Chicago SunTime.com
Rep. Luis Gutierrez renewing push for immigration reform Tuesday
December 11, 2009 8:56 AM
Rep. Luis Gutierrez renewing push for immigration reform Tuesday
December 11, 2009 8:56 AM
"Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity"
- to be Introduced December 15(Washington D.C.)
On Tuesday, December 15, Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (D-IL) will introduce new legislation, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America's Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (CIR ASAP), to the U.S. House of Representatives. Gutierrez will be joined by members of many different faiths and backgrounds, including the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Black Caucus, Asian Pacific American Caucus and Progressive Caucus.
Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (IL-4), Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force
Rep. Nydia M. Velázquez (NY-12), Chair of the Congressional Hispanic
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY-11), Whip of the Congressional Black Caucus
Rep. Mike Honda (CA-15), Chair of Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA-6), Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus
Rep. Judy Chu (CA-32)Rep. Joseph Crowley (NY-7)
Rep. Pedro R. Pierluisi (PR-At large)
Rep. Jared Polis (CO-2)
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL-9)
Rep. Jose E. Serrano (NY-16)
Other Members of Congress
What: Introduction of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Legislation
When:12:30 pm, Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Where:Room 2220, Rayburn House Office Building
"We have waited patiently for a workable solution to our immigration crisis to be taken up by this Congress and our President," said Rep. Gutierrez. "The time for waiting is over. This bill will be presented before Congress recesses for the holidays so that there is no excuse for inaction in the New Year. It is the product of months of collaboration with civil rights advocates, labor organizations, and members of Congress. It is an answer to too many years of pain --mothers separated from their children, workers exploited and undermined security at the border-- all caused at the hands of a broken immigration system. This bill says 'enough,' and presents a solution to our broken system that we as a nation of immigrants can be proud of."
. Pathway to legalization for undocumented workers
. Professional and effective border enforcement
. Smart and humane interior enforcement
. Protecting workers
. Verification systems
. Family unity as a cornerstone of our immigration system
. Future flows of workers
. Promoting immigrant integration
. Professional and effective border enforcement
. Smart and humane interior enforcement
. Protecting workers
. Verification systems
. Family unity as a cornerstone of our immigration system
. Future flows of workers
. Promoting immigrant integration
Gutierrez can KMA! He is nothing but an anti-American, ethnocentric racist and he and his followers like you will not get what you hope for. He like the rest of you just want this country taken over by Hispanics and it ain't gonna happen. Never have I seen more traitors in our midst since the McCarthy days. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for calling yourselves Americans. How the hell do you sleep at night or look in the mirror??
I just got off of a national call about the Guiterrez bill.
Expect a formal announcement by Guiterrez tomorrow.
As soon as I receive a copy of the bill I will post it on line so we can discuss and review it.
All PRO groups/organizations/bloggers are expected to Unite and Fight for CIR-ASAP!!!
"Comprehensive Mexicanization Reform for America's Sunset and descent into third world status"
would be a better name for this bill.
Here is a summary of the bill:
Bad timing. Won't get off first base. Not when the country is in the midst of an economic disaster. 10-20 million undocumented jumping on the welfare express - food stamps, medicaid, subsidized housing, disability, you name it, they'll be on it. If we think we have problems now, just wait till this bill hits the U.S. taxpayer.
I don't agree with the last comment. Imagine the other side of the fence. Everybody who is not working legally ig getting paid. If by check they pay taxes, if not they don't pay taxes. Once legal they'll have to pay taxes and that would be extra fresh money in all those system (SS, unemployment insurance etc.). MAke evrybody who is not legal and wants documents right away pay $5000.00 penalty and any taxes that were not paid. If 10 mil. do that that would be 50 billion $ fresh money that could be put towards something good. Do not forget that they are already working they might as well start paying the taxes. It's not that bad after all. And that should fix the social security fund problem that is coming anyway. Just my thoughts
Anon that is an interesting take but why would anyone pay the $5,000 if they could just keep on working and not paying any taxes? For this to work it would have to be coupled with a comprehensive crackdown on employers using e -verify so that the micreant employees and employers can be identified. Some employers should go to jail for failing to follow the rules regarding withholding, etc.
Overlooked is the damage yet another amnesty will do in the long run as many more millions see that the Congress has no backbone and will continue to grant amnesty periodically. In the meantime our population will swell well beyond the current prediction of 600 million by the end of this century to more like 1.3 billion meaning America will look more like China and India with the added burden of depleted scarce or finite natural resources, billions of tons of more pollutants, and the corruption, disease, joblessness, poverty and misery that will come with that kind of population growth. Gutierrez and his ilk don't know what they are doing. He is a traitor to the U.S. in my book.
NEVER, going to happen. Not a chance in hell. We have stopped shamnesty twice before and it will be stopped again. All of you invaders took advantage of the good nature of Americans and spit in our faces. You ruin our communities, bankrupted welfare/medicad and disrespect the American way of life. You do NOT deserve to be rewarded for breaking our laws with citizenship. Becoming an American citizen is a privilege, not a right or something to be stolen by force. I use to support your cause, but not anymore and 83% of American agree.
You are going off the deep end again. You never supported CIR. Additionally, reread your last sentence. When you say YOU Invaders, you are obviously referring to me and Latino readers of my blog. We are citizens who support immigration reform. We are NOT invaders. We've been here for hundreds of years. Longer than you and yours.
I am older than you therefore I have been here longer than you. Doesn't matter how long whites, blacks or latinos in general have been here. You can only speak for yourself. Just because one's ethnic kind may have been here for awhile is totally irrelevent. So don't get all smug about it. It was an Italian man that discovered America not a Spaniard nor a Latino.
I support this act. I am sick and tired of the immigration debate, can they just resolve this issue once and for all? For over 15 years illegals have been coming into my city to work. They have worked here, raised their families, picked up some english and bought houses, cars ect.. And now people want to deport them?? It is too late! They cannot oppress a whole group of people! It is shameful. In the past three years or so many groups have formed to deter illegal immigrants but most post inaccurate statements constructed for their own agenda which misleads the public while painting an inaccurate picture of the typical hispanic. This is the result of a flawed immigration system and the fair trade act didn't help. There have and will always be illegal immigrants, this is the richest country in the world. Why has the illegal influx of hispanic workers not address earlier? Now the children bought over here, by no choice of their own, are grown up and are american in all aspects except documentation, we can't kick an american out of their own country! They need a path to citizenship it is the only right thing to do at this point. Jaywalking is a crime technically, yet it is never enforced so are jaywalkers criminals? No and neither are illegal immigrants!
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