As I read into the details it says:
"The nation’s Hispanic population increased to 45.5 M on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated total U.S. population of 301.6 M. Hispanic population exceeded 500,000 in 16 states. Hispanics remained the largest minority group, with blacks second at 40.7M.
Hispanics were the fastest-growing minority group. Asians were the second fastest-growing minority group.
Overall, the nation’s minority population reached 102.5 million in 2007 — 34 percent of the total. California had a minority population of 20.9 million — 20 percent of the nation’s total, Texas had a minority population of 12.5 million — 12 percent of the U.S. total.
Overall, the nation’s minority population reached 102.5 million in 2007 — 34 percent of the total. California had a minority population of 20.9 million — 20 percent of the nation’s total, Texas had a minority population of 12.5 million — 12 percent of the U.S. total.
As I dive down into the detail, I notice something interesting. The numbers do not describe people like me. They describe Latinos that have Immigrated. I am not an immigrant, nor a recent immigrant. My family and countless families like mine across the Southwest, have been here hundreds of years and we have married into other ethnicities.
You will come to the same conclusion once you read into the demogrpahics of what the Census Bureau percieves as the statistics associated with Latinos in the US.
Highlights - Hispanics:
. California (13.2 million) had the largest Hispanic population of any state as of July 1, 2007, followed by Texas (8.6 million) and Florida (3.8 million). Texas had the largest numerical increase between 2006 and 2007 (308,000), followed by California (268,000) and Florida (131,000). In New Mexico, Hispanics comprised the highest proportion of the total population (44 percent), with California and Texas (36 percent each) next in line.
. The Hispanic population in 2007 had a median age of 27.6, compared with the population as a whole at 36.6. Almost 34 percent of the Hispanic population was younger than 18, compared with 25 percent of the total population.
. The Hispanic population in 2007 had a median age of 27.6, compared with the population as a whole at 36.6. Almost 34 percent of the Hispanic population was younger than 18, compared with 25 percent of the total population.
As I have said on countless occasions, we are an ethnically diverse society. We marry into different ethnic groups and our children have multi-ethnic DNA. The census cannot count this and they don´t attempt to. Instead, the numbers they DO count as Latino are the number of IMMIGRANTS!! Recent IMMIGRANTS. Read below to determine how they are NOT counting my family (and countless millions like mine) in these demographics. Here is how (link):
Summary of Issues
Race and Hispanic origin are two separate concepts in the federal statistical system.
People who are Hispanic may be of any race.
People in each race group may be either Hispanic or Not Hispanic.
Each person has two attributes, their race (or races) and whether or not they are Hispanic.
Overlap of race and Hispanic origin is the main comparability issue.
For example, Black Hispanics (Hispanic Blacks) are included in both the number of Blacks and in the number of Hispanics.
"More than one race" option increases possible numbers and overlapping groups.
For example, the three categories of Blacks, Hispanics, and people reporting two or more races produce multiple overlapping groups.
The complete cross tabulation of race and Hispanic origin data is problematic.
This option allows experienced users to tailor data for their specific use, but can confuse general users.
Comparability of data on race and Hispanic origin is affected by several other factors.
The universe differs across sources (censuses, national surveys, postcensal population estimates).
The allocation of "Some other race" responses from the Census 2000 category to standard OMB race categories increases the totals for each race, but does not affect the number of Hispanics.
The "Two or more races" category is present in Census 2000 and in the postcensal population estimates, but not in the 2002 Current Population Survey (CPS). It will be in the CPS every year, beginning with 2003
Race and Hispanic origin are two separate concepts in the federal statistical system.
People who are Hispanic may be of any race.
People in each race group may be either Hispanic or Not Hispanic.
Each person has two attributes, their race (or races) and whether or not they are Hispanic.
Overlap of race and Hispanic origin is the main comparability issue.
For example, Black Hispanics (Hispanic Blacks) are included in both the number of Blacks and in the number of Hispanics.
"More than one race" option increases possible numbers and overlapping groups.
For example, the three categories of Blacks, Hispanics, and people reporting two or more races produce multiple overlapping groups.
