Some say just tar and feather Perry, like they did this poor soul at Boston
Tea Party. We believe even Rick Perry deserves a trial by his peers, the Texas
Senate...on his impeachment.Independent Texans, founded in 2001, has initiated this Impeach Perry campaign. We are turning Perry’s attacks on the people of Texas in to a mobilization of the 42% (and growing) plurality of voters who do not identify with a political party and who self-identify as independent with a small “i”. We know that many Republican and Democratic voters will join our ranks to make the call to Impeach Rick Perry louder and louder as we move beyond the 2008 Presidential election and in to the 2009 legislative session where an impeachment resolution can be filed.
Perry speaks to BREAKING the law & the Constitution by this maniacal talk of secession.
President Obama is looking to FIXING the Problems created by Bush and his fellow Republicans over the last 8 years.
Quite a difference.
You have no logical reason to Hate Obama other than ...
The only person that will benefit from Perry's insane recommendation is Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Quite a spin you have. How about a dose of reality for each of your points:
1. He is not expanding the wrongful war in Iraq. He is looking into fixing the problems in Afghanistan that should have been addressed previously.
2. Fixing the banking industry or letting it fall off a cliff.
3. Cutting taxes for 95% of Americans and only increasing it for the richest 5%.
And he is NOTHING like dubya! For one thing, he is brilliant!
Why are you concerned by a handshake between our Prez and Chavez? Chavez was elected by the people of Venezuela and overall is tremendously popular in their country. I know the right wing nuts don't like Chavez or Cuba. Are you turning Pat Robertson on me?
Personally I like that fact that our President is leading with Diplomacy vs Bush's Foot Stomping Bullying.
Besides, Bush was best friends with Saudi Arabia, the place where the majority of terrorists were from. Additionally we are friends with China and Russia. Their atrocities are much worse than any you can claim for Venezuela.
I didn't read it that way. It was more, "how do you safeguard classified information in open court." So the question becomes, how to allow the courts to see the 10% wrong without displaying the 90% right.
Bush abused the privilege, but now, as usual, Obama is left to clean up his mess.
BTW, the commenters in that Atlantic article are wack jobs!
Back to point though. Perry advocating secession! He belongs in the looney bin!!
Now, even I will vote for Kaye Bailey Hutchison vs Perry.
I can see it now -- Dee out there with her own TEA party holding signs that say: "Impeach Perry", "Traitor", etc. My gosh, what is going on here. Does she have a double standard?
Obama speaks to not enforcing the law, granting amnesty to law breakers,socializing medicine,etc. Is he just another megalomaniac -- not much different from Perry but on the far left rather than the right?
The federal bill for tobacco tax was developed in 2008 and passed in early January. So you can blame it on the bush administration.
I can't say I am sorry about it though. All the addicted long term smokers I know/knew had major health issues due to smoking. I wouldn't recommend this habit to anyone.
So you are disapproving of the Tea Parties? The ANTI Obama signs were ridiculous with their name calling etc.
As far as Perry, he is advocating breaking the law, a secession. That is unconstitutional.
Obama is working hard on fixing the problems created by the Bush Administration. He should be commended and supported, not name-called Hitler or Sadam or depicted holding a knife to US throat. The teabaggers were Wrong!
Per your request:
"Article VII claims that sovereign states deliberately chose to join the association. Article V and VI, however, informed them that joining said association would lead to their acceptance of subsequent amendments (whether they voted for them or not, even possibly without their legislature's approval).
Also, chipping away at state sovereignty, Article VI asserted: "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."
Thus, state laws that violated the Constitution would no longer fly and all state officials were required to forego their state actions for the Constitution. As such, there is no "inherent" state right to secession."
Dee wrote, "Besides, Bush was best friends with Saudi Arabia, the place where the majority of terrorists were from. Additionally we are friends with China and Russia. Their atrocities are much worse than any you can claim for Venezuela."
And yet it wasn't Bush who bowed to the Saudi King, it was some guy named Obama! Hugo Chavez insulted America on a number of occasions -- no reason to shake hands with the idiot. I noticed Obama was not pleased to have the book handed to him by Chavez.
Is your ethnocentric bias showing again?
74 U.S. 700
Texas v. White
Considered as transactions under the Constitution, the ordinance of secession, adopted by the convention, and ratified by a majority of the citizens of Texas, and all the acts of her legislature intended to give [p701] effect to that ordinance, were absolutely NULL. They were utterly without operation in law. The State did not cease to be a
State, nor her citizens to be citizens of the Union.
FindLaw http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/printer_friendly.pl?page=us/78/268.html
U.S. Supreme Court
MILLER v. U S, 78 U.S. 268 (1870)
78 U.S. 268 (Wall.)
Not only did the Supreme Court declare Secession unconstitutional, the Court said the Confiscation acts were constitutional; constitutional to confiscate property of rebels.
