Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ANTI Voices are SILENT to the REAL Breakers of the Rule of Law!!

Bernie Madoff and his wife get on my nerves! Madoff is the swindler investment banker who stole more than $50Billion in a Ponzi scheme from banks, charities, retired investors and celebrities worldwide. In some cases, he wiped out the savings of retirees in their 80s and 90s who were relying on that money to pay for their stays in retirement homes. Now they are out on the streets.
Today, news reports are saying his wife withdrew more than $15 million from one of his accounts just days before his arrest. Madoff is under house arrest in his luxury Manhattan penthouse. The U.S. Attorney's Office bought more time to probe his case. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for March 13.
I think Madoff should be thrown in jail pending his court case. Why not? The courts could do it. Why should he be allowed to use the money of those he cheated to post bond and to buy expensive lawyers while his wife makes every attempt to hide the stolen money.
What galls me most about this case is the so-called rule of law advocates are not upset about it. This man stole FIFTY BILLION DOLLARS. He wiped out the savings of thousands of people, especially of retirees. But the right wingers are not upset. Rush Limbaugh is not upset. Malkin and her minions are not upset. Alipac is not upset. None of those who moan and groan about their so called "rule of law" are not upset. They are not forming websites or deluging Congress with hate emails, faxes and phone calls. They are not frothing at the mouth as they do about "illegal immigrants."
Madoff STOLE $50 Billion Dollars! Countless number of elderly are being thrown out on the streets because they can no longer afford their rest homes. And he is using their money to post bond!
Where are all the ANTI websites clamoring to Congress to put this wretched felonious criminal behind bars?
Why is Madoff allowed to post bail with his ill gotten gains and allowed a bracelet to stay in his luxurious million dollar penthouse in Manhattan?
Where are the rallying cries of the costs? the Losses? the Rule of Law he broke and shattered?
Where is the outcry as his wife steals millions and hides these funds in some secret overseas bank accounts?
Shhhhh......Listen......You can hear a pin drop. The ANTI voices are SILENT!!!
But that is so typical. They were just as silent over the crimes committed by Blackwater, Halliburton, Big Business Employers, abuses in the Detention Centers, the Hate Crime deaths, the Drug Cartels in the US, the US being the Number 1 drug user, the 2000 guns a day being sent to Mexico from the US, and on and on.
The next time they whine about the dollars spent on Education of those they term "illegal immigrants" I am going to say, "Where was your "rule of law anger" about Madoff?"


  1. More:
    Ruth Madoff has drawn scrutiny from federal prosecutors because the couple sent more than $1 million worth of valuables to relatives and friends in violation of a court order.

  2. Madoff ran a long-standing Ponzi scheme in which money from new investors was used to pay withdrawals and investment gains of earlier investors.

  3. You think that anti-illegal means that we are pro-Madoff? I think you are really off base. This guy will be tried and be punished. He should be in jail now. 12 million illegals breaking the law every day and sucking off the U.S. probably brings more of an outcry than this one individual who will probably go to jail. Should he be in jail now? YES he should. Since you feel so strongly about this guy, why don't you start a blog about him?

  4. Maybe because Madoff has nothing to do with illegal immigration is why the ANTI's, as you call them, are not up in arms.

  5. Matt said:
    "Maybe because Madoff has nothing to do with illegal immigration is why the ANTI's, as you call them, are not up in arms"

    What a ridiculous statement.
    Are the PRO-ILLEGALS for breaking all kinds of laws since they are pro-illegal and the illegals are breaking the law by being in the U.S. illegally.

  6. I was responding to the topic, Anon, not you. I agree with what has been said about Madoff.

  7. "Rush Limbaugh is not upset. Malkin and her minions are not upset."

    Rush the Lush, Malicious Malkin, Shameless Sean, Salivating Savage, Fool Dobbs, and Beck--what the Heck? would not get rich attacking the rich. They need to attack the boogeyman undocumented immigrant who are already mimimized, marginalized, and dehumanized by the nativists haters.

    The Anonymous Blogger

  8. Dee wrote, "What galls me most about this case is the so-called rule of law advocates are not upset about it."

    This is nonsense of highest order. All Americans are incensed by the Madoff Ponzi scheme, even those who had no investments with him. They know he is a crook and want him quickly tried and convicted. It is especially appalling that many charitable organizations have lost all of their funds at a time when they are needed the most. What more can be said beyond what has been repeatedly reported in the media. The rule of law says the judge gets to decide whether Madoff should be in jail. This normally determined on the basis of the risk of flight. Personally I believe he should be in jail but that would be an inconsistent application of the law. The whole idea of the law is its even handed application to all. The seriousness of the crime, the threat to the community,and the risk of flight are the main considerations in deciding whether a person should await trial in jail. Often a hefty bond adds emphasis to the decision about the risk of flight. Whatever else you may think of Madoff, there is little risk of flight since his passport has been confiscated, a significant bond has been posted, and he wears an ankle security device.

    Now let's contrast with the illegal alien situation. There is little emphasis in the mainstream media on their violation of the border. They obviously do not wear security devices, have not posted bonds, and are flight risks. Turn them loose and they simply disappear. It has been said that Chinese illegals come with enough cash to post bond and then disappear forever. Obviously, bonds should not be allowed for illegals who are apprehended because all of them are flight risks.