The complete cross tabulation of race and Hispanic origin data is problematic.
This option allows experienced users to tailor data for their specific use, but can confuse general users.
Comparability of data on race and Hispanic origin is affected by several other factors.
The universe differs across sources (censuses, national surveys, postcensal population estimates).
The allocation of "Some other race" responses from the Census 2000 category to standard OMB race categories increases the totals for each race, but does not affect the number of Hispanics.
The "Two or more races" category is present in Census 2000 and in the postcensal population estimates, but not in the 2002 Current Population Survey (CPS). It will be in the CPS every year, beginning with 2003
Additionally, here is a link to another article that utilizes this same census report to determine the demographics of Latino Women in the US. They are NOT counting my demographic.
You are still using incorrect terminology. Semantics change what you are attempting to say. Change the following:
"As I have said on countless occassions, we are a multi cultural society. We marry into many ethnic groups and our children have multi cultural DNA."
"As I have said on countless occasions, we are an ethnically diverse society. We marry into different ethnic groups and our children have multi-ethnic DNA."
This change will better suit your statements and opinion of your posting.
Your title should not state "Multi Cultural Millions", what it should say is "Multi-Ethnic Millions". The census report is of ethnics not cultures.
You do make an interesting point. However, semantics aside, we are still not counted accurately. The census may as well give up trying to count us.
dee, hope you are wearing a bib while drooling over yourself that the demographics of this country are changing mostly due to illegal immigration from Latino's. Yeah, that is something to really be proud of as an American.
"The nation’s Hispanic population increased to 45.5 M on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated total U.S. population of 301.6 M."
So what does this mean. Are we well on our way to becoming just another Latin American country with all the problems of poverty, crime, joblessness, social unrest, and disease that caused Hispanics to leave their homelands? Food for thought!
Why is it Latin Americans have not been able to achieve what we have here in America? Is it a cultural problem?
As the Hispanic population expands will more of the old ways of Latin America creep into the fabric of our society changing it for the worse? Food for thought>
Note that this has nothing to do with individuals. Individual Hispanics have demonstrated the same degree of intelligence and achievement as individual Anglos. The problem is the Mexicanization of America such that as the whole the society begins to resemble Mexico and Mexican culture rather than American culture where the term "Mexican" is used as a proxy for all Latin Americans of whatever origin.
Careful there now, Ultima. You will have dee drooling and licking her chops all over again at the mere mention of the increase in the size of the Hispanic population in this country. Even if it does mean they violeated the immigration laws of HER own country to do it. Nice, huh?
"You will come to the same conclusion once you read into the demographics of what the Census Bureau perceives as the statistics associated with Latinos in the US."
What did you mark on the census? Hispanic/Latino, Caucasian, or more than one race? How are you not being described?
After reading your links and trying to understand what it is you are saying, are you sure you understood the information given by your links. If anything, they go by what you marked on the census, and if you marked "more than one race" you would actually be counted twice, thus actually reducing the total population living in the USA.
You are right in saying “Individual Hispanics have demonstrated the same degree of intelligence and achievement as individual Anglos.”
We have many generations of Latino American Citizens (and Anglos) that have contributed significantly in the building of our nation. We take just as much credit for our Nation and for our founding fathers “Thoughts on Government” which originated from the Greeks. My Spanish forefathers, as many Spanish families, were immigrants from Greece.
I don’t believe we are on our way to becoming just another “Latin Nation.” While there are some prosperous Latin Nations, I believe our USA will continue with our own path to prosperity and success. If we travel a downhill road to our own demise it will be because of all the anger and hate we are currently having in this immigration discussion.
It is only the ANTIs that call every ethnicity of Latinos as Mexican. It is only the ANTIs that make “Mexicans” a dirty word. Mexicanization and Mexifornia are trigger words made up by ANTIs.
Going back to your statement, it is also INDIVIDUAL Hispanics and INDIVIDUAL Anglos that are responsible for and INDIVIDUAL crimes they commit. It is wrong to indict the crimes of the individual on the whole.
