Thursday, March 25, 2010

Message to TeaPartiers: Stop the Violence and Remember "I Am Somebody!"

The recommendations of Violence by Limbaugh/Beck/Malkin are being heard and reacted upon by the teaparties. This is evident by their displays of violence towards our Democratic representatives in Congress. Over the weekend, several black Congressmen were spit upon and called the N word. Barney Frank was also spit upon and called the F word. Bricks have broken windows across Democratic Offices across the nation. Democratic Congressmen have been called and received threats of violence and profanity. A brother of one Congressman had the oil lines at his home cut. This, with two children under 8 years old at his home.

Yet, the Republicans are very slow to respond. They are not stepping up and chastising their followers. They are not stepping up and telling them to stop their Anger and Profanity. Since they are refusing to do so, I am stepping up. I am asking ALL TEAPARTIERS to STOP the Violence! Stop the Profanity! Instead, embrace your fellow Americans. Speak Truth and Unity. I am Somebody! Remember THIS about EACH of Your Fellow Americans:

I am Somebody!
I may be poor, But I amSomebody.
I may be young, But I amSomebody.
I may be on welfare, But I amSomebody.
I may be small, But I am Somebody.
I may have made mistakes, But I am Somebody.
My clothes are different, My face is different,
My hair is different, But I amSomebody.

I am black, Brown, or white.
I speak a different language,
But I must be respected, Protected, Never rejected.
I am an American and I am God’s child!


  1. The Republicans aren't chastizing their followers? Who said that the Tea Party Movement are their followers or that the Republican party embraces them or any so-called violence by anyone for that matter. You???

    You just stoop lower and lower don't you Dee? There is just is no end in sight of your vile hatred of anyone who opposes your views and accusing them of things that haven't even been proven. YOU are DESPICABLE! My God, how can you do this as a mother, wife and grandmother? Don't you have any conscience at all? What happened to you??? How do you justify in your head attacking an entire group of people for some radical's actions? I really feel sorry for you.

  2. Since I've attended "tea parties" I felt compelled to respond. I have honestly never run across a single violent person or racist. I'm sure there must be some, as there are usually some in every group. Is there anger? Sure! They are upset with the way the government has tilted to the left. Otherwise, why would they be there? I know the main reason I attended the gatherings was because i was looking for some way to express my frustration with the the government. I didn't know a single person there, but found many kindred spirits from all walks of life.
    So do I fit the profile assigned to tea partiers by the liberal media? I am white- check.... I am a christian- check ...... I am a school teacher- huh? an educated tea partier? .......Almost half of my students and several of my friends are Mexican American-No way! Tea partiers are racists!......... I'm not a Republican, nor married to my 1st cousin- liar!!! I hope this posting opens some eyes a reduces some prejudices. Thanks.


    Tea party organizers condemn threats, violence in wake of health-care vote
    By Kenneth P. Vogel and Jake Sherman
    Updated: 03/25/2010 11:34:19 AM CDT

    Tea party organizers across the country are condemning the harassment and threats of violence against House Democrats who voted in favor of the health care overhaul that passed the House Sunday.

    Though individual tea partiers - and many Republicans — have distanced themselves from the threats and deemed them unaffiliated with the movement, the condemnations mark a more forceful response and indicate a keen awareness of the damage that being linked to them could do to the tea party brand. There hasn't been any hard evidence that the reported harassment is linked to the tea party movement, but Democrats have tried to draw the link between the harassment and the sometimes-inflammatory rhetoric that tea partiers and Republicans deployed in opposing the health care overhaul."

    Again, more speculation.

    Remember the Democrat in Denver that vandalized his own Democratic headquarters -and trying to frame Republicans for it?

    Crazy me thinks at least 50% of this 'violence' is self-inflicted, another 40% is over-stated, and maybe 10% is actual.

  4. Huffington Post : Republicans are like the spoiled child taking away the ball after losing a game - They apply George W. Bush's "strategery". Wimps and Whiners - Laugh at Republicans

    I love everything that Profesor Robert L. Borosage writes - Now in this article he is very caustic, acid and vitriolic against the Republicans and their foolishness. Strongly sarcastic.

    Laugh at a party without intelligent plans and lots of complaints and protests about everything

    Huffington Post
    Will Americans Reward the Party of "Hell No?"
    March 24, 2010

    By Robert L. Borosage
    Co-Director of the Campaign for America's Future
    Mr. Borosage writes widely on political, economic and national security issues for a range of publications including the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. He is a contributing editor at The Nation magazine, and a regular contributor to The American Prospect magazine. He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including Fox Morning News, RadioNation, National Public Radio, C-SPAN and Pacifica Radio. He teaches on presidential power and national security as an adjunct professor at American University’s Washington School of Law.

    Will Americans Reward the Party of "Hell No?"

    Some excerpts :

    The perils of policy are clear. A leading Republican conservative, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, has had the courage to step up and offer an alternative "Roadmap" for America's future. He decided it was important to show Republicans had the policies to lift us from this crisis.

    His plan, like Rubio's speech, features steep tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans, elimination of corporate tax while raising taxes on middle income Americans through a value added tax, a hidden sales tax on consumers. He would cut and privatize Social Security, terminate Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, replacing them with vouchers of decreasing value over time. He'd move to supplant employer based insurance with a refundable tax credit so individuals can experience the delight of bargaining with insurance companies on their own for coverage -- without any of the protections in the health care reform bill. He'd freeze domestic discretionary spending for a decade. This would reduce federal spending to a level not seen since the 1950s when Medicare and Medicaid did not exist and the poverty rate among the elderly was at 50 %.

    In Ryan's world, millionaires would pay taxes at a lower rate than middle income earners. More seniors would end in poverty. The healthy might afford health insurance; the sick would go without. The nation's sewers and bridges would continue to collapse. Its schools remain unrepaired and overcrowded. And, after all that, the national debt would still soar to 175% of GDP by 2050, adding literally trillions in deficits.

    House minority leader John Boehner said he couldn't think of anything to disagree with this program, but noted not all Republicans support it. Once analysts got a hold of it, Boehner disavowed it as "Ryan's plan." So Republicans will follow Davis' advice. Offer a protest, not a choice, and hope Americans don't look behind the curtain.

    The logic of the Republican strategy is clear. With unemployment high, incomes stagnant, and Wall Street cashing million dollar bonuses, voters have much to be mad about. And they generally discount complaints about the minority's obstruction; voters sensibly expect the president and the governing party to deliver and punish them if they don't.

    Youth, Minorities, Politics :

    Vicente Duque

  5. Please post a link to where Limbaugh/Beck/Malkin recommended violence. Their exact words please not some far left made up propaganda or spin on what they have said.

  6. Super Racist Bigot wants to be Republican Governor of New York - Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy - Promoting violence and Hatred in Long Island - Intolerance and Murder

    Racist Steve Levy :

    Many depredations and lots of Violence against Latinos and Immigrants in Long Island, with grave acts of violence and the Coward Terrorist Murder of Marcelo Lucero in Patchogue in November 2008, just after the Presidential Election.

    Many acts of harassment and brutal racist violence - Steve Levy attempted to bring the Minutemen ( Famous for Murder of beautiful nine year old Brisenia Flores and her father Raul in a home invasion in May 2009 in Arizona ) - Steve Levy has been very tolerant with many acts of Violence.

    Race in N.Y. may be a test for GOP
    March 26, 2010

    Race in N.Y. may be a test for GOP

    Some excerpts :

    A surprise candidacy in the New York governor’s race has brought into stark relief a central dilemma facing resurgent Republicans this year: Should they stick with reliable conservatives or field candidates who are perceived as more electable?

    Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy, a Democrat, has switched parties to run on the Republican line, which had been widely assumed to be the property of Rick Lazio, a former congressman best known for stepping in when Rudy Giuliani dropped out of the 2000 Senate race against Hillary Clinton. Lazio, a bank lobbyist in the interim, is a well-liked local figure, a reliable Republican and a patient and deferential man who has waited his turn but has run what many believe is an uninspired campaign.

    Levy, his supporters say, is far better poised to capture the zeitgeist, to run against corrupt insiders in Albany and Washington and to beat Democratic state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo in November.

    "My skill set lines up perfectly with what the mood of the public is," Levy told POLITICO, promising to "take a sledgehammer to Albany and knock it to pieces and then rebuild it from scratch."

    But the choice between the two has brought back bad memories of the GOP’s spectacular failure last year in another prominent New York election — the special House election upstate that ignited an uncontrollable grass-roots wildfire.

    The nascent primary for governor has already become less about the two Long Islanders, Levy and Lazio, than about the path forward for the Republican Party, in New York and nationally. Levy’s Republican supporters and operatives are drawn from the maverick world of John McCain’s first bid for president and, harking back further, from the cadre of Republicans still bound to President Richard Nixon’s calculating, moderate political legacy. Lazio has the support of former Gov. George Pataki’s regular Republican circle and national connections to Mitt Romney’s inner circle.

