Most Heinous Hate Crimes Against Latinos in 10 month time period:
1. Luis Ramirez murder - July 12, 2008; Piekarsky, Donchak Trial: May 2009, found not guilty of most serious crimes. Sentenced to 6 months for minor offenses. Dec., 2009, DOJ Grand Jury indicts for Hate Crime Murders. In Prison. No Bond.
2. Marcelo Lucero murder - Nov. 8, 2008 by Caucasian Crew who regularly went "Beaner Jumping": Dec. 2009, Crew defendants plea bargains against charged murderer Jeff Conroy.
3. Chilean Student Murders - Feb. 26, 2009; Two innocents murdered, three wounded. Nov. 19, 2009: Dannie Baker found mentally incompetent to stand trial. Sent to FL State Mental Hospital.
4. 9 yr old Brisenia Flores and Dad - May 30, 2009; Minutemen Leaders Shawna Forde & Gunny Forde indicted for 1st degree murder with death penalty. Trial date tbd.
While I am confident in murders 1, 2, and 4 holding the perps accountable, I am still concerned about Dannie Baker receiving his proper punishment. Here is the latest update from one of Baker's surviving victims.
NWFDailyNews reports:
MIRAMAR BEACH — Francisco Javier Cofre-Fernandez’s life changed dramatically the morning of Feb. 26.
The once vibrant 25-year-old was shot in the face. He lost sight in one eye, lost his right arm and suffered facial damages after lawmen say Dannie Baker opened fire through a window of a town home on Cofre-Fernandez and other Chilean students about 1:45 a.m.
Five students, four men and a woman, were eating and discussing job opportunities in Destin when Baker shot them with a rifle at Summer Lake town home subdivision on Scenic Gulf Drive. Walton County sheriff’s deputies arrived to find two of them dead and three wounded. Baker, 61, barricaded himself inside his nearby town home until he surrendered shortly after 6 a.m.
The once vibrant 25-year-old was shot in the face. He lost sight in one eye, lost his right arm and suffered facial damages after lawmen say Dannie Baker opened fire through a window of a town home on Cofre-Fernandez and other Chilean students about 1:45 a.m.
Five students, four men and a woman, were eating and discussing job opportunities in Destin when Baker shot them with a rifle at Summer Lake town home subdivision on Scenic Gulf Drive. Walton County sheriff’s deputies arrived to find two of them dead and three wounded. Baker, 61, barricaded himself inside his nearby town home until he surrendered shortly after 6 a.m.
He was held at the Walton County Jail from then until Circuit Judge Kelvin Wells ruled Nov. 19 that he was incompetent to stand trial. Florida State Hospital is required to report Baker’s mental-health status to Wells within six months, although it can report that he is competent at any time, Assistant State Attorney Bobby Elmore said after the November hearing.
If Baker is not deemed competent, the hospital will continue to treat him and provide annual reports to Wells, Elmore said. If he is deemed incompetent for five years, the case must be dismissed. However, charges can be re-filed if he ever becomes competent, Elmore said.
“It is very difficult to accept something like that. I know that a mentally sane person cannot do something like Baker did, but it should not go unpunished,” Cofre-Fernandez said.
If Baker is not deemed competent, the hospital will continue to treat him and provide annual reports to Wells, Elmore said. If he is deemed incompetent for five years, the case must be dismissed. However, charges can be re-filed if he ever becomes competent, Elmore said.
“It is very difficult to accept something like that. I know that a mentally sane person cannot do something like Baker did, but it should not go unpunished,” Cofre-Fernandez said.
Thanks for all your excellent work during year 2009.
You have given us many scoops on Immigration, and on these Judicial Activities about Racial or Ethnic Aggressions and Murders.
We can save a lot of time by entering "Immigration Talk with a Mexican American"
I wish a wonderful year for you Dee, and for your readers.
I am a rendered admirer of "Dee from Texas", her courage, her bravery, her valor.
She is like a Joan of Arc, fighting for a World of Kindness, Humanity and Decency.
Thanks God for sending us Dee !.
Vicente Duque
The Village of Patchogue created a fake police department, corrupting many aspects of Government in order to undermine the minority population of Patchogue and drive the immigrants out. The corruption of the Village of Patchogue’s constabulary coincides with its redevelopment. The “shock and awe” of an unlawful illegally armed police force was particularly effective in pushing undesirables out the village’s boundaries. The threat of force coerced residents to give up their rights, which would have been protected under New York State and Suffolk County laws. Residents were faced with fines, arrests, unwarranted inspections, harassment, and threats of assault with illegal firearms.
I have proof that the Feds are quelching the investigation of Marcello Lucero and the fake cops of Patchogue.
Anyone who commits a violent crime needs to be prosecuted and incarcerated.
However, we've been through this "FBI reports hate crimes against Latinos" before. You never did provide verifiable stats, and what I did find suggested that the percentage affected is very small.
If a left handed gay republican Swahili speaking converted to Judaism Indian from North Dakota (now, that's diversity!) was struck by lightning while voting in a basement one year, and it happens again next year to another like individual, that's a 100% increase in one year, however unlikely.
I view it as the same spin as the claim that body of Congress, consisting of hundreds of members, demanded that Joe Arpaio be investigated. The fact is that only four members of Congress did so.
Having said all that, Happy New Year, Dee.
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