I didn´t write an article about this right away as my email contact wanted. I was hesitant about posting more Minutemen articles since my slew of them a few months ago. I hadn´t heard too much about them in the media recently. I´ve been under the impression they have been trying to lay low or adopt a more politically correct approach.
Then today, I read an article where former MM leaders have a lawsuit against Chris Simcox and are wanting to expand the lawsuit to include angry former members from across the nation.
Coincidentally, Chris Simcox and the MCDC hosted a "National MM Rally" at Congress Park. Very few people showed up. (see bottom article)
I decided to post both articles and the email information from Patriotic Minuteman.
Article 1 summary, "Although the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps has boasted of raising $600,000 to build a fortified border fence, it has only built a few miles of a barbed-wire cattle fence. Now, some donors are calling for a criminal investigation."
Stacey O'Connell, the former Arizona state director for the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), has joined a Fountain Hills, Ariz., resident who donated $100,000 to the MCDC and now claims he was a victim of fraud. The two men are calling for a criminal investigation of the troubled nativist group's fundraising practices.
"The government demands that these [non-profit] organizations provide tax documents based on truth and here [the MCDC] is clearly not truthful," O'Connell told the Sierra Vista Herald. O'Connell was one of 14 MCDC state directors fired in May 2007 by MCDC founder Chris Simcox after they questioned his financial accountability and demanded that he make available the organization's financial records. That purge took place the same month that retired homebuilder and Air Force veteran Jim Campbell filed a $1.2 million lawsuit against MCDC, alleging fraud and breach of contract. The previous spring, Campbell mortgaged his home to obtain $100,000 that he donated to MCDC after receiving fundraising materials from Simcox's organization. Simcox was soliciting money for the construction of a 10-mile-long, high-tech "Israeli-style" border fence on private ranch land in Texas. One year after accepting that money, the MCDC had constructed only a few hundred yards of five-strand barbed wire cattle fence. Campbell says Simcox refused to give him back his money or account for what happened to it.
Among the evidence Campbell personally submitted to federal authorities is a 2006 IRS Form 990-EZ for the Minuteman Foundation, Inc., the MCDC subsidiary formed to raise money for the fence project. It lists only $87,500 in donations for 2006, the same year Campbell alone donated $100,000.
MCDC officials claimed in fundraising materials dated August 2006 that they had raised $600,000 for the fence project. "There is something wrong with that," says O'Connell, who is also calling for a mail fraud investigation. "There is smoke there, and we believe where there is smoke, there is fire."
Article 2: The MCDC National Rally at Congress Park in Denver (very few were there):
Congress Park in Denver: It was billed as an all-day rally—their 8-hour agenda featured speakers like Tom Tancredo, Bob Barr and Alan Keyes, but it was more like a subdued suburban picnic with lots of coded hate speech tossed around in alternating lofty and heated tones. Chris Simcox, president of the Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, called the event a “third party convention for the conservatives—the real conservatives.” The folks in the audience were nearly all white and middle aged, a relaxed crowd leaning back in their USA lawn chairs as if they were watching Independence Day fireworks.
The emails, the law suit, the tiny national rally and the limited media coverage the minutemen are now receiving lead me to believe the "National Minutemen Movement" is all but over.
Whether there is any truth in the statement that the MM organization may go by the wayside eventually, doesn't change the fact that there are millions of Americans opposed to illegal immigration and their movement will continue long after or if any of these "anti" organizations go defunct.
Ok Arizonian,
I am game.
Give me 3 paragraphs on how I am playing 2nd fiddle to the cause of those in power!
I am interested in your perspective.
Ok. You tell me. Who is American Patriot and why is he sending me these emails? What is his motivation?
American Patriot is Jim Gilchrist by way of his yes man, Stephen Eichler, both being sued for fraud by their fellow Board members.
How would I know who he is or what he is doing, dee? I am not a member of the MM organization.
My point is that organizations come and go but the bottom line on this issue is that there are still millions of Americans opposed to illegal immigration and it won't go away because of the MM or any other organized anti group.
What next? Another organization to fall by the wayside? What progress has been made in opposing illegal immigration?
No progress made you say, anon? Well there was no CIR passed last year, was there? How about those raids?