"... we are an ethnically diverse society. We marry into different ethnic groups and our children have multi-ethnic DNA. The census cannot count this and they don't attempt to."
As I mentioned before, there is a way to measure racial or ethnic ancestry (though its accuracy is debatable). See:
Ancestry by DNA.
In that system there are four main categories, European, Asian, Native American, and African.
I think you stated before that you think 1/3 to 2/3 of the entire US population is either non-white or of mixed ancestry.
Do you have a source for this? Can you cite data or studies? Otherwise, you are simply declaring it as fact because of your ideology.
You argue: Since some (we don't know what percent) white people in America may have small amounts (we don't know how much) of Native American or African ancestry, it's OK to open the US to millions of people who are mostly or entirely non-white.
That's a flat out lie, dee. Anti's do not call every Latino a Mexican. We are well aware that we have Hispanics here both legally and illegally from several different Latino countries. However, you can't deny that the overwhelmingly number of them are from Mexico or are of Mexican ancestry. What is your point with this anyway? Mexican is only a nationality anyway.
re: the photo with this post.
Horrifying. But then, it fits with your ideology, which aims to destroy white America.
Why is the photo horrifying? It is a very popular picture of the number 1 couple in America, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their babies, of all ethnicities. Like America, very diverse.
I think it is a beautiful picture!
My family is a beautiful, ethnically diverse family.
In my youth, I looked like Angelina. In his youth, my handsome husband looked like Brad. Same muscles. Same ethnicity.
I think it is a beautiful picture!
Overall, my nieces and nephews and extended family look just like the picture. Beautiful. Diverse. Americans.
"Beautiful. Diverse. Americans."
There's one thing I don't get, though:
You seem to be highly in favor of inter-racial marriage; or at the very least complete intermixing so there are no schools, neighborhoods, cities, etc. that are predominantly composed of one ethnic group. This would lead to inter-racial or inter-ethnic marriage.
But under this ideal, eventually, there will be no ethnic distinctions: and therefore, no diversity. This is a contradiction to your statements that you value "diversity". How do you explain this?
Exactly hran! That is what I keep saying also. Where will the diversity be if all humans intermix and all countries lose their borders, especially through illegal immigraton? There will be no unique differences among humans as there is now. There would be no need to visit a foreign country to experience a different culture, language or peoples. We will all be just one big mutt society. Exactly alike and boring as hell. A little diversity within each country is ok but too much ruins the whole concept of diversity. Of course the multi-cultural fruitcakes can never see that!
I have to share this picture. She is a good friend's granddaughter. She is hispanic/black/white. Isn't she beautiful ! I think she's 17 or 18. She lives in Texas.
And, of course, I have a beautiful biracial granddaughter as well who is 10. When I showed her the above picture she said to me, "Do you think she remembers me?" lol They had met about 5 years ago and my granddaughter obviously remembered her even though they were both much younger.
I'm sure there are racists in this country on all sides of the illegal immigration issue, but I am also sure there is hope for the future and it will come with our children and their children.
Happy Mother's Day !
We are a diverse America. I value each individual.
This is on the road to our ideal, eventually, there will be no ethnic distinction. All Americans!
Hran, This is much different than your view which is a majority White Northern European.
Beautiful girl in the picture.
Resembles many of my nieces!
Happy Mothers Day!
"This is on the road to our ideal, eventually, there will be no ethnic distinction. All Americans!"
Well, there you have it. No ethnic distinction means no white Americans. Isn't that ethnic cleansing?
Note that your ideal is a radical, liberal program. It is a drastic departure from tradition, and has never been tried in any country.
dee, you want no ethnic distinction in this country? That is directly opposite of what you have proclaimed in the past of our so-called wonderful, thriving multi-cultural society in this country. Do you even know what you are talking about most of the time?
The problem with your new theory is that in the process the white race will be genocided out of existence.
Because of the laws of genetics, the black, Asian, and Native America (Mestizo) will never really be eliminated. It is only the white race which will no longer be recognizable.
I have a good friend who is biracial--1/2 black, 1/2 white. But, he does not in any way look white. He looks like an African American, period.
