition for anyone undocumented
3. Increase Prison Beds by 16,000 by end of 2007
4. Expedite removal (With increased sweeps, this equals Mass Deportation)

They close it by saying "taking the steps described in paragraph (1) will lead to a substantial reduction in illegal immigration and will greatly improve the border security of the United States."


The ANTIs believe anything short of Deportation is Amnesty. Most of the ANTI websites are calling for an immediate return of all 12M (or as they say 20 - 60M)to their country of origin. We all know how devastating this would be to our country. Bernanke has said the 12M have saved us from a recession. We are facing severe labor shortages as the Boomers age. Now the ANTIs, with one victory under their belt are looking for Mass Deportation.

Sad times ahead my friends. Sad Times!


  1. Us Anti's as you call us are not a small group. We are for America first. We take care of our own.. Outsiders can stand in line and wait like everyone else.
    In our society, you don't reward criminal action as our now government would do. We put a stop to them and will continue to do so untill they close that open border down south. After that is closed and it is proven they can stop illegal immigration, then we will talk about who gets to stay and who has to go.



  3. There is nothing sad about a sovereign nation trying to enforce border security. This could already have been underway if the U.S. Senate had passed the HR 4437 last year. Then we could be moving on to resolving some of the other issues of immigration reform. Big mistake on the part of the senate and the opponents of HR4437.

  4. "Enforce Immigrant Affadavidits, Prosecute anyone caught and returned (vs escorting to border and allowing them to self return as is done today)"

    Some say they are in favor of secure borders but would deny us the tools to accomplish that task. Self-deportation often means the miscreant can turn right around and return the same day with no penalty beyond what was implicit in the first violation of the border. Involuntary deportation with escort to the border and the issuance of an admonition that if they return they will be classified as repeat offender felons and jailed for two years is a much more effective way to accomplish the stated purpose. It also creates a significant disincentive for repeat offenders and those contemplating an initial border violation. These measures are not draconian. They are the minimum essential elements of border security.

  5. "Stop In-state college tuition for anyone undocumented"

    There is a simple solution to this problem. Grant U.S. and Mexico in-state college tuition to the children of illegals and the children of U.S. citizens who wish to study in Mexico on a one for one basis. This is actually a state matter not a federal issue.

  6. "Expedite removal (With increased sweeps, this equals Mass Deportation)"

    No, actually it isn't. That term does not appear in the legislation nor would it apply to the reality. Most agree that "mass deportations" are not feasible for one reason or another. Mass deportations means millions of deportations in a short time period, not the the regular roundup of illegals on a systematic basis over a significant period of time. One has to keep in mind that they are "illegal".

  7. You sure are quick at throwing at racist terms, zealots, xenophobic. If it doesn't conform to your agenda (reqonquest of so called stolen land), you PRO's throw the race card, talk about being pathetic. Its pretty bad when we have to have a bill (HB499) to enforce current immigration law.
    1. Stop Financial Institutions from accepting Matricula Cards as ID
    2. Stop In-state college tuition for anyone undocumented
    3. Increase Prison Beds by 16,000 by end of 2007
    4. Expedited Removal (no more Hutto)
    As for these new amendments, why would even you PRO's be against them?
    Bernanke is an idiot, they have not helped us overt a recession, in fact they may have actually made it worse, the housing bubble has burst, record numbers of foreclosures, and it will get worse as loans issued to illegals become 'overdue' and foreclosed upon as they lose there jobs and are deported. Interest only loans and high interest rates will make it almost impossible for all to repay, as there homes are worth 20% - 50% less than what it was purchased for.
