Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Why I Reference the Immigration Act of 1924

People often ask me why I reference the Immigration Act of 1924. I reference it because the provisions for this Act laid the groundwork for Immigration Quotas for Southern, Eastern Europeans and Asians while setting no limits for Latin American countries. The strongest supporters of this Act were eugenicists who advocated racial hygiene. (e.g. Madison Grant). He believed the Northern European race was vastly superior to other races. Additionally Corporations, their lobbyists and trade unions petitioned Congress for the passage of this bill. They believed their “race” was being mongrelized by the other groups and they also believed they could use the indigenous, docile workers from Latin America as their indentured servants, there to support all manual labor and work “Northern European Americans” wouldn´t do.

All the immigration issues the ANTIs talk about stem from this bill. Tan commented on my earlier blog, “We the People can set whatever immigration policy We deem fit. And We can change it to suit Our will any time We wish. Do you have any respect for American constitution, laws, or precedents?” My response is, yes. I have total respect for our American Constitution. I do understand that we can change Immigration Policy any time we want. I also understand history, root cause and we reap what we sow.

The Immigration Act of 1924, which included the National Origins Act, Asian Exclusion Act or the Johnson-Reed Act, was a United States federal law that limited the number of immigrants who could be admitted from any country to 2% of the number of people from that country who were already living in the United States in 1890, according to the Census of 1890. It excluded immigration to the US of Asians. It superseded the 1921 Emergency Quota Act. The law was aimed at further restricting the Southern and Eastern Europeans who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s, as well as East Asians and Asian Indians, who were prohibited from immigrating entirely. It set no limits on immigration from Latin America.

The Act passed with strong congressional support in the wake of intense lobbying.
Some of the law's strongest supporters were influenced by Madison Grant and his 1916 book, The Passing of the Great Race. Grant was a eugenicist and an advocate of the racial hygiene theory. His data purported to show the superiority of the founding Northern European races. But most proponents of the law were rather concerned with upholding an ethnic status quo and avoiding competition with foreign workers.[2]


  1. That is no longer true today. We have fairer quotas for immigration today. Asians hold the highest percentage with Mexicans having the second highest quotas by only a 4% margin less. So your point about immigration quotas today is what?

  2. Pat, The answer is obvious. In fact, Tan gave the answer earlier. He said: “We the People can set whatever immigration policy We deem fit. And We can change it to suit Our will any time We wish." The same goes for enforcing the policy. We as a country can or cannot enforce the law as we see fit. We are accountable for our actions and the end result.

    Now, we have a choice. We can enforce the law or not. We can put in place comprehensive immigration measures to solidify our policies and make them reasonable. We can establish an earned path to citizenship for the 12M or not. We can build a 2000 Mile wall and another on the Canadian border, or not. Whatever we do, WE are accountable for whatever happens. Just as WE are accountable for our current immigration chaos.

  3. I agree that because of our government's lack of enforcement of our immigration laws, catering to big business in spite of our laws and not securing our borders in the past 20 years is why we have this huge illegal alien population in our country today. Going back in history 50-100 years ago has nothing to do with this huge problem we have today. How could it? Those people are mostly dead and so are the leaders we had back then. What has the immigration policies of exclusion of long ago got to do with the Mexican illegals or any other illegals of today? We don't exclude most immigrants today and there are fair quotas. I haven't a clue what you are trying to infer and I doubt anyone else in here does either.

  4. Pat, there are a couple of reasons.

    1. Our country´s love affair with Latin labor for the past couple of hundred years is illustrated in the 1924 Immigration Bill and set the tone for non-enforcement and future amenesties.

    2. Often, your side cites the high rate of Hispanics in our country. (50M citizens today) This is a direct result of the 1924 bill and lack of future enforcement. One example, my father, hired by the State of Michigan to bring up hundreds of migrants to pick fruit in the midwest. Many stayed, worked in auto factories and thrived. Large families, bringing up additional family members from the South and south of the border. All due to these original policies.

  5. The signs of a problem were clear in the 1950s. Operation Wetback. The seeds of corruption were already growing then.

    The invasion officially began in 1965. The amnesty of 1986 that followed was a cowardly capitulation with disastrous consequences. Rather than the 1.5M the govt told us would be given a "path to citizenship" it turned out to be 3M. And through chain migration they pulled in millions more. Good for them, but Disaster with a capital D for us.

    It is sheer blindness that permits people to pretend this invasion is somehow status quo, even by 1990s standards. It isn't. Bush has dropped all pretense of enforcing our laws. And millions have poured in on his watch.

    And I'm sorry, but no, I don't accept responsibility for not knowing how deeply our politicians were screwing our country. You see our media and schools have been covering for them by indoctrinating us with politically correct multicultural fantasies. They tell us how wonderful and essential it is for our economy. You cannot question immigration policy, you cannot even call for our outrageously liberal laws to be enforced without the "fringe" Ladeeenyo groups and their very powerful friends in politics and the media calling you a bigot, racist, hater.

