Biden: Barak, Hagle, Biden said more money in Afganistan, mccain said pakistan succeeded.
Biden: Darfur - stomach for success in Bosnia and Darfur. saved tens of thousands of lives. told by everyone...stable govt now. as in kosovo. iraq - mistake. prez misled.
palen: i am an outsider. not used to how you guys operate. voted for war. now you oppose. americans cravin that straight talk. alaska nonsense! admits she is an idiot!
palin: beg to disagree. pundits say who said what. mccain knows how to win a war. been there. knows evil learn from mistakes (one will ask if he knows so much why didnt he fix it sooner) he will know how to win a war.
biden: dont know of any govt program mccain supported. money left behind. role of vp. long talk with barack. history of getting things done. record shows it. point person for legislative initiatives for adminstration. help govern. provide advice.
palin: flex in office of vp. tap into that position. agenda cooperative of prez. lot of flex. do what we have to do. my exec experience my pick of vp, my experience used as vp.
Biden: vp cheney dangerous. article 1 defines role of vp. all should understand. role of vp is to support role of prez. as vp to preside over senate only when tie vote. as the consitition says. not part of leg. branch. bizarre notion of cheney.
palin: flex in office of vp. tap into that position. agenda cooperative of prez. lot of flex. do what we have to do. my exec experience my pick of vp, my experience used as vp.
Biden: vp cheney dangerous. article 1 defines role of vp. all should understand. role of vp is to support role of prez. as vp to preside over senate only when tie vote. as the consitition says. not part of leg. branch. bizarre notion of cheney.
palin: exp as exec will be put to good use. repeat etc. blah blah. energy independence. rote lines again! shining city on hill. beacon of hope. not perfect as a nation. blah blah blah.
Palin: looking for change. mccain take on his own party. as gov did the same. mccain maverick. lieberman. guliani. mccain is the man. win the war. economy. greed and corruption stop. not allow partisanship.
Biden: McCain not a maverick. voted for bush budget. trillions in debt. not maverick health care. not maverick education. no tax cuts for college. not maverick on war. not maverick that affects anything that affects anythign that affects kitchen table discussions. oil prices.
10:17 p.m. Biden claimed that Obama warned against the administration's decision to push for Hamas participating in Palestinian legislative elections in early 2005. Obama had only been a senator for a few days when the election took place, but if he made such statements they did not appear in news reports or transcripts that are contained in the Nexis or Factiva news databases. ..... 10:04 p.m. Sen. Joseph Biden asserted in his debate that Sen. John McCain opposed the comprehensive nuclear test ban, a treaty that virtually every other Republican supported. That is false. President Clinton never submitted the test ban for formal ratification because it faced overwhelming Republican opposition in a GOP-controlled Senate. ..... 9:33 p.m. Joe Biden mischaracterized McCain's proposal for giving Americans a tax credit to pay for their own health insurance programs in return for taxing the health benefits they receive from employers. He suggested that the average American family would lose around $7,000 on the deal, receiving a $5,000 tax credit in return for having to pay $12,000 for their own health care program.
In fact, the non-partisan Tax Policy Center has calculated that most American families would come out slightly ahead for the next decade at least. Higher-income Americans with expensive health care plans would be somewhat worse off after 2018. .... 9:29 p.m. Sen. Joseph Biden accused John McCain of offering big oil companies $4 billion in tax breaks. That is misleading. The figure comes from the share that the oil companies would get from McCain's corporate income tax cut proposal. He has not proposed a tax break solely for oil companies.
Biden: I have been able to work across the aisle. Mansfield said everyone sent here for reason. dont question motive of people you disagree. work bipartisan. fundamental change barack and biden.
Palen: appoint people regardless of affiliation. walk the walk. talk the talk. end of the day. work together for greater good.
and the sun will come up tomorrow. tomorrow. bet your bottom dollar on tomorrow. come what may.
palen: And I'm proud to be an American Where at least I know I'm free. And I won't forget the men who died Who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up next to you And defend her still today. Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land. God bless the U. S. A.
Here is her exact quote of which you take completely out of context.
"PALIN: I'm still on the tax thing because I want to correct you on that again. And I want to let you know what I did as a mayor and as a governor. And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also."
Joe Biden demonstrated knowledge, careful thought, and a willingness to make hard decisions. And with every answer, he proved Senator Obama's judgment and showed why he is considered one of our nation's wisest and most experienced leaders.
He was equally at home with global and local issues, demonstrated an amazing grasp of facts, and gave proof that he is prepared to be a partner who will contribute much as vice-president to solving our nation's problems.
Americans could not help but conclude that any president would be stronger and more confident with Joe Biden by his side.
I have never seen such sarcasm and distortions from you as in this topic, dee. Were you tipping a few when you made all of these posts? I am serious. I am not trying to be mean. It is just an observation.
Pat, Actually we had a Debate party at my house last night. No drinking, just a few Obama supporters and a tepid Mccain supporter who decided to leave early. LOL. We had a very fun time!
