Joe Arpaio will finally face justice. More than four years after it was first filed, and more than three years since the American Civil Liberties Union lodged its amended complaint in the case, the big racial profiling lawsuit against Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- Melendres v. Arpaio -- will finally go to trial this summer. U.S. District Court Judge G. Murray Snow has scheduled a seven day trial to begin July 19.
Snow ruled on various motions before him, the most significant being the admission of scores of letters from bigoted Maricopa County residents to Arpaio complaining about Latino Spanish speakers, day laborers, and the presence of Mexicans (Brown People) in general. The exhibits in question also include internal MCSO e-mails containing various vile, racist jokes and pictures targeting Mexicans.
Arpaio's lawyers asked that the exhibits not be admitted. Without any discussion, Snow denied their motion saying "Sample communications from the public include requests that MCSO conduct special operations in Sun City because the writer heard employees of a restaurant speaking Spanish, that MCSO operate in Surprise because the writer observed `dozens of day workers' there, and that it send officers to Mesa because the writer observed day laborers, `most of whom, I would believe to be here illegally.' Subsequently, MCSO conducted special operations in the locations specified in the communications." (Racial Profiling PROVED!)
In other words, Arpaio and his masked volunteers conducted their "Suppression Sweeps" (Apraio's term) because those that emailed Joe saw too many Brown People speaking Spanish so they must be "Illeegal."
Now, Judge Snow has ruled that ALL of these racist emails will be read before the court. This will PROVE, once and for all, IN COURT, that Arpaio and his masked volunteers are GUILTY and will be held accountable for ALL of their Racial Profiling and Abuse against Latinos.
Here are several examples of his Abuse:
Arpaio has had so many Racial Profiling abuses. He and his masked goons have been violating Latino Americans' rights for years! Recently, he LOST a racial profiling case. Here are more of his abuses. Hopefully the people who have been abused by him will ALSO take him to court and finally achieve Justice for the wrongdoings perpetrated by Arpaio and his volunteer masked goon squad.
I hope all of them find a lawyer TODAY! May Justice be Served!


1 comment:
Despite all the Allegations brought against Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, he continues to receive strong support from both the Republican Party, and their newest addition to the family, the American Tea Party.
After much deliberation, I have come to a conclusion as to why he is worshipped, and placed upon a pedestal, by his nation wide group of supporter's.
Arpaio's ruthless tactics, and repugnance towards the Hispanic community, is as a dream come true for his fan club. Quite simular in comparison, to an individual whose strong addiction to pornography, finds satisfaction, by watching someone else fulfilling all of his most intimate fantasies.
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