    None of us were alive in 1924 and we didn't make those policies. Your insinuations about it are just as cheap and ill-founded as those of your friends here in CA who tell me "go home Pilgrim, you're on stolen land". I'm not a Pilgrim, and I paid for my land.

    You keep bringing up 1924 because its a good smoke screen to keep from talking about immigration right here, right now.

    Nice try. Next excuse.

  6. Our government and their business cronies are in love with cheap labor and it didn't have to be just Latin labor. What my side is doing now is saying enough is enough because the illegal alien population has grown to intolerable portions now. We Americans will be holding accountable all those who had a part in this including the illegals. You should be too as the loyal American that you say you are.

  7. It is clear you would like to see as many Mexicans cross the border as the land can accommodate. That would be somewhere in the order of another 50 million or so. The Mexican authorities would like nothing better. It takes off any pressure to reform the systemic corruption that keeps the country a place where nobody with any brains wants to live.

  8. I keep bringing up 1924 because this bill directly influenced my father during the Depression. The fact that the Bracero like program and his role as a troquero directly impacted my family and me and mine today.

  9. Tan, It was your very own statement that provides the answer:

    “We the People can set whatever immigration policy We deem fit. And We can change it to suit Our will any time We wish."

    The same goes for enforcing the policy. We as a country can or cannot enforce the law as we see fit. We are accountable for our actions and the end result.

    That is why we are where we are.

    I agree to secure borders. I agree to employer sanctions. I believe we need to bring the 12M out of the shadows and register-id them and move them to some type of Guest Worker status or path to citizenship. I also believe we need to hold our government accountable for securing the borders, severely sanctioning the employers and ensuring we never permit the exploitation of people or violation of our laws again.

  10. Banjo, welcome. We are discussing the issues civilly and you are welcome to join in.

    Please don´t make assumptions about me. I believe in secure borders and employer sanctions. I do not advocate open borders. Our main differences are re: the 12M people here

  11. The question becomes, "What can we as Americans do about it?"

    I would like to see a number of things:

    1. Let's make any administration's failure to enforce immigration laws an impeachable offense for the president and a cause for termination of lesser officials including cabinet members, the INS commissioner,and those in the BP and ICE.

    2. Let's make make seditious organizations like MEChA, the KKK, the Aryan Nation and perhaps La Raza illegal.

    The government offers nothing but help and shelter to illegals in exchange for the votes of their legal brethren. It is the most natural alliance in the world once it gets settled in. It is democracy contained by politicians in a good working partnership with the organizations who man the polls on Election Day, sometimes with knucks, clubs and knives and guns to guide their own ethnic groups through to vote the straight ticket for those who will support the alliance. The alliance extends everywhere across the country, in all the big cities. The ethnics need the politicians for protection from the law and the politicians need the sure vote

  12. Could you clarify how something that happened to your father 83 years ago is impacting you and your family today? That sounds pretty bizarre to me.

  13. Ulty, I agree with you. However, it should be both the Employers and Admin held accountable if borders are not secured and illegal workers hired. Hand in hand with this would be the "bring the 12M out of the shadows" plan we have discussed. Then draw the line. If the law is violated, enforcement occurs.

    I wonder what would have happened if we had impeached Coolidge or Hoover or Reagan for their roles. What about the owners of the Sugar Beet corporations or their lobbyists? The whole US would have changed.

  14. Pat,to help you understand, because of the 1924 immigration bill,the open border policy for Latin American countries, and the nation building being promoted by corporate america and their lobbyists using latin workers,becauseof this, during the depression 10 - 15 years later, my dad was hired by the state of MI as a troquero. Without all of this happening, I would not have been born in MI. Me and mine would probably still be in the tiny rural TX town SE of SA, poor,destitute and not educated.

  15. While I am proud of my Father and all he was able to accomplish, I do recognize the Sugar Beet corporations were actually breaking the unions when they opted to bring in migrant workers from TX and MX.

  16. As it turns out dee, we don't have any right to enforce our country's immigration laws. According to President Bush if you simply stand watch on the border you're a "vigilante". According to the ACLU you would be "usurping the federal govts sole responsibility". According to Ladeeenyos you would be a "racist".

    We the People are supposed to control our govt. What many of us are realizing is that it has been hijacked.

    That's not my fault. But now that I know it you can be sure I'm doing what I can to fix it.

  17. BTW, 1924 proves We the People make mistakes.

  18. dee,
    I am still trying to figure out though what YOUR personal family history has to do with the illegal alien problem we have today. Where is the relevancy? We must have enforced our immigration laws much better back then as there wasn't near the number of illegal aliens in our country back then as there is today.

