Friday, September 28, 2012

"Adios Arpaio" Voter Registration Drive Goes to Maricopa County

This morning, 50 Los Angeles students and DREAMers -- Voter Registration Volunteers -- boarded a bus near downtown Los Angeles bound for Phoenix, Arizona to spend the weekend registering hundreds of new Latino voters as part of the “Adios Arpaio” Voter Registration Drive. “Adios Arpaio,” sponsored by the Campaign for Arizona’s Future, has already registered over 20,000 new voters in the Phoenix area in a massive effort to shift Arizona’s political landscape by un-electing right-wing politicians who support anti-immigrant laws like SB 1070.

The primary target of the “Adios Arpaio” Voter Registration Drive is Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the 20-year sheriff of Maricopa County who is well-known as an egregious enforcer and outspoken advocate of anti-immigrant laws and policies. Los Angeles volunteers will spend the weekend alongside of over 300 Phoenix middle school, high school and college students registering new voters as well as participating in a major rally.
Los Angeles organizations participating in the “Adios Arpaio” volunteer efforts include the Dream Team Los Angeles, the Miguel Contreras Foundation, East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice, Long Beach Immigrant Rights Coalition, and Communities for a Better Environment, among others.

1 comment:

  1. VIDEO : This Is How You Fight Voter Suppression! - Fight Racial Profiling, Harassment, Unfair Treatment, Being Constantly detained by police because of looking different. .... Voter Registration Drive

    Fight Voter Supression and the intent to rig the election in favor of Republicans and against Democrats - Register now and vote against the Voter Supressors !

    Published on Aug 29, 2012 by Cuentame - Latino Instigators

    Watch this video to ensure you know how to register to vote and what to bring with you to the voting booth!

    In 2011, Florida made some important changes to its voting laws. Ever Floridian needs to understand these changes particularly African Americans, Latinos, young voters, and women. These changes address how civic groups register people to vote, who is eligible to vote and when people can vote.

    This Is How You Fight Voter Suppression!