So, this "one ethnic group" of yours will only come about as a result of the elimination of the white race which is, of course, the ultimate goal. In genetics, dark hair, dark eyes and skin is dominant when they are mixed with the white race. That means that you would never see another blue-eyed, blonde-haired, light skinned person ever again. Is that what you want dee?
It is interesting that if you look at the whole worldwide picture, no majority non-white country is in danger of the extinction of their race/ethnic group. It is only whites who are slated for elimination as a race. Why is that? And why is it ok for other races/ethnic groups, whether they be Asian, Middle Eastern, African, Latino, to remain viable, but not the white race? And why is it that if whites are not embracing their eventual genocide that they are called "racists?" I would think that it is instinctual to be in favor of one's own self-preservation.
When my husband found out that my daughter was pregnant with a black man's child, he fell to his knees and I thought he was going to have a heart attack right there. I cannot tell you the hell we had in our house for a long time. It was horribly destructive to our marriage, to the relationship he had with our daughter and just plain terrible. I am so happy though that before he died he grew to love the little girl that adoringly called him pop-pop. Our blood is all red, people. None of us here will ever live to see the day that one race wipes out another and who knows what God's plan is anyhow. He has control of that destiny. WE do not.
To me, that is a different subject than that of illegal immigration and should be.
I looked at the link and I don't see where it refers to immigrants or native born at all. It just points out to a Hispanic increase to the 15.1 per cent or 45 mil. Am I blind? Jeff
"Our blood is all red" is just simplistic. Remember, early in this presidential campaign, the black political establishment wasn't sold on Obama. They were concerned he wasn't black enough. Ethnic identity is important to human beings. You can see it in Dee's posts, although she will deny it. Dittos for Patriot's. It is natural. Black men do covet white women. I have to admit, I don't like it at all. So, I'm the same.
Yes, Jeff, we are proud of our various ethnicities, but does that mean people who are mixed have none? I think they have several to be proud of.
I can understand what you're feeling. My husband wasn't a bad guy. He had a great big heart as a matter of fact, and we all feared the consequences. Now I look back and realize there was nothing to fear.
I think God was about to teach us one big lesson in humility and what love really means. I'm grateful.
And, if we go back to what an old contributer said, "Latinos in the USA are NOT Mexican. We are ALL Gringos!!"
Dee said...
Hran, I dont view my view as radical at all. In fact, I am leaning towards Liquid´s view of a nation of diverse ethnicities blending to one American ethnicity.
Sorry Dee, you need to change it to this to agree with me:
Hran, I don't view my view as radical at all. In fact, I am leaning towards Liquid´s view of a nation of diverse ethnicities blending to one American culture.
In my ideal, Race-Ethnicity doesnt matter. We are all human beings. You forget, Pat, in your description, that Latinos are Caucasian, just like you. Just like all Whites.
You comment below is very telling. It reminds me of one of one of Richard Priors old comedy videos. He remembers journeying back to Africa. He asked the natives what tribe they thought he (Richard) was from. They responded "Italian".
Pats comment:
I have a good friend who is biracial--1/2 black, 1/2 white. But, he does not in any way look white. He looks like an African American, period.
Oh Dianne, your post made me cry. I am so glad your husband came to terms and accepted his granddaughter.
I remember when my husband and I fell in love. My father had a difficult time accepting him. I was supposed to be so successful. He wanted me to marry a Latino as I am sure your husband wanted your daughter to marry an Anglo.
The world then is so different than today.
However, we were on the dawn of a new age then.
The Civil Rights Movement and Womens Liberation just occurred.
It was also the dawn of TV, Media and the beginning of the internet.
What was brand new for us 30 years ago is status quo today.
Sometimes I think back about my husband´s and my relationship. No one could have kept us apart. No one. I remember one of his mentors saying to him “people go looking their whole lives for the “magic” and you found it.” No one could have stopped us from getting or staying together then. Now, today, our relationship is viewed as mild, everyday.
You are so right when you say, “Our Blood is all Red!”
Today, we have beautiful children and grandchildren.
