Texas newspapers' immigration poll brings out the worst of the "American people" -- or does it?
Four major newspapers in Texas -- The Dallas Morning News, The Houston Chronicle, The Austin American-Statesman and The San Antonio Express-News -- decided to conduct a statewide poll on how Texans feel about illegal immigration. Since it's an issue that according to the national GOP the "American people" want resolved through punitive legislation and increased border security, it's only reasonable to find out if Texans are every bit as paranoid and reckless with their assumptions of Latinos as some Arizona residents.
The poll showed that regarding a similar Arizona law: there were clear breaks between Republicans (78 percent favoring it) and Democrats (71 percent opposing it), and Hispanics (76 percent opposing) and whites (68 percent favoring).
Yet, what surprised political analysts reviewing the poll was that the margins among the answers were so narrow. Clearly, there just isn't the same kind of manic responses that the issue elicits in other states. And there shouldn't be given the history of Mexicans with Texas before Texas was even part of the nation. But there is a concentrated effort among some people to push the issue as a divisive issue between Latinos and others. How do we know? It's all in the comments.
When local Arizona newspapers ran stories about SB 1070 in Arizona, comments ran for pages and pages online. There were insulting, dehumanizing and lacked reason.
There were three comments on the story of the immigration poll on Monday (today) in The Dallas Morning News, even though six were listed in the numerical count. One can only surmise that three were taken off for being questionable in tone.
The three remaining spoke about "concerns" that aren't voiced that often in Texas. In fact, one commenter wasn't even from Texas. All three tried to instill fear of Latinos in their comments, from saying "la raza" was trying to take over Texas" to this: We have had to endure watching our state be run over by illegals who eat better and drive better cars than us on our dollar. But thank goodness America has woken up...My fellow Americans do not believe what the liberal media would like you to believe. You can depend on Fox news giving you just about the most accurate and fair unbiased news you can get. Come November every politician that is in favor of illegal immigration will be voted out. Hide and watch.
Not sure where this person sees undocumented immigrants eat better or drive better cars than him -- could he be confusing Latino citizens with undocumented immigrants? Or just watching too much of FOX news? Regardless, the calibre of comments that try to evoke resentment, fear and anger underscore just who is driving the illegal immigration debate -- I would bet it's not most "American people."
One can always expect comments from the right and the left that are clearly off base or which simply miss the mark. I doubt that many pay them much attention.
Given the burgeoning Mexican population in Texas, the results of this poll are not unusual.
The Mexican presence, though significant, is part of an even larger upsurge in the general Hispanic population. Dallas will become a majority Hispanic city well before 2030, when the entire state will have shifted that way. As Dallas County gained 175,000 Hispanic residents (now 35 percent of the population) from 2000 to 2005, 130,000 Anglos moved out. Immigrants now account for 100 percent of the county’s net population growth; in the North Texas region, it’s 40 percent.
Each day at Parkland Hospital, some 32 babies of undocumented, foreign-born parents, mostly Mexican, are born into this world of woe and U.S. citizenship. That’s 75 percent of the 16,489 deliveries in fiscal 2006. Medicaid pays the bill—or at least some of it, some of the time. Parkland has to go through Kafkaesque bureaucratic hoops to get the money. Federal guidelines limit what the hospital can bill to the government without obtaining documentation from pregnant mothers.
Welcome to Mexico Norte!
It's hard to understand why anyone thinks a benign policy toward illegal aliens and their progeny is in the long term best interests of Texas and the U.S. If the Latino culture is so great, the aliens would have remained in their homelands where it is already pervasive. Instead they come here and begin immediately to re-create the very conditions that caused them to leave their homelands. Maybe the Democrats and the Mexicans should re-think that idea.
VIDEO : very Ugly Treatment of an Old Lady protesting against the Hypocrisy of John McCain - lady thrown to the floor- old lady protesting John McCain getting tackled at a protest- Very Disgusting
Ugly, Repugnant, Disgusting, Repellent - A scene of violence against an Old Lady !
