Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ted Cruz is NOT Hispanic and is ANTI-Comprehensive Immigration Reform

I don’t know why anyone considers Ted Cruz a Hispanic. Cruz is Canadian, born in the Canadian city of Calgary, Alberta, on Dec. 22, 1970. His mother is of Irish descent. His father, Rafael, though from Cuba, was a friend of Castro and fought along-side him until he came to America in 1957.
Cruz’ father did not become a US Citizen until 2005 when Cruz began his quest to run for office. Cruz did not even acknowledge his so-called Hispanic heritage until he ran for Senate.
The Tea Party says about Cruz, “We have a new messiah, it seems. Another polished orator with a made-for-TV smile and a Harvard law degree. A success story born of humble beginnings and exotic demographic... A young, sudden star who, barely a week after winning a Republican primary runoff for U.S. Senate (his first election!) is being mentioned as a presidential contender in 2016."
The Tea Party and Republicans characterize Cruz as a Latino, a Minority. Many TRUE Latinos say HE IS NOT! Look at him. Look at his Dad. Look at his family. Cruz USES his surname as a banner to boast of his so called Hispanic heritage. It is A LIE, wrapped in deceit. This Canadian is USING his last name to PRETEND he is Hispanic to advance his own personal political aspirations. It is clear, Cruz is a HINO = Hispanic in Name Only!
Regarding Immigration, he is ANTI-Latino! Here are Cruz’s VIEWS on Immigration:
No path to citizenship for the 11M here; No Dream Act
Give police more power to ask about immigration status (Racial Profiling) and supports sb1070
Boots on the ground, plus a WALL
Triple the size of the Border Patrol
Strengthen border security and increase enforcement; Detention; Deportation


  1. who cares if cruz is mexican, cuban, or martian. all you libs think of is race. I LIKE CRUZ.

  2. I thought it was something odd about Cruz. I know I didn't like him. So I really don't like he was trying to win political by pretending to be Hispanic. He is Canadian