December Term, 1870
[78 U.S. 268, 269] ERROR to the Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.
This was a proceeding begun originally in the District Court for the district just named, to forfeit certain personal property belonging to one Samuel Miller, now deceased, in his lifetime, under the act of Congress of August 6th, 1861, entitled 'An act to confiscate property used for insurrectionary purposes;'1 and the act of July 17th, 1862, entitled 'An act to suppress insurrection, to punish treason and rebellion, to seize and confiscate the property of rebels, and for other purposes.'
Dee wrote, "Quite a spin you have. How about a dose of reality for each of your points:..."
1. Obama isn't just bailing out the economy; he's spending a ton of money on his pet projects that have little or nothing to do with fixing the financial mess.
2. The other shoe hasn't dropped yet when it comes to taxation. How is he going to pay the bill for all of his profligate spending? Sooner or later the chickens will come home to roost along with hyperinflation. Who will you blame that on 5 years hence?
3. Obama wants the UAW to make more major concessions -- how does that grab you?
4. Who knows where the power grab will ultimately lead -- Soviet style socialism?
Dee wrote, "The federal bill for tobacco tax was developed in 2008 and passed in early January. So you can blame it on the bush administration."
As I recall the Congress was in the hands of the Democrats in 2008? Isn't this a relevant fact that you found to be an inconvenient truth?
Our President is being diplomatic. This is not like the game of King of the Hill that Bush/Cheney liked to play. Our President should be diplomatic and Presidential with all foreign countries and not get in pxssin' matches with other countries. That is the reason we are in Iraq. That is the reason Bush went head to head with Chavez and most of Europe.
You and your side might hate France, Spain and Mexico, but they are our allies and we should treat them as such. And if we can do the same with Venezuela, Cuba, Iran as we did with China and Russia, then perhaps we may see Peace in the World and Diplomacy instead of the terrorists gaining allies against us!
Dee wrote, "Our President is being diplomatic. This is not like the game of King of the Hill that Bush/Cheney liked to play. Our President should be diplomatic and Presidential with all foreign countries and not get in pxssin' matches with other countries. That is the reason we are in Iraq. That is the reason Bush went head to head with Chavez and most of Europe."
We can agree that our president should be diplomatic. However, that does not require bowing to a despotic potentate or being unusually cordial to someone who has insulted the U.S. I don't believe being undiplomatic had anything to do with our being in Iraq. There are many reasons and that is not among them. Protecting our oil supplies, the potential for the development of wmds, unfinished business left over from the first Iraq war, Sadam Hussain's penchant for genocide against the Kurds, an interest in spreading democracy in that part of the world, etc.
There is no need to get into pxssing contest with our enemies but neither is there a need to be cordial to those who insult us. How much better it would be if we developed our own gas and oil resources and let Hugo Chavez and his ilk sell their oil to China and India. He'll find the Chinese will ultimately be less cordial than we are if he tries to nationalize any investments they make in is country.
What I am saying is, there is no need to make Chavez our enemy just because he may be egotistical. He was elected by the people of Venezuela. We may not agree with his politics, but we can agree to get along with him vs making him our enemy.
Chavez is a Madman of Vulgarity and Aggression. He has supported criminals that kidnap people for money and plant Land Mines to kill peasant children in Colombia. And that murder and kidnap Americans in Colombia. The FARC Guerrillas. There are hundreds of video hours to prove this statement. The FARC has killed dozens of Americans.
Forget about Latin American Unity -The USA is still necessary to keep at bay some Vulgar Indecent Madmen like Chavez, the Castros, Ortega and Correa.
“To President Uribe – with admiration” signed "Barack Obama" Uribe's unplanned power lunch with Obama - Obama's Secret Friend
From "Colombia Reports, Colombia News, Sports, Culture and Travel"
Uribe's unplanned power lunch with Obama
Some excerpts :
By the end of a 45-minute one-on-one conversation, Uribe had gotten what he wanted. He received his first invitation to Washington, effective immediately, and as if that weren’t enough, he got Obama to promise to visit Colombia.
On a small piece of paper, and in English, Uribe wrote the three items: 1) Security with democratic values, 2) Investment with social responsibility, and 3) Social cohesion. Explanations about each one, and the way the administration’s policies reflect them would be much appreciated.
Uribe showed the paper to reporters, which Obama signed: “To President Uribe – with admiration.” Was Obama not supposed to keep that?
More Information and Photos of the "Secret" Meeting :
Vicente Duque
I apologize :
I made a mistake by not giving the address of the Colombia Reports :
I also gave a wrong address for my Blog on Youth, Politics and Foreign Policy :
MILENIALS.COM is the blog where I am collecting these photos, videos, and "little pieces of paper" that communicate Obama with Uribe.
