Monday, July 25, 2011

Mike Lee & Insane Republican/TeaParty Agenda: Out to End "Child Labor Laws"

Back in January, 2011, Teaparty supported Congressman Mike Lee recommended rescinding Child Labor Laws. In February, Missouri State Senator Jane Cunningham (also backed by the Tea-Party) introduced SB 222 that proposed to:
Missouri State Senator Jane Cunningham (also backed by the Tea-Party) introduced SB 222 that proposed to:
•Repeal restrictions for workers under age 14.
•Remove the requirement that workers under age 16 obtain a work permit.
•Loosen industry restrictions on employment of minors [such as allow hotels to employ children under age 16].
•Strip Missouri’s Department of Labor of the authority to inspect workplaces that employ children.
•Eliminate employer record-keeping requirements.
•Abolish the presumption that the presence of a child in the workplace is evidence of her/his employment.
•Fortunately for Missouri’s children, SB 222 died in committee.

In Maine, two Anti Child Labor bills were introducted by Republicans:
LD 1346 proposes to:
•Lower the state’s minimum wage from $7.50 per hour to $5.25 per hour for workers under age 20 for the first 180 days on the job.
•Remove limits on the number of hours workers age 16-17 can work on school days.
•Increase by four hours the amount of time during a school day workers under age 16 can work.
•Repeal the requirement that child-workers obtain a work permit from the school district, substituting parental sign-off on a consent form.
LD 516 proposes to:
•Repeal limits on the number of hours workers age 16 and under can work when school is not in session.
•Remove all limits on the number of hours 17-year-olds can work.

AMERICA, ARE YOU WATCHING? Republicans are looking to end Child Labor Laws enacted by Democrats. REPUBLICANS ARE INSANE!!!!!

The Republicans are OUT OF THEIR MINDS. Their Agenda:
1. END Social Security
2. END Medicare
3. END Child Labor Laws
and many more ANTI Middle Class Bills!


The Republicans and the Teapartiers are Hell-Bent on ENDING America as we know it and FILLING UP THE POCKETS OF THE RICH and BIG BUSINESS! Their Puppeteers, their Masters, including heinous RICH Business People like the Koch Brothers want us to revert to pre-1930s America where the Rich get Richer and the Middle Class and Poor are pushed to Extreme Poverty Levels. This includes: Old People, Children, the Sick, the Helpless -- the Republicans are seeking are Great Country to turn into two separate societies: The Rich, and the Those that SERVE THEM!

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