When SP made the comment about not answering (to which we said in unison "Oh No She didn´t!"), I swung my laptop on with my friends encircling and we typed away. It was fun!
MATTHEWS: But for a while there I thought I was listening to a person recite to the point and I mean recite speech parts, to the point I thought I was watching a spelling-bee. It was so reciting. So automatic. It sounded like a spelling-bee where you read each word out, you recite the word, give the spelling, give the word back again, exactly the way you were taught. I think it sounded a bit automatic, but let's leave it to the viewers. Some people might find that bracing.
If you are a long time reader of my blog you know that the Immigration issue is but a component of the overall issue, the Global Economy. The Administration and Big Business are connected at the hip. The last 8 years have been devastating to our country. We do not want 4 more of the last 8 years. Therefore it is important for me and all bloggers to stay on top of both the Election and the Economy.
Anonymous said... I see you were DISTRACTED by the debates and the economic CRISIS?
1. Obama is for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq which may not be possible in the time frame he proposes. 2. Obama needs to think about a responsible withdrawal from his grandiose spending plans. The trillion dollar bailout + pork plus Obama's spending plans of another trillion is grossly irresponsible given the current financial crisis,our huge national debt and perennial deficit budgets. 3. Biden, before he flip flopped, basically said the same thing as Palin regarding the vice presidency. He figured to use his long tenure in the senate to harangue and bend the ears of the senators but when Palin proposed an equally activist role, he flip-flopped. So much for his candor on that subject. 4. Liquid made a good point about the $4 billion tax cut for corporations to bring their rate closer to those of our competitors abroad. Obama said the loopholes in the law already reduced the effective rate but he did not identify those loopholes or quantify them. MCCain should have called him on this because all Obama would have been able to do is stutter. Most of the so-called loopholes are probably nothing more than generally accepted accounting principles of which Obama knows nothing. 5. Also with regard to the $4 billion, it would be very useful to state it in relative terms such as percent of total capitalization, total taxes paid, total income. The relative measure of a tax reduction for someone who already pays nothing is infinite. 6. Refusing to answer the question is a standard technique for political debates. Sometimes that is the only way one can get said what is considered necessary. Perhaps Dee has forgotten that Ifle(sp)said neither of the candidates in the first debate answered Jim Lehrer's question regarding what changes in expenditure or other plans each would make, given the present financial crisis. Obama "nothing" except perhaps a delay in the doubling of foreign aid. Ifle didn't think that was an adequate answer but she got the same from the dummy Biden. That illustrates my point and also Obama's fundamental irresponsibility when it come to the fiscal health of our nation. He loves deficit spending and lives up to the highest standards of the Democrat party. 7. Biden said that McCain's health care plan would give the $5,000 to the insurance companies. I guess that's a little like when I give my money to my car dealer and he gives me a car, i.e. the insurance company gets the money and the family gets the insurance coverage. So let's take a simple example: the employee gets $5,000 to help cover his share of his health insurance costs, at say $6,000 per year with the employer picking up a matching amount of $6,000. Then the employee has to pay income tax on the employers' share at say a marginal tax rate of 25%. 25% of $6,000 is $1,500. The employee thus has a net gain of $4500, not something I would turn down. 8. The past is prologue --sometimes. It probably is in terms of the Mexicanization of the U.S.. The population stats all point in that direction. Certainly Obama would not agree that his prospective administration would based on any current prologue. I rest my case. 9. Obama with his tawdry past associations with known felons Rezko and Ayres and his consorting with a known blasphemous racist, Jeremiah wright has no concept of fiscal discipline. I wouldn't trust him with my money any farther than I could throw a piano.
Isn't it true that we already spend more on education than any other country with less to show for our money? Biden talks about raising the pay of teachers but if we did we would still have the same ineffective faculty but it would just be costing us more.
Health care: Take another example of someone whose employer does not provide insurance. $5,000 might not buy the kind of insurance Senator Biden enjoys but it would enable all families to buy a high deductible policy
Biden with his cosmetic tape to keep his eyelids from making him look like Fu Manchu and his freshly whitened teeth were attempts to cover up his 65 years of age. Maybe he won't last a 4 year term and then we would get Pelosi? Ugh! More to worry about there.
Biden said the redistribution of wealth is a matter of fairness but what is fair about giving money to those who have not earned it by taking it away from those who have. It is welfare pure and simple.
Ultima, I guess the only acceptable Republican timeline for withdrawal from Iraq is McCain´s 100 more years strategy! The rest of us find that UNACCEPTABLE! We do NOT Want 4 more years of the last 8 years!
ultima said... 1. Obama is for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq which may not be possible in the time frame he proposes.