    The law needs to be changed so that property cannot be shifted to a spouse or other relatives to protect it from creditors or investors. I am a firm believer in the confiscation of all property including the palatial homes of miscreants and their fancy autos, jewelry, etc. They can learn to live in a cheap condo so that restitution can be made.

    I have always advocated the uniform application of the rule of law. Since you are advocating it for Madoff, does that mean you have changed your mind and are now a supporter of the rule of law?

    I am sure there were many pro-America voices raised regarding Madoff. Where is yours regarding illegal aliens? There seems to be deafening silence from you when it comes to rule of law advocacy for the treatment of illegal aliens. Your biases are showing again.

    I suspect that the prosecuting attorney received a number of messages from folks that are outraged by Madoff's continued freedom. That is what prompted him to ask the judge to jail Madoff but the judge disagreed on fairly reasonable and legal grounds. He is not likely to be moved by any further appeals by the general public. But you knew all of that and are just trying to insinuate the rule of law advocates are inconsistent in their views regarding its application. Actually the inconsistency is yours alone because you have not recanted your support of the illegals violation of a number of laws. Your view is the rule of law does not apply to them, only to employers and others, but not to your brethren among the ranks of the illegals.

  9. Matt wrote, "Maybe because Madoff has nothing to do with illegal immigration is why the ANTI's, as you call them, are not up in arms."

    The Pro-America movement has been largely defined in terms of illegal aliens but there are other aspects involved as well. It is a given that all loyal citizens are in favor of the prosecution of miscreants to the full extent of the law. Madoff will be as soon as the complexities of his crime have been deciphered and a prosecutable case assembled. Geithner, Daschle and others should have been prosecuted too. Dee doesn't seem to have much to say about that.

  10. Matt wrote, "Maybe because Madoff has nothing to do with illegal immigration is why the ANTI's, as you call them, are not up in arms."

    The Pro-America movement has been largely defined in terms of illegal aliens but there are other aspects involved as well. It is a given that all loyal citizens are in favor of the prosecution of miscreants to the full extent of the law. Madoff will be as soon as the complexities of his crime have been deciphered and a prosecutable case assembled. Geithner, Daschle and others should have been prosecuted too. Dee doesn't seem to have much to say about that.

  11. "They need to attack the boogeyman undocumented immigrant who are already mimimized, marginalized, and dehumanized by the nativists haters."

    It's nasty work because they have to put up with comments like the above, but someone has to do it or the illegal aliens will take over the country even sooner than expected. Welcome to Mexico Norte.


  12. Dee said in this post :

    Shhhhh......Listen......You can hear a pin drop. The ANTI voices are SILENT!!!But that is so typical. They were just as silent over the crimes committed by Blackwater, Halliburton, Big Business Employers, abuses in the Detention Centers, the Hate Crime deaths, the Drug Cartels in the US, the US being the Number 1 drug user, the 2000 guns a day being sent to Mexico from the US, and on and on ...

    Dee, we are living in the times of PostRacism, when Racism is denied by the worst preachers of Hate and Perpetrators of Murders and Attacks.

    PostRacism is Sheer Hypocrisy, Sheer lies and dissimulation, falseness, feigning, preteding to be very charitable.

    Wolves in Sheep Skins, pharisaism and imposture.

    That is what is Hate TV and Hate Radio. Here is a list of links. The First one is Wonderful :

    Racist Media, Racist TV and Racist Radio - The cause of many Racial Murders and Hate Crimes - Big List of Actions

    By the way. I have erased and I have closed my commentaries and put them in Strong Moderation and Strong Filter, against all the filth, dirt and Racist Imbecility that I receive. What a bunch of Idiots without Useful Occupation !

    Vicente Duque

  13. Ultima,
    I agree.
    You should apply the same rules to the Immigration issues. They are reported upon in the MSM 1000 times the amount as the Madoff case. Your side has gone completelyh overboard with your HATE websites.

    If you expended 1/10 the energy as you do for the Immigration issues on Madoff, the phones in Congress and in legal offices would be off the hook.

    Ultima said...
    What more can be said beyond what has been repeatedly reported in the media.

  14. Ultima,
    I agree. This man stole Fifty Thousand MILLION - 50 Billion Dollars. This is billion times the cost/benefit of any Immigration issues. Each worker may have a civil violation. Madoff has destroyed millions of lives of retirees who entrusted their savings so they could end their days in a rest home. Now they are thrown to the streets.

    "Where was your "rule of law anger" about Madoff?"

    Ultima said...
    The seriousness of the crime, the threat to the community,and the risk of flight are the main considerations in deciding whether a person should await trial in jail.

  15. Ultima,
    Nonsense?? How so! Your side spends one million times the time in your thousands/millions of HATE sites against the workers who are have a mere civil violation.
    Madoff destroys millions of lives and stole $50 BILLION DOLLARS! Retirees are on the streets. This man is PURE EVIL and destroys and laughs at the concept of Rule of Law. And you say, "Oh well. Let the judge decide. Let him stay in his million dollar condo. Let him spend the stolen millions on expensive lawyers. Let his wife abscond millions of dollars to foreign banks. La La La."

    "Where was your "rule of law outrage" about Madoff?"

    ultima said...
    Dee wrote, "What galls me most about this case is the so-called rule of law advocates are not upset about it."

    This is nonsense of highest order. All Americans are incensed by the Madoff Ponzi scheme, even those who had no investments with him.
