Sunday, June 6, 2010

Pathetic Phoenix Rising Rally in support of sb1070 is a DUD!!! Racist Barbara Coe Advocates Violence!

As alipac's Willie Gheen predicted, yesterday's Phoenix Rising rally in support of sb1070 was a DUD! Attendance was much smaller than predicted. Only 700 were in attendance. Dan Smeriglio, head of the group Voice of the People, organized the event. According to William Gheen, Smeriglio is linked to White Nationalists & Neo-Nazis.

Barbara Coe, leader of the Hate Group California Coalition for Immigration Reform was also in attendance. Coe spoke to the crowd threatening: “It is now our responsibility to stand up and be counted,’’ she said to cheers. “This is our turning point. The traitors have underestimated the power of Americans. No mas. … God forbid it should come to this but if it should come to this, lock and load.” Joe Arpaio was a key note speaker as well as Tom Tancredo. When asked about the small number in attendance Arpaio told the reporter, "it don't matter."

As usual at all rallies in support of sb1070, nary a minority was present except for a paid (?) speaker or two. There were also a number of Obama haters carrying signs plus a few gun toting yahoos and a skinhead or two. Pretty pathetic!

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it seems as if Coe is trying to convince Arpaio to show her his "gun" or something more nefarious. Perhaps she wants to show him her telaraƱas! ;) Old fools!