Pat, Anon is right. No progress!!
Yes, we have raids that are NOW taking place. Is it at a convenient time for elections or getting people fed up and ready to fall on their knees in exhaustion to solve this ONE problem, even if it means constitution rights?
I always thought that the purpose of the Minutemen was to call attention to the issue of border security. They got a lot of publicity and that was the intention.
Especially after the marches a couple of years ago, people are fully aware of the extent of the problem now. The Minutemen are no longer needed as an organized group.
You could be right. It did draw more attention to the borders but what has changed? There are 2 border agents in jail and you would think that attention would get them out!
NOT and why?
anon, obviously the court/judge decided that they hadn't followed policy and that is why they are in prison. It has nothing to do with the fact that internal and border enforcement is still going on and will continue to go on.
The MM only went to the border with binoculars and reported to the BP illegals crossing the border...nothing else. That isn't against the law. Sometimes they carried weapons but only self-defense and they were registered to have them in their possession. They also provided water to those who were thirsty. Of course the pro-illegals don't want to recognize that and make false acccusations about them all the time. This was the behavior of the majority of the MM but of course the pro's only want to talk about the few bad apples, so typical.
I agree more with Anon.
The Raids are not a point in the MMs favor. The raids are merely a political ploy by Business and the Administration to appease the ANTI masses in this election year.
CIR was not passed because Business and the Administration prefer status quo and exploiting workers.
The MM served the purpose of the Beltway Boys by instilling fear in the masses. Then the BBs were finished with them and abandoned them! That is why Simcox is in trouble today!
The movement is alive and strong! We are all patriots and united in this fight to save our nation from the criminal illegal alien invasion.
We are doing great work in our communities. We are winning, maybe not as fast as we like but we are winning!!
dee, the raids are not in the MM's favor? What are you talking about? Their goal is to deter and rid illegals from our country. The raids HELP accomplish that goal.
Illegal immigration has reached critical mass in the past 5 years and since 9/11 Americans have been demanding that we secure our most porous border to the south of us to deter illegal immigration and terrorist entry there. Since the fence has not been completed yet and illegals continue to pour over our southern border, internal enforcement via the raids has been taking place because Americans are demanding that we do something about illegal immigration. Proof of that is also in the how many cities and states are taking steps on their own to deter illegal immigraton. It has nothing to do with any election year and there is no status quo anymore and they are being detered, detained and deported. Our voices are being heard in congress and that is why no CIR was passed either.
Well Shannon,
I think the "movement" was active from 2005 - 2006 and started losing wind last year when the MCDC started the fake fence campaign defrauding their members of hundreds of thousands of dollars. I´m told part of this was due to Chris Simcox and several other from his group being used by the rightwing national media then being abandoned.
If your Texas group is Non Violent then you or anyone else is free to organize for your beliefs.
We do need Comprehensive Immigration Reform. All sides should at least listen to each others perspectives.
You are welcome to participate here as long as you remain civil and keep to topic as is requested of all participants.
Very interesting concept. For the most part, I do agree with you.
So if both parties are corrupt. The Education system is purposely broken. The media (tv, news from cable, internet, etc)is bought and paid for by Liars. The bloggers are wrongly opinionated. If all of this is true, what do you propose as the solution?
I like your idea of moving out to the country, raising a family, fending for yourself then when the masses destroy themselves, coming out and rebuilding.
You know what? I think the indigenous people will fare better than most if this happens.
Education: I like the thought of home schooling. What is missing in schools today is discipline from a young age. My parents had it right. They put us in Catholic school. Rules and discipline everywhere! They used a ruler to slap your hands if you disobeyed. Sit up straight. Obey. Do not speak unless spoken to. Know your lessons. Stand up and speak. No silliness allowed. Years later, when I went to public school, I was well disciplined and ahead of the rest of the class.
The one caveat, when we moved and I went to an inner city high school for a semester. I came in late. They didnt have room in my advanced classes. I was put in regular ed. I did worse there than in my advanced classes. The teachers had low expectations. They did not teach. They just read aloud. They did not demand participation. They had no rules. Half the kids were asleep. Horrible! Kids need discipline and instruction, not well paid baby sitters.