  19. Maybe if we all tell our family stories and sing kumbaya MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia will disappear in a puff of smoke.

  20. Tan, Telling our own stories and why we became involved in these discussions would be of value.

    I wish any gangs, mafias, murderers and bad guys would all disappear if we wished it, but it is not likely to happen.

    However, discussing issues civilly and openly will help each of us understand each other better.

  21. There's a very important reason I deliberately DON'T share my personal info on the internet dee.

    The invaders I oppose would visit violence upon me.

    You constantly raise the KKK, Minutemen, et.al. as a threat above La Raza and the like. But the reality, dee old chum, is that you, who are actively and openly betraying our country, apparently don't fear for your life.

    I, on the other hand, fear for my life every single day. And it isn't the KKK that's going to do me in, it will be an invader baby or illegal alien gang banger who doesn't like the color of my skin or the words that I use.

  22. I agree that posting personal information about oneself on the internet can be dangerous. I am not intersted in hearing about someone's family details or history anyway. We are here to discuss the issues that face our nation today.

  23. Tan, I am not your enemy.I am now your friend. I think it is good that we can talk about the issues openly.

    Did you every read the Crichton book,"State of Fear"? There are groups that purposely instill the State of Fear in us to scare us into believing in whatever they are selling as a means to control us. Some of those on your side are pushing this State of Fear. I believe there are more bogeymen on your side then mine. You say you like Jeff Schwilke, but look what he and his are doing to the folks at the Day Labor sites or migrant camps.

  24. Tan, I believe if both sides start talking rationally and civilly, we can come to an agreement on many of these Immigration issues and there will be no need to live in a state of fear.

  25. We do need immigration reform. To start with we need to stop allowing "anchor babies" to be citizens. And we should start with former Attorney Genearal Gonzales.

  26. A lot of people are blaming employers for hiring illegals. Well, its not always the employer's fault. My sister and BIL were in aggribusiness for several decades. When they would call the STATE employment services office to hire workers the STATE would send illegals, and only illegals, out to work.

    If an employer refuses to employ the workers sent by the STATE, he loses his hiring ability through the STATE office, and becomes subject to harassment by "equal opportunity" bureaucrats.

    Yes, there are employers who encourage illegals and employ them by choice at reduced pay. But we can't stop employers until THE STATE stops processing and referring illegals for employment. Management of THE STATE unemployment/referral offices should be prosecuted for criminal malfeasance of their offices, and their criminal referrals of illegal workers would end.

  27. Dee said, "there will be no need to live in a state of fear."

    Yes, if the citizens of Mexico would discuss immigration rationally and civilly with the US Counsulate in Mexico City, instead of with the ranchers who's ranches get trashed on the US side of the border, we could all stop living in a state of fear.

  28. Dee said, "I am not your enemy.I am now your friend."

    LOL!!! Wild irrational assertons like that do not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

  29. Tan said, "Maybe if we all tell our family stories and sing kumbaya MS-13 and the Mexican Mafia will disappear in a puff of smoke."

    Good suggestion. A couple of peace songs and a "Wanted Dead or Alive" reward program would make a big improvement.

  30. Dee said, "I wonder what would have happened if we had impeached Coolidge or Hoover or Reagan for their roles. What about the owners of the Sugar Beet corporations or their lobbyists? The whole US would have changed."

    I suspect the first time it happened it would cure any subsequent neglect of the law.

  31. Bob, Re your comments about Att Gen Gonzales, regardless of what you wish for Bob, you will never rescind the citizenship status of current citizens. Most of your side agrees. You Bob, are on the fringe.

  32. Bob, regarding your relatives hiring illegal immigrants, part of the problem and why we are in our current state is because of the complicity of both the Admin and the Employers. It is obvious you and your relatives knew they did not have legal status. If they were so against hiring them they would have raised the issue to the courts. Obviously they did reap the gains via the work and harvest produced.

  33. Bob, Of course we here are discussing the immigration issues civilly. Even you have calmed down and are sharing your perspective and I think as we continue to discuss, maybe we can identify solutions.

  34. Ultima, I agree. Once we resolve current issues, establish comprehensive immigration reform laws and hold the admin and employers accountable for enforcing the law and border security, we will achieve progress. Otherwise, we remain status quo.

  35. The Minutemen are not robbing, killing, or even threatening anyone. They call ICE. They film people breaking the law. They write and demonstrate against illegal immigration. Stop smearing them.

    All the problems involving illegal aliens will go away and all Americans will be safer if we deport all the illegals. What part of that simple logic is not clear to you?

  36. dee, I couldn't help but notice that you said nothing about holding the illegals accountable too. You are becoming and more transparant.