    Vicente Duque

  7. The TEA party should cast out those members or fellow travelers who are involved in this senseless violence. Anger is one thing; violence is another. These despicable acts are harmful to the cause and must not be allowed to go on without severe criticism. They must be condemned in the strongest terms. You idiots out there stop the violence and start acting like adults. We can disagree without indulging in gutter tactics, racial epithets, spitting and violence. Shape up or ship out. You are not welcome in the TEA party. Go back to your extremist friends.

    The leaders of the TEA party better take note. No one wants anarchy!

  8. I am Somebody!
    I may be poor, But I amSomebody.
    I may be young, But I amSomebody.
    I may be on welfare, But I amSomebody.
    I may be small, But I am Somebody.
    I may have made mistakes, But I am Somebody.
    My clothes are different, My face is different,
    My hair is different, But I amSomebody.

    I am black, Brown, or white.
    I speak a different language,
    But I must be respected, Protected, Never rejected.
    I am an American and I am God’s child!

    What is your point in posting this? Who is denying that Americans come from diverse backgrounds, racial and ethnic groups? Who is saying they aren't "somebody"?

    What do those statements have to do with the Tea Partiers? When have they ever denied the above? Their organization isn't about race it is about making positive changes in our government.

  9. Anon,
    Re-read your own rants. I only publish the mildest ones you send. You write me morning, noon, night, middle of the night, continually ranting, ranting, raving, swearing, profanity, name-calling. I publish you now so the rest of my viewers get just a glimpse of the diatribe you send me continuously. Obviously you are a teapartier too, based on you yourself saying you attend the events. You are motivated by the likes of Beck, Limbaugh and Malkin. Don't bother to post your Fox news links either. We all know how slanted and skewed their reporting is.

  10. Steven,
    No one denies that there are a number of teapartiers that are middle-Americans who have concerns. However, you know as well as I do that there are a number of violently angry teapartiers that spit on our Congressmen, use the N and F words, throw bricks through windows, hang their Dem Congresspeople in effigy, carry racist signs, many which promote violence, who scream and shout and intimidate those that disagree with them, including a disabled individual who had money thrown at them and told to go home.

    The teapartiers I know are not violent. They are angry but I don't understand their anger, particularly when many of their own family members utilize "socialist" programs that they demonstrate against. These programs include: Social Security, Unemployment, Medicare, Interstate Roads/Highways/Rail Systems, etc.

    I am also on two Tea Party mailing lists. They scream, rant and rave. Some are Birthers. They all scream for donations. Kind of Sad!!! Especially for the naive who send them their last few pennies from their welfare checks.

  11. Anon-Az,
    I don't agree. I think the violent acts are committed by the teapartiers who have violent tendencies to begin with but are stirred to a frenzy by talk radio or Beck or Malkin who purposely stir up their audiences for ratings and to fill their own pocketbooks. This is very dangerous for all of us!

  12. "Media Matters" : Did Newsday reassign two reporters after receiving complaints from Steve Levy, the county executive of Suffolk County, New York? - Racist for Governor of New York

    Media Matters
    Is the pressure getting to Newsday?
    by Joe Strupp
    March 08, 2010

    Is the pressure getting to Newsday?

    Some excerpts :

    UPDATE: Newsday responds to this article.

    In a statement to the website Journal-isms, Newsday editor Debby Krenek responded to this article:

    "Our coverage is determined only by sound journalistic practices and judgment. ... No one outside of our news staff influences what we cover or how we cover it. Reporters' assignments have never and will never be made based on outside requests or influence."


    Did Newsday reassign two reporters after receiving complaints from Steve Levy, the county executive of Suffolk County, New York?

    Significant evidence suggests that the newspaper -- the largest daily on Long Island -- did, including Levy's own admission that he urged the paper to reassign one of the reporters.

    This raises serious concerns for the paper's readers and local community leaders, who must be able to trust Newsday's coverage of politics and government.

    Some community leaders and Newsday staffers say they have seen Levy's influence at work. They say he has sought to keep comments from sources critical of him out of the paper and that he pounces on the daily when anything negative is written. This could hurt Newsday's credibility, to the detriment of its real shoe-leather reporting.

    Since taking office in 2004, Levy has taken a hard line with the press, a fact that has become well-known locally.