Arizonian said:
I choose to buy some land out in no-where, raise my kid at home, grow crops and cattle, and watch the country destroy itself around me. Then, when people have completely screwed themselves, come out and help rebuild.
Speaking of education, I teach school in a sanctuary city. One hundred percent of my class are Mexicans. Approximately 1/2 are in this country illegally. I have 3 parents who show an interest in their childrens' education. Most of these parents do not speak English and I must bring in an interpeter on report card days. Homework is not done and any extra help offered before and after school is not being utilized. Our school offered free English classes for the parents over the summer and none accepted the offer,
even though may of these mothers are stay at home moms.
Parental involvement and interest is absolutely necessary for these children to succeed. Without this, it is very difficult for a teacher
to do it alone.
You sound like you had very caring
parents who wanted you to get a good education. I cannot say the same for the parents of my students.
Why would you think that the "indegenous" people would fare better? This country is predominantly white and has been since it became the USA. It is the most successful country in the world. It wasn't by accident, you know.
There are very few "indegenous" left in this country. There are many who are only part "indegenous". Sounds like an arrogant remark to make considering it wasn't the "indegenous" who built this country.
Anon Teacher,
Thank you for joining our discussion.
When I was little, I always thought my parents were too strict and had too many rules. I didn´t realize how right they were and how fortunate I was until I grew up.
After my oldest brother and sister flunked 1st grade for not being able to speak English, my Dad said we had to speak English at home. This was hard for my mom because she only spoke Spanish and was a shy, stay at home mom. This edict was in place from the time I was born. My Dad always said to succeed in this country you had to speak English, with no accent and have a good Education. My Dad spoke English and Spanish perfectly.
Since my Dad was always working, my Mom took me to school when there were teachers meetings. She could not speak English very well and she was very shy, but she did her best. She didnt help me with my homework. She did make sure I studied.
From an Educational perspective, I always give those early years of discipline by the nuns credit for instilling my learning ethic. I think you have to instill that ethic very young.
Anon, are you an inner city teacher? LA? SF? Just curious. What are your ideas to instill that ethic in children?
Cool off.
Arizonian was talking about the masses destroying themselves, ala Armageddon. I was just saying if that happened, those of us not killed off and left without technology would not fare as well as those who are used to living off the land.
FYI, the "indigenous" are not living off the land anymore. It was their ancestors who did that. Modern day "indigenous" are running casinos. Not exactly a criteria for living off the land especially is these modern times.
The Catholic school education you received was due to your parents caring about you education. The parents of my students do not make sure that homework is being done. When called in about their child's disruptive behavior or homework, they politely listen and the child's behavior and work ethic or should I say non-work ethic continues. Maybe these parents do not speak English, nor have an education themselves, but they must take an interest in their child's education. Parents and teachers must work together to ensure these children succeed.
As you know, public school teachers are not allowed to discipline children as your Catholic school teachers (nuns) were allowed to do. This new wave of people coming into this country in the last 20 years are so unlike
previous immigrants. They do not value education and I witness that fact everyday.
anon teacher
The importance of education and education itself starts in the home. Do you agree?
anon teacher
anon, this is what was meant by the statement that these "immigrants" are uneducatable. It isn't that they are stupid and can't learn, they just lack the desire to gain an education. You have to have the desire or you won't learn. Of course the pro's twisted it to be a racist statement. Facts are not racist.
Anon Teacher,
Generally, it takes a generation to assimilate. The massive flow of illegal immigrants came since Reagan´s amnesty & NAFTA through the 80s and 90s. That is why we have so many new immigrants (legal and illegal) in our country, plus the laws have gone virtually unenforced until 2006, also the employers, for the most part, continue to go unpunished. Therefore we have 12 - 15M here today.
I think the suburbs and the small towns provide better opportunities for learning. Let me give you an example. In my suburb, children who do not speak English are able to go to preschool to learn English. The school district has a special school where the children are prepared for school and for learning, in English. This is not only for Spanish but for Vietnamese, Asian, Russian, etc pre-school age children. In the Dallas area, we are a true melting pot (or some say salad bowl). These preschoolers are immersed in English. Once finished, they go to the Elementary schools for K-12.