  37. It might be an interesting exercise to see what minimum modifications of Dee's position would be required to satisfy Pat & Tan.

  38. At this point to be honest there really isn't any thing dee could say that would satisfy me.

    She's cordial enough but for all her lip service to security and love of America I haven't seen her concede one point would actually demonstrate it.

    In fact her comments on Aztlanists vs MM demonstrate the opposite. She believes the best about the former, while she assumes the worst and smears the latter. She seems oblivious to the damage done by having millions break our laws, and then rewarding them for it. She seems to think we all collectively owe the illegals, even though we all collectively didn't invite them, didn't profit from them, and don't want them to stay.

    I think it's pretty clear she favors the illegals more than America or its laws.

  39. In fact it's so clear I think my work here is done. At least on this thread.

  40. Dee said..."maybe we can identify solutions."

    I am curious, Dee, and I'm sure some of the others are too.

    What "solutions" do you propose to send the [20] millions of illegals aliens home and reclaim our country?

    What solution do you propose to rid our nation of illegal aliens who riot in the streets, capture public buildings and hoist the Mexican flag?

    What solution do you propose to stop massive illegal immigration from undercutting the wages of hard working Americans?

    What solution do you propose to rid our nation of Mexican criminal gangs like MS-13, the Mexican mafia, and hundreds of other Mexican drug dealing groups large and small.

    You keep repeating the meantingless mantra "immigration reform" which is generally understood to be naught but a blanket approval of all of the problems above, not a solution to any of them. What are YOUR solutions? The people want to know.

  41. Dee, you said "But most proponents of the law were rather concerned with upholding an ethnic status quo and avoiding competition with foreign workers."

    Well of course we were upholding an ethnic status quo. For we knew then (and know now) that it is the culture -- the ethnos -- that creates the very institutions and wealth we have. And it is precisely taht culture and ethnos that Mexicans are desperate to merge themselves into.

    Which is exactly why your grandparents (great-grandparests?) fled to our country: they didn't want to have to compete with and live among their own people, instead they wanted to go to decent Anglo schools and colleges, put their money in safe Anglo banks, be protected by trustworthy Anglo policemen, and defended by honest Anglo courts, all created and paid for by Anglo taxes, defended by an Anglo constitution and all growing out of the Anglo civilization, the Anglo ethnicity.

    And further, that is exactly why Mexican illegal aliens don't want to go back to Mexico, because they, too, don't want to compete with Mexicans. they want to enjoy the many benefits of Anglo culture crated by Anglo ethnics. They want to live among and be protected and supported by Anglos in a way they could never expect to be protected and supported by their fellow Mexicans.

    Even further, that is precisely why some 40% (60%?) of Mexicans recently polled in Mexico, said they wanted to come to the USA: to avoid competing with their fellow Mexicans and being at the mercy of Mexican police, Mexican courts, and Mexican bosses.

    It is so sad if you think about it. They love bits and pieces of their culture, sure, yet know it is so bad at such a deep level that it is incapable of (or perhaps not even worth) their efforts to reform it, and that their only real choice is to escape and become a part of another people, another nation.

    It makes me so angry at times that they think their own people are worth abandoning! I just wish Mexicans loved their own people, their own culture, their own traditions enough to change the corrupt, abusive, sexist practices, and to really reform themselves, their communities and their own hearts, rather than running to the exit doors and Lifeboat America like they were escaping a sinking ship.

    Or at the very least, even if they have to escape their own people and become one of us, if they would at least recognize that what makes America the great place they want to come to is the Anglo culture of gender respect, decent minimum wage, free education, excellent medicine, affirmative action, honest government and police, high taxes and all the other Anglo practices that show our respect and love for our brothers and sisters.

    And, having recognized that, to also realize that a nation flooded with Mexican culture, traditions and values would be a disaster.

    There are only so many Mexicans we can take on in each generation and turn into Americans.

    Too many of them and our nation winds up looking like the very people and culture they are crawling across burning sands and sharp rocks to escape.

    Perhaps they could start by getting rid of their laws against Anglo immigration, and encouraging us to move to Mexico and transplant our culture down there. That way we could bring the same wonderful institutions to Mexico and they wouldn't have to escape like your family (and millions of other Mexicans do each and every year).

  42. mike, you got it. dee's hypocrisy is breathtaking.

    She cites past American immigration law and debate with open ethnic bias, and says it's wrong, bad, racist.

    Meanwhile she advocates a position toward today's flood that has its own obvious ethnic bias. Not to mention being completely illegal. But she doesn't think that's wrong or bad or racist at all.

    Don't expect an explanation. She's a fifth columnist working for "her people". And that doesn't include us.

  43. BTW, even Mexicans like dee, whose family has supposedly been here for generations, don't seem to have been turned into very good Americans. They act like Mexicans, saying and doing what favors Mexicans.

