"To provide a forum where people, both PRO and ANTI, can discuss American Immigration Issues civilly, freely and safely thereby reducing the hate, anger and misunderstandings currently inherent in most of these discussions."
The reason I became involved in the Immigration discussion has been extremely clear to me. In May, 2006, after the Immigration Marches, I started seeing the cable news channels talking very negatively about illegal immigration. I found many internet sites were talking negatively about legal and illegal immigration issues. Since I do research on the job, I started conducting Immigration research on the web. I joined several Immigration websites and I researched others. Over that time, I learned so much about Immigration issues. I had been participating on a Discussion Board. For various reasons, they wanted to change their format. I liked the concept of having both sides, ANTIs and PROs, debating each other civilly. I decided to start my own Blog to fill this need. I was very, very fortunate that many of the intelligent participants from my previous discussion board followed me to my blog!! For that, I am very grateful to them!! (especially Ulty and Liquid!)
I want to thank all of my visitors and commenters for visiting my blog!
I was reviewing my eBlogger Dashboard Visitor Report today. This month (May 2008), I have had over 5000 visitors with over 10,000 page views to my blog with an average of 200 – 300 visitors per day. (I love these reports. )
I was reviewing my eBlogger Dashboard Visitor Report today. This month (May 2008), I have had over 5000 visitors with over 10,000 page views to my blog with an average of 200 – 300 visitors per day. (I love these reports. )
While most of my visitors are from the US (over 95%), I have visitors from all over the world. 154 from Canada. 31 from Mexico. 2 from Guatemala. 1 from Panama. 10 from Brazil. 2 from Argentina. 5 from Chile. 10 from Spain. 43 from UK. 41 from Germany. 8 from Italy. Dozens from other European countries. 4 from Russia. 6 from Japan. 1 from China. 2 from Malasia. 18 from Australia. Several from the Islands. Over a dozen from several countries in Africa.
I owe the popularity of my blog to YOU, My Welcome Visitors! I am especially proud of all of you and the intelligent and civil debate we conduct on my Blog!
I owe the popularity of my blog to YOU, My Welcome Visitors! I am especially proud of all of you and the intelligent and civil debate we conduct on my Blog!
Thank you so Much!!
PS: Pat, before you start, I even welcome and am glad you are here!! Thank you! (be nice, just for once, in this comment section!)
The reason you don't like me dee, isn't because I am not nice. It is because I expose you for what you are more than any other person in this blog. I hit too many nerves of truth with you. That and the fact that a little "bird" that I know knew you from the defunct MATT forum and filled me in about you before I ever entered this blog. She was right about everything of course. MATT didn't decide to close their forum on a whim. You know the reason that they ended it.
I like this blog because I haven't been banned for being idealistic. I posted my views on one "conservative" blog and at least one person there said they wanted to pound my head into the curb, others made veiled threats about taking up arms and ridding the country of my kind and the blog owner hated my views so much he banned me.
Well Nelson, As you know, we allow everyone to comment here, as long as they remain civil. I´m glad you are here!
Actually Pat, I am glad you are here. You help prove that all sides are allowed to post here, as long as we all remain civil.
Thanks for the great blog. I have learned a great deal from your posts and feel you are a great voice for the pro-migrant community. When I'm working on my posts over at Citizen Orange I always know I'll find a great post to include here. Thanks so much and keep up the good work.
symsess, we are ALL pro-immigrant but real Americans are anti-illegal alien because they respect the laws of this country.
I like to refer to this blog as a "Civil War." Keep it civil, but don't be afraid to take off the gloves and start warring. And I love the names for the warriors, ANTI's vs PRO's. All-though ANTI's have strength in numbers, the PRO's make up for it with passion, efficiency, and they don't take cheap shots. And it's great that Dee points out some of this countries most heinous ppl (a la arpaio, dobbs, limbaugh) and exposes the true culprits (employers) that take advantage of immigrants in a tough situation. Keep up the great work Dee and thanks for the update
Way too funny dee, just post as anon1 whenever you feel the need!
We know it's you regardless of what you and your other selve say!
interesting-you are pro-immigrant just like most of us are. We are anti-illegal, are you?
Anon1 and Symsess,
Thank you for your feedback.
I also like the Citizen Orange blog. They are informative as well.
I am not anon1. To say I am all PRO commenters is just a silly argument.
Liquid and Pat both know that Anon is another person and a very passionate PRO commenter.
I appreciate all that visit my blog!!
How do Pat & Liquid know that you are not 1 and the same? Did they see your license?
c'mon dee-its funny that you choose to booster your own comments
with another identity
200-300 view your blog every day
but only pat, liquid and a few here and there choose to post. How come?
and of course I can't forget anon1/dee also comments. LOL
Well, I always think it's interesting to educate oneself on "the other side" of a political disagreement. And, it's good to engage in debate and get things off one's chest as well. I visit as many liberal blogs as conservative ones.
Did you see on Drudge today that Miami has become a predominantly Spanish speaking city so much so that people who only speak English can't get a job, can't get simple things like directions, can't shop and understand the signs, etc. and consequently are leaving for other parts of the country.
From the article:
"But this situation, so pleasing to Latin American immigrants, makes some English speakers feel marginalized. In the 1950s, it's estimated that more than 80 percent of Miami-Dade County residents were non-Hispanic whites. But in 2006, the Census Bureau estimates that number was only 18.5 percent, and in 2015 it is forecast to be 14 percent. Hispanics now make up about 60 percent.
