Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Republicans BLATANT disregard for the American Public!

McCain´s blatant disregard for the American Public allowed him to select the most incompetent running mate in history.
McCain met her briefly once. Aides Say the Team Interviewed Palin Late in the Process.
McCain later spoke to her briefly once.
Pailin is an Idaho College grad running on her beauty queen, supporter of Pat Buchanan for President status.
Pailin is NOT a Harvard grad with a law degree.
McCain, clearly, is "dissing" the American Public. He is saying this hockey mom with absolutely zero credibility is Obama´s equal. What?!?
I expect ALL Barack and Hillary supporters to take this for what it is! This is an Obvious SLAP IN THE FACE by the GOP!
All of us, American People, should CALL McCain and question his decision.
She is currently under investigation for firing the guy who would not fire her ex brother inlaw. This investigation is charging Abuse of Power!!

Nevermind the gossip. Her husband had a DUI a few years back. Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. The gossipers say her own Downs Syndrome baby is really her daughters baby.
I dont care about their soap operas!! I am embarrassed for the American Public!!
McCain´s poor decision is an Embarrassment to the American Public!!!
We need to get the Republicans out of Power! They have ABUSED their POWER long enough!

Do you know what else bothers me?
The media is treating this with kid gloves!
Lest we FORGET the blatant attacks with NO CAUSE against Hillary by the Media!

Question One: Do you think McCain purposely put up Pailin so she will withdraw, on her own, due to family reasons? Will he then put in his REAL Candidate for VP?

Question Two: Do you think the Republicans put up TWO Sock Pockets for Prez and VP because it really doesn´t make any difference since the Right Wing Conspiracy will rule government if they win, as they have in the past?

Soap Opera Politics Volume 1, Issue 32


  1. Your regurgitated tripe is nothing more than ignorance. You need to do some better research. Your blog stories of which you qoute have already been proven incorrect.

    #1 - she is not under indictment. She is under investigation, two totally different things, but then again you do always convict based on your ignorance and prejudice prior to understanding the actual facts.

    #2 - Her husbands DUI was over 22 years ago. He is not the one running as VP.

    #3 - The 4 month old Down Syndrome Baby is in fact hers. The 17 year old daughter is pregnant. Again so what, she is not running for VP.

    #4 - Why is everybody trailer trash, are you to much of an ELITIST, since you live in a gated community??

    #5 - The world laughing?? Why are you trying so hard to discredit her?? What are you afraid of??

    As for your question, she will be the VP, she will not back down.

  2. You are out of line as usual, dee. Although I think this woman is a poor choice for VP, calling her and her family trailer trash is totally out of line. Her personal family life is none of our business and is irrelevant. I don't care for her because I think she lacks the experience to be second in command for this country. You really are full of venom lately about everyone and everything lately. You know, red-faced, angry and full of hate.

  3. Most of your info has come from the dailykos. A bunch of ignorant far left morons, you fit right in with them with your prejudicial judgment.

    Even the Huffington Post has proven KOS as ignorant.

    DailyKos Embraces The Palin 'Fake Pregnancy' Rumor But Rejects The Edwards Story

  4. Investigation, Indictment, she is still under investigation Liquid!

    She has abused her Power!
    Shame on her!!

  5. At least you admit her Husbands DUI! Bravo for admitting the truth Liquid!!

    Too bad she has made such poor choices in men!!

  6. We dont know the 4 month old downs syndrome baby is hers. We only know what she has told us.

    I saw pix of her at 7 mos. No baby bump!
    Then 1 month later, she rushed to leave TX saying she is IN labor and flies to the wonderful hospitals of Alaska!
    What kind of mother is that? Even if true?
    ALL MOTHERS KNOW you DO NOT FLY after 7 months! Then, IF she IS in LABOR, YOU DO NOT FLY!! PERIOD!!

    Liquid, have you ever been a Mother???
    We ALL KNOW this!!
    Our doctors TELL US what we can or cannot do!

    Either it wasnt her baby

    the alternative

    She FLAGRANTLY DISREGARDED HER DOCTORS ADVICE AND FLEW!!!! and suffered the consequences, a Downs Syndrome Baby!!


    Liquid!! YOU ARE NOT A WOMAN!!



  7. Obviously you DO NOT CARE she is in Flagrant Disregard of motherhood, pregnancy or how to care for new borns.

    What kind of mother flies after 7 months!! Our doctors tell us NOT to do this! Then, flies when she is in Labor!!

    For a job??

    When you are pregnant, Motherhood is your number 1 concern.
    You DO NOT Drink!
    You DO NOT Smoke!
    You DO NOT Fly after 7 months!
    You take your vitamins.
    You get plenty of rest.

    Not for yourself, but for your BABY!!


    Our Obstetricians TELL US THIS EVERY VISIT!!

  8. Pat, You are wrong. We as citizens have every right to know about the choices she makes. IF the Republicans win, she is next in line to lead our country. Her decision making record is extremely revelant!

    Her choice to FLY while i Labor is child abuse! Ask ANY Obstetrician! Ask ANY pregant mother. We ALL know this!!