  44. Mike, As I have written, my father, his and his were all born in TX. They never fled from anywhere. During the depression, my father was a troquero, working for the state of MI, bringing migrants to the MI to pick crops. Times were hard then for everyone. He stayed on worked in the auto factory but wanted his children to complete their education, speak English and also keep our work ethic, so we worked in the migrant labor camps each summer until I was 12. There was no "escape" from anything. Our lessons were engrained so we could attain success as adults.

    One reason Americans with Northern European ancestry (people like Madison Grant) supported the Immigration Act of 1924 was due to their desire of maintaining ethnic status quo. Here is more on Madison Grant: "an American lawyer, known primarily for his work as a eugenicist and conservationist. As a eugenicist, Grant was responsible for one of the most famous works of scientific racism, and played an active role in crafting strong immigration restriction and anti-miscegenation polices in the United States."

  45. Mike, Regarding corruption in MX and other countries. I have heard many of the same issues about MX and other country corruption. I have heard the same about our country. Studying the immigration issues over the last 150 years, what is clear is our government and businesses have been in collaboration with MX and other Latin countries in bringing in migrant laborers into our country. Read the 1924 Act. It is clear this is what happened then and has been going on ever since. Additionally we as Americans have reaped the gains with lower prices and not having to do the work ourselves. I agree it is time for Immigration Reform.

  46. Tan, As much as you and I are not alike, I am one of you.

  47. There is nothing unusual or racist about any country wanting to retain it's ethnic status quo. I am sure that Mexicans would object if their country became predominantly Anglo-White, especially if it was due to Anglos invading their country illegally by the millions.

  48. That is what was said in 1925 by Grant. Read more about him:

    Grant is most famously the author of the popular book The Passing of the Great Race in 1916, an elaborate work of racial hygiene detailing the "racial history" of Europe. The work is considered one of the most influential and vociferous works of scientific racism and eugenics to come out of the United States. Coming out of Grant's concerns with the changing "stock" of American immigration of the early 20th century (characterized by increased numbers of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, as opposed to Western and Northern Europe).

  49. Dee said..."maybe we can identify solutions."

    I am curious, Dee, and I'm sure some of the others are too.

    What "solutions" do you propose to send the [20] millions of illegals aliens home and reclaim our country?

    What solution do you propose to rid our nation of illegal aliens who riot in the streets, capture public buildings and hoist the Mexican flag?

    What solution do you propose to stop massive illegal immigration from undercutting the wages of hard working Americans?

    What solution do you propose to rid our nation of Mexican criminal gangs like MS-13, the Mexican mafia, and hundreds of other Mexican drug dealing groups large and small.

    You keep repeating the meantingless mantra "immigration reform" which is generally understood to be naught but a blanket approval of all of the problems above, not a solution to any of them. What are YOUR solutions? The people want to know.

  50. Hmm, it got kind of quiet in here all of a sudden. Where is our blogger to answer the questions?

  51. Pat, You have to R-E-A-D the comments to know they are there. LOL.

    Look up. I answered several.

  52. Pat,
    As I responded on the other blog, I have written about my stance many, many time, dear.

    My Position

  53. Evidently bob doesn't understand your position. He is the one who asked, not me.

  54. That was 1924......this is now. Wake up Dee?

  55. Dee-which war did you father fight in? I've seen you post this fact another blog.

  56. David, The Immigration Act of 1924 set severe limits on Southern and Eastern European and Asian Immigration and set NO Limit on immigration for Latin American countries. The mind set in the country since then was to have Latin migrant laborers do the work "Americans won´t do." This has been going on since then.

    One of the strong supports of the bill was the famous eugenicist Madison Grant, a believer in Northern European cultural superiority, much of what we continue to hear today. (e.g."Nations Social Fabric," "Western Civilization", "real Americans")

  57. Anonymous T, I love the fact that you continue to follow me around. You should be interested to know that I have completed my first book and started my 2nd. My first book is about my family history, including my Dad´s life story and mine until the year 2000. My 2nd will be about my experiences understanding the Immigration issues we are facing today. It starts in May 2006 to present. I am going to publish chapters in the "book publishing feature" they have on eBlogger. Hopefully the first few chapters from my 1st book will be on the web soon.

    Regarding my Dad, as I frequently said, my Dad is my hero. He believed in God, Family, Country and Work ethic.

    He and his brothers all signed up for military service after Pearl Harbor. I think many Americans did. My Father served our country well. One of my uncle´s was wounded. My father in law had the miserable job of picking up dead soldiers and putting them in carts. He had nightmares about it until the day he died.

    A couple of my uncles were in Korea. My brother David was in Vietnam. My sister´s husband was in Vietnam. I stayed with her in CA when he was there. I have had numerous relatives register for the military and serve our country. I have nephews serving in Iraq today.