Ulty, I find this "Economy" comment by Republicans the most ludicrous and hilarious. With Clinton we as a nation were not in debt. Now, after 8 years under your Republican Bush Administration we are trillions in debt and the most dire straits economically in our country´s history. John McCain is AFRAID of the word economy and until just 2 weeks ago said the ecomy was fine!
ultima said... 2. Obama needs to think about a responsible withdrawal from his grandiose spending plans. The trillion dollar bailout + pork plus Obama's spending plans of another trillion is grossly irresponsible given the current financial crisis,our huge national debt and perennial deficit budgets.
Ulty, How do you know about cosmetic tape? Have you tried it?
ultima said... Biden with his cosmetic tape to keep his eyelids from making him look like Fu Manchu and his freshly whitened teeth were attempts to cover up his 65 years of age. Maybe he won't last a 4 year term and then we would get Pelosi? Ugh! More to worry about there.
Ulty, Regarding your hyperbole about Obama, you should consider the facts about Palin, admitted lack of education, Troopergate, cronyism, using the bridge to nowhere money, scandalous affairs, etc. Just the thought of her in national office is very very scary! She is JoEtta Six Pack!
The focus of these political discussions should be the War and the Economy.. What McCain is running away from! We should not let distractions like JoEtta and her lies get in the way of what we should be talking about!
"Obama said he could “pay for every dime” of his spending and tax cut proposals “by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens.” That’s wrong – his proposed tax increases on upper-income individuals are key components of paying for his program, as well. And his plan, like McCain’s, would leave the U.S. facing big budget deficits, according to independent experts."
Nothing like taking us deeper into debt!! Why don't you try listening to what the candidates say vs hitting every Democratic Talking Point there is when 99% of them have been proven incorrect.
100 years under McCain. "The DNC ad doesn't mention that McCain was speaking specifically about a peacetime presence. And the text of the ad paired with images of Iraq under siege leave a clear impression that McCain proposes to allow a century more of war, with U.S. involvement. That's not what he said, in New Hampshire or in other settings when he's been asked about it."
Sen. Barack Obama took a very similar position, saying some U.S. troops would remain for an indefinite period for "counterterrorism activities," which we presume means combat troops.
Russert: Will you pledge that by January 2013, the end of your first term more than five years from now, there will be no U.S. troops in Iraq? Obama: I think it's hard to project four years from now, and I think it would be irresponsible. We don't know what contingency will be out there. What I can promise is that if there are still troops in Iraq when I take office [and] if there's no timetable [for withdrawal], then I will drastically reduce our presence there to the mission of protecting our embassy, protecting our civilians and making sure that we're carrying out counterterrorism activities there.
"Just the thought of her in national office is very very scary! She is JoEtta Six Pack!"
Not nearly as scary of Greenhorn Obama in the White House. Your reasoning power has failed you when it comes to Obama's consorting with known criminals and blasphemous racists. Your philosophy is that if a candidate is a liberal democrat all sins are forgiven including the lack of judgment that could be disasterous in a president.
"Just the thought of her in national office is very very scary! She is JoEtta Six Pack!"
Not nearly as scary of Greenhorn Obama in the White House. Your reasoning power has failed you when it comes to Obama's consorting with known criminals and blasphemous racists. Your philosophy is that if a candidate is a liberal democrat all sins are forgiven including the lack of judgment that could be disasterous in a president.
"How do you know about cosmetic tape? Have you tried it?"
No, I didn't even know such a thing existed until it was disclosed on the internet and my wife said something about his eyes and face looking a little funny like some plastic surgery had gone awry.
How about you? Do you use it? Oprah said you could use duct tape to get cleavage. Have you tried that? Must be a democrat thing.
"With Clinton we as a nation were not in debt. Now, after 8 years under your Republican Bush Administration we are trillions in debt and the most dire straits economically in our country´s history."
Everyone knows Clinton was riding the dot com bubble and was not doing what should have been done on the war on terror. The problem with your statement is that Obama wants to make a bad situation worse. How would you like it if your credit cards were maxed out and your home being foreclosed, and then your husband came home with a new boat and a new car. That's what Obama plans to do. Our credit cards as a nation are maxed out, our homes are being foreclosed, and we have a budget deficit. His economic plan: spend more. Some say McCain's plan would increase the debt by 5 trillion $ and Obama's by 3.5 trillion $, as though the latter was anything one should be proud of or vote for. I am opposed to both. We need more fiscal conservatives in the congress, some who are really serious about stopping this spending like a drunke sailor.
I posted some time ago that the Comptroller General of the U.S. was traveling about the country sounding the warning: one if by Wall Street or two if by FM/FM lending. No one listened.
Wouldn't be too hard, would it? You are so good at this you should be running for congress. With your economic and foreign policy credentials the sky would be the limit. Go Dee!
Wouldn't be too hard, would it? You are so good at this you should be running for congress. With your economic and foreign policy credentials the sky would be the limit. Go Dee!