Vicente Duque
The other shoe was thrown at Bush's head. If we continued his policy we would soon be in another WW with NO allies. One thing is clear, the Bush/Cheney world domination theories and practices did NOT work!
I admire Obama for moving forward in a positive way.
Like a crystal, there are many sides/views to each step our President makes and each word spoken. I think we should allow him time to fix the economy and time to return to diplomacy.
We all gave Bush 8 years. We can at least give Obama 1 or 2 years before we begin bashing him.
This means we should
1. Stop the secession talk
2. Stop hoping he Fails
3. Stop saying NO
4. Stop calling him a Nazi, etc
And for at least a couple of years, support our President and stand United towards his/our country's success.
When Texas is a free independent state. As Texas Governor Perry is promising or threatening.
Questions about the Future New Nation :
When Texas is a free independent nation, out of the USA :
Questions :
George W. Bush will be an Illegal Alien in the USA ? ... Same for Karl Rove ?? ... Will they be placed in a NeoGulag ??
Will firearms be compulsory ??, Assault Weapons compulsory on every pick-up truck ??
Can everybody in Texas shoot another guy of a lower race in the back and get away with it. Like Joe Horn. ?
Will the Fox Guys go to live in Texas ?? ( because of their teabagging love ).
How can Texans go to the Pacific Ocean ??
Will they attack Mexico ???
If they conquer Mexico, then wouldn't it propitiate Racial Mixing, Miscegenation and Mongrelization ??
How do you rein the sexual drives of the conquerors of Mexico ?? - Make shadors, burkas and veils for Women compulsory in all of Mexico ??
How about Racial Mixing, Miscegenation and Mongrelization ??? ....Those are the things that teabaggers and Racists do not want in the first place.
Vicente Duque
It's time to impeach Napolitano
Dee wrote, "As far as Perry, he is advocating breaking the law, a secession. That is unconstitutional."
Do you have a constitutional reference?
See the piece on Napolitano.
She appears to be ignorant of the law. She should be impeached or just plain fired.
Dee wrote, "Back to point though. Perry advocating secession! He belongs in the looney bin!!"
Maybe he was just trying to make a point -- with tongue in cheek.
Dee wrote,"1. Stop the secession talk
2. Stop hoping he Fails
3. Stop saying NO
4. Stop calling him a Nazi, etc
And for at least a couple of years, support our President and stand United towards his/our country's success."
I'm sure there was criticism of Bush from day one. As they say, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
I'm not sure anyone is calling him a Nazi but there are many parallels between his rise to power and that of Hitler. That doesn't make him an advocate of genicide or crematoriums. It might make him an advocate of a national socialist worker party (National Socialism). Think about it. Should we be in favor of that. Is it incumbent upon us to approve that direction of the Obama policies?
Dee wrote, "The other shoe was thrown at Bush's head."
I see someone return the favor for Ahmandinejad the other day and then a bunch of diplomats simply walked out when he accused Israel of racism. Too bad the Pro-America movement doesn't have a similar forum so we could throw a car load of shoes and then walk out on people like El Duque.
Dee wrote,"What I am saying is, there is no need to make Chavez our enemy just because he may be egotistical. He was elected by the people of Venezuela. We may not agree with his politics, but we can agree to get along with him vs making him our enemy."
How far would you be willing to go to shake hands with a skinhead or white supremicist? Would you accept an offered hand and a copy of one their extremist tracts?
There is a limit to how far a president should go to curry favor. Chavez laughed all the way home.
Castro has already sent Obama a message which in effect says,"We're not looking for a new and more open relationship with the U.S."
Dee wrote, "I admire Obama for moving forward in a positive way."
There is something to be said for him in terms of the number of different issues he is willing to tackle in short order -- a little like Gingrich's Contract with America. The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. He may fail not because of resistance from those who don't like his drift to the extreme left but because he has tried to do more than is possible in Washington given all the power that resides in Congress. A narrower focus might have enabled him to succeed where this diffuse approach may not.
More on the New Nation of Texas that Governor Perry is proposing or at least suggesting or hinting.
When Texas becomes a New Nation then the Stimulus Package will be "Foreign Aid" ???
When Texas becomes an Independent Nation then Executions and Death Penalties will become very popular, extremely popular.
Then Blacks will be executed with Pick-up Trucks like in Jasper Texas and Paris Texas. It seems that Texans prefer the Pick-up Truck over the Chamber Gas, the Electric Chair and the Lethal Injection.
When Texas becomes a New Nation then all the followers of Joe Horn can elect George W. Bush as President.
Then Torture will be preordained for all the Lower Races, specially the Mexican Americans and "the Illegal Aliens"
And all "Illegal Aliens" will be declared Terrorists and executed with 1,000 Pick-up Trucks or with 100 caterpillar bull-dozers, which saves a lot of money for the New Nation.
Vicente Duque
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