  58. dee, I don't understand what your complaint is then since you state that there were no limits on Latino immigration into this country at one time. Obviously that is still true as our government has allowed millions of Mexicans and other Latinos to come here illegally for the past 20 years by not securing our southern border.

    Now Americans are starting to see their country turn into Mexico because of what our government has failed to do. The favortism is over and yet you complain?

  59. That is the point Pat.

    The facts are, since 1924, the Admin and Big Business have had an open border policy for Latin countries.(overall, tho we have had ebbs and flows)

    Now, because the number has accumulated to 12M, the ANTIs act SURPRISED they are here and demonize not only the 12M but all 50M Hispanic citizens. This is illogical.

    The 12M are here because of US Policy. Don´t act surprised they are here. The vast majority are not bad people, they merely responded to the open border policy.

    I agree. In the current environment we do need secure borders, comprehensive immigration reform and employer sanctions. We should also bring the 12M out of the shadows and register document them, deport the felonious criminals. This is logical.

  60. What in the world are you smoking? Nobody I know of is against Hispanics who are citizens unless of course they support illegal immigration and that is a given. Why all the unwarranted hatred of your fellow American citizens? Americans hadn't noticed that much illegal immigration until it reached the millions. It is like you have a slow leak in your tire. You may not notice it until the tire goes flat. Surprise or no surprise about what our government has been up to, just like everything else there comes a time when enough is enough and a situation becomes intolerable. How old are you? You come up with some of the most unreasonable arguments I have ever heard.

    I don't know of any American that was consiously aware that we have had some kind of open border policy with Latin America. It's news to me. If that were true then why have we had immigration laws since 1920?

    As I said in another post, only illegals that haven't committed any felonies would come forward out of the shadows. You think that the felon ones would come forward to be arrested or deported? Do they let you out on the weekends?

  61. "My father served our country well"
    you mentioned he signed up after Pearl Harbor--so he fought in World War II? Was he fighting in Europe or Phillipines or elsewhere? Was he in the army, navy, marines or some other division of our armed forces? The reason I am curious is that until last week you never ever mentioned your father being in the armed forces. I have heard about your father-in-law, a brother-in-law and maybe a brother but never your father.

  62. My book is coming out this week. I know you can hardly wait.

  63. Dee, I am looking forward to your book. We have your blogger website on our ebulletin boards at school.

  64. Gosh Anon2, I am so flattered. Thank you!! I am still working on getting it posted. It is a little tricky. I have to name all the chapters and obtain urls. I wanted to post just the first few chapters then maybe one a week, now I´m having second thoughts and will maybe put it all up at once. I just can´t decide. I´ll decide which way for sure within the next couple of days.

  65. Just call me anon1-Why making up a name would please you, I don't know why. Get a grip--on the internet, we really don't know who is who. I don't know that your name is dee.--Now I know for a fact your father never served in the armed forces. You would proudly post the facts if he did. I don't need to read your book because you would say it is non-fiction, and we all know that it
    will include fiction. The fact that your father never thought it was important for your mother to learn English tells me alot about the man. The fact that you never say he taught the family love and apprection of the U.S. tells me how he raised an unAmerican daughter like yourself who married and anglo--sort of like a trophy for yourself. Are you greatful to the U.S. for all the opportunities given to you and your parents and ancestors? I know I am greatful to be an American! I do not want OUR country to be overrun by illerate illegals. Why you feel as you do has to be because you are Mexican-what other reason could there possibly be?
    And don't bother telling me what a great man your father was--he may have been but he lacked a love or loyalty to this country and it is reflected by you and your rhetoric.

    Tell that other anon that is praising you to get a name or is that you dee flattering yourself?

  66. I feel so sorry for you Anon1. You lack what my father and our forefathers had, courage. You sit there, typing in your underwear, hiding in your closet, spouting hate. What kind of life do you have that you spout so much hate.

    I will say a prayer for you.

  67. and you won´t even give us your name.

    By the way, my name is Dee.

  68. Anon1, I am a very loyal American and my position supports the best interests of America.

    Any true, loyal American will study the issues and make informed decisions to form their views and not just demonize an entire group of people with false accusations.

    I recommend you study the issues carefully and stop all the anger.

  69. Your father had courage.---wonderful. What about loyalty to the U.S.? No response-huh? Where do you get these off the wall accusations--"like sitting around in your underwear"--is that what you do? That is such a weird statement, I mean really weird. Now all I do is picture you sitting around in underwear. Oh well. I do not hate my fellow Americans who are loyal to this country. Do you? Again-could you sponser some illegal aliens? If you could, I think you would show the compassion for them that you say you have.

    anon1(would calling me George, Mike, Sue, Linda make a huge difference? I don't think so-to you I am anon1.