"But that is when you consider Dollars spent on education. When it comes to the percentage of GDP, the US falls short:"
What if we made any increase inversely proportional to the national debt? I wonder what the stats would look like then. Don't get me wrong; I am in favor of spending if will have the desired effect -- enabling us to produce as many engineers and scientists as China and our other competitors. We would get that investment back many times. As far as K-12 is concerned, incentive pay is the only answer. Successful teachers should be paid more and unsuccessful ones less or simply fired. And parents above all need to be held accountable to see that their kids do their homework. They need to sign off on it every day and spend enough time with them to make sure they do it and are positioned to succeed. They could begin by turning off the TV until the home work is done. Maybe instead of a cheap converter box they all need to have a recorder so they won't miss Desparate Housewives or Friday Night Smackdown.
I am afraid you are grossly mistaken on this. I'm sure you can find a reference on the internet that will show you what the national debt was during Clinton's tenure. I assure you it wasn't zero. I will be waiting for your "touche".
Find an interesting national debt chart here. Note that Clinton's performance was better than some but worse than others and he didn't have a war on his hands in two theaters, a Wall Street meltdown, or the results of the FM/FM debacle created by his cronies.
Ultima, I do not have a need for cosmetic tape. Just for your info. Brown skinned Latinos and Blacks do not age as those with fairer skins. The sun does not affect us the same way. I am all natural and will never use plastic surgery or cosmetic tapes or anything like that. Let me give you an example. My mother, at 92, before she died, had beautiful skin with few wrinkles. She never had cosmetic anything and always wore little to no make up. Long Eyelashes, Big Eyes, bright, clear skin with rosy cheeks and few wrinkles are all part of our culture and DNA.
Ulty, I and many Dems have decided, WE are NOT going to allow McLame to distract us anymore with PalinAntics. She can distract herself for all we care! But whatever she does will not distract us from putting the topics the American Public will Vote On in the forefront!
We are going to put the Issues on the Table and only speak to the Issues until Election Day!
The focus of these political discussions are the War and the Economy... Exactly what McCain and his water carriers are running away from!
We will not allow distractions like JoEtta 6 Pack and her lies get in the way of what we should be talking about prior to Election Day!
Opening Line:
ReplyDeletePalin: Joe, May I call you Joe?
Palin: I refuse to answer your questions or the moderators questoins.
ReplyDeleteBiden: Education! Health Care!
ReplyDeletePalin: Energy Plan voted for in 05, thats what gave those oil co. tax breaks. take on oil co. blah blah blah! Wink!
ReplyDeleteBiden: attacks McCain!
Here we go with more of your biased BS rhetoric. It didn't work with your last try at live blogging, why do it again. Stay on that line though.....
ReplyDeletePalin: change the subject. I dont want to answer the question. i want to talk about my record on energy.
ReplyDeleteBiden Soars!!
ReplyDeleteBiden: McCain DEAD Wrong on Iraq!
ReplyDeleteBiden: Build Schools for Hearts and Minds in Pakistan.
ReplyDeletePalin: (Someone help her pronounce the word nuclear)
Palin: "BACK YE UP THERE!" (nasal)
ReplyDeleteBiden: McCain will not even sit down with Spain!
ReplyDeletePalin: 2 state solution. Never allow a 2nd holocaust. (War with Iran)
ReplyDeleteSomeone please help Palin pronounce the word nuclear!
ReplyDeletePalin; dont bring up the past.
ReplyDeleteBiden. Past is prologue. How different is McCain from Bush. How different on Israel than Bush. How different on Pakistan is McCain than busn.
Palin dont brin up the past.
Biden: Barak, Hagle, Biden said more money in Afganistan, mccain said pakistan succeeded.
ReplyDeleteBiden: Darfur - stomach for success in Bosnia and Darfur. saved tens of thousands of lives. told by everyone...stable govt now. as in kosovo. iraq - mistake. prez misled.
palen: i am an outsider. not used to how you guys operate. voted for war. now you oppose. americans cravin that straight talk. alaska nonsense! admits she is an idiot!
ReplyDeletepalin: beg to disagree. pundits say who said what. mccain knows how to win a war. been there. knows evil learn from mistakes (one will ask if he knows so much why didnt he fix it sooner) he will know how to win a war.
ReplyDeletePalin: Wink Wink Wink
ReplyDeletepain: say it aint so joe. dog gone it. joe six pack. wink. wink. god bless her.
ReplyDeletepain: wink wink wink
ReplyDeletepalin: my kids. education. blah blah blah wink wink
ReplyDeletepalin: lame attempt at a joke. no one got it. we know what a vp does. wink wink. say it aint so joe. dog gone it.
ReplyDeletebiden: dont know of any govt program mccain supported. money left behind. role of vp. long talk with barack. history of getting things done. record shows it. point person for legislative initiatives for adminstration. help govern. provide advice.
ReplyDeletepalin: flex in office of vp. tap into that position. agenda cooperative of prez. lot of flex. do what we have to do. my exec experience my pick of vp, my experience used as vp.