  9. Liquid, Again, you are wrong.

    I have been studying a number of sites including the local Alaskan news and blog sites. That is where I am getting all of this information!

  10. Doctors do not tell you to not fly, what they say is that they do not recommend you to fly. Its still the mothers choice to do so or not.

    Governor Palin was definitely pregnant.

    Anchorage TV Station: Sarah Palin Was "Definitely Pregnant" With Trig

    I ask again Dee, what are you so afraid of with Governor Palin??

    I'll also admit that it was her husband as the member of the Independent party in Alaska, not her as implied. Again, do your research, seems I know more than you, and its your 'story'.

  11. She has abused her Power!
    Shame on her!!

    More proof of your prejudice ignorance. You are the judge jury and executioner. Good one Dee.

  12. A 22 year old Mr. Palin was pulled over for a DUI, he is not running for office. Senator BHO at age 20 - 22 was in College drinking and doing drugs, he IS running for office. And you are voting for Obama?? Now who has the poor choice in men??You choose a once drug addict over someone that received a DUI?

  13. Dee said...

    Liquid, Again, you are wrong.

    I have been studying a number of sites including the local Alaskan news and blog sites. That is where I am getting all of this information!

    That's your problem, you don't know how to do anything on your own, you rely on other blogs and MSM that has picked up on a bogus blog story. Ignorance must be your forte', no??

  14. Oh my God, I am laughing so hard I almost wet myself! Downs Syndrome isn't caused by flying!!! WTH? You can't be serious, dee! I thought you were educated and worldly?

    Oh and by the way, speaking of poor choices of men, when you were rooting for Hillary you didn't seem to mind that she made the terrible choice of Billy the Filanderer for a husband. In fact you got mad that some seemed to blame her for what her husband did. Now you take the opposite point of view with this woman just because she is a Republican?

  15. Quote dee:

    "Pat, You are wrong. We as citizens have every right to know about the choices she makes. IF the Republicans win, she is next in line to lead our country. Her decision making record is extremely revelant!"

    I would be a lot more concerned about a president who sat in a racist, anti-American church for 20years. Of course that is of no concern to you though is it because he is a Democrat and you Hispanics think he will be your amnesty savior. Think again!

  16. What happens if something happens to Obama, Biden becomes Pres, he is one aneurysm away from Nanci Pelosi becoming Pres. For all we know, Biden might already be brain dead!!

    Biden Resting After Surgery For Second Brain Aneurysm

  17. Dee, Down's Syndrome is caused by a chromosome abnormality which occurs at the time of conception; the baby actually receives an extra chromosome. It is NOT caused by anything external.

    You lefties must really find this woman threatening for some reason. You and your fellow travellers in the media are going after her with everything you've got. This kind of extreme reaction cannot be caused by anything else than you perceive that she might pull some voters away from Obama; otherwise, your reaction would be as lukewarm as the Republicans were about Joe Biden. If you really felt that she would be a turn off to voters, you'd actually be cheering McCain's VP pick.

    She has a lot more administrative experience than Barack Obama. As well, she didn't sit in a Marxist liberation theology-based church for 20 years listening to a racist, anti-American preacher spew divisive, racist garbage. And she isn't buddy-buddy with any unrepentant domestic terrorists, either.

    I'm far more concerned with Obama's radical leftist associations than I am about Gov. Palin's pregnant teenage daughter or her husband's 20-year-old DUI record. Like Liquid pointed out, Obama was doing drugs (cocaine) at about the same time this occurred and he's running for the #1 spot.

    Daily Kooks are a bunch of hateful, radical leftists that nobody in the mainstream wants to associate with because they are so hateful. They are as hateful on the far left as some of the haters on the far right.

  18. P.S. The chances of a 17-year-old giving birth to a Down Syndrome baby are almost nill. Like I said, Down Syndrom is a chromosomal abnormality which increases with the age of the mother, especially mothers over the age of 40. The Daily Kooks should know that.

  19. Now, Dee, this post of yours is just plain crazy.

    Most of the time, the occurrence of Down syndrome is due to a random event that occurred during formation of the reproductive cells, the ovum or sperm. Down syndrome is not attributable to any behavioral activity of the parents or environmental factors.

    Two people can't be pregnant with the same child at the same time. Sarah's daughter was pregnant before Sarah's son was born.

    Her husband got a DUI when he was 22 years old, about the same time your candidate, Obama, was using hard, illegal drugs.

    You wouldn't dare call the Palin family Trailer Park Trash to their faces nor call Sarah a hoochie mama to her face. You say no name calling on this blog and by your own words right here right now you have violated your own rules (or are they just for us?)

    I'll tell ya what. If this blog goes on with this kind of crazy stuff, you'll be talking to yourself in the future.

  20. Here's one I thoroughly enjoy. You support a man, BHO, who is the son of an unwed mother who was sleeping with an already married man. He later became the DNC nominee for Presidency.

    Who are you to judge Bristol Palin, or for that matter, Governor Sarah Palin for their decisions. For all you know, Mrs. Palins child may later become President of the USA!!