We have many elementary schools and time for one on one learning and programs. Children are not automatically passed to the next grade. I´ve lived throughout the country and I found the best schools were in suburbs and small towns so that is where I always lived. When my nieces lived with me, they blossomed in schools here.
I agree the importance of education should start at home, but it has to be delivered in school. Quite honestly, I know I would not have learned as much if my mom home schooled me. But to your point, she did make sure I sat down and did my homework.
I do remember when we moved mid year in my later years when in public school. I had to go to regular ed classes in the inner city (but still a medium sized MI town)that year. Kids did not want to learn. Teachers had given up. It was awful! I did worse in those classes than my advanced classes. Horrible!
No. You have it wrong.
It was John Tanton (the godfather of the ANTIs) that said Hispanics and Blacks were not educatable.
He was wrong. We do have the desire and ability to learn!
It is not my students who do not speak English, it is the parents and they do not seem to value education. Our school offers ESL classes and bilingual classes for those students who do not speak English very well. I have 31 students and as I said I have only 3 students where the parents seem to take their child's education seriously. So, even if they don't speak English, all parents must work along with the teacher and school to make sure they are doing their part to ensure that their child is doing homework and behaving in class. Good education in school can only be delivered if you have parents who care about their child's education. Unfortunately, my students do not have parents who care. Your mother may not have spoken English or could not help you with homework, but I am sure if she were told by your teacher that you were not behaving or doing homework, you would have caught hell for it. This is not the case for my students.
anon teacher
You said it generally take a generation to assimilate. This may have been true 20 years ago but is not true now. After your brother and sister flunked 1st grade because they did not speak English, your father took action. This country has made it so easy not to assimilate. There is no incentive to assimilate as you can shop, do business in person and by telephone, go to the doctor and never speak a word of English. This new wave of children may learn English but that does not mean they or their parents have assimilated. As a teacher, I do believe ESL and bilingual classes are only doing harm. I bet your brother and sister spoke fluent English by 2nd grade and probably never had classes, ESL or bilingual.
anon teacher
Why do you continue to make false statements, dee? Many employers have already been punished. Please debate with honesty as your mission statement says or remove it.
What do I have wrong, dee? I just couldn't remember who said it. I didn't deny that it was said in fact I am the one who brought it up. What Tanton meant as I said, is they don't value education which is confirmed by their high dropout rates in school. That isn't to say that they are unable to learn, it is about the non-desire to. That is exactly what he meant, not that they are stupid! I agree that they have the ability but just lack the desire. You can't fight the facts dee about their high dropout rates and that was what Tanton was basing his opinion on. Of course you pro's want to twist it into a racist statement.
anon, you make excellent points and you would know the truth since you are a teacher. Can't fight words from the horse's mouth. Of course dee will try though.
Assimilation is going by the wayside because there are so many Spanish speaking illegal aliens in our country now that they don't feel the need to. This creates a huge problem in our schools when the parents at home don't care to learn English or encourage their kids to stay in school.
Anon Teacher,
I know you still are hoping to help your students. I can tell by your voicing your concerns.
Let me share some more with you.
When I was in 1st grade I was shy. I was afraid to stand up in class. It wasnt that I couldnt speak English, it was I was afraid. The other kids took my shyness for my not being able to speak English.
The very 1st time I stood up to read my report in front of class, the other kids laughed at me. I quickly sat down before I was finished. I shed a tear or two I think. The teacher (sister-nun) quickly rushed over to me, put her arm around my waist and said, "Someday Dee will do such a good job we will all be proud of her." I remember her saying that. I remember her perseverance. I remember her belief in me. I used that. I used that to give myself energy, resolve and belief in myself to succeed (even to this day). By the end of that year, I won the Spelling Bee. I won the statue of St. Therese. I was able to read well enough to get myself into the highest reading group.
I think it is the teachers that make the difference regardless of what happens at home.
Anon Teacher,
I agree with you.
Our country has made it too easy for ALL students to get by.
I think we do need a grass roots effort to instill the need for education, advanced education in our society. Somewhere along the way we lost this motivation.
Beyond parents, PARTIALLY at least, I think the blame does go to business for pandering to demographic that will reap them the most rewards and the most revenue.
Anon Teacher said:
This country has made it so easy not to assimilate.