ReplyDeleteBiden: vp cheney dangerous. article 1 defines role of vp. all should understand. role of vp is to support role of prez. as vp to preside over senate only when tie vote. as the consitition says. not part of leg. branch. bizarre notion of cheney.
palin: flex in office of vp. tap into that position. agenda cooperative of prez. lot of flex. do what we have to do. my exec experience my pick of vp, my experience used as vp.
ReplyDeleteBiden: vp cheney dangerous. article 1 defines role of vp. all should understand. role of vp is to support role of prez. as vp to preside over senate only when tie vote. as the consitition says. not part of leg. branch. bizarre notion of cheney.
palin: exp as exec will be put to good use. repeat etc. blah blah.
ReplyDeleteenergy independence. rote lines again! shining city on hill. beacon of hope. not perfect as a nation. blah blah blah.
Biden: 35 years in public office. Dedicated Service. Record. Accomplishments vs McCain record (Keating 5).
ReplyDeletePalin: looking for change. mccain take on his own party. as gov did the same. mccain maverick. lieberman. guliani. mccain is the man. win the war. economy. greed and corruption stop. not allow partisanship.
ReplyDeleteBiden: McCain not a maverick. voted for bush budget. trillions in debt. not maverick health care. not maverick education. no tax cuts for college. not maverick on war. not maverick that affects anything that affects anythign that affects kitchen table discussions. oil prices.
ReplyDeleteMcCain NO MAVERICK!!
Live Fact Check
ReplyDeleteVice Presidential Debate: St Louis
10:17 p.m.
Biden claimed that Obama warned against the administration's decision to push for Hamas participating in Palestinian legislative elections in early 2005. Obama had only been a senator for a few days when the election took place, but if he made such statements they did not appear in news reports or transcripts that are contained in the Nexis or Factiva news databases.
10:04 p.m.
Sen. Joseph Biden asserted in his debate that Sen. John McCain opposed the comprehensive nuclear test ban, a treaty that virtually every other Republican supported. That is false. President Clinton never submitted the test ban for formal ratification because it faced overwhelming Republican opposition in a GOP-controlled Senate.
9:33 p.m.
Joe Biden mischaracterized McCain's proposal for giving Americans a tax credit to pay for their own health insurance programs in return for taxing the health benefits they receive from employers. He suggested that the average American family would lose around $7,000 on the deal, receiving a $5,000 tax credit in return for having to pay $12,000 for their own health care program.
In fact, the non-partisan Tax Policy Center has calculated that most American families would come out slightly ahead for the next decade at least. Higher-income Americans with expensive health care plans would be somewhat worse off after 2018.
9:29 p.m.
Sen. Joseph Biden accused John McCain of offering big oil companies $4 billion in tax breaks. That is misleading. The figure comes from the share that the oil companies would get from McCain's corporate income tax cut proposal. He has not proposed a tax break solely for oil companies.
Biden: I have been able to work across the aisle. Mansfield said everyone sent here for reason. dont question motive of people you disagree. work bipartisan. fundamental change barack and biden.
ReplyDeletePalen: appoint people regardless of affiliation. walk the walk. talk the talk. end of the day. work together for greater good.
and the sun will come up tomorrow. tomorrow. bet your bottom dollar on tomorrow. come what may.
palen: And I'm proud to be an American
ReplyDeleteWhere at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me.
And I gladly stand up next to you
And defend her still today.
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land.
God bless the U. S. A.
(did she make this up??)
Dee said...
ReplyDeletePalin: I refuse to answer your questions or the moderators questoins.
October 2, 2008 8:21 PM
Now, please show everybody where Palin said this. Here is the link to the transcript of the entire debate.
Transcript of Palin, Biden debate
Your a BIASED, IGNORANT, HACK. Your a party line voter who cares nothing about what either candidate has said or is saying.
Biden: Taught their children if you believe in yourself anything is possible!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless America!
God Protect Our Troops!
Hey Joe. Can I call you Joe?!?
ReplyDeleteWink Wink
Back At Ya!
ReplyDeleteI made an almost direct quote!!!
Ha Ha!!
From your link:
PALIN: "And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear."
She did not answer the questions. She was so scripted that she only had the scripted answers to provide!
ReplyDeleteWink Wink
ReplyDeleteRecite the Scripts she was provided!!
So very scripted!!
Palin: Your joke was lame. Nobody Got IT!
ReplyDeleteWink Wink
Bac at Ya!
'refuse' is much different than 'I may not', meaning she may not answer the question directly or that she may answer the question her way.
ReplyDeleteHere is her exact quote of which you take completely out of context.
ReplyDelete"PALIN: I'm still on the tax thing because I want to correct you on that again. And I want to let you know what I did as a mayor and as a governor. And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also."
ReplyDeletewink wink.
say it aint so Liquid.
dog gone it.
Back at ya!!
May I call you Liquid???
ReplyDeleteNeeeyouucleeaarrr, Neeeyouucleeaarrr,
May I call you Liquid?
Say it aint so Liquid!
Back at ya!!
Wink Wink!!