"The Anglo population is leaving," said Juan Clark, a sociology professor at Miami Dade College. "One of the reactions is to emigrate toward the north. They resent the fact that (an American) has to learn Spanish in order to have advantages to work. If one doesn't speak Spanish, it's a disadvantage."
and how come YOU'VE got to post as anonymous, anonymous? Could it be that YOU are an unsuspecting ANTI the usually posts under a different user. Don't accuse unless you want your own actions to be in question. Liquid has a program that views where one's post reveals one's location via IP address's. Liquid from a prev post disclosed the truth that Dee and myself are posting from 2 different cities. And as I've always posted in past blogs that Dee's WAY more professional at debating then I am, WAY more intelligent, I just happen to agree with a lot of her views. I'm sorry that GETS UNDER YOUR SKIN that there are MORE THAN A FEW PRO'S that post here. GET OVER YOURSELF anonymous!!!
Diane, this is where dee chimes in about our wonderful, thriving, multi-cultural country. It matters not to her that mono-lingual, English speaking Americans can't even get a job in their own country in cities such as Miami, L.A.,etc. Obviously many Cubans have not assimilated into our culture and language as mainstream Americans but rather changed the demographics of Miami to be of their culture and language. The same goes for a lot of the southwest due to illegal immigration by Spanish speakers. It is one thing to practice one's native culture and language at home and quite another to create the situation as in Miami and L.A. and many other cities in America.
Imagine if millions of Anglos were granted refugee status or migrated illegally to Latino countries and if we did the same. They would not tolerate it, I guarantee it!
Patriot: I would like to get Dee's take on the situation in Miami as stated in the article. Yes, I agree LA is headed there, especially since the LA city council is going to start conducting business in Spanish, translated into English.
Anon, I have to take exception here. Anon1 is a very good and now tenured participant on my blog. He is posting much more frequently than you are. We are here to discuss both sides of the issue and you are welcome to participate, as long as you remain civil and stick to topic.
We´ve told you a few times now. We are not the same person. All PROs are not the same person. Liquid and others know this.
Please stop being so silly.
You are making yourself look insecure and your argument is very weak!
We want ALL to participate, but do not falsely accuse again!
Dianne, I will take a look at your article and respond.
One more thing.
I believe the eblogger reports are available on line. Anyone can check them out.
I am very proud of all the activity on my blog and I thank all that visit.
If you choose to feel threatened or disagree, then you dont have to stay here. Ive said this to you before.
We are here to dialogue civilly.
If you dont want to be here, no one is making you stay.
dee, I wouldn't be chastizing anyone in here about false accusations when you yourself keep falsely accusing us anti's of not wanting the employers who hire illegal aliens, punished. Pot, kettle, black!
Well Dianne, I did study the Drudge article. It appears some neighborhoods in Miami are primarily Cuban immigrants and many in the neighborhoods speak spanish first. It isnt that they dont know or understand English, rather its that they feel more comfortable and the businesses want to sell to them in their neighborhoods.
similar to Chinatown, Germanown, etc.
Chinatown and Germantown are only ethnic business neighborhoods. They aren't entire huge American cities. It is ridiculous that an English speaking American can't get a job in Miami or any other major city of the U.S. because they don't speak Spanish. Especially since most Cuban citizens and other Hispanic citizens are bi-lingual in this country. So why the need for Spanish speakers there? I could give a rat's behind that they feel all warm and fuzzy speaking their native language. They can do that at home and not in the workplace and certainly not demanding it as a requirement for employment for other Americans whose language is the COMMON language of this country. That is what Tancredo meant about Miami resembling a third world neighborhood. Everywhere you go you hear nothing but Spanish and this the U.S., not some Hispanic country. They have earned the label!
I'm not sure how my positive comment to Dee turned into a question of my patriotism or loyalty to the laws of the United States. Save your provocateur attitude for a post that addresses an issue rather than one meant to celebrate Dee’s dedication. This blog obviously gives you something to do and look forward to. So just say thanks. Is that so hard?
symsess, obviously you have showed your true colors by calling dee, pro-immigrant. The subject isn't "immigrants", it is illegal aliens. We are all pro-immigrant.
My purprose in here is none of your business. But I will tell you that I am here to expose so-called Americans like her to the public.
Oh and you've done such a FINE job at that (sarcasm), I'm sure Dee likes having ppl make comments on her blog but pat, don't kid yourself
anon 1, the more the public knows about the ethnocentric traitors that live among us and what their true agenda is, the better we can deal with it before it is too late.
sure pat, just like living with the crazy, brain-washed, holier than thou freaks, course it's a HECK of a lot easier to spot those ppl
Oh I get it Pat.
You think you are a "Secret Agent"
I found your pix on the web.
Pat said:
"My purprose in here is none of your business. But I will tell you that I am here to expose so-called Americans like her to the public."
As I said, I like you here.
No one would believe there was anyone (any ANTI) like you.
Now that you are here, the viewers know I could NEVER make you up!!
dee, hate to burst your bubble but there are millions and millions more like myself. In fact the majority of Americans share my immmigration views, not yours.
Sorry, Pat.
You are very, very unique!
The vast majority of Americans and my readers are middle of the road and NOT extremists like you!
dee, where you go wrong is that my views are not extreme in the first place. My views reflect the majority of American's opinion on this issue. You and your ilk have always been the minority in YOUR views.
Opulently I assent to but I dream the collection should prepare more info then it has.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
It was extremely interesting for me to read this blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.
Avril Simpson
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