  21. Liquid,
    Didnt you check the update to the photo and the comments below??

  22. Actually Liquid, Pailin and Obama admitted to their experimental drug use. Didnt Pailin say she didn´t inhale, ala B.C.?

    The biggest difference is the drunk driving. Putting others in danger. Must have been bad since he was charged and found guilty!

    Liquid said:
    A 22 year old Mr. Palin was pulled over for a DUI, he is not running for office. Senator BHO at age 20 - 22 was in College drinking and doing drugs, he IS running for office. And you are voting for Obama?? Now who has the poor choice in men??You choose a once drug addict over someone that received a DUI?

  23. Alie,
    Actually, most of the posts I see over on Kos are cheering he made such a poor choice.
    What bothered me most was her pandering for Hillary voters. The republicans putting in a sock puppet with eyelashes thinking women will be fooled because she is female.

    I read in WP this morning that she was not fully vetted. This was a last minute choice since McCain wanted Lieberman and his aides finally persuaded him to take someone else even though she was not fully vetted. They only heard about her family and legal issues hours before the decision.

  24. Dianne,
    We only know she is 5 mos because Pailin said so.
    However, to your point, I will edit the H.M. references.

    Two people can't be pregnant with the same child at the same time. Sarah's daughter was pregnant before Sarah's son was born.

  25. Reminder to all viewers.
    All may post from both sides.
    However all must abide by the blog rules:
    1. Stick to topic
    2. No name calling
    or abusive language.

  26. As the WP said:
    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was not subjected to a lengthy in-person background interview with the head of Sen. John McCain's vice presidential vetting team until last Wednesday in Arizona, the day before McCain asked her to be his running mate, and she did not disclose the fact that her 17-year-old daughter was pregnant until that meeting, two knowledgeable McCain officials acknowledged Tuesday.

  27. hey, what happened to my post? you are going to lose all your posters. you have liquid, dianne, a few anons. looks like you lost patriot.

  28. Why on earth didnt McCain select Pawlenty? I wrote a nice blog about him when I thought he was the candidate. I was actually worried about this since he was such a solid candidate.

    WP reports:
    Palin was one of two finalists in the vice presidential sweepstakes who were interviewed last week by former White House counsel Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr., just days before McCain introduced her to the nation as his choice. The other finalist was Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. One of the officials said Culvahouse was chasing down last-minute information about Pawlenty at the request of the campaign as late as last Thursday, the day McCain offered the job to Palin and she accepted.

  29. McCain must have been jealous of Pawlenty!

  30. There are now reports that someone has stolen Sarah Palin's SS# in an attempt to dig up dirt on her.

    I am a registered Independent and I've got to say that I am disgusted at the extremes to which Democrats are willing to go to destroy this woman. Using her family in this manner is despicable.

    My family are registered Democrats--union people--living in Bitterville, clinging to their guns and religion, are also very much turned off by these tactics.

    The media has also shown itself to be very biased towards Obama.

    I don't want to hear anymore about Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter, her Down Syndrome child, her husband's 20-year-old DUI record. I want to discuss the issues which affect this country.

    Like I said, Democratic operatives must consider her quite a threat to go to these extremes to attempt to discredit her.

  31. Your disdain for Governor Palin is attrocious. I think you have the drug thing all wrong. I think you were thinking of Slick Willie not inhaling, another Dem.

    Governor Palin had been on McCain's list of choices for a long time, almost since the beginning of the year. Like I said, you need to research a lot better, so far your attempts show how scared of her you really are.

  32. I, too, am a Democrat, union, Blue-Dog. Obama's people, whether it is his idea or not to attack like this, shows the complete ignorance and hypocrisy of the left wing nuts. It shows just how scared of a woman they really are, how scared of the issues they really are, and just how ignorant they truly are, they follow one word "change" because they think Bush is terrible, but they don't know what this change is. MORONS!!

  33. Alie,
    My father, my siblings and I are from Michigan. We are very Pro Union Democrats. My father was very thankful for the benefits he received working in the Auto Industry!

    What I find interesting about this discussion is everyone is forgetting about the undeserved bashing a War Hero like John Kerry received by the Swift Boaters! They dishonored and disrespected him with their lies and Hate Campaign! Also, remember what Bush did to McCain in the 2000 campaign. Look what the Bush campaign did when they outed CIA member Valerie Plame!! Look at the disrespect Al Gore received!

    The Republicans are the kings of political attacks!!

    As I said, family gossip aside, I still feel she was a very poor last minute choice!

    I will wait and see what happens next.

  34. And wasnt it just a few months ago that McCain laughed when his fans called Hillary a Bxxch?! Republicans are talking out of both sides of their mouths!

    What did schoolkids often say about the big bully? He can dish it out but not take it. Yup!

  35. "At least you admit her Husbands DUI!"

    Does this mean you are conceding the vote of everyone who has DUI whether or not they were ever apprehended in flagrante delicto?
    Let's see that probably includes a large majority of voters -- especially those young binge drinkers in Obama's corner. That might be enough to swing the election.