My husband and I proved this is just so status quo, inevitable! We are ALL God´s Children!
Hran, I don't view my view as radical at all. In fact, I am leaning towards Liquid´s view of a nation of diverse ethnicities blending to one American culture.I think he makes a very good point.
WE Americans are no longer the northern european ethnicity (bloodline) of the 1790s - our forefathers blood line. With each new generation and with each new Immigration wave, our USA culture changes, enhances.
In the early 1900s, we has a swell in German immigrants. People like Teddy Roosevelt became angry and said our ethnicity was changing. He was right. But after this swell, within a generation, we again changed the minority demographic and USA ethnicity to a new breed of American.
The same is happening now. We experienced an influx of Latino immigrants in the 1990s due to Reagans so called amnesty. We need to allow this group to assimilate. This generaly takes a generation. Then, we will evolve to a new breed of American. We will not be Latino. We will ALL be American.
(Liquid, from this perspective, I believe you were right.)
Jeff, go to the Here is How link. They begin to detail the double counting. “For example, Black Hispanics (Hispanic Blacks) are included in both the number of Blacks and in the number of Hispanics.” Then go to the Latino Women in the US link and there you will see some specifics, including “Among immigrant Hispanic women, 57% have arrived since 1990.”
Jeff, Thank you for sharing your true feelings on “our blood is all red” and your assumption that “all black men covet white women.”
You are being honest in your feelings.
Iwould suggest to you the possibility however that All Men COVET All Women and given a drink or two, they are not always able to hide their inhibitions.
The point you make, however, is very important. White men(such as yourself, as you admit) do not like it when Black men covet White women.
dianne, I disagree that God is in control of our destiny as far as racial intermixing. He has given us a free will to choose.
You are right that race/ethnicity SHOULD have nothing to do with the immigration issue. Unfortunately, due to the racist/nationalistic agenda of the pro-illegals and Chicano nationalists it has been introduced as a factor. These activists are using the massive wave of illegal immigration to intentionally bring about demographic change in this country. This will have far-reaching ramifications to our social fabric and the politics of this country. Why should we sit by idly while this change is forced upon us through illegal immigration? Shouldn't citizens of a country be able to determine who joins their national family and what changes they wish to make to their traditional society??
Your attitude is very noble, but very simplistic. And characteristically, it is usually only whites who will express this opinion. Asians, blacks, Latinos are very cognizant of their race/ethnicity and will never say that it does not matter. Only whites are doing this these days. Even basically good people like yourself have been indoctrinated into the PC mindset. As well, the point isn't whether or not the white race will become extinct within yours or even MY lifetime; the point is that if we do the math, we are heading that way in the future. Would you be as cavalier over the demise of your granddaughter's race or some other race besides white? Again, I feel that whites have been indoctrinated that it is somehow not "cool" to care about their own race,while other races missed that particular class.
Yes, our blood is all red, but who can deny that race plays no part in politics? Why do 90%+ black vote Democratic? Why are 95% or more of the black population voting for Barack Obama and not Hillary Clinton? Why do most Hispanics vote for a Hispanic when they run for office as they were favoring Bill Richardson?
So, Dianne, it sounds good, but it is unrealistic. Race does matter; people who know this are racial realists. It DOES NOT mean that we hate those of other races or think they are inferior or believe that they should be subjugated. It just means that we see things the way they really are and do not fool ourselves with "feel good" politically correct platitudes.
You contradict yourself with your remarks dee. You jump for joy over multi-culturism but it can't be retained world wide if we all inter marry. We will become one and the same like a bunch of clones. Who is going to determine what language we all speak then? Will it be 10 or more languages that we will all have to learn or just one? Are Muslims going to turn into Catholics? Are we all going to eat the same foods, dress the same? And genetically we would all have dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin. Is that what you want? No blondes, no blue eyes, no light skin? There is no "secret telling" in that, it is just a fact.
As I said, you scream multi-culturism and diversity but what you are advocating by everyone mixing would have the opposite results. Everyone would be the same. Ho-hum.
dee, Hispanics may be part white or all white racially but their culture is totally different than Anglo culture.