Pat, Pat, Pat,
Tanton said what he meant.
He believes ALL Blacks and ALL Hispanics were NOT educatable.
I think HE was Wrong!!
patriot said...
What do I have wrong, dee? I just couldn't remember who said it. I didn't deny that it was said in fact I am the one who brought it up. What Tanton meant as I said, is they don't value education which is confirmed by their high dropout rates in school. That isn't to say that they are unable to learn, it is about the non-desire to. That is exactly what he meant, not that they are stupid! I agree that they have the ability but just lack the desire. You can't fight the facts dee about their high dropout rates and that was what Tanton was basing his opinion on. Of course you pro's want to twist it into a racist statement.
I think that a good part of the problem is that teachers in the inner cities are overwhelmed. I have a couple of friends in the "Teach for America" program. They tell me that they spend a lot of their time just trying to keep order in the classroom, deal with the problems that these kids bring to school. In addition, the huge influx of illegals has put a strain on the size of the classrooms. It is very difficult to teach so many children who do not understand English--a few, yes, but a huge number just overwhelmes the system.
That's another reason why we have immigration laws--to insure that our schools are not overwhelmed as well as our infrastructure, natural resources, and social safety net.
We already had a problem with education in the inner cities BEFORE being inundated by illegals and their children. This is just adding to the problem and the effects of it is showing up in our deteriorating schools. I'm not saying that the illegal influx is the SOLE reason for the declining schools, but it certainly doesn't help.
How was the educational system in California rated even 30 years ago? What is it rated now? And there is a saying that as goes California, there goes the rest of the country.
About Tanton's statement, dee. It is merely your opinion that he "literaly" meant that Hispanics are uneducatable. It is because you hate all of his views because they don't fit your agenda that you are want to believe that.
I believe as I said, that he was basing his opinion of their high drop out rates in school and apparent disinterest in an education. There is world of difference between stating the above than calling them stupid. You as usual, choose to believe what YOU want to believe.
I agree there are problems with crowded inner city schools. As I said, this is not new. This has been going on for decades, even when I went to school.
Teaching is a hard job. Over the years, I too have had teacher friends.
Overcrowding doesnt help.
More money, better schools helps the suburbs, even the crowded ones.
All I know is what works in my town and the towns I´ve lived in.
I do not have an answer for the inner city schools, and you are also right. There are many more reasons for their problems then Immigration.
Your problem is dee that you won't admit that illegal immigration is even a part of the problem of the overcrowding of our schools and these students who don't speak a lick of English. It IS a part of the problem! It costs money to keep building more schools and trying to get qualifed teachers. It is dragging our American students down. We shouldn't even be educating illegal aliens IMO, their homeland should be. If the illegals weren't here they wouldn't be giving birth to kids we have to educate either. But you don't care!
Dear Americans,
Please ignore the rants and lies posted by "Annonymous". The Superior Court judge last week threw out any fraud claims against me or Stephen Eichler simply because such claims were frivolous and there is absolutely no evidence of any such conduct by me or anyone affiliated with my Minuteman Project, Inc.
Annonymous is associated with those persons that I and my MMP are suing for malicious defamation, and other torts.
The removal of any allegations of fraud against me and other sub contractors and associates of the MMP now means that the MMP can go "full bore" against the defendants for malicious defamation. I have been saying for 19 months now that those I am suing engaged in a deliberate conspiracy to illegally seize my organization and, as part of that sinister plan, launched an elaborate propaganda campaign to destroy any credibility of the MMP.
Annonymous will eventually be named as a "Doe" in the suits, as will two or three others.
For the specific details about what the persons I am suing have done, please visit my website at www.minutemanproject.com and click on the FAQ button on the home page. You will be amazed at the conduct of these persons that brought about the law suits against them. Also, they apparently are facing prosecution by the Orange COunty District Attorney after the civil proceedings are finished. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service and the FBI have both expressed an interest in this case since it apparently involves violations of federal laws relative to fraudulent use of interstate communicatin lines and the apparent illegal heist of MMP back accounts from a federal bank. Other issues include the apparent multi-year tax evasion possibly committed by one of th epersons the MMP is suing.
