Breaking News: The Judge in the Luis Ramirez Murder Case (Kick in the Head Murder) has set a trial date for murderers Piekarsky, Donchak and Walsh, but the judge refuses to disclose the trial date. Meanwhile, commenters for this article are spewing venonous racial hate against the Ramirez family and ALL Latinos.
Trial date set in fatal beating
A trial date has been set for three teenagers charged in the fatal beating of a Mexican immigrant in July in Shenandoah — but the judge would not reveal the date Monday. Schuylkill County President Judge William E. Baldwin said Monday that a starting date has been set for the trial of Brandon J. Piekarsky, Colin J. Walsh and Derrick M. Donchak, but he would neither say what the date is nor when it would be disclosed. In a case that has attracted international attention concerning issues such as illegal immigration and racial discrimination, that lack of disclosure did not sit well with Pennsylvania Newspaper Association counsel Melissa Melewsky.“Trial dates are set by order,” she said Monday. “The trial scheduling order is a judicial record, which is presumptively public.”
..Schuylkill County detectives alleged that the three teenagers assaulted and yelled racial epithets at Luis E. Ramirez Zavala on July 12. Ramirez, 25, of Shenandoah, died July 14 at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville.Piekarsky and Walsh, each of whom is 17 and from Shenandoah Heights, are charged with criminal homicide, aggravated assault, recklessly endangering another person, simple assault and ethnic intimidation. Piekarsky also is charged with criminal solicitation/hindering apprehension or prosecution and purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor. The most serious degree of homicide they face is third-degree murder. If convicted of that, each faces a potential maximum sentence of 20 to 40 years in a state correctional institution. Donchak, 18, of Shenandoah, is charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, criminal solicitation/hindering apprehension or prosecution, ethnic intimidation, corruption of minors, purchase or consumption of alcohol by a minor and selling or furnishing alcohol to minors. All three are free on bail.
Here are some of the comments from this article:
. illegals out wrote: " If you don't give us the date then how will immigration and the state police know when to fire up the buses and get out the riot gear?? The only ones protesting at the trial will be the LEGAL latinos and not the illegal mexicans because they are too busy working. Maybe we should keep the Mexicans and deport the Latinos?? Let the games begin..... "
. theking wrote: " just look for the circus atmosphere to arrive via El Caminos and cargo vans. You'll know the trial has started.ESSE//KING~out "
. Boone wrote: " I'll bet the wackos with the fuscia berets will find out the date of the trial. They will have plenty of time to get ready to parade around with their fists raised like THEY own the country. They are not wanted here, they know they are not wanted here. Why don't they find something constructive to do with all their spare time. "
. Legal American wrote: " I think it is a great idea to keep the date hush hush. That way those fools won't disrupt the trial. Hopefully Crystal won't show her face and stay at home with her children where she belongs. " . Jack wrote: " Latinos have no place in Sch Co. I live in the Lehigh Valley, do you know that 87% of the Latino population of Northampton and Lehigh counties are on WELFARE? There are areas of this city inhabited by these people that even I would not go into at night - armed."
Trial date set in fatal beating
A trial date has been set for three teenagers charged in the fatal beating of a Mexican immigrant in July in Shenandoah — but the judge would not reveal the date Monday. Schuylkill County President Judge William E. Baldwin said Monday that a starting date has been set for the trial of Brandon J. Piekarsky, Colin J. Walsh and Derrick M. Donchak, but he would neither say what the date is nor when it would be disclosed. In a case that has attracted international attention concerning issues such as illegal immigration and racial discrimination, that lack of disclosure did not sit well with Pennsylvania Newspaper Association counsel Melissa Melewsky.“Trial dates are set by order,” she said Monday. “The trial scheduling order is a judicial record, which is presumptively public.”
..Schuylkill County detectives alleged that the three teenagers assaulted and yelled racial epithets at Luis E. Ramirez Zavala on July 12. Ramirez, 25, of Shenandoah, died July 14 at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville.Piekarsky and Walsh, each of whom is 17 and from Shenandoah Heights, are charged with criminal homicide, aggravated assault, recklessly endangering another person, simple assault and ethnic intimidation. Piekarsky also is charged with criminal solicitation/hindering apprehension or prosecution and purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor. The most serious degree of homicide they face is third-degree murder. If convicted of that, each faces a potential maximum sentence of 20 to 40 years in a state correctional institution. Donchak, 18, of Shenandoah, is charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, recklessly endangering another person, criminal solicitation/hindering apprehension or prosecution, ethnic intimidation, corruption of minors, purchase or consumption of alcohol by a minor and selling or furnishing alcohol to minors. All three are free on bail.
Here are some of the comments from this article:
. illegals out wrote: " If you don't give us the date then how will immigration and the state police know when to fire up the buses and get out the riot gear?? The only ones protesting at the trial will be the LEGAL latinos and not the illegal mexicans because they are too busy working. Maybe we should keep the Mexicans and deport the Latinos?? Let the games begin..... "
. theking wrote: " just look for the circus atmosphere to arrive via El Caminos and cargo vans. You'll know the trial has started.ESSE//KING~out "
. Boone wrote: " I'll bet the wackos with the fuscia berets will find out the date of the trial. They will have plenty of time to get ready to parade around with their fists raised like THEY own the country. They are not wanted here, they know they are not wanted here. Why don't they find something constructive to do with all their spare time. "
. Legal American wrote: " I think it is a great idea to keep the date hush hush. That way those fools won't disrupt the trial. Hopefully Crystal won't show her face and stay at home with her children where she belongs. " . Jack wrote: " Latinos have no place in Sch Co. I live in the Lehigh Valley, do you know that 87% of the Latino population of Northampton and Lehigh counties are on WELFARE? There are areas of this city inhabited by these people that even I would not go into at night - armed."
Remembering the Crime:

Dee :
At the start of the Clockwork Orange Movie the "Droogs" beat an old drunken man ( perhaps to death ) just for fun. While being beaten the old man says "Coward Bastards".
That is what these Shenandoah Pennsylvania Teens are, see the most brutal scenes of the Clockwork Orange here :
Videos from "A Clockwork Orange" - A Movie of Brutality, Bastardy, Sadism, Perversion, Evil and Hatred - Recent Murders like scenes of this perversion
Also please listen to the best TV discussion on Latinos here :
Video : Latinos and the Nation's Future, New Book - Center for American Progress - Several Panelists including Henry Cisneros
Henry Cisneros, Janet Murgia, Sarita Brown, Nicolas Canero, Wonderful Excellent discussion of the Future of Latinos. The best of the best.
Latinos may be like "Lucky Ducky", the Comic Cartoon, and they may end up having the good luck of the humble duck, enemies will be as frustrated as "Hollingsworth Hound" in their sadistic egoism.
Vicente Duque
Those "wackos with the fuscia berets" include honor students, student-athletes, and the daughters of pastors. They drove 1,000 miles to show support for the ostracized widow of the Luis Ramirez. These young women are fine examples of dedicated youth that care about justice. So many people sit on their behinds yapping about change while these kids actually got involved.
The wackos are the bigots who are writing the ignorant comments in the paper.
True. The most negative always remain anonymous.
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