Patriot...I am proud of my race. I am even proud that I am of 100 % Norwegian descent. My parents little home town in Wisconsin is still an ethnically Norwegian town, but they are Americans first and there's no allegiance whatsoever to the government of Norway or any attempt to make it primary .
What I see in America is an attempt to change that when it comes to immigration. The English language is a prime example. Why is there an objection to that by Mexican Americans? Why must we print official documents in 100 languages? Why is the LA City Council going to conduct official business in Spanish and translate it into English? I think it's downright UnAmerican! I also think there's a concerted effort to paint anybody who is anti-illegal immigration as racist and I WILL NOT fall for that b.s. in the name of multi-culturalism. In fact, it angers me.
And, I think the fact that the pro-movement keeps emphasizing their numbers and how they're going to continue dropping babies only pisses off and alarms the anti-movement, including me, espcially since my tax dollars are probably paying for it.
And, I do not believe we can stick our heads in the sand and not address the real race issues in this country. I went on-line and Time ran a long article in 1991 which spelled it out. Now, all of a sudden, we don't have a race problem between blacks and latinos? If people who are perpetuating this myth think they are convincing me, they're wrong. What I see is some kind of attempt to brainwash people, perpetuated by the media and the groups that feed them. We do have a race problem and pretending it doesn't exist won't cure it.
I hope this clears things up. I strongly believe I can be anti-illegal immigration and not racist at the same time and I can assure you PC are 2 letters that make me ill. What they should be is BW...brain washing.
Pat said: "Because of the laws of genetics, the black, Asian, and Native America (Mestizo) will never really be eliminated. It is only the white race which will no longer be recognizable."
So by your train of thought, if someone is mixed of black and white, they aren't mixed or brown or white, to you they are black? Now I don't mean to call the kettle black (pardon the pun) but come on, doesn't that seem a "little" racist? Why is it hard to accept that the colors of skin are meaningless. Just because someone is black/white/brown/mixed doesn't mean they lose their culture, do all black ppl have to be of an African culture? Do all Latino's have to be of Mexican culture? NO. Ppl have a right to choose which culture they like no matter what color their skin.
Now I'm not going to say that someone else's views aren't as good as mine. That's the best part about this country, ppl's right to choose. Call it liberal/radical whatever. Label it if it makes you feel better. Judge others if it makes you feel like "The Supreme Intelligence."
But no matter what. One thing that no one can deny is. This country has MANY culture's because it's ppl CHOOSE those culture's. Their way of life. And no one else can suppress them unless that person making their choices, chooses to be suppressed. Am I proud of my culture? LOL, I don't have a culture. I'm just an ordinary guy who just tries to get along with everyone. I am VERY proud of my family, the job my parents did, my wife and my kids. THATS MY CULTURE.
I like your 1st paragraph to Pat.
"I am proud of my race. I am even proud that I am of 100 % Norwegian descent. My parents little home town in Wisconsin is still an ethnically Norwegian town, but they are Americans first and there's no allegiance whatsoever to the government of Norway or any attempt to make it primary."
But look at this same paragraph when I apply it to myself, you would charge me with being "La Raza" and call me all kinds of names:
"I am proud of my race. I am even proud that I am of 100 % Mexican descent. My parents little home town in Texas is still an ethnically Latino town, but they are Americans first and there's no allegiance whatsoever to the government of Mexico or any attempt to make it primary."
Dee, good point, actually, except I don't believe I would call you names or that I ever have. Nonetheless, a good point. Now, do the people in that little town which has mostly Mexicans by heritage speak English and otherwise assimilate into American society? But, most importantly,do illegal immigrants populate the town?
And, thanks for the kind words about my own situation.
diane, excellent post! You nailed it in every way and I totally agree with you!
What I am saying is not that I consider someone who is half black, half white to be black only; it is that THEY will most likely identify with being black, especially if they fall under the influence of race hustlers and baiters like the good Rev. Wright and his ilk. A good example is Barack Obama. Why is he considered "black" by the people voting for him? Why are black identifying with him when he was not even raised in the U.S., has not had a traditional black American experience, and is just as much white as he is black? We did not choose that identification for him.