    Levy has a history of criticizing Newsday's coverage -- writing lengthy letters to reporters that pick at every bit of coverage, complaining to editors, and even calling press conferences to take issue with the paper's work.

    At least two reporters assigned to beats that required them to cover Levy -- Bart Jones and Chau Lam -- were reassigned in recent years after he complained about them to Newsday's management, according to sources connected to the newspaper. Neither reporter would comment on the situation for this report, and Newsday officials declined to comment as well.

    Vicente Duque

  13. Pete,
    Here are some examples of Conservative Leaders advocating violence:
    Beck portrays Obama, Democrats as vampires, suggests "driv[ing] a stake through the heart of the bloodsuckers." (reference Beck's website for all of his quotes)
    Beck talks about "put[ting] POISON" in Pelosi's wine.
    Beck: "To the day I die, I am going to be a progressive hunter."
    Beck: "Grab a torch."
    Palin: In a March 23 tweet about her map, Palin wrote: " 'Don't Retreat, Instead -- RELOAD!' "
    Huckabee: Members of Congress "should be tarred and feathered as the original tea partiers would have done."
    Morris: "Those crazies in Montana who say, 'We're going to kill ATF agents because the U.N.'s going to take over' -- well, they're beginning to have a case."
    Erickson: "At what point do the people ... march down to their state legislator's house, pull him outside, and beat him to a bloody pulp?"
    Stossel said he has "Barney Frank in effigy" hanging above his sofa.
    Quinn calls for "riots": "Our country was built on revolution, and it's about time we took it back."
    Chuck Norris: "[W]ill history need to record a second American Revolution?"

    Now, all the Right Wing Blogs are trivializing all these threats and violence against Dems. Well guess what! We are NOT going to let be brushed under the carpet. I think each and every perp needs to be identified, charged and convicted of their crimes. That way we can document this and report on this because we have PROOF of their Crimes! Then and only then will these perps learn their lesson and STOP their violence once and for all.

  14. Pete,
    What does the "I am somebody" poem have to do with this? Everything!

    The reason teapartiers are becoming violent is because they have been incited to believe they are right and their way is the only way. They do not consider people/Americans with differing opinions as having a right to have differing opinions. Therefore, they spit on them, use profanity, trivialize their point of view and say odd things like, "I want my country back."

    I say, as a Liberal American and supporter of our President Barack Obama: "I am somebody. I have a right to my opinion. Teapartiers, understand we are all different. We don't all have to agree. We passed Healthcare. Accept it. Stop the Violence! Stop the Hate! Embrace and accept others, even for their differences."

  15. You can't be serious as to not acknowledge the remarks of Beck and others as just being political humor, can you? You know better than that! I have heard many vile cracks about conservatives also all in the vein of political humor. Is it ok for them to do that but not those who's views you don't agree with? Guess so!

  16. And just how tolerant are you and the rest of the lib side for the opposing view? You have shown just how non-tolerant you are by all the topics you start continually demonizing the other side as entire group and with or without unstubstaniated evidence.

    You demonize Republicans and other conservatives, anti's, tea partiers constantly in your blog. Yeah, real tolerant, aren't you?

  17. "Accept it. Stop the Violence! Stop the Hate! Embrace and accept others, even for their differences."

    When are you going to start practicing what you preach?

  18. Here's an interesting video:

    Comrade Shuster interviews Kevin Jackson, Author of The Big Black Lie: How I Learned The Truth About The Democratic Party, about the TEA-Parties.

    Kevin: 1
    Shuster: 0

  19. The understatement here is Dee's when she says, "No one denies that there are a number of teapartiers that are middle-Americans who have concerns." This statement should be revised to read, "I know members of the TEA party are good American who abhor the violence and insults that bring discredit on their legitimate concerns. I'm all of those Middle Americans join me in condemning this extremist element."

    It is this kind of statement that paints with too broad a brush. As for El Duque, his intemperates comments should also be banned because they incite violence.

  20. What violent acts of the tea partiers? I haven't heard of any and the accusations of some minor offenses have been denounced by them.

    I would like to know what your little poem has to do with the tea party movement. Are you trying to claim that they don't accept all Americans as their equal? Their movement has nothing to do with race as they have all races involved in their movement. They just don't like the direction that our government has taken and it is mainly about the debts we have incurred and our lean towards socialism. The Bush administration was also guilty of spending like a drunken sailor on the war in Iraq so it isn't just about the Obama administration. It has just come to a head now with two administrations in a row acting irresponsibly. It is just like anything else there comes a time when you have to say "no more" and speak out.