    Does this mean you and your family are all teetolers?

  36. "McCain´s blatant disregard for the American Public allowed him to select the most incompetent running mate in history."

    I guess you missed the PBS program about Harry Truman, the product of the corrupt Prendergast machine in Kansas City. He admitted he was not qualified to be president but he did all right and I suspect that Palin would be able to do likewise.

    The VP choice always lies with the presidential candidate and has nothing to do with a blatant disregard for the American Public.

    The public will render its judgment at the polls. If MCCain/Palin pull off an upset, that will be the vindication of his choice. If not, it will be a measure of the Black racism in America and that of the bleeding heart liberals who are still trying to assuage their guilt almost 150 after the abolition of slavery. It won't have anything to do with Palin.

  37. "I expect ALL Barack and Hillary supporters to take this for what it is!"

    Hillary's supporters would be well to keep in mind that except for the Black racism evident in the primary vote in certain states, Hillary would be the nominee and Obama would be eclipsed. The way to relieve their angst is to vote for McCain to show those Black racists they can't get away with that.

  38. Talk about dissing. Isn't that what you are doing? Shame on you!

  39. Pardon but your elitism is showing. I hope that every hockey mom in the country reads your disgusting diatribe about Palin. Who knows how Obama got into Harvard? Do you suppose it had anything to do with affirmative action? Oh, that's right -- that doesn't apply to soccer moms.

  40. Okay, let's say your sister was in Palin's sister's position. Don't tell me you would do nothing. If you had the power to have the miscreant fired, would you do it? Or are you dodging that question because you know full well what you would do. Hispanic families are even more close knit aren't they?

  41. "Do you know what else bothers me?
    The media is treating this with kid gloves!"

    I am really disappointed in you,Dee. Even Obama had the good sense to say that families are off limits while at the same time admitting that his mother was only 18 when he was born. Who knows what her sexual proclivities were before that time and who cares?

    The media reported all this in detail many times. Did you miss Brian Williams reports in which he mentioned several times. The internet, including your rag, is replete with insulting remarks about Bristol and her mother. Have you no concept of ethics?

  42. Put those nasty pills away for a while. Give a rest! Apologize to this teenager and her mother.

    Are you getting desperate now that the GOP has the spotlight with several excellent speakers and better ideas than Obama has disclosed so far.

  43. I wonder how many of your nieces were pregnant before they were married, if they got married. I wonder how many of your nephews have gotten young girls pregnant or escaped that fate only by accident. How do you like people talking about your family in those terms? Disgusting, isn't it?

  44. "Do you think McCain purposely put up Pailin so she will withdraw, on her own, due to family reasons? Will he then put in his REAL Candidate for VP?"

    No, that is utter nonsense 9 weeks before the election. That would happen only if there were dramatic new disclosures of moral turpitude or mental illness in the next day or so as the yellow journalists avoid discussing the issues in favor of whatever salacious material they can dig up. Of course, all the fearful Obama proponents will be trashing Palin just as you have done. You will get no medals or accolades for this post.

  45. "I dont care about their soap operas!!"

    You could have fooled me since you posted all of them.

  46. "since the Right Wing Conspiracy will rule government if they win, as they have in the past?"

    Did you steal this hackneyed question from Hillary?

    How about the ultra left wing conspiracy if Nobama makes the grade? I fear that will be far worse.

  47. "everyone is forgetting about the undeserved bashing a War Hero like John Kerry received by the Swift Boaters! They dishonored and disrespected him with their lies and Hate Campaign!"

    How about his lies? What are the facts surrounding swift boating?

  48. Hi Ulty,
    I thought you would be busy in Minnesota this week. (convention looks a little boring vs last weeks)
    Re: Conceding DUI
    Well Liquid and I were taking some swings at each other, so I conceded at least he admitted to this.

  49. Ulty,
    Actually I saw a video (played on CNN I think) that showed her admitting a few weeks ago she was not qualified and was just a Hockey mom.
    Hmm Ulty, I do not agree with your premise. You say if McCain-Pailin are elected it vindicates his choice. I think it says enough voters believed his contention that all women are interchangable (any woman would do).
    If Obama wins, it means America is tired of the shenanigans of Republicans in office. WE do not want 4 more of the last 8 years AND Obama is the candidate of Change!

    Ultima said:
    Admitting not qualified
    "If MCCain/Palin pull off an upset, that will be the vindication of his choice. If not, it will be a measure of the Black racism in America and that of the bleeding heart liberals who are still trying to assuage their guilt almost 150 after the abolition of slavery. It won't have anything to do with Palin."

  50. Ulty,
    You say I am dissing yet you keep using the term "Black Racism".
    Voting for Obama means voting for a CHANGE and UNITY from the current administration! We do NOT want 4 more of the last 8 years!

    A vote for Obama is the OPPOSITE of racism. It IS about UNITY!

  51. Ulty,
    Are you trying to say Reverse Discrimination?

  52. Ulty,
    Actually, a few years back, my sisters and I worked in the same location. I was management. They were not. I steered clear of them.

