Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jan "La Bruja" Brewer Melts Down During Debate Last Night! (Looks like the Poor Dear Has Alzheimers! -- Sad!)

During last night's AZ Gubernatorial debate, La Bruja had a melt down. It is very clear (or at least this is what it appears) she is in the early stages of Alzheimers. Very Sad! Her sb1070 supporting, hate mongering puppet masters are jangling her strings. It's too bad they can't do it on Live TV.


  1. Whether she has aldheimers or not it is not nice to pin the label of "La Bruja" on her while objecting to negative labels pinned on Obama or any other Democrat.

    Why can't the issues be debated without name calling and personal attacks on our politicians and on each other?

  2. Alzheimer's? Nah, the woman is literally uneducated and just plain stupid!

  3. Anon,
    Please name yourself so we can differentiate you from Bad Anon.

    Regarding La Bruja, she was named that by others. There are reasons. For one, she has continuously LIED.

    Her LIES include:
    1. Beheadings (BIG LIE)
    2. Crime Increased in AZ(BIG LIE)
    3. Rate of "Illeegals" increased (BIG LIE)
    4. Phoenix is number 1 capital of kidnappings in the world (BIG LIE)

    She said, "I cannot tell an "illeegal" when I see one."

    and on and on and on and on.....

  4. Regardless, I find it offensive to pin nasty labels on anyone. It reeks of adolescence to me. It is ok to point out their flaws and sins but not ok to pin negative labels on them. I guess lying is in the eyes of the beholder and I will search for why she said those things. There must be some stats that prove or disprove her claims.

    I am sure Brewer can't tell an illegal immigrant when she sees one. Can anyone? I sure can't.

  5. Non-Bad Anon,
    I agree with you. No one can tell an "illeegal" by looking at them. To date, those that attempt to do so, like Sheriff Arpaio and his masked goons, only target Latino neighborhoods. To date, all those that believe they can tell "illeegals" when they see them are only targeting BROWN PEOPLE.

    I listed many of her LIES. I challenge YOU to refute ONE of what I have listed.

    As far as your ad hominem attacks about being "adolescent" for repeating the labels pre-ordained, you need to stick to the facts, my dear.

    Brewer needs to:
    1. Tell the truth
    2. Out her Lobbyists' Agendas
    3. Out her puppeteers
    4. Start telling the Truth!

    Perhaps then she would gain an ounce of credibility. Prior to that ALL of us realize she is nothing but smoke and mirrors (and very suspect backers).

  6. Again, what is with this huffy attitude all of a sudden?

    My remark about it being adolescent to call people names is a given, don't you agree? Same goes for everyone not just you or I.

    What facts didn't I stick to? I will be glad to research the things you said Brewer is lying about. You will just have to give me some time on that. You made a pretty long list and I will have to get back with you on them. In the meantime could you please be a bit more hospitable in here? If not, I would be glad to leave. Just say so and I'll be gone.

    I sense a lot of anger in you. I don't know over what though. Please don't take it out on me. It is a compliment to you for me to come in here and post in your blog. I'd like to be treated as guest if you don't mind.

  7. NB,
    LOL. You are funny NB.

    Speak to the issue please. Stay on topic. No need to attack me. I have no attitude.

    Provide your url which proves what you say. I have plenty of time.

  8. 16 seconds of brain freeze PRICELESS! It happens to the best, so get over it.

    While the federal government may have original jurisdiction to enforce federal immigration laws, and declare war, the federal government does not have exclusive jurisdiction to enforce federal immigration laws; and states are requested and encouraged -- under laws enacted by Congress -- to assist the enforcement of federal immigration laws. US States are encouraged to engage in war, if invaded.
    See: Article 1 Section 10, Clause 3 and Article 4 Section 4.

    2010-08-26 -- USA - AZ governor filed brief in immigration battle

    The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals will decide SB170 case in Early November, but look for docket entry around September 20.

  9. Border Ravens,
    It is much more than brain freeze. Relook at the video. Relisten to her grammar. Review other videos of other debates.

    The woman has serious issues. She has poor grammar. She may have early stages of alzheimers. It is clear she is but a political pawn. She should NOT be running for any political office, much less Governor, the highest office in the state.

    BTW, I did visit your blog. You do lose TOTAL Credibility when you use, as a source, World Net Daily. Sheesh!!

  10. Border Ravens,
    It is much more than brain freeze. Relook at the video. Relisten to her grammar. Review other videos of other debates.

    The woman has serious issues. She has poor grammar. She may have early stages of alzheimers. It is clear she is but a political pawn. She should NOT be running for any political office, much less Governor, the highest office in the state.

    BTW, I did visit your blog. You do lose TOTAL Credibility when you use, as a source, World Net Daily. Sheesh!!

  11. I am not sure if Brewer has a medical condition or not but she firmly believes that illegal immigration is a huge problem in her state of Az and she would be right about that. It is a huge problem across this entire nation and there is no denying that.

    She isn't a political ploy. If that were so the right wouldn't use someone who apparently can't speak well in front of the camera to make her points. There is no denying the negative statistics of illegal immigration whether or not Brewer has a medical condition or isn't well educated. The left can't make any good arguments for their agenda so they instead demonize anyone who opposes their view by slander, dirt and exaggerations. It reminds me of how our politicians operate during their campaigns.

  12. Corky,
    No one demonizes her. She is the one who goes in front of cameras and demonizes herself. Reporters report on what she does.

    Additionally, sb1070 does NOTHING to protect the border. All it does is:
    1. racially profile (as arpaio does during his suppression sweeps)
    2. demonize friends and family
    3. makes every day citizens Border Patrol agents by encouraging them to call the police any time they suspect an "illeegal" (aka a brown person) and if the police don't come, they can sue the police

    Summarize these 3 items and you get to the root cause of what sb1070 is set to accomplish: Mass Deportation through racially profiling of all brown people.

  13. Corky,
    No one demonizes her. She is the one who goes in front of cameras and demonizes herself. Reporters report on what she does.

    Additionally, sb1070 does NOTHING to protect the border. All it does is:
    1. racially profile (as arpaio does during his suppression sweeps)
    2. demonize friends and family
    3. makes every day citizens Border Patrol agents by encouraging them to call the police any time they suspect an "illeegal" (aka a brown person) and if the police don't come, they can sue the police

    Summarize these 3 items and you get to the root cause of what sb1070 is set to accomplish: Mass Deportation through racially profiling of all brown people.