Ifill: "As Vice President, there's nothing you've promised as a candidate that you would take off the table because of this financial issue?"
ReplyDeletePalin: "There is not, and how long have I been at this? Like five weeks?"
Sarah Palin got both the commanding general in Afghanistan's name and position WRONG!!
ReplyDeleteJoe Biden demonstrated knowledge, careful thought, and a willingness to make hard decisions. And with every answer, he proved Senator Obama's judgment and showed why he is considered one of our nation's wisest and most experienced leaders.
ReplyDeleteHe was equally at home with global and local issues, demonstrated an amazing grasp of facts, and gave proof that he is prepared to be a partner who will contribute much as vice-president to solving our nation's problems.
Americans could not help but conclude that any president would be stronger and more confident with Joe Biden by his side.
Who did the best job in the debate:
ReplyDeleteBiden 51%
Palen 34%
Palin re Bush & McCain record: Past is irrelevant.
ReplyDeleteWink Wink
I see you were DISTRACTED by the debates and the economic CRISIS?
ReplyDeleteWhich would be the truth?
I have never seen such sarcasm and distortions from you as in this topic, dee. Were you tipping a few when you made all of these posts? I am serious. I am not trying to be mean. It is just an observation.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine if a catastrophe happens and this woman becomes president...
ReplyDelete"My Fellow Americans, Joe Six Pack and Soccer Moms, right back atcha."
what a joke
ReplyDeleteActually we had a Debate party at my house last night. No drinking, just a few Obama supporters and a tepid Mccain supporter who decided to leave early. LOL. We had a very fun time!
When SP made the comment about not answering (to which we said in unison "Oh No She didn´t!"), I swung my laptop on with my friends encircling and we typed away. It was fun!
MATTHEWS: But for a while there I thought I was listening to a person recite to the point and I mean recite speech parts, to the point I thought I was watching a spelling-bee. It was so reciting. So automatic. It sounded like a spelling-bee where you read each word out, you recite the word, give the spelling, give the word back again, exactly the way you were taught. I think it sounded a bit automatic, but let's leave it to the viewers. Some people might find that bracing.
If you are a long time reader of my blog you know that the Immigration issue is but a component of the overall issue, the Global Economy. The Administration and Big Business are connected at the hip. The last 8 years have been devastating to our country. We do not want 4 more of the last 8 years. Therefore it is important for me and all bloggers to stay on top of both the Election and the Economy.
Anonymous said...
I see you were DISTRACTED by the debates and the economic CRISIS?
Which would be the truth?
1. Obama is for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq which may not be possible in the time frame he proposes.
ReplyDelete2. Obama needs to think about a responsible withdrawal from his grandiose spending plans. The trillion dollar bailout + pork plus Obama's spending plans of another trillion is grossly irresponsible given the current financial crisis,our huge national debt and perennial deficit budgets.
3. Biden, before he flip flopped, basically said the same thing as Palin regarding the vice presidency. He figured to use his long tenure in the senate to harangue and bend the ears of the senators but when Palin proposed an equally activist role, he flip-flopped. So much for his candor on that subject.
4. Liquid made a good point about the $4 billion tax cut for corporations to bring their rate closer to those of our competitors abroad. Obama said the loopholes in the law already reduced the effective rate but he did not identify those loopholes or quantify them. MCCain should have called him on this because all Obama would have been able to do is stutter. Most of the so-called loopholes are probably nothing more than generally accepted accounting principles of which Obama knows nothing.
5. Also with regard to the $4 billion, it would be very useful to state it in relative terms such as percent of total capitalization, total taxes paid, total income. The relative measure of a tax reduction for someone who already pays nothing is infinite.
6. Refusing to answer the question is a standard technique for political debates. Sometimes that is the only way one can get said what is considered necessary. Perhaps Dee has forgotten that Ifle(sp)said neither of the candidates in the first debate answered Jim Lehrer's question regarding what changes in expenditure or other plans each would make, given the present financial crisis. Obama "nothing" except perhaps a delay in the doubling of foreign aid. Ifle didn't think that was an adequate answer but she got the same from the dummy Biden. That illustrates my point and also Obama's fundamental irresponsibility when it come to the fiscal health of our nation. He loves deficit spending and lives up to the highest standards of the Democrat party.
7. Biden said that McCain's health care plan would give the $5,000 to the insurance companies. I guess that's a little like when I give my money to my car dealer and he gives me a car, i.e. the insurance company gets the money and the family gets the insurance coverage. So let's take a simple example: the employee gets $5,000 to help cover his share of his health insurance costs, at say $6,000 per year with the employer picking up a matching amount of $6,000. Then the employee has to pay income tax on the employers' share at say a marginal tax rate of 25%. 25% of $6,000 is $1,500. The employee thus has a net gain of $4500, not something I would turn down.
8. The past is prologue --sometimes. It probably is in terms of the Mexicanization of the U.S.. The population stats all point in that direction. Certainly Obama would not agree that his prospective administration would based on any current prologue. I rest my case.