    Anyone knows in similar circumstances you cannot even be near anyone that is related to you. You cannot have any working relationships with family. You steer clear. Any form of familiarity will be viewed as nepotism or misuse of power.

    Pailin had to know this. She was foolish. She hurt herself and she hurt her position.

    In the same circumstances I would never have influenced the firing of an ex brotherinlaw. My role would be to support my sister, help her get a good lawyer, loan her money if needed. Take her to church. Find someone new. Cry with her. Give her my shoulder.

    Just Bad Judgement on Pailins part.

    ultima said...
    Okay, let's say your sister was in Palin's sister's position. Don't tell me you would do nothing. If you had the power to have the miscreant fired, would you do it? Or are you dodging that question because you know full well what you would do. Hispanic families are even more close knit aren't they?

  53. Ulty,
    The DNC convention was exciting, intelligent, fun and had higher ratings than other shows on at the same time.
    The RNC convention is so boring that the people in the sleep are SLEEPING!! I have been watching intermittently but it is so very boring, full of the same ole BS, that I watched an old re run of House last night.
    I hear the ratings are very, very low!

    ultima said...
    Are you getting desperate now that the GOP has the spotlight with several excellent speakers and better ideas than Obama has disclosed so far.

  54. Besides, NO ONE wants 4 more of the last 8 years!

  55. Ulty,
    I am sure you and your family and every family has a family member who made mistakes. However none of us are running for President or VP. Everyone knows the highest offices in the land requires the applicants to be fully vetted.
    Edwards found that out the hard way.

    ultima said...
    I wonder how many of your nieces were pregnant before they were married, if they got married. I wonder how many of your nephews have gotten young girls pregnant or escaped that fate only by accident. How do you like people talking about your family in those terms?

  56. Ulty,
    Surely you dont want to talk about the lies of Jerry Corsi again. I commended him when you chastised him for his latest book of lies.

    ultima said...
    "everyone is forgetting about the undeserved bashing a War Hero like John Kerry received by the Swift Boaters! They dishonored and disrespected him with their lies and Hate Campaign!"

    How about his lies? What are the facts surrounding swift boating?

  57. Arizonian,
    You are so brilliant!
    I agree with you.
    I´ve said this for some time!
    I want to hear more.
    Tell me more of why you think this is so!!

    PS: I know how the RNC can beat Obama BUT I will NEVER Tell!!

    The Arizonian said...
    No matter who wins, this country will remain divided, by design, in order to better control us all.

  58. You know what bothers me most? Besides the Hillary comparison is the Obama comparison. Obama is an absolutely brilliant Harvard Law graduate (Harvard Law Review).

    She graduated with a BS/BA from an Idaho college.

    My gosh!

  59. The one thing I will give Pailin. She is re energizing the good ole boy network in the RNC. If it is true, and the ole boys are truly behind this woman, than more power to her.

    Maybe she has cracked the code in regards to raising 5 children and working in a high profile, time consuming job. I dont know of any other woman that has been able to do it.

    I know I tried it. I wanted more children, but I stopped after 2. I couldn´t do it. I was a trail blazer in my day, minority manager and leader in my youth. I tried to do it all too. I was lucky. I had a loving, supportive husband who didn´t mind leaving his old job and starting over when I was promoted and moved on and on and on.

    I wanted another child, a daughter. I wanted her so much!
    But, I knew, given my career, my relocations, my travel, I didnt have the time to devote to a new baby after my two sons. I wanted to but I didnt want to deprive a new baby of the mommy attention needed. This still breaks my heart. And my only hope if for my sons to give me grand daughters.

  60. Hillary did it the right way. She raised a wonderful daughter then diligently moved forward with her career goals.

  61. You know what was interesting? I watched Mike Murphy and Rachel Maddow discussing.

    Rachel brought up the whole blogosphere diatribe and false argument about Obama being a baby killer, Abortion etc.

    Mike Murphy LIED! He pretended he did not know anything about it AND that the extremists who talk about it are nut cases.


    Going forward.

    Anyone who talks about Obama and infanticide is considered, per Mike Murphy, a NUTCASE!! This stupid argument will NOT work again!!

  62. Dianne,
    Mike Murphy is saying your whole argument against Obama means YOU are a nutcase! (sorry. he said it!)

  63. The ONE other positive I will say about Pailin.

    She has diminished, STOPPED the argument on the right about children out of wedlock.

    The RIGHT can NO LONGER chastise the left and their supporters for Children Out of Wedlock.

    IF they bring it up again, from HERE going forward, WE will bring up Sarah Pailin!!


  64. Dee...Mike Murphey can call me a nutcase all he wants. I presume you have heard about FactCheck.org. In case you haven't, it is a nonpartisan website which checks the facts of what candidates say. They've taken several hits against both sides. Now, on the subject of what Barack Obama did while he was a Senator in Illinois (voting against the Born Alive Infants Act) and his excuse that he would have voted for it if it had been like the federal bill, well guess what, that is a LIE.

    Here is the link: If it doesn't work, just go to the site.