Jim Gilchrist, President and Founder, Minuteman Project, Inc.
Dear Americans,
Please ignore the rants and lies posted by "Annonymous". The Superior Court judge last week threw out any fraud claims against me or Stephen Eichler simply because such claims were frivolous and there is absolutely no evidence of any such conduct by me or anyone affiliated with my Minuteman Project, Inc.
Annonymous is associated with those persons that I and my MMP are suing for malicious defamation, and other torts.
The removal of any allegations of fraud against me and other sub contractors and associates of the MMP now means that the MMP can go "full bore" against the defendants for malicious defamation. I have been saying for 19 months now that those I am suing engaged in a deliberate conspiracy to illegally seize my organization and, as part of that sinister plan, launched an elaborate propaganda campaign to destroy any credibility of the MMP.
Annonymous will eventually be named as a "Doe" in the suits, as will two or three others.
For the specific details about what the persons I am suing have done, please visit my website at www.minutemanproject.com and click on the FAQ button on the home page. You will be amazed at the conduct of these persons that brought about the law suits against them. Also, they apparently are facing prosecution by the Orange COunty District Attorney after the civil proceedings are finished. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service and the FBI have both expressed an interest in this case since it apparently involves violations of federal laws relative to fraudulent use of interstate communicatin lines and the apparent illegal heist of MMP back accounts from a federal bank. Other issues include the apparent multi-year tax evasion possibly committed by one of th epersons the MMP is suing.
Also, the Minuteman Project has been instrumental in having a rogue border observer removed from Patriot Point in Campo, Ca. because of his production and distribution of an apparent "snuff film" depicting minutemen shooting to death an illegal alien at the border and burying the victim's body in the desert. In our opinion, this conduct was supported by a lawyer friend of Robert Crooks (aka lil dog, named Daniel Lula (aka LULAC)), a very strange lawyer who claims he is a partner with the Irvine, Ca. firm of Payne & Fears. In my opinion, attorney LULAC has some serious mental health issues, or is a covert La Raza activist, which has led him to help in a continuous effort to decimate the Minuteman Project and any other immigration law enforcement advocacy group that might want the USA to be governed under ists rules of law.
I expect to win all the five law suits I have launched against these troublemakers, launched for valed reasons. And then I will turn MMP attorneys loose to sue the troublemaking attorneys for mal practice for malicious interference with court proceedings.
Hang in there, Americans. Activisim brings with it some very undesirable participants who seem to have a propensity to create frustrating barriers to a respectable resolution to the illegal alien crisis. We will win this contest. It is only a matter of time...and, of course, excluding from our movement those who spend all of their time attempting to stop our progress under the guise of "I am here to help you". :)
Jim Gilchrist, President and Founder, Minuteman Project, Inc.
Thanks Dee! I'll just say the fence project was a fraud from the start. I tried to get people to stop donating. They just ignored me. We've been on the border for over 200 days and in our communities protesting the crimes commited by the criminal illegal aliens. This is without harming anyone. We all pack and that's what keeps the peace. Remember "Don't Mess With Texas"!!
Thank you for visiting and sharing your perspective on what is happening in the law suit. I did check out your site.
I do support your going to Howard Industries and giving the employers a piece of your mind. I agree with your statement "Howard Industries is solely to blame for the arrests and amounts to “corporate amnesty for corporate profits.”
Both Howard Industries (Billy Howard owner) and the Rubashkins owners of Agriprocessors in Postville, IA, had the two largest ICE raids in US history. They blatantly solicited, hired and exploited thousands of illegal workers, yet these employers go unpunished because they were huge political contributors. They should be imprisoned! Yet they walk around scot free, uncharged. Nothing will change as long as these exploiting employers continue to go unpunished.
And nothing will change unless the employers are required to use e-verify via the Save Act. That is the answer dee but you won't have it! So you reap what you sow and have no reason to complain then.
Why don´t you give Jim a chance to see what he can do to bring these employers to justice!
I have no problem with Jim helping to bring these employers to justice. I want the guilty parties punished just as much as you do.
But in order to stop them in the future, e-verify must be mandated. You aren't serious about putting a stop to them unless you support e-verify. If you don't support e-verify, then don't complain about the employers getting away with anything.
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