Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Racists Attack Talented American Latino Child Singing American Anthem at Spurs Game!

I am so upset. So many Latino Americans just like me are SO Upset! Latinos across America are Angry. We are blogging and tweeting across America!
This issue makes me very angry!
Last night, a very talented American child of Latino descent sang the National Anthem at a Spurs game in San Antonio. Afterwards, hundreds of racists tweeted or facebooked that this innocent child was "Illeegal," a "Wetback," a "Mexican," and many other RACISTS tweets.

What kind of country is this? When an innocent child cannot sing the National Anthem? How many racists are there in America? Those tweeting were Black and White. Those tweeting spewed Hate and vicious attacks against this talented  young boy.

You can't help but ask why?
Their responses are from the same people that also attack Comprehensive Immigration Reform, support Racial Profiling Laws, and viciously attack ALL Latinos.
What kind of America is this?
This is EXACTLY WHY we Latinos will NEVER Vote for a those who support this type of rhetoric or Racial Profiling bills.
These people must be stopped.
WE THE PEOPLE can stop them with a VOTE for Comprehensive Immigration Reform!!


  1. Yes they can go ahead and call him "wet back "or ",illegal "but at least he didn't go in to school and killed a bunch of inocent little kids like u real AMERICAN BOY ... so go ahead. At least Mexican people came here to better them selfs and provide for their families and help this country to do what you AMERICANS don't want to do.At least we don't feed our families with food stamps .


  2. Great Obama Victory : Arizona will expand Medicaid to cover nearly 300,000 poor residents next year -- Gov. Jan Brewer (R) passed it through the state legislature on Thursday. The Governor campaigned aggressively for the Expansion

    Excerpt :

    Brewer, a conservative and avowed foe of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, announced her support for the Medicaid expansion in January, but faced stiff resistance from fellow Republicans in Arizona's House and Senate. During a marathon session that began Wednesday afternoon and stretched into the wee hours of Thursday morning before culminating in a final vote late Thursday afternoon, a handful of Republicans joined Democrats in the House and Senate to pass the Medicaid expansion.


    The Arizona governor aggressively promoted the Medicaid expansion since taking her surprising public stand earlier this year. Brewer assembled a coalition of health care interests and business groups and worked alongside Democratic legislators in addition to campaigning across the state in service of extending health coverage to hundreds of thousands of poor Arizonans using Obamacare funding.

    Huffington Post
    Arizona Medicaid Expansion Advances After Jan Brewer Forces Lawmakers' Hands
    By Jeffrey Young
    June 13, 2013

  3. Dee,

    I'm white and I hate this. First, It's San Antonio! A beautiful town that I've been too. It is a majority Mexcican-American town. Let's defeat the racism by passing fully Comprehensive Immigration Reform, the Dream Act and end deportations. We whites must learn to respect Mexican heritage.

  4. On Thursday, BuzzFeed Washington, D.C., bureau chief John Stanton published a pair of articles calling out the sons of two separate Republican members of Congress for racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, sexist, and homophobic social media accounts.

    Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake’s teenage son, Tanner, went by the name “n1ggerkiller” in an online game, and posted YouTube comments using the word “nigger” and calling Mexicans “the scum of the Earth.” On his Twitter account, he made prolific use of the word faggot and called his friend a “Jew” for stealing a joke.


  5. Surprise ! :

    Justices Scalia, Kennedy and Roberts side with the Liberals in the U. S. Supreme Court and strike down Arizona's voter registration law - Conservatives Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented
