Sunday, June 24, 2012

Uncovered Video: Issa's Real Reason for Holder Witch Hunt!

Now we have Darryl Issa's true reason for his Witch Hunt against A.G. Eric Holder. Last April he spoke before the National Rifle Association (NRA) and he was video taped revealing his true reasons for this Witch Hunt against Attorney General Eric Holder.
As I've reported, Project Gunrunner and "Gun-Walking" was started under the Bush Administration and continued under the Obama Administration using the name "Fast & Furious." The ATF started these projects to try and find the leaders of the Cartels who were purchasing Hundreds of Thousands of guns from the US and other countries. The ATF lead agent in Phoenix became frustrated because he wasn't getting the leaders of the Cartels, just the underlings, so he "went rogue" allowing 2020 guns to be gun-walked from 2009 - 2010 and lost track of 1000 guns. A Cartel member killed a Border Agent in 2010, and one of the dozens of guns he had was a gun-walk gun.

Even though members of the Phoenix ATF testified to these events, Issa is using the Congressional Hearings as a political means to destroy A.G. Holder. Holder hasn't been cooperating with the Republican Agenda. Holder has taken sb1070 to the Supreme Court, he is indicting Arpaio, he is investigating the Republican Voter Suppression policies in 17 states, he is opposing the anti-gay marriage laws, and more. Republicans despise A.G. Holder and they want to get rid of him. Their plan: Create a Bogus Conspiracy Theory and force him to resign.

Now we have video evidence of Issa, speaking to the NRA faithful, advancing his baseless and reckless conspiracy theory that the Obama administration intentionally lost track of guns sold through the program in order to boost gun violence and clear the way for an assault weapons ban. Issa posed this as a rhetorical question and then answered it:
"They've never answered the question, "What were they thinking of?" Could it be that what they really were thinking of was in fact to use this walking of guns in order to promote an assault weapons ban. Many think so. And they haven't come up with an explanation that would cause any of us not to agree."

Issa's video proves his irrational allegations. Issa believes he is the Thought Police? He is suggesting that Congress prosecute our Attorney General based on this bogus theory of his? This video proves that Issa is pandering to the NRA and that his Thought Police claims are outright silly!

BTW, nutcase extremist Ted Nugent, famous for his racist attacks against our President, also spoke at this NRA Convention.

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