  65. Actually, I am starting to LOVE This!

    The RIGHT NO LONGER has an Argument against Obama!!

    I Love It!!

  66. Ridiculous! Things get more and more bizarre in here everyday. The fact that Sarah's daughter is having a baby out of wedlock has nothing to do with HER! I am sure that Sarah herself opposed her daughter's pregnancy but there was nothing she could do about it. You can try to raise your kids to do the right thing but hormones and peer pressure can be a strong influence.

    Just because McCain chose someone for his running mate whose daughter is having a baby out of wedlock does not deny the right for the right wingers to still oppose out of wedlock births by ANYONE now or in the future!

    I would consider myself a right winger and I don't care for McCain's choice for VP but it sure as hell has nothing to do with what her daughter has done and I will continue to be opposed to out of wedlock pregnancies, especially by teenagers. As I said, this place gets more and more bizarre everyday!

  67. I am very happy Mike Murphy refuted all of the RightWing extremists who discuss the Obama Abortionist gossip. Murphy said you guys are all nutz!

    I am in the process of obtaining the youtube on this!!

    Good to know the Right Wing leaders and pundits are on MY SIDE on this!!

  68. Now for something to make you go Hmmm:

    CNN – Prominent Republican analysts Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy became the latest victims of an open microphone Wednesday, caught after a segment on MSNBC trashing John McCain's pick of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate.

    Noonan, a Wall Street Journal columnist and former speechwriter for Ronald Reagan, and Murphy, a campaign strategist and onetime aide to John McCain, can both be heard expressing disbelief with the pick of Palin after they apparently thought they were in a commercial break.

    “I come out of the blue swing-state governor world, Engler, Whitman, Thompson, Mitt Romney,” Murphy said during the mishap which has since been posted on YouTube. Murphy later flatly says of the pick, "It's not going to work."

    Noonan is heard going even further, saying of the presidential race, "It's over."

    "I think they went for this — excuse me– political bulls–t about narratives," Noonan also said. "Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it."

    Murphy, who was a senior adviser to John McCain's 2000 presidential bid, also adds, "You know what's really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical."

  69. Dee, it is just common sense to oppose out-of-wedlock births. It is a proven statistic that teenage mothers have a much higher chance of remaining (or falling into) poverty. Many times the mothers of these young mothers were unwed teenagers themselves; thus, the cycle of poverty perpetuates and these people end up on the welfare system, their children cared for by the taxpayer. I seriously doubt if Sarah Palin's grandchild will be on the taxpayer dole.

    Republicans generally oppose big government and expansion of taxpayer funded social programs. A person has the right to have the children they want to, but they DO NOT have the right to expect the taxpayer to fund it.

    As to your other point: having moral standards does not mean one does not sometimes fall short of them. This is another trick of the left: demonizing and calling people hypocrites because they dare to stand up for traditional vlaues when they fall short.

    I guess one of the benefits of embracing the secular progressive philosophy of moral relativism is that one never has to worry about being called a hypocrite.

  70. Alie,
    I agree.
    Being a successful woman in our society is very difficult, especially if you have children. I agree with that. I agree people make mistakes. I agree life is difficult.

    My husband and I had to make some very difficult decisions in our lives. Stopping at 2 children as a career woman was the most difficult decision. I still wonder about it and often wish we had decided to take me out of the rat race and have a baby girl. My only hope now is for grandbaby girls.

    Regarding our political atmosphree, there is so much double talk by both sides.

    As I have said before, I do not know the answer. I wish I did.

    I will say that sometimes, as I watch each side´s pundits, they yank my chain and then I blog. Therefore, sometimes, I react and post my immediate thoughts, like I did last night. They may not always be right. Sometimes I change my mind. This blog has made me think and I am again flip flopping. I am not saying I agree with Pailin and her choices, nor am I saying she is the right choice for being next in line for the Presidency. I am saying she has had to make some difficult choices and maybe none of us should judge some of the decisions she has made.

  71. Dee, was my post not clear? The truth is he did vote against the Born alive Infants Act and then he lied about why he did it. Did you read the Factcheck.org article?

  72. Dee, I'm not sure where you are coming from regarding Gov. Palin.

    She has as much if not more public policy experience as Barack Obama.

    You point out that Sarah is neglecting her duries as a mother. Do you feel the same way as all the mothers, wives and sister who serve in our military and are stationed overseas in service to America? No matter how you feel about the war, these women are serving their country as they desire.

    With faith and honor, knowing they are helping keep America safe.

    I just don't get your rational.

    You commented to me once that I was afraid of a woman in the Whitehouse.

    You were dead wrong.

    What I was afraid of was Hillary and the socialist heart that beats in her chest.

  73. Dianne,
    I read the fact check and it clearly does NOT support your position that Obama supports infanticide. That is ludicrous.

    What it does say is NRLC was clearly politicizing this State bill (the bill in 2001, 2002 and 2003) to attempt to overturn Roe v Wade.

    This site also says, "What we can say is that many other people – perhaps most – think of "infanticide" as the killing of an infant that would otherwise live. And there are ALREADY LAWS in Illinois, which Obama has said he supports, that protect these children even when they are born as the result of an abortion."

