Wednesday, September 14, 2011

'Let them die!' say Tea Party fanatics in debate audience

Democrats, REGISTER TO VOTE and VOTE in 2012! Otherwise, if the Teaparty elects their candidate, be prepared for what happens to you and your children!
Daily Mail reports:
Tea Party members in a boisterous crowd have provoked outrage and comparisons to 'Roman gladitorial combat' after suggesting people who can't fund their own healthcare should be left to die.
Republican contenders were facing off at a CNN/Tea Party in Tampa, Florida, on Monday night when the most liberal of all the candidates, Ron Paul, was asked the question by host Wolf Blitzer.
Mr Paul, a physician and opponent of federal healthcare, disagreed with just letting sick people die, but the calls from members of the audience suggest some Tea Party members think it’s a good idea.
(read rest of article)


  1. Good Post Dee !

    Thanks a lot !

    From Cain to God after Cain killed his brother Abel :

    Am I my brother's keeper?


  2. Good Post Dee !

    Thanks a lot !

    From Cain to God after Cain killed his brother Abel :

    "Am I my brother's keeper ?"


  3. James Carville : "As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. - I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country.

    CNN's James Carville is panicking that "The country could soon have a “crazy person” in the White House" - "Obama should fight the "Republican austerity garbage".

    James Carville (born 1944) is an American political consultant, commentator, educator, actor, attorney, media personality, and prominent liberal pundit. Carville gained national attention for his work as the lead strategist of the successful presidential campaign of then-Arkansas governor Bill Clinton ( "It's the Economy Stupid !" ). He has appeared on many CNN's News and Commentary programs, and works in CNN's "The Situation Room" with Wolf Blitzer.

    James Carville: Obama should ‘panic’
    September 15, 2011

    Some excerpts :

    “Demand answers to why no one has been indicted,” he wrote. “Mr. President, people are livid. Tell people that you, too, are angry and sickened by the irresponsible actions on Wall Street that caused so much suffering. Do not accept excuses. Demand action now.”

    Obama must also “make a case like a Democrat” and fight the “Republican austerity garbage,” Carville noted. And when making the case, the president must stick to his story, Carville wrote.

    If Obama cannot course correct, the country could soon have a “crazy person” in the White House, Carville said.


  4. The republic party can't kick out or support self deport illegals because it would make them look racist everyone have rights its time for the republicans to get with the 21st century and stop living in the past this isn't the 50s 60s nor the 1900 denying people right this isn't the jim crow era. Our ancestors were once illigals and they want their rights and they wanted to stay here in the U.S.also
