Saturday, December 4, 2010

Guest Voz - Theaverment (Commenter on HP): Defining the Meaning of "The Good Old Days" for the Rich

I was reading this article on HP regarding "Senate Republicans Defeat Reauthorization of Jobless Aid, Tax Cuts" and I came across this very interesting comment by a Commenter by the name of "Theaverment." He has quite an interesting perspective!!
Guest Voz: Theaverment
There is a much misused phrase that starts off with "... is what made America great"

I say misused because the part that comes before it is almost always incorrect such as, "The Free Market", or "The Middle Class".

Furthermor­e, it is not America that has become great... just the powers that be.

It would be more realistic if we called it as it truly is, for example:
. Manifest Destiny made certain Americans wealthy.
. Slavery in the South made certain Americans wealthy.
. Jim Crow laws kept certain Americans wealthy.
. No unions, or no collective bargaining­, made certain Americans wealthy.
. No child labor laws and unsafe working conditions made certain Americans wealthy.
. Steel and railroad monopolies made certain Americans wealthy.
. Government tax dollars bailing out FAILED Capitalist­ic and so called Free Market ventures made certain Americans wealthy.
. Speaking softly and carrying a big stick and our involvemen­t in taking advantage of the resources of other countries made certain Americans wealthy.

These really are the things that supposedly made America great. It is just propaganda that has people think otherwise. The Middle Class in this country was a mistake and only occurred out of the necessitie­s of WWII and the complete failure of Capitalism and speculatio­n that was the Great Depression­.

Since then the wealthy have been trying to get back to the good ole days... if this type of legislatio­n continues they will have them.


  1. Our tax rates are the highest of any developed country. How can we expect them to stay here instead of flee?

    I worked for a German company for 26 years. They treated me better than I could have ever imagined when I worked for them and provide me with a pension and health benefits in my retirement. Many of us work for foreign companies. What will happen to us if they decide to just leave? Yes, many of the owners were rich, but for over 100 years they shared their wealth with people like me. Because of them and my own hard work I, God willing, will continue to live without financial concern. Is that not what everybody wants?

    Have you worked for a foreign company, Dee?

  2. I worked or a major corporation that did a significant amount of off shore outsourcing. They still do. Many of the tech companies continue to do so.

    I do have a close friend working here for a foreign owned company. She does not agree with their method of managing/administration, but she needs the paycheck so she continues to work for them.

    The problem is, US companies continue to outsource offshore for one reason, GREED.

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  4. Jeff D'Onofrio : The 2010 wave was an aftershock of the politics of the past, not a sign of a coming tsunami of growth for Republicans. California represents our future socially and politically because the values of Millennials will dominate the future

    Meaning that Latinos and Millennials are the Democratic firewall for the present and future?

    Peter Schrag of The New Republic argues that Democratic victories in the West weren’t just outliers, but rather evidence that California is still the country’s political future:

    Politicizer's Spark
    Is the Left Coast Ahead of the Curve?
    by Jeff D'Onofrio
    December 6, 2010

    Some excerpts :

    Peter Schrag goes on to credit Latino voters specifically for the victories of Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, and Michael Bennet. More generally, he cites the acceptance of diversity in California as the reason why the Tea Party’s success did not reach the Left Coast. The GOP needs to see this or be left behind. Someone like Marco Rubio or Susana Martinez cannot win you the White House in 2012, 2016 and certainly not 2020 if statewide candidates like Sharon Angle, Jan Brewer or Tom Tancredo are working hard to cement your ceiling of support with Latinos at 33%.

    I think that sooner rather than later we’ll look back on 2010 and recognize the Tea Party as simply a new name for the typical midterm voters of any other year: older, wealthier, and more conservative whites.

    I’m not saying that Tea Partiers are all homophobic and xenophobic; but older, wealthier, and more conservative whites don’t represent the future of American elections. The 2010 wave was an aftershock of the politics of the past, not a sign of a coming tsunami of growth for Republicans. California represents our future socially and politically because the values of Millennials will dominate the future. America will be more diverse and more accepting because those are the values of twenty-somethings. Consider the polling of active duty military on DADT: a healthy majority, 70 percent, support serving alongside openly gay soldiers because the military is dominated by a more progressive generation.

    For their own good, the GOP needs to focus on winning elections that look like 2008 rather than 2010.

    Vicente Duque

  5. I have a comment of the tax rates. I used to work in Hungary where the income tax is close to 50%. So the tax rate in the U.S. is not the highest of any developed country.

  6. And I guess Hungary must be the paragon of virtues on tax policy. Isn't it one of the countries that is in the toilet financially. Could it be that confiscatory taxes are counter-productive?
