Monday, November 29, 2010

Simpsons Show Tells the Truth About Fox News! What will O'Reilly/Ailes do to Punish Them & Squelch Their Freedom of Speech? reports: For the second week in a row, the popular cartoon "The Simpsons" mocked the Fox News Channel, implying those under the age of 75 should not watch the channel. The show, which is broadcast by Fox Broadcasting, flaunted a Fox News helicopter inscribed with a fictional slogan, "Fox News: Unsuitable For Viewers Under 75" during the opening scene.

News Corporation owns the Fox Broadcast network as well as Fox News Channel. It was the only reference to Fox News in the entire episode. Last Sunday's episode contained a Fox News helicopter with the motto, "Fox News: Not Racists, But #1 With Racists."

In that episode, the Fox News helicopter was carrying a Fox News executive. After the executive steps out of the helicopter onto the head of the Statue of Liberty, the helicopter goes into a tailspin and crashes, with the pilots lamenting, "It's not fair, we're unbalanced."

The executive proceeds to conduct a secret meeting where his team plans a new health care scare that will send their ratings through the roof. At one point in the episode, the likeness of former Vice President Dick Cheney laments the lack of terrorist attacks on America.

In response, Bill O'Reilly of Fox News called the show's creators "pinheads." "Continuing to bite the hand that feeds part of it, Fox Broadcasting once again allows its cartoon characters to run wild," O'Reilly complained on his show.


  1. Excellent and Valuable Information, Dee

    Thanks a lot.

    Everything related to Cartoons, Comics, etc .... is pure gold for me.

    This made me smile.


  2. This oughta put a smile on your face also Vicente.
