However now, with the sudden media attention to their plight, the Hate Mongering Militias are up in arms. (Note: The Militias are the armed Tea Partiers, far right extremist hate groups and former Minutemen.)

On Wednesday, June 25, 2014, Barbie posted a "Call to Action" on her website. Barbie said, “We are trying to contact every person and every patriot in the United States to go down and help do something the government should have done a long time ago.”
See her website's Call to Action here):
This is a call to ACTION for all Militia, lll%er's, Oathkeepers, and Patriotic support personel. Texas Contact: Commander Chris Davis 830-388-0410 A bit about Commander Davis. He was in the Army. He is a part of the Bowies Volunteers Militia, and the CMDR of Winter Soldiers. Contact Lt. Col. Floyd Breshears 580-889-1036 Welcome Aboard Sean Arronge.He Is CMDR Sean Arronge of the Bowies Volunteers - Alamo Platoon and he is the Training Coordinator and Accountability officer for the mission.
Description of Location:Currently 3 secure locations 1 fall back location. Patriots reporting for duty @ the command center Please secure the password from your commander before arrival. Exit 140 on I 35 Von Ormy Texas 78073
Items needed for BOG Immediately include water -- food--- medical supplys-- certified emt's with trauma bag ---- sleeping bags-- cots-- flashlights --- large n medium helmets ----lg- med-sm- vests--water coolers -- Dry earase boards
Arizona There are 2 Groups looking for 2 different types of people Contact is maintained with these Commanders.
Operation Phoenix is in need of Night vision at least Gen III, If anyone is intrested in donating please contact PatriotsInformationHotline for donation shipping.
Nogalas Az if you would like to send gas cards or food cards they can be sent too. This will only be accessed weekly. General Delivery 3848 Apache Junction Az 85117 W
For more information call Patriot Information Hotline 24/7 (559 726 1300) access 639939#
BOG: This is a paramilitary action. We need all the support we can get to mobilize in Texas. Please share this on facebook, group pages, e-mails, everywhere. Texas needs you!! America needs you !! For all reporting. Please take with you all items needed for a long term camping trip. Do Not forget the porta potty. Help us close that border!! Help Secure the border !! Thank you all for your services.
(My question to my viewers: WHAT IS BOG? Let's ask our Latino Bloggers to Research this!!)
On Friday, June 27, 2014, Barbie announced her role as Leader and Organizer of this effort on the far-right YouTube Channel Newsmax's "MidPoint." (See the video here)
Barbie said: "We have over 50 people from all over US. Laredo TX. We made a call to Action all over the US. We made the Call to action on Facebook. Patriots are coming form Maine to CA. ... What we are trying to say, we are Fed up. We were promised a Wall. Money was provided for the Wall. The government has an accountability to the people. Today, we have a specific place in Laredo, TX and we plan to expand from there. We will go to other points also. The MILITIA'S HUMAN FENCE will continue for days and weeks to come." She also mentioned that there were already Militias helping the border patrol, in Arizona and along the Southwest.
There are an estimated 500 militia troops already guarding the border in Arizona, and some militias in Arizona, Oklahoma, and other states across the country are offering their assistance to the Texas militia, if they are invited to come help.
Barbie was asked if the MILITIA'S HUMAN CHAIN/FENCE was armed? At first, she would not say. However they were in fear of being shot by drug cartels and the American Government so if weapons were carried, it was for protection.
When the reporter questioned, "Come on. Do you really think think the American Government?" She ranted about the Government already invading people's homes without warrants.
Finally, I want ALL OF MY VIEWERS to see Barbie's YouTube Channel. (see her youtube channel here -- please save them to your hard drives before she takes them down) On this website, she features rantings of violent extremists advocating some type of Violence against Latinos and against our President/Government. Barbie herself says she believes Border Violence is inevitable, that it Wwill happen. (Many of these folks were protest Militia members at the Cliven Bundy ranch and are currently monitoring the border in Arizona -- per Barbie.)
I am not here to make Judgement. I am merely reporting and providing the websites and rantings of the Far Right Extremist Militias. You can Judge for yourselves.
My fear is for the Innocents of ANGEL FLIGHT seeking asylum in the US. What are the Militia groups planning to do to them? May God and Heaven HELP THE ANGELS!!
I ask all of my Latino BLOG Colleagues to share this Blog and to start following the antics of the Militias. Violence is NOT inevitable. It will only happen if we IGNORE the tactics of The Violents!