Monday, September 12, 2011

I watched the CNN Republican Tea Party Debates as long as I could (without throwing up) Before I switched Channels!

OMG! It was just Awful! The audience was LOADED with TeaPartiers, egging on the candidates to go farther and farther to the extreme right! Ugh!
End Medicare!
End Social Security!
Privatize Everything!

The Leaders in all of this rhetoric? Perry, Bachmann, Santorum.
Poor Romney was struggling desperately.
Poor Ron Paul. (no one was cheering)
Poor Pizza Guy.
Poor Gingrich, barely an applause.
Most of all, poor Jon Huntsman. He, as the only rational person on the floor should have packed his bags and gone home.

The TeaPartiers are NUTZ! And they DO NOT represent WE THE PEOPLE!


  1. Dee... excellent commentary.
    Down here the president of the San Antonio Tea Party is 'hispanic'.

    I find it hard to believe any person of color could agree with these tea baggers.

  2. The New Republic : Mitt Romney will have to attack Rick Perry with his own dangerously specific ideas for “entitlement reform.” This competition will produce partisan differentiation - GOP Sparring over the New Deal and Great Society is a boon to Barack Obama.

    The fight with Rick Perry will force Mitt Romney to Rigid Conservative Ideological Positions - Mitt will be entangled in this Right Wing criticizing of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Federal aid to education, federal environmental protection laws, etc ...

    If Mitt Romney wins the Republican Nomination he will be damned by the Rigid Right Wing positions that he had to adopt in order to please the Tea Party and other Extreme Conservatives that are a big share of the powerful electorate in the Republican Primaries.

    The New Republic
    Why the Perry-Romney Slugfest Plays Right Into Obama’s Hands
    By Ed Kilgore
    September 12, 201

    Some excerpts :

    Naturally enough, now that Mitt Romney is attacking Perry’s all-too-specific domestic policy radicalism, it can be argued that a Romney victory over Perry might help insulate the GOP from accusations of radicalism in the general election. But Romney’s own credibility issues with the conservative activists who will largely determine his fate in the early caucuses and primaries will inevitably require him to package his criticisms of Perry with his own dangerously specific ideas for “entitlement reform.” This competition will simply draw more attention to the whole subject of the two parties’ very different governing philosophies—a partisan differentiation that Obama’s jobs speech last week sought to promote after many months of relentless bipartisan rhetoric from the White House.

    So long as the president does not pull the trigger on a deficit reduction deal with congressional Republicans on Social Security and Medicare that could blur these differences, the Romney-Perry battle could crucially change the nature of the general election. And the invisible primary’s focus on Social Security and Medicare is likely to become even more intense tonight, as the Republican candidates hold another debate in senior-rich Florida. Every moment they spend sparring over the New Deal and Great Society is a boon to Barack Obama. Even if the incumbent cannot win a referendum on his own presidency, he can win a competition between the ghost of Barry Goldwater and the ghosts of FDR and LBJ.