9. Obama with his tawdry past associations with known felons Rezko and Ayres and his consorting with a known blasphemous racist, Jeremiah wright has no concept of fiscal discipline. I wouldn't trust him with my money any farther than I could throw a piano.
Isn't it true that we already spend more on education than any other country with less to show for our money? Biden talks about raising the pay of teachers but if we did we would still have the same ineffective faculty but it would just be costing us more.
ReplyDeleteHealth care: Take another example of someone whose employer does not provide insurance. $5,000 might not buy the kind of insurance Senator Biden enjoys but it would enable all families to buy a high deductible policy
ReplyDeleteBiden with his cosmetic tape to keep his eyelids from making him look like Fu Manchu and his freshly whitened teeth were attempts to cover up his 65 years of age. Maybe he won't last a 4 year term and then we would get Pelosi? Ugh! More to worry about there.
ReplyDeleteBiden said the redistribution of wealth is a matter of fairness but what is fair about giving money to those who have not earned it by taking it away from those who have. It is welfare pure and simple.
ReplyDeleteWhy didn't he tell it like it is?
ReplyDeleteI guess the only acceptable Republican timeline for withdrawal from Iraq is McCain´s 100 more years strategy! The rest of us find that UNACCEPTABLE!
We do NOT Want 4 more years of the last 8 years!
ultima said...
1. Obama is for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq which may not be possible in the time frame he proposes.
ReplyDeleteI find this "Economy" comment by Republicans the most ludicrous and hilarious. With Clinton we as a nation were not in debt. Now, after 8 years under your Republican Bush Administration we are trillions in debt and the most dire straits economically in our country´s history. John McCain is AFRAID of the word economy and until just 2 weeks ago said the ecomy was fine!
ultima said...
2. Obama needs to think about a responsible withdrawal from his grandiose spending plans. The trillion dollar bailout + pork plus Obama's spending plans of another trillion is grossly irresponsible given the current financial crisis,our huge national debt and perennial deficit budgets.
ReplyDeleteHow do you know about cosmetic tape? Have you tried it?
ultima said...
Biden with his cosmetic tape to keep his eyelids from making him look like Fu Manchu and his freshly whitened teeth were attempts to cover up his 65 years of age. Maybe he won't last a 4 year term and then we would get Pelosi? Ugh! More to worry about there.
ReplyDeleteRegarding your hyperbole about Obama, you should consider the facts about Palin, admitted lack of education, Troopergate, cronyism, using the bridge to nowhere money, scandalous affairs, etc. Just the thought of her in national office is very very scary! She is JoEtta Six Pack!
The focus of these political discussions should be the War and the Economy.. What McCain is running away from! We should not let distractions like JoEtta and her lies get in the way of what we should be talking about!
ReplyDeleteYou had better check Obama's Economic plan.
ReplyDeleteFactChecking Obama
August 29, 2008
He stuck to the facts, except when he stretched them.
"Obama said he could “pay for every dime” of his spending and tax cut proposals “by closing corporate loopholes and tax havens.” That’s wrong – his proposed tax increases on upper-income individuals are key components of paying for his program, as well. And his plan, like McCain’s, would leave the U.S. facing big budget deficits, according to independent experts."
Nothing like taking us deeper into debt!! Why don't you try listening to what the candidates say vs hitting every Democratic Talking Point there is when 99% of them have been proven incorrect.
100 years under McCain.
"The DNC ad doesn't mention that McCain was speaking specifically about a peacetime presence. And the text of the ad paired with images of Iraq under siege leave a clear impression that McCain proposes to allow a century more of war, with U.S. involvement. That's not what he said, in New Hampshire or in other settings when he's been asked about it."
DNC vs. McCain
April 29, 2008
Two Democratic Party TV ads hit McCain on Iraq and the economy. We supply context and corrections.
Sen. Barack Obama took a very similar position, saying some U.S. troops would remain for an indefinite period for "counterterrorism activities," which we presume means combat troops.
ReplyDeleteRussert: Will you pledge that by January 2013, the end of your first term more than five years from now, there will be no U.S. troops in Iraq?
Obama: I think it's hard to project four years from now, and I think it would be irresponsible. We don't know what contingency will be out there. What I can promise is that if there are still troops in Iraq when I take office [and] if there's no timetable [for withdrawal], then I will drastically reduce our presence there to the mission of protecting our embassy, protecting our civilians and making sure that we're carrying out counterterrorism activities there.
Stuck in Iraq?
Obama's Iraq plan!! The exact same as McCain's, except worded differently.
"Just the thought of her in national office is very very scary! She is JoEtta Six Pack!"
ReplyDeleteNot nearly as scary of Greenhorn Obama in the White House. Your reasoning power has failed you when it comes to Obama's consorting with known criminals and blasphemous racists. Your philosophy is that if a candidate is a liberal democrat all sins are forgiven including the lack of judgment that could be disasterous in a president.
