Tancredo was an invited guest in Brownsville, Texas last week to discuss solutions to the issues regarding the Border Fence in this border city. Those constructing the Border Fence say it is not feasibile to build the wall along the existing border, the Rio Grande, and they were discussing optimum alternatives. Some of the alternatives included building the fence on US property (see map below). The residents voiced their concerns about this, which is logical, since their land is within a US city and they prefer not to be fenced off from the US. During the extremely confrontational debate, Tancredo, an invited guest, insulted the local Brownsville citizens when he angrily proclaimed, "I suggest you build this fence around the NORTHERN part of your city!"

Local Brownsville citizens were taken aback and some responded with boos and jeers to his outrageous remarks. (Note: Brownsville, TX is a majority Latino citizen city)
Some of the comments among the audience members included:
"I think he's just ignorant," said student Alexis Fruia. "He doesn't really know where we stand here."
"A congressman in the United States of America saying that about the same city in the USA, its just outrageous," said student Chris Martinez.
For the students and staff, his strong statements hit especially close to home.
"It might take some of our campus away and we've come a long way to have this university," explained Fitness Instructor Diana Rojas. "And that's just something that not just me, but a lot of people don't agree with it."
Fruia said the fence would complicate going to classes. "I go to school in the education building on the other side of campus and they were saying we were going to need a passport to go to class." But, despite the controversy on campus, students and staff say they're glad even those with a different viewpoint on the border wall came to their school for the hearing.
"I was glad they were here to see campus and what was going to be destroyed by this border wall," explained Martinez.
Fruia agreed. "This is where I live, this is my background, this is my life," Fruia added. "Suggesting we're in Mexico? I live in the U.S."
Texas State Representative Eddie Lucio III said he doesn't believe they changed anyone's minds in the hearings Tuesday, he does believe that the Rio Grande Valley made a strong stand showing of unity against the border wall.
"A congressman in the United States of America saying that about the same city in the USA, its just outrageous," said student Chris Martinez.
For the students and staff, his strong statements hit especially close to home.
"It might take some of our campus away and we've come a long way to have this university," explained Fitness Instructor Diana Rojas. "And that's just something that not just me, but a lot of people don't agree with it."
Fruia said the fence would complicate going to classes. "I go to school in the education building on the other side of campus and they were saying we were going to need a passport to go to class." But, despite the controversy on campus, students and staff say they're glad even those with a different viewpoint on the border wall came to their school for the hearing.
"I was glad they were here to see campus and what was going to be destroyed by this border wall," explained Martinez.
Fruia agreed. "This is where I live, this is my background, this is my life," Fruia added. "Suggesting we're in Mexico? I live in the U.S."
Texas State Representative Eddie Lucio III said he doesn't believe they changed anyone's minds in the hearings Tuesday, he does believe that the Rio Grande Valley made a strong stand showing of unity against the border wall.
Tancredo was right on. If these American citizens are more concerned about their precious few yards of dirt more than our national security, then perhaps they should relocate to the other country just south of us. The choice is theirs.
Tancredo has gone over the brink on this one Pat.
He was an invited guest there to discuss SOLUTIONS to the issues at hand. Those constructing the fence say it is not feasibile to build the wall along the existing border, the Rio Grande, and they were discussing optimum alternatives. Some of the alternatives included building the fence on US property (per the map on this post). The residents voiced their concerns about this, which is logical, since their land is within a US city and they dont want to be fenced off from the US.
There was absolutely no call for Tancredo to tell them if they didnt like it they should build the fence around their cities northern border. He lost any credibility he may have had left when he provided this outrageous response!!
I disagree. The fence is feasible and necessary. I don't agree that Tancredo's remarks were out of line either. Anyone who puts their own selfish interests above national security deserves those kinds of remarks.
Go Tom!! Tancredo is one of few who understands the impact of illegal immigration upon our country. Someone has to wake up America!! Any city that refuses to have a fence built that would provide safety and security to our country, needs to be outside of the U.S. Go Tom--you have my total support.
Nancy and Pat prove how many in the ANTI groups do not have a leg to stand on.
Tancredo went beyond the pale. Next Pat, next Nancy. What is your side´s problem?
Who on earth would accept the border fence separating legal US boundaries and putting them in Mexico?
(hello, is there anyone inside that head of yours???)
Come on you guys! You are making your side look ridiculous!!
Oh, please enlighten us dee where our views and arguments have no leg to stand on. Let's start with the rule of law first, ok? The only problem our side is dealing with is the ethnocentric traitors in this country.
When Tancredo made that remark he was being facitious. He knows that we cannot draw an illegal border. He was trying to point out their selfishness and foolishness in this matter by making that remark. Too bad you aren't bright enough to figure out what he meant without it being spelled out for you.
At least you admit he was facetious!
Additionally, Rude, Pitiful and Wrong!
There is no room for facetiousness in this argument.
That is your opinion, dee. He is a loyal American in my eyes. But then I am not putting my ethnic group above the laws of this country either.
Tancredo has gone over the brink on this one Pat.
Tancredo went over the brink a long time ago. He's the worst thing to happen to political discourse in this country since McCarthy.
I disagree. Tancredo is a loyal American. We need more politicians like him who care about this country's future.
Tancredo is a disgrace and I'm embarrassed that the represents this country. To suggest that ANYONE be fenced off from your own country is appalling. AND WHATS MORE SURPRISING IS THAT YOU SIDE WITH HIM PAT (SARCASM). This is just wrong, what if YOUR home was on the other side of fence Pat. I'll bet your tune changes REAL fast. Do you agree with Tancredo because it's just a few brown ppl's home, no big deal right, lol, they're un-American to complain about something this LITTLE right? Tancredo is pathetic and so is any ANTI for agreeing with him
anon1, Tancredo was being sarcastic, you twit! Anyone who puts their own selfish interests above the security of this country deserves sarcasm and much more.
Tancredo can't re-define the borders and you know it. You are making a mountain out of a mole hill over his sarcasm.
Oh, and let's pull the usual race card her with your "brown people" remark. FYI, I saw a video of a white woman objecting to the fence because she lives near the border. It isn't just "brown people" that are objecting. Stick your race card where the sun don't shine!
Pat, Stop name calling! (you used twit, stick it where...)
Tancredo was wrong! He was also very disrespectful to those who invited him to help come up with a viable solution. A viable solution is NOT to fence off US land to MX.
dee, stop calling me a racist, you hypocrite!
Tancredo was right! Any REAL American would cooperate in protecting our borders. Those selfish Americans deserved his sarcasm. The fence is a very necessary tool to secure the border and to assist the BP.
You just can't stand the fact that it would put a crimp in more of your ethnic kind to enter our country illegally.
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