Lady has a T-Shirt with the sign "Do I look undocumented ?" - So this has to do with John McCain Racist Positions in favor of SB1070 and supporting the Governor of Arizona Jan Brewer in her many absurd Racist Claims and Bigotry Laws.
Whatever27213 | September 27, 2010
Video from NESN of an old lady protesting John McCain getting tackled at a protest outside of the 2010 US Senate debate in Phoenix, AZ.
McCain Protester Tackled at Senate Debate
Vicente Duque
What you ALWAYS forget...you say "leave their homelands"..what a silly silly comments. The majority of latino citizens in the SW states are like me. We've always been here. Our ancestors have lived here for centuries, much longer than yours. These ARE our homelands!!!
We built this country with our hard work ethic, family values and our sweat and blood!
I think you knew that I was speaking about the illegals mostly. I referred to other Hispanics only in the sense that they may wish to reconsider their view of illegals. If the Hispanic citizens were born here and have never been to Mexico except for an occasional trip to a resort, then they need to acquaint themselves with Mexico today to see if that is what they would like to see the U.S. become. As the illegal aliens continue to flood across the border and soak up Medicaid and other taxpayer-funded social programs, they re-create here the very conditions that caused them to leave their homelands. Those who were born here or who have been here for centuries don't fit in that category. Nevertheless, they should be aware of the potential for Mexico Norte and how that would affect them personally. It might change their minds.
Maybe we should check the census for the first year and subsequent years in which Hispanic was used as a category to see how the Hispanic population compared with that of other populations. As I indicated in my earlier, yet unpublished post, I was speaking of illegal aliens not Mexican American citizens of long standing. If there are 500,000 of them in Arizona, I think that bears out my point.
Here's my quote with appropriate emphases so you won't miss it this time.
"It's hard to understand why anyone thinks a benign policy toward illegal aliens and their progeny is in the long term best interests of Texas and the U.S. If the Latino culture is so great, the aliens would have remained in their homelands where it is already pervasive. Instead they come here and begin immediately to re-create the very conditions that caused them to leave their homelands."
What I meant by "recreate the very conditions that caused them to leave their homelands" is the joblessness, poverty, drain on society, crime, gangs, drug, human and weapons smuggling. I'm sure their are others who are equally desperate straits in the current economic environment, especially those who had gotten used to the good life and affluence two breadwinners provided.
How can you not see that whoever they are, at some point more becomes less -- the more there are of us: Hispanics, Anglos, Blacks, and others, the less there will be for each of us and the more we will resemble impoverished and overpopulated countries like Mexico. It's a mystery to me why that is so hard to understand and accept. That was my basic point.
You Wrote"Our ancestors have lived here for centuries, much longer than yours. These ARE our homelands!!!" Spoken like a true Reconquista! Good luck with that!
Do you really want to return to being a part of Mexico? Is that the culture, the economy, the mores, the disregard for the rule of law, etc. you want to emulated and re-created in Texas?
Dee wrote “What you ALWAYS forget...you say 'leave their homelands'..what a silly silly comments. The majority of latino citizens in the SW states are like me. We've always been here. Our ancestors have lived here for centuries, much longer than yours. These ARE our homelands!!! We built this country with our hard work ethic, family values and our sweat and blood!”
[Spoken like a true Reconquista!]
