Message to All Readers:
First, Thank you for your continued support of my blog. My eblogger reports say that viewership has increased by over 40%. I attribute this to my upped reporting re: sb1070, CIR, the ANTI CIR Agenda, and investigations regarding Racial Profiling and the suspicious Louie Puroll incident.
As I have upped my reporting about these FACTS over these past two weeks, I have had several ANTI CIR attackers commenting on my site besides Bad Anon. Obviously they are ANTI CIR advocates who are trying to discredit the facts I report. Their aim is to discredit and distract from the discussion. In order not to detract all viewers from these very needed Immigration discussions, I have encouraged them to email me. However, they have chosen not to email me, but instead continue to try and hijack my blog and distract from the discussion.
I encourage ALL viewers to email me any time they would like additional background, urls, research for their blogs or for their discussions with their friends and family. Many of you have.
Even Ultima and I maintain a very positive email relationship. I have even emailed with Liquid. Anonymous posters, contact Ultima and he can assure you, you have nothing to fear from emailing me.
However, I will say this to you loud and clear: I will NOT allow you to detract from this very needed discussion and I will not allow you to attack other commenters or me.
God Bless Everyone and God Bless America,
Video of Boycott against Arizona - Activists in the streets of Hermosillo Sonora Mexico, fliers, bumper stickers, wall stickers : Don't go to Arizona, Don't buy in Arizona
ReplyDeleteHermosillo is the capital of the State of Sonora in Mexico - You drive the two and a half hours from Tucson to Nogales through breathtaking scenery of the Arizona canyons, cross the border and 3 hours more to reach Hermosillo in Sonora, Mexico.
From Wikitravel :
Hermosillo is about a 7 1/2 hour drive from Phoenix, Arizona, about 4 to 4 1/2 hours from Tucson, and about 3 hours from Nogales, Sonora.
Hermosillo is one of the largest cities in Mexico, with a population of around 850,000 people. It's a modern city with all the services you would normally get back home. Shopping, eating and tourist attractions are all throughout the city
Inician en Hermosillo boicot contra Arizona
You can watch many similar videos of Boycotts against visiting and buying in Arizona.
Vicente Duque
Monday Videos : Picket Lines of Boycott growing in Nogales Arizona and in the Mexican Side of Nogales - Big Success of Zero Visitors to Arizona on Week-End - A Party and a Feast !
ReplyDeleteThe street as scene and theater of Great Events !
"Don't cross the Border and don't buy in Arizona - Have Dignity Fight for Human Worth ! - This is very successful, look and see that there are no lines of cars in the gates to enter Arizona"
Our objective : "Zero cars entering Arizona"....
I collect all these videos and focus my attention on the laborers, because they are those that have a lot to win or to lose from the Boycott - Although I am a firm believer in the Success of this Fight.
The poorest illegals share with us their thoughts, and their religiosity. Some White Anglo Americans join the protest and they speak in Spanish with some light almost imperceptible accent.
These people know what it is to pick lettuce, tomatoes and chilis in Arizona. And they feel despised, rejected, harassed, hated, "they constantly deride us". Joseph Arpaio puts rosy clothes on us to demean us.
"I am illegal but I am a good person and a good human being" .... "It is false that we are exploiting the Taxpayers of Arizona or the USA" ... "I am illegal but I am human".
"We desire the best for everbody, for Mexico and the USA - We are not here like thieves, we are not stealing"
"God likes when we share - God likes when we have charity and compassion for others - We are all sisters and brothers"
A Youthful Spìrit with Joy and Adrenaline Flowing !
No a la SB 1070 Dignidad , primera parte
May 17, 2010 — primero de 2 Videos de opinion sobre la ley antimigrante SB 1070, el video trata de la jornada del 14 y 15 de mayo, en Nogales, Sonora, Linea internacional, intelectuales , migrantes y publico en general virtio su opinion asi como algunas denuncias EQUIPO FRONTERAS DESIGUALES,
Vicente Duque