  74. Blue Cat,
    I saw your blog. You also recommended a Blue Cat for Prez. Well, from that perspective, I agree. She is comparable.

  75. BC,
    PS. I do like your Blog and the pictures on your blog.

  76. "Either it wasnt her baby"

    As an expert on these matters try looking at it from Bristol's point of view. Is it possible for her to be 5 months pregnant so soon after the birth of her brother? That would have to be the original quickie.

  77. Blue Cat,
    Regarding mothers in the military.
    I don´t know how they do it.
    It is different with newborn babies. Mothers with new borns have "strings" that tie you to your baby. You are tied emotionally to your child for the first year or so. (ask a mom or a pediatrician, they will tell you)

    How can a mother in the military leave a newborn? I dont know how they do it.
    How can a governor leave her new born baby? I dont know how she does it.
    When I had my 2nd son, I did go back to work after 2 months. It was very difficult. My husband was Mr. Mom at the time. He took care of him while I worked but I was like a robot on the job til I rushed home.
    It was after my 2nd child I decided that if I was going to have a career, I would not have any more children.
    Children take time, dedication, devotion and lots of love. So do careers.

    I think Hillary did it the right way. She raised a fine daughter but it wasnt until she was grown that she diligently pursued her political career. You may not like her but she is Brilliant! Well Respected across the World and by her Peers! Hard Working! and would have made a Fine President!

  78. Ulty,
    I said I was going to stop gossiping, but since you ask Ulty.
    I hate to be the one to tell you this. Right after you have a baby, you are most vulnerable to have another. You are supposed to wait 6 weeks but often, especially when you are young and in love, it is very difficult to wait.

  79. "What bothered me most was her pandering for Hillary voters."

    You mean like Obama pandered for Hispanic and Jewish votes? My but you have a sheltered life if you don't know that votes are what politics have always been about.

    The best way for Hillary voters to get over their angst over the Black racism that threw the nomination to Obama is to vote for McCain/Palin.

    If you don't like the term "Black Racism", research the pundits remarks after the primary results were in and you will see that there is no more accurate term for those results. Otherwise, if they were simply voting for change, they would hve split their vote in the same way that White vote was split between the candidates. Time for a quid pro quo from the Hillary White voters. Sure that would be racism too but some would view it as a fair reaction to Obama's tainted victory over Hillary.

  80. "The biggest difference is the drunk driving. Putting others in danger."

    I am reminded that you never made a similar criticism every time an overloaded van full of Mexicans careened down our highways endangering not only the passengers but everyone else on the road. I think they call this tunnel vision. Fits you to a tee. Folks like you are the reason we cannot move the agenda of the American people forward in the congress. You have become like Harry Reid and Tom Daschle before him and Pelosi, a naysayer who is unable to see the merit in anyone's opinion except your own. Here is where the real compromise is needed.

  81. "A vote for Obama is the OPPOSITE of racism. It IS about UNITY!"

    Whew, that is really a stretch. How do you explain the difference in numbers between white and black voters for Obama? Everyone knows that racism is the only rational answer to that question. Telling it like it is on this relevant issue (as opposed to teen age pregancies and soap) is important and should be a factor in the minds of Hillary voters. I hope so.

  82. "(convention looks a little boring vs last weeks)"

    Actually I found Thompson's, Huckabee's, Giuliani's and Palin's speeches completely enthralling. I hope every Reagan Democrat, Hillary voter and Independent in the country saw them. Giuliani's oratory easily eclipsed that of Obama. And Huckabee's low key, humerous presentation is very appealing. If Palin came a cropper, I think Huckabee would be an outstanding replacement. Giuliani has too much baggage but he is a dynamic speaker. Palin was everything she was touted to be and the pundits on TV I saw uniformly agreed that she gave an excellent speech.

    This may turn out to be the greatest story in America's history as a woman from nowhere carries the Republican ticket to victory in November. Talk about change -- how about that kind of change?

  83. Ulty,
    Hillary voters Voting for Pailin would not be quid pro quo. it would be shooting ourselves in the foot! Pailin is Against Pro Choice, Against Gun Control and has NO International Experience, hence she would rely on McCains War Mongering 100 more years! And we would have 4 more of the last 8 years!

    What a Mistake!!
    NO knowledgable Hillary supporter would ever do that!

  84. "showed her admitting a few weeks ago she was not qualified "

    Just like Harry Truman.

  85. Ulty,
    Now what a weird comparison. A DUI vs a van sliding on ice during an ice storm and getting into an accident. Hmmmm. Apples. Oranges.

  86. "I think it says enough voters believed his contention that all women are interchangable (any woman would do)."

    We all know that isn't entirely true just like all Blacks are not interchangeable. The Governor of Hawaii would have been another good choice. It really is time we began to recognize women in the body politic and the population in general. The bring something to the table no man can and they deserve the opportunity to serve our country.

  87. "I think it says enough voters believed his contention that all women are interchangable (any woman would do)."