Leftists are using race to advance their political agenda (Gramscian Marxism). How many Latinos who have just as much white in them as indigenous seem to identify with only (or mostly) the indigenous part of them?
Years ago, Latinos wanted to be identified as white. LULAC even fought for being able to identify as white. However, after the Civil Rights movement when blacks were granted special privileges and benefits for their minority status, it then became politically advantageous to NOT be identified as white. It was much easier to claim "victim" status (whether or not one was an actual victim or not) by claiming one's indigenous side. There was nothing to be gained politically by being white any more. And that's where we are right now in our society. If you are white, you do not get special business loans, home mortgage loans, race-based college grants and scholarships, or affirmative action and you do not qualify for "protected status."
So, it's not a matter of what WE want. It is a matter of how the minorities want to identify. Some just think of themselves as individual Americans first. But, some have learned from their leftist activists to use race and identity politics for political gain.
It is the left which has introduced racial politics into our national discourse. Whereas Martin Luther King's dream was for a colorblind society, the left cannot afford to have a colorblind society as their entire platform rests upon appealing to people who believe they are oppressed due to their race or gender or sexual orientation regardless of whether they actually are or not! The left cannot afford to have everyone just think of themselves as Americans! This is the whole point--not what YOU or I think!
This whole thing with the Chicano nationalists is nothing but identity politics run amok! Instead of realizing that they are living in a country with endless opportunity if they make wise personal choices, and realizing that we are now living in a post-Civil Rights era, these people choose to adopt a victim mentality, and keep themselves tethered to the past. The leftists WANT them there so that they can have a willing and captive constituency.
It is fine to respect your heritage and native culture; the problem is when that become your #1 identity instead of just thinking of yourself as American FIRST. When people do not want to stand for the pledge of allegiance, when they feel more flying the Mexican flag than the American, when they identify with being Mexican more than American, then this country is going to have nothing but ethnic tension and strife. You can already see it breaking down along ethnic/racial lines as we speak. Like Dianne said, anyone who can't see it is just sticking their head in the sand.
Personally, I like seeing blondes, brunettes, redheads, light skinned people, dark skinned people, brown eyes, blue eyes, etc. in our country. If we all intermix, the blonde, blue-eyed, light skinned variety would disappear because darker genes dominate. We would lose the Anglo culture also. Why would that be desirable to anyone other than a racist?
dee, your allegiance may not be to Mexico but your allegiance is to your own ethnic kind first. If it weren't you wouldn't be advocating an illegal invasion of your country by your own ethnic kind. Being American is secondary to your first agenda.
Yes. The little town is San Antonio and the vast majority speak English as their 1st language. Many speak Spanish as their 2nd language. The 2nd generations generally only speak English.
Pat, You are totally off base. It was your side that created the "one drop" rule.
Who is Black?
To be considered black in the United States not even half of one's ancestry must be African black. But will one-fourth do, or one-eighth, or less? The nation's answer to the question 'Who is black?" has long been that a black is any person with any known African black ancestry. This definition reflects the long experience with slavery and later with Jim Crow segregation. In the South it became known as the "one-drop rule,'' meaning that a single drop of "black blood" makes a person a black. It is also known as the "one black ancestor rule," some courts have called it the "traceable amount rule," and anthropologists call it the "hypo-descent rule," meaning that racially mixed persons are assigned the status of the subordinate group. This definition emerged from the American South to become the nation's definition, generally accepted by whites and blacks. BLACKS HAD NO OTHER CHOICE As we shall see, this American cultural definition of blacks is taken for granted as readily by judges, affirmative action officers, and black protesters as it is by Ku Klux Klansmen.
Pat, You are wrong.
You said:
If we all intermix, the blonde, blue-eyed, light skinned variety would disappear because darker genes dominate.
Both my sons have Blue or Green eyes, brown hair. My grandsons have Blue eyes. Light Hair.
My niece who is 1/4 Black and 1/4 Latina has blue eyes, light skin, brown hair.