  70. Anon1, Of course my father was a loyal American. So was his father and his. They had courage and love for our great country.

    As for me, in my younger years, I did participate in mentoring programs for disadvantaged youth. I taught religion classes. I volunteered some time helping the poor. I am only responding to this because you ask. I am not like you and I don´t ask people their citizenship status just because they are minorities or poor.

    It does not surprise me that someone who spouts as much hate as you do is afraid to give us your name. All you do is cloak yourself in anonymity. Tell us what you have done to help America.

  71. You taught the poor? Even though you didn't ask their citizenship status--come on--you knew what it was. So you helped illegals all your life-how commendable. Now exactly what did your father do to show his loyalty to America? You mention your anglo father-in-law's
    flag flown by your husband---but did your loyal father fly a U.S. flag ever? no mention from you before--just curious. I am loyal to my country by not showing an allegiance to illegal aliens invading MY country. I do not have to list my charitable commitments as that does not show my loyalty to my country, only that I am a good person. I am a good person who is loyal to my country. If you are to be believed you are good to your own people and are not loyal to the U.S. Sorry, but this is exactly the way you come across.

  72. Anon1, I feel very sorry for you. You come across very angry. Your anger is seething in every word you type. You are not demonstrating any Christian values.

    My book will be out soon. You can read more about me and mine being that you are so interested. You certainly are attentive to everything I have ever written. Could it be you have a secret crush on me? I promise not to tell, sweetie.

  73. Anon, back to topic, I reference the Immigration Act of 1924 because the provisions for this Act laid the groundwork for Immigration Quotas for Southern, Eastern Europeans and Asians while setting no limits for Latin American countries. The strongest supporters of this Act were eugenicists who advocated racial hygiene. (e.g. Madison Grant).

    You are sounding a little "Grantish" today my friend.

  74. By the way, are you ready to tell us your name yet? Don´t be so afraid. Have some courage.

  75. dee-I have caught you in so many lies. Now, don't you go getting red faced angry on me. But back to Papi---what war, how loyal and what did he think of jefe?


  76. Scaredy Cat, Why are you so afraid to tell us your name.

    I always speak truth, ala my name, Dee and everything I ever write.

    Uh oh, you gave me a clue. Aaahh, who else in the blogosphere uses terms like Papi and jefe and uses all your misspelled words and dashes like you do?

    HaHa, you just gave yourself away my dear. Maybe that is why I know how you are dressed right now. Or should I do what I did to you last time? LOL

  77. Here, maybe this poem will help you my dear:


    To feel a joy deep in my heart whenever she is near,
    To hear her heavenly voice is music to my ears,
    Her laugh is reminiscent of an Angel choir,

    To love in spite of all the odds although she loves another,
    To no longer feel sadness in her pain as she has someone to love her,
    To know I’ll never hold her in my arms and kiss her lips so sweet,
    The pain of a love that will never be, tainted bittersweet.

    I shed a tear for you!!

  78. Do what? Don't have a clue what you are talking about. There is another Dee on another blog who everyone thinks posts in the nude. Could that be you?
    One last question, how do you communicate with your mother now, do you use a translator? I know you have said you don't speak Spanish and you have stated she does not speak English.
    I have never seen a parent and child live in the same household and not be able to speak the same language. LMAO

  79. Don't cry for me Argentina!-Oops I mean Don't cry for me Mexico!

  80. Anon1 Stalker Friend,
    Alas, I love my husband. Your love goes unrequited and I cannot tell you how I dress. Please stop imagining me. It hurts you more than me.

    You may remain anon1 is you like. You are getting itchy now, so it is obvious to the world you are a male. (plus I know who you are.)

    Regarding my mom, you must have skipped my posts about her in early August. She is very ill.

  81. I think it very unprofessional for a person to create a blog, claim to want civility and then turn around and accuse those who have kindly took the time to post on their blog of hate, racism and unjustified anger. I haven't seen any of that in here, only on the part of the blogger. Unless you want people to leave and this place becoming a graveyard, you might want to re-think how you are treating people in here.

  82. Dear Pat, What might help your argument is a logical discussion. I feel sad for you. All of your anger is coming clearly across in your typing.

    Let´s go back to topic: Immigration and why we are in the Immigration mess we are in today.
    Hint: Read the Immigration Act of 1924 and the open border policy towards all Latin American countries will severely controlling all other immigration. This was supported by the Admin and Big Business. Look up to the top of the page and it is all detailed out.

    I´m not sure what your approach is right now. If you think you can intimidate me or make me angry, sorry, I am not falling for it.

    As always, I support a civil, logical discussion to the ever present Immigration issues we are facing. I believe through analysis and discussion, we will identify the true issues and hopefully develop recommendations for solutions.