"Just the thought of her in national office is very very scary! She is JoEtta Six Pack!"
ReplyDeleteNot nearly as scary of Greenhorn Obama in the White House. Your reasoning power has failed you when it comes to Obama's consorting with known criminals and blasphemous racists. Your philosophy is that if a candidate is a liberal democrat all sins are forgiven including the lack of judgment that could be disasterous in a president.
"How do you know about cosmetic tape? Have you tried it?"
ReplyDeleteNo, I didn't even know such a thing existed until it was disclosed on the internet and my wife said something about his eyes and face looking a little funny like some plastic surgery had gone awry.
How about you? Do you use it?
Oprah said you could use duct tape to get cleavage. Have you tried that? Must be a democrat thing.
"With Clinton we as a nation were not in debt. Now, after 8 years under your Republican Bush Administration we are trillions in debt and the most dire straits economically in our country´s history."
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows Clinton was riding the dot com bubble and was not doing what should have been done on the war on terror. The problem with your statement is that Obama wants to make a bad situation worse. How would you like it if your credit cards were maxed out and your home being foreclosed, and then your husband came home with a new boat and a new car. That's what Obama plans to do. Our credit cards as a nation are maxed out, our homes are being foreclosed, and we have a budget deficit. His economic plan: spend more. Some say McCain's plan would increase the debt by 5 trillion $ and Obama's by 3.5 trillion $, as though the latter was anything one should be proud of or vote for. I am opposed to both. We need more fiscal conservatives in the congress, some who are really serious about stopping this spending like a drunke sailor.
I posted some time ago that the Comptroller General of the U.S. was traveling about the country sounding the warning: one if by Wall Street or two if by FM/FM lending. No one listened.
"God bless the U. S. A.
ReplyDelete(did she make this up??)'
Wouldn't be too hard, would it? You are so good at this you should be running for congress. With your economic and foreign policy credentials the sky would be the limit. Go Dee!
"God bless the U. S. A.
ReplyDelete(did she make this up??)'
Wouldn't be too hard, would it? You are so good at this you should be running for congress. With your economic and foreign policy credentials the sky would be the limit. Go Dee!
"Can you imagine if a catastrophe happens and this woman becomes president...
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to if Obama becomes President, then a catastrophe happens?"
Hear! Hear! Ariz has got this right. I guess he could always call expert Hillary at 3Am to get her advice before he makes a mistake.
"But that is when you consider Dollars spent on education. When it comes to the percentage of GDP, the US falls short:"
ReplyDeleteWhat if we made any increase inversely proportional to the national debt? I wonder what the stats would look like then. Don't get me wrong; I am in favor of spending if will have the desired effect -- enabling us to produce as many engineers and scientists as China and our other competitors. We would get that investment back many times. As far as K-12 is concerned, incentive pay is the only answer. Successful teachers should be paid more and unsuccessful ones less or simply fired. And parents above all need to be held accountable to see that their kids do their homework. They need to sign off on it every day and spend enough time with them to make sure they do it and are positioned to succeed. They could begin by turning off the TV until the home work is done. Maybe instead of a cheap converter box they all need to have a recorder so they won't miss Desparate Housewives or Friday Night Smackdown.
"after 8 years under your Republican Bush Administration we are trillions in debt and the most dire straits economically in our country´s history. "
ReplyDeletePerhaps this is a case where Obama should be looking back and saying to himself, "I sure as hell don't want to do that or for that to be my legacy."
"With Clinton we as a nation were not in debt."
ReplyDeleteI am afraid you are grossly mistaken on this. I'm sure you can find a reference on the internet that will show you what the national debt was during Clinton's tenure. I assure you it wasn't zero. I will be waiting for your "touche".
Find an interesting national debt chart here. Note that Clinton's performance was better than some but worse than others and he didn't have a war on his hands in two theaters, a Wall Street meltdown, or the results of the FM/FM debacle created by his cronies.
ReplyDeleteI do not have a need for cosmetic tape.
Just for your info. Brown skinned Latinos and Blacks do not age as those with fairer skins. The sun does not affect us the same way.
I am all natural and will never use plastic surgery or cosmetic tapes or anything like that.
Let me give you an example.
My mother, at 92, before she died, had beautiful skin with few wrinkles. She never had cosmetic anything and always wore little to no make up.
Long Eyelashes, Big Eyes, bright, clear skin with rosy cheeks and few wrinkles are all part of our culture and DNA.
ReplyDeleteI and many Dems have decided, WE are NOT going to allow McLame to distract us anymore with PalinAntics. She can distract herself for all we care! But whatever she does will not distract us from putting the topics the American Public will Vote On in the forefront!
We are going to put the Issues on the Table and only speak to the Issues until Election Day!
The focus of these political discussions are the War and the Economy... Exactly what McCain and his water carriers are running away from!
We will not allow distractions like JoEtta 6 Pack and her lies get in the way of what we should be talking about prior to Election Day!