Because we intermarry does not mean you lose any mixture of personality, eye or hair color.
Here is where you are totally wrong. I am the one who promotes e pluribus unum, out of many one. We are comprised of many diverse culture and are all ONE America!
You advocate that we all become White Northern Europeans. Your allegiance does not meet e pluribus unum standards.
Pat said:
dee, your allegiance may not be to Mexico but your allegiance is to your own ethnic kind first. If it weren't you wouldn't be advocating an illegal invasion of your country by your own ethnic kind. Being American is secondary to your first agenda
You don't know a damn thing about genetics dee. Of course a mixed Black and White couple in remote instances can have a child that looks more White than Black but that is the exception to the rule. After several generations of intermixing all the light haired, light skinned, blue-eyed people would be gone.
I don't want us to all look alike, maybe you do, but not me. The Anglo culture would be gone to. That is the part you probably really like about it. After all your cracks about Mayberry you can't deny it.
No, I don't advocate that we all become White Northern Europeans either racially or culturally in this country. Don't put words in my mouth. I just advocate as hran does that Whites retain their majority and their culture in this country as the traditional one of this country. You sure don't hava a problem with 22 Latino countries remaining Latino racially and Hispanic culturally, do you? Hypocrite!
They have immigrants also but they still retain the Hispanic flavor of their country. That is because they aren't being overwhelmed with illegal aliens from mostly one ethnic group that has high fertility rates.
Like I said earlier Pat,
when Richard Pryor went to Africa and he asked the natives what tribe they thought he came from, they responded, "Italian."
We already have massive intermixing of ethnicities in our country. e pluribus unum has been happening since the 1st pilgrim met with the 1st Native American and since the first African Slave met with the 1st White Master. We have been intermixing privately and, AT LAST, we are doing it openly, honestly and we are e pluribus unum. Out of many one!
Our Americans today are NOT the Pilgrims from New England! (nor do most of us want to be!)
That Richard Pryor quote was hilarious, Dee.
But, I have to tell you, I ran onto something really interesting today. As you have probably noted from Drudge, there is a massive ICE raid in Iowa today, in a formerly Norwegian town, with a recent history that is so interesting, sad actually, that it merited a book about this town and a case study in lack of assimilation. I don't want to hijack this thread or keep it going, but just google the book
"Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America"
And, it's not about whites vs hispanics. It's about the guys who opened the plant who are Hasidic Jews who absolutely refused to assimilate..would not even talk to the city residents. Lord have mercy.
Of course you don't want this country to resemble anything like the racial and culture makeup of this nation since it's founding anymore, dee. You want it to be a Hispanic nation. Multi-cultural, my a@@!
We are diverse racially and we always have been. But racial diversity has nothing to do with the traditional culture of this country. If we intermix too much there will be no more racial diversity. You contradict yourself. You aren't seeking more racial intermixing per se anyway. What you are seeking is the cultural takeover by Hispanics in this country. You have showed your cards long ago.
As I have said on countless occasions, we are an ethnically diverse society. We marry into different ethnic groups and our children have multi-ethnic DNA.
We are an evolving society.
It takes a generation to assimilate. Most are not giving the newest immigrants an opportunity to assimilate.
One thing is clear, we are evolving from Northern White European majority and I think that is what you and many ANTIs are having difficulty accepting.
Pats statement:
"If we intermix too much there will be no more racial diversity."
Yes, we anti's do have a problem with evolving from a White European majority because it is happening directly due to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION BY LATINOS!!!! It isn't happening due to racial mixing! And like it or not we have a traditional culture with minority cultures such as yours living among us. That of course will also change due to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! Is this natural, NO! Is it desirable, NO! But you don't give a rat's behind, do you? Just as long as we become a Hispanic nation that is all you care about. It reeks of theft and insensitivity and you don't give a damn. Yet, you pro's cry about our lack of compassion? Hypocrites!
You are correct, dee. We Whites are having trouble accepting our own genocide by ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION FROM YOU LATINOS! Gee, what a surprise! Do you suppose that any of your 22 Latino countries would ACCEPT that same thing without a squawk?
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