Saturday, October 17, 2009

As DHS Officials Strip Arpaio of 287(g) authority, he Vows to Thumb his Bulbous Nose at Authorities & Continue his Racial Profiling Sweeps Anyway!

The Department of Homeland Security has made changes to the 287(g) program. DHS changed the program to focus on felonious criminals and drug cartels. The program was NEVER intended to Racially Profile Latinos and to target non-felonious criminals. The changes include requiring law enforcement officers enrolled in the 287(g) program to pledge to observe federal anti-discrimination laws, beefing up its supervision and flagging problems and complaints from the public. DHS officials said Immigration and Customs Enforcement intends to expand the program and has renewed agreements with 55 state and local law enforcement agencies. Twelve more, they said, have reached tentative agreements.

As the changes have been rolled out, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement stripped Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who flagrantly abused the program racially profiling countless Latino neighborhoods, of his power to let 100 deputies make federal immigration arrests.

Yesterday, flagrantly thumbing his nose at DHS officials, Arpaio dispatched deputies on a two-day, racially profiling, "crime suppression" operation in the western Phoenix valley, stopping and racially profiling and arresting at least eight Latinos who did not have their passport and social security card on them to provide evidence they were in Arizona legally. Arpaio, whose sweeps have led to allegations of racial profiling, said he is carrying out these racially profiling operations under Arizona state laws which supposedly target smugglers and another federal law he SAYS allows him to detain illegal immigrants.

The outrageous Arpaio said while overseeing the operation in Surprise, Arizona, "Nothing has changed. We're still going to be doing what we've been doing tonight and during the last two and a half years. I don't take orders from anyone."
DHS Changes Immigrant Policies
Arizona sheriff conducts migrant sweeps despite curb


  1. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has signed up 55 state and local law enforcement agencies to help enforce immigration laws, including Sheriff Joe Arpaio an Arizona county sheriff the Homeland Security Department announced Friday.

    Another 12 agreements have been approved and are awaiting local or state approval.

    The administration had previously suspended the program, which critics say was mismanaged and allowed racial profiling and discrimination. Before it was suspended, there had been 66 local and state agencies participating.

    The continuation of the "287(g) program" with some changes is reflective of the administration's approach to immigration enforcement thus far. The Homeland Security Department has reworked some Bush administration policies and programs by adding more oversight trying to prevent any accusations of civil rights abuses. But they have tread carefully to avoid appearing to weaken or abandon enforcement.

    "We are not trying to suggest if you are here unlawfully, or here unlawfully and committing minor crimes, you are not going to be subject to removal from the U.S.," Morton said.

  2. JS,
    Your article is misleading. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement stripped Arpaio of his power Thursday to let 100 deputies MAKE federal immigration arrests.

    He has no 287(g) authority to make ARRESTS if no other crime has been committed.

    Read the East Valley Tribune report on this if you prefer:

    Araio defies feds, continues W. Valley Sweeps

    Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio continued his office’s immigration sweep Saturday, despite having his powers stripped by a federal agency last week.

    (my JS, you are a stubborn one!)

  3. Here's what Reuters reports:

    Arizona sheriff conducts migrant sweeps despite curb

    PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona sheriff known for cracking down on undocumented migrants is conducting an immigration and crime sweep around Phoenix, less than a day after federal authorities curbed his powers to make immigration arrests.

  4. Here's what Reuters reports:

    Arizona sheriff conducts migrant sweeps despite curb

    PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona sheriff known for cracking down on undocumented migrants is conducting an immigration and crime sweep around Phoenix, less than a day after federal authorities curbed his powers to make immigration arrests.

  5. Hey, I just posted the article that doesn't make me stubborn. I didn't write the article it came right out of Washington and it was just on Friday.

    I think it kind of petty to make deragatory remarks about the Sheriff's nose. What has that to do with anything? We all have physical flaws but it is rude and mean to make fun of others.

  6. JS,
    It's ok that your article was misleading. You didn't write it. No one blames you.

    Lighten up JS. You are ok.
    And it is ok for blogs to use provocative terms.

    Blogs are meant to be provocative.
    They peak your interest, get your blood boiling and encourage you to do their own research and truly understand what is happening in our country and in the world.

  7. Hey, Ol Saggy Balls Arpaio has really made the Valley safer for the citizens of Phoenix.

    Let's see. He busted a manager of a car wash who admitted he drove to work on a suspended license and 11 workers of the car wash who were thought to be here illegally.

    God Bless Sheriff Saggy Balls. Our cars may stay dirty, but our streets are safer.