    We all know that isn't entirely true just like all Blacks are not interchangeable. The Governor of Hawaii would have been another good choice. It really is time we began to recognize women in the body politic and the population in general. The bring something to the table no man can and they deserve the opportunity to serve our country.

  88. Ulty,
    I would not call Black voters voting for Obama any type of racism. Obviously they listened to him speak, interacted with him on the campaign trail and felt some type of connection when they decided he was qualified and voted for him as their candidate. Women often vote for qualified women for the same reason. Pro Choice people vote for Pro Choice candidates. Anti War for Anti War.

    I would say, however, that White voters who vote against Obama because he is black does has a ring of racism to it.

  89. Ulty,
    You have strong convictions. Your views have not changed much in the last couple of years. I do commend you however for engaging in discussions with me to develop possible solutions both sides can agree upon. You are more open than most on your side.

  90. "Any form of familiarity will be viewed as nepotism or misuse of power."

    I agree with you. My question was a hypothetical one. What would you have done in the situation you described if one of your sisters was the victim of gross sexual harassment or vilence. Surely you would not sit on your hands. It would be a normal impulse to try to help. If violence or the threat of violence was involved, action would have been an imperative. How would you have gone about removing this officer from the state patrol as he deserved on the merits of the case? Admittedly, there was no easy solution that would be without political risk. But certainly the officer should have been removed -- that much is clear.

  91. "She hurt herself and she hurt her position."

    Sometimes that's the price you have to pay for doing the right thing. It shows courage!

  92. Ulty,
    I agree and that is why Hillary should be our President, if not this election, then in the next.

    BTW, Kay Bailey Hutchison was very offended for being bypassed. She would have made a much more solid choice.

    Ulty said:
    It really is time we began to recognize women in the body politic and the population in general. The bring something to the table no man can and they deserve the opportunity to serve our country.

  93. "Besides, NO ONE wants 4 more of the last 8 years!"

    One thing we can agree on is that no matter who is elected the next four years will be nothing like the past 8 years. I was really impressed when an advisor to both parties was asked about the three major problems the new president will face. He said, "Pakistan which is in governmental disarray and has nuclear weapons; Iran that wants nuclear weapons; and a resurgent Russia that may invade Ukraine soon to recover some of its lost empire." I surely don't want a novice like Obama dealing with those problems.

  94. Ulty,
    One of my sisters was divorced. Her ex husband was not nice at all. I suggested a good lawyer and I also provided a good shoulder, as did my other sisters and my mom. That helped get her through the mess.

    As far as SPs situation: I would not have had "my people" fire him or his boss, that is for sure. All that could have been done is Good Lawyer for her sister and for her sister to document, video tape evidence and handle it in court. Here sister could have escalated as the Gov´s peeps tried and her sister could have documented these escalations. Not sure it would have got him fired. The govs actions didnt help in that regard either. Just made it worse.

    ultima said...
    "Any form of familiarity will be viewed as nepotism or misuse of power."

    I agree with you. My question was a hypothetical one. What would you have done in the situation you described if one of your sisters was the victim of gross sexual harassment or vilence. Surely you would not sit on your hands. It would be a normal impulse to try to help. If violence or the threat of violence was involved, action would have been an imperative. How would you have gone about removing this officer from the state patrol as he deserved on the merits of the case?

  95. "Right after you have a baby, you are most vulnerable to have another."

    I know my sons are 14 months apart. Show me the time line that works for Bristol.

  96. Ulty,
    Next time your boss listens to your enemies and fires you, remind yourself how courageous your enemies were for getting you fired!

    ultima said...
    "She hurt herself and she hurt her position."

    Sometimes that's the price you have to pay for doing the right thing. It shows courage!

  97. Ulty,
    You should have asked my mom before she passed. She is the one with 10 kids, her first 3 only 9 - 10 months apart.

    ultima said...
    "Right after you have a baby, you are most vulnerable to have another."

    I know my sons are 14 months apart. Show me the time line that works for Bristol.

  98. Don't be a hater Dee. She's got more executive experience than Obama and you aren't saying the Dems are showing a blatant disregard for the American public by nominating him for president.

    Learn to be happy. Don't let a successful female governor bring you down. I live in Arizona and we have a successful female governor. Women do have the ability to lead whether you want to accept that or not.

  99. Nelson,
    I like your Lady Gov. She is one tough and talented person!
    Brilliant Hillary would have made a Great President. She is accomplished and well respected by her peers and around the world.
    From a Republican perspective, Kay Bailey Hutchison would have been a far better and more qualified candidate than Pailin.

    I am saying our first female Prez (or in line to be Prez if elected) should be well qualified. She is virtually an unknown. Ms.Pailin is not nearly as qualified as those I have mentioned and she is also NOT a Harvard Graduate, scholar, Congressman, lawyer, author, educator, brilliant, role model.
    To even make that comparison is ludicrous.

    But it is nice to see you back Nelson.

  100. anon says: "hey, what happened to my post? you are going to lose all your posters. you have liquid, dianne, a few anons. looks like you lost patriot."

    lol if only we were so lucky (j/k pat)
