Sunday, August 17, 2008

Peaceful Border March to Protest the Border Wall Aug 27 - Aug 31, 2008

A peaceful March is being called by the Citizens Against the Border Wall starting Wed. Aug 27 through Sunday Aug 31, 2008. They have asked all PRO Bloggers to help announce this event and ask all citizens that oppose the Border Wall to March in Peace with them. God Bless America!

Here is a breakdown of the August 27-31protest march against the border wall.
August 27(Wed). Kick off cultural event in Fort Hancock.
August 28 (Thu). From Fort Hancock, walk to Alamo Alto.
August 29 (Fri). From Alamo Alto, walk to Tornillo, hold community event. End in Fabens.
August 30 (Sat). From Fabens, walk to San Elizario, hold community event. End in San Ysleta del Sur with the Tiguas community.
August 31(Sun). Morning ceremony in San Ysleta del Sur . Then to El Paso. After arriving in El Paso, a bi-national event will be held in Anapra, Chihuahua and Sundland Park, NM.

For More Information about the March, contact Javier Perez (915) 474-4930 or via email


  1. They can protest all they want. They have done it before. We need the fence and it has already been approved and is being built. Our soveirgn borders have been violated long enough!

  2. We MUST build the fence. Our borders are not secure. No compromise on this!

  3. Americans who disagree have every right to protest the fence or Detention Centers or anything else they feel is unfair.
    I commend them for advocating a Peaceful March!

  4. Frankly, I'm glad they're protesting.

    The protests against building the fence (or any other issues concerning illegal immigration) just brings it to the attention of more Americans and draws more people to join the fight against illegal invaders.


  5. DinTn, Although we have opposing views on immigration issues, I do agree we need more peaceful protests. We also need more people to register and vote! If all the marchers voted, then the results would be clearly illustrated in the election. I think this will happen this year! God Bless America!!

  6. The American voter does not have a voice on immigration issues, only congress does.

  7. Dee,
    NPR talks about the border fence on their web site at:

  8. Thank you Da Tiger.
    Good Link!! Very Informative!

  9. There is a protest scheduled against the out of control gas prices for the 27th...but these are at the State Capitals. The more the louder the message to OUR government that WE, the PEOPLE are not SATISFIED. WE NEED BORDERS. We need the GAS PRICES DOWN. We need OUR COUNTRY BACK...
