It is obvious Allison is the Best Singer.
She ROCKED THE HOUSE again tonight.
I think they purposely put her after Danny Gokey thinking he would outsing her.
Allison outsang Gokey.
Allison has an amazing set of vocal chords. She is a natural talent and so mature for her age at only 16.
So what did the judges do? They could not say a negative word about her vocals. Instead, they complained about her rocker outfit, as if that makes a difference. They could not say a word about her vocals.
It is clear the JUDGES want the following order:
1. Danny Gokey
2. Adam Lambert
3. Lil Rounds
4. Kris Allen (only because Paula likes him)
5. Scott (but they are playing on his disabilities because his song choices are the worst!)
The rest, they don't care about.
Besides Allison, tonight, I have to say Megan did a decent job tonight. Now she is not the greatest singer and last week she was horrible and I do not know how she survived except she is very pretty. However, tonight she chose a good song that suited her and she sang well, yet they dismissed her. Very typical of the biased judges.
I truly hope all of us regular voters choose the Best Singer and vote for Allison!
She's good, Dee, but Adam has hit it out of the park two weeks in a row. She'll make the top 3 though.
Adam was ok. Of course, I remember the original song, "Play that funky music.." and I don't think Adam outdid the original, but he was good.
Let's agree to this.. let's vote for both 10 times.
I voted for Allison 30 times. I usually do not vote for any contestant. I think the judges were too focused on what Allison was wearing in what is supposed to be a singing contest.
Adam is theatrical but I wish he could sing at least one song without his patented scream.
Megan needs to go.
Yes. It is still on TV and quite popular.
It is a great show to watch and blog at the same time. I love to listen to music and people singing. It is not rocket science, but which TV show is.
I agree.
What I like best about Allison is she is so talented and only 16 years old. Such a natural.
I like Adam and his very flamboyant style. I think he will either be the idol this year or runner up. Sometimes I like his screams and other times I don't. There was one note I didn't like in his song last night. That was too much. But I think it might be because I like the original song.
If Allison makes it through this week, next week I am going to watch for the judges' response again.
The reason?
1. Last week as Allison was singing, Simon drew a mustache on Paula and so much attention was given to that vs Allison's great song.
2. This week they all focused on her dress vs her song.
Let's see what they do next week.
Dee - agreed they shouldn't have focused on her outfit, but she isn't the only one they go after for what they wear. Allison is amazing for 16 years old. She not only has talent, she is poised as well. Last night was not her best night though. But, this contest is far from over. I predict Allison and Adam will make the top 3 but I'm undecided on the others between Danny, Matt and Kris. Anoop, Megan and Scott will be in the bottom 3 tonite.
You make some very good point. I agree with you overall and with your bottom 3 picks.
the other anon was almost perfect with his picks. I was surprised to see Allison in the bottom three tonight. She is the best of the women singers.
Megan had to go.
I agree Megan had to go but Simon didn't have to be so mean to her. I guess that's his M.O. though.
It's clear Dee wants the following order:
1. Allison
2. Allison
3. Allison
4. Allison
5. Allison
That way there can be no doubt about the winner.
Voting more than once is revolting.
You must not watch the show. They encourage you to vote more than once.
Allison is good. I love her voice, her command on the stage but what I don't like is people saying to vote for her because she is Hispanic. Who cares whether she is Black, White, Asian, Hispanic. It's talent I am looking for when I vote. With comments to vote for her because she is Hispanic, makes me hope she doesn't win.
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