    I am not forcing you to participate on my blog, but you are very welcome to join in with us dear.

  83. You feel sad for me? Oh, now that's really pathetic. Who do you think you are, Mother Theresa? Not even close.

    I have told you that pulling the race card makes me and others whose views are like mine, angry. Any NORMAL person would get angry when they are insulted unfairly. So why do you do it?

    We have already discussed 1924 and all the other junk you have brought up and I gave you my views and opinions on it. Are you one of these people who likes beating a dead horse? How many times you want to discuss the same thing?

    I don't have an approach. I like reading different blogs but I expect the blogger to follow their own rules of civility. You are not!

  84. Pat Sweetie,
    I am here to help prevent Operation Wetback from ever happening again. No mountains out of any molehills. There was, in fact, no apology. After it happened, she walked three miles to get help.

    I hope every John Doe who has a counterpart who ever committed a crime does not fall in the same boat as poor Alicia. Based on what you are saying, any of the thousands of people who have the same name as anyone who ever committed a crime should expect to be arrested and put in prison just because they are guilty of having the same name.

    Pat, that is not my America. We are the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave!!

    I am a little worried about you Dear Pat. It does take a lot of strength to particpate on any Blog. All of us experienced Bloggers know this.

    Why don´t you have a cup of Hot Tea and relax for a little while. It can be very stressful on Blogs.

  85. You don't even know me and how in the world would you get from my posts that I need to be worried about by you or anyone else? My, my but you are a strange one. Getting all personal and sanctimonious on a stupid blog.

    If blogs stressed me out, I wouldn't be reading them but what I like about them is interacting with other Americans on issues important to us today. The problem is that you don't know how to run a blog. You are an amateur and I doubt that you have been blogging for long. You also don't know how to deal fairly with those who visit your blog when you don't agree with their views. You shouldn't use words like, hate and anger to describe others in your blog. One can debate the issues without that.

    No, it takes more than the same name to raise suspicion by law enforcement. See, you can't even tell the truth in your blog. It was name, birthdate, ethnicity, and sex that these two women had in common. Also there is so much identify theft and fraud I.D. documents around that our law enforcement have to check their validity nowadays too. Do you also feel terrible about others who have the unfortunate experience of mistaken identity or is it just Hispanics? I doubt it!

    Go ahead and fight your "Operation Wetback" war. The only ones I know of that would be deported in today's world are illegal aliens. But that is probably what you object to anyway judging from your posts. Any American with half a brain would have a current I.D. and a birth certificate and even with that since there is so much fraud today, it has to be double checked. I couldn't even get a new cell phone recently without practically giving them an ounce of my blood too to prove my DNA!

    Naw, girly you are an amateur and not even a good one.

  86. Pat, You certainly have an interesting method of debate.

    Look at the following reparte:
    Dee: I am a little worried about you.
    Pat: You don't even know me and how in the world would you get from my posts that I need to be worried about by you or anyone else?

    One of your methods of debate. Granted it is not traditional. It is obviously an attempt at Ad Hominem, however, not well schooled since you go so far off track. But still interesting.

    I recommend you take a class in debate tactics. The class may help your style. Otherwise one may be left to believe you are simply losing track of the discussion.

    I like you Pat. Keep trying. I realize you are trying your best.

    However, please stick to topic.

  87. Back to topic: Immigration and why we are in the Immigration mess we are in today.

    Read the Immigration Act of 1924 and the open border policy towards all Latin American countries will severely controlling all other immigration.

  88. Girl, I have more education in my little finger than you have in your entire crania. Knock off your sanctimonious BS.

    You're the one who uses ad hominem attacks rather than debating. How sad that you can't even see that. However, I will cut and paste the remarks about you that bob posted in another topic so you can see that I am not the only one of that opinion. There were others who have mentioned it too but i will just quote bob for now. Being the clueless person you are though you won't admit your wrongdoing.

    Bob said...
    I see that you use ad-hominem attacks, negative loaded characterizations of Americans, and other racist and prejudiced remarks to shout down disagreement. Calling people who support positive limits on immigration as "KKK" or "Xenophobic" or other 3rd grade name calling serves to demonstrate the hypocricy in your claim to invite discussion without racism and bigotry.

    August 27, 2007 10:29 PM

    I don't wish to go back to 1924 with you once again. What is this the 4th or 5th time now? I will happily stay in 2007 where I belong and help deal with the problems of today regardless of where and when they orignated.

  89. Pat, Do me a favor. Visit Bob´s website. He uses very profane language and many negative comments against women. Are you sure you want to be in cohoots with him?

  90. Irregardless of bob's other opinions, he was right on with you. I guess this goes along with your theory of guilty by association? Or in this case non-assocation. Is that why you associate Americans who are opposed to illegal immigration with the KKK erroneously?