There were a lot more non-Hispanics than Hispanics involved in building this country and that is not silliness. Even as recent as 1970, Hispanics were only 4.7% of the total U.S. population. Therefore, at best, based on their numbers, Hispanics could only claim to have built 4.7% of America in 1970, if they started from scratch. If we were able to go back farther, we would see even smaller numbers of Hispanics relative to the total population, so claiming that Hispanics built this country is just so much hog wash, if not an outright lie. In Arizona, the estimates of 1940 population show Hispanics at 20.4% and the White-Non-Hispanics (WNH) at 65.1% of the population. By 1990 the Hispanics had declined to 18.8% while the WNH had increased to 71.7%. I assume the Hispanic count includes both citizens and illegal aliens. In California, by 1990, the Hispanics were 25.8% of the population and the WNH were 57.2%. In 1940, it looked more like 6.1% Hispanic and the WNH 89.6%. When Victor Davis Hanson wrote his book, “Mexifornia: A State of Becoming”, he knew what he was talking about. At 25.8% Hispanic, Mexifornia is a microcosm of what we can expect in Mexico Norte by 2050. Mexico Norte will be 25% Hispanic by then so Mexifornia is a good case study of what 2050 Mexico Norte will be like.
Instead of building America, it will be more about destroying it.
Texas is much the same with the Hispanic population increasing from12% in 1940 to 25.5% by 1990. So it may well be that some of the ancestors of that 12% were here centuries ago but certainly not the ancestors of all of them. Some of those ancestors must have been in Mexico or points south at that time. So any claim that Hispanics built even the border states is totally off base and greatly exaggerated.
I read that Mexico is building a fence across their southern border. I almost laughed out loud. At the same time, they chastise the U.S. for our feeble attempt at a fence. Now today I read several mayors from Mexican states are upset that we are deporting Mexican national criminals because those same criminals are committing heinous crimes in Mexico.
Maybe the fat cat richest man in the world who is Mexican could do something for his own country. Or maybe Mexico could eploit its own rich resources to better the living conditions for its own people. And maybe the Mexican government could spend a little money to educate its own citizens so they could get decent jobs and live a happy life in their own homeland.
But, no, Mexico doesn't do any of those things so their people flee here and expect the U.S. taxpayer to pick up the tab for their medical, their education, their housing. That illegal maid who was crying on national tv saying Whitman abused her was paid $23 an hour !!
And you wonder why we are upset...
Or just maybe the
"The estimated Hispanic Citizen population of the United States as of July 1, 2009, was 48.4M, today, it is closer to 50M, making people of Hispanic origin the nation's largest ethnic or race minority. Hispanics constituted 16 percent of the nation's total population. In addition, there are approximately 4 million residents of Puerto Rico, a Caribbean U.S. territory. The US has 97 men for every 100 women. However, there are 107 Hispanic men for every 100 Hispanic women.
Many celebrations are being held across the country in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. This year, the theme of these very American celebrations is to celebrate Hispanic Heritage, Diversity, Integrity and Military Honor."
I don't know what the significance of the male to female ratios is unless they mean that Hispanic men will be looking for Anglo, Black or Asiatic mates. I highlighted the words diversity and integrity because, celebration or no, the influx of Hispanics by the numbers cited is reducing diversity in the U.S. It is becoming more Hispamnic and that does not equate to more diversity. The U.S. already has a diverse population and current fertility rates will cause it to continue to be so. Anglos however will become a smaller percentage and therefore, from that perspective, the U.S. will become less diverse.
Integrity means fidelity to moral principles like the rule of law. Therefore, there is little reason
to celebrate integrity since most illegal aliens are of Hispanic origins and who have ignored the rule of law. I question their personal integrity and that of their fellow travelers and supporters.
I doubt you UNDERSTAND the term reconquista. How dare you name call. It is repugnant and stupid.
As my bio states, my family has roots IN Texas prior to it becoming a state. We've been Tejanos and we became American. Americans. Our family worked hard to help Nation Build this country, serving in the military, defending this great nation of ours in War and in Peace.
It is too bad people like you see Color First and DO NOT respect minorities as True Americans.
Shame on you!!
God Bless America!
God Bless our President Obama!
Try living in Peace with respect for all, including our President and all cultures within our Great American Society!
I'm sorry you have chosen not to post my rebuttal to your last post. I guess the truth hurts.
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