Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day Everyone!

When I was a little girl, on Mothers Day, my Dad would bring out all of his old albums and sing along to his "Mama" records. Here is one of his favorites by "Trio Los Panchos."

Madre Bendita Seas

Para cantarte a tí, madre querida
eres el angel bueno de la vida
Tiembla mi corazón para decirte
que tu nombre es amor,
amor, amor

Hoy se adornan los cielos de colores
y desatan su voz para cantar
porque me diste tú la vida entera
y me enseñaste a amar y a creer en Dios

A tus pies todo el mundo en este dia
de emocion de amor querer llorar
para gritar mil veces madre mia
madre, madre, querida
Bendita ,Bendita seas


  1. Happy Mothers Day to You, Dee !

    It was a very happy mothers day in my family and my in-laws...

    We have to work very hard buying vegetables, most delicious ham, plum sauce for the ham, several peppers, chilis and lettuces for salad, etc ... Best cakes and pastry ....

    My wife worked all the morning with my mother in law, who resists being quiet and has to be always working. My wife cooked a banquet.

    Later in the afternoon, my mother and family, my mom is extremely old and crippled in a wheelchair, and is 80% or more blind, and suffers from other 50 ailments, smoking 100 cigarretes each day at the age of 87.

    My mom ate like a pig, but did not get sick.

    And I was very happy for all the political developments of the last 50 days that could not have been better.

    There are beautiful dreams while sleeping that you can control with your will.

    I feel like I am controlling the events everywhere so that they please me.

    So it was a very happy mothers day for me, my wife and two families, and there was absolutely not a single drop of liquor.

    Unfortunately, I saw many drunken people in the streets and a guy discussing very heatedly with his mom.

    How sad !

    Happy Mothers Year 2011 !


  2. Bet this is just killing you, right Dee? LOL!

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