Associated Press Reports:Analysis: Obama treated like a president on tour
By DAVID ESPO – 54 minutes ago
LONDON (AP) — Maybe the foreign leaders Barack Obama met with on his mid-campaign overseas trip were merely hedging their bets and don't believe he will win the White House this fall. But that's not how many of them acted. Jordan's King Abdullah flew back early from Aspen, Colo., to host dinner at his palace, then personally took the wheel of the royal Mercedes to drive his guest to the airport. "God bless you," Israeli President Shimon Peres greeted Obama the next morning in Jerusalem. French President Nicolas Sarkozy virtually endorsed the man he called "my dear Barack Obama." He observed puckishly he wasn't meddling in the U.S. election when he suggested Obama follow his own lead by winning the top political office in the United States. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, himself an aspirant for higher office, rarely strayed from Obama's side during a photo opportunity-rich trip to the village of Sderot near the Gaza Strip targeted by Hamas rockets. And Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced — twice — in the days surrounding Obama's visit to his country that he favors a timeline for the withdrawal of American combat troops that is remarkably similar to the one the Democratic presidential contender favors. In London, David Cameron, head of the opposition Conservative Party, made sure British as well as American television cameras recorded him with his guest in three separate locations in less than an hour. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was something of an exception. No welcoming remarks for the cameras, no photos of the two meeting in her office. She did issue a statement calling Obama's speech before 200,000 people citing a need for a renewed U.S.-European alliance "a positive signal." But that was after she had embarrassed the presidential hopeful by making it known she did not think the historic Brandenburg Gate was a suitable venue for a political event by a traveling American.
She prevailed on that point — the speech was delivered from a different war memorial, the Victory Column. But Obama's campaign went to lengths to insist that the trip, little more than 100 days before the election, was not political.
By DAVID ESPO – 54 minutes ago
LONDON (AP) — Maybe the foreign leaders Barack Obama met with on his mid-campaign overseas trip were merely hedging their bets and don't believe he will win the White House this fall. But that's not how many of them acted. Jordan's King Abdullah flew back early from Aspen, Colo., to host dinner at his palace, then personally took the wheel of the royal Mercedes to drive his guest to the airport. "God bless you," Israeli President Shimon Peres greeted Obama the next morning in Jerusalem. French President Nicolas Sarkozy virtually endorsed the man he called "my dear Barack Obama." He observed puckishly he wasn't meddling in the U.S. election when he suggested Obama follow his own lead by winning the top political office in the United States. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, himself an aspirant for higher office, rarely strayed from Obama's side during a photo opportunity-rich trip to the village of Sderot near the Gaza Strip targeted by Hamas rockets. And Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announced — twice — in the days surrounding Obama's visit to his country that he favors a timeline for the withdrawal of American combat troops that is remarkably similar to the one the Democratic presidential contender favors. In London, David Cameron, head of the opposition Conservative Party, made sure British as well as American television cameras recorded him with his guest in three separate locations in less than an hour. German Chancellor Angela Merkel was something of an exception. No welcoming remarks for the cameras, no photos of the two meeting in her office. She did issue a statement calling Obama's speech before 200,000 people citing a need for a renewed U.S.-European alliance "a positive signal." But that was after she had embarrassed the presidential hopeful by making it known she did not think the historic Brandenburg Gate was a suitable venue for a political event by a traveling American.
She prevailed on that point — the speech was delivered from a different war memorial, the Victory Column. But Obama's campaign went to lengths to insist that the trip, little more than 100 days before the election, was not political.
(Meanwhile)..Republicans fumed at the extensive coverage.
The reviews for Mr Obama were mostly favourable and his critics could not point to single misstep. Despite that the Bush Administration did what it could to make life difficult for him. On the eve of his trip, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice instructed US embassies to give the candidate minimal support. "If the campaign staff wants to rent a bus for press, tell them where they can rent a bus,'' she ordered. No such instructions were issued prior to John McCain trips to Canada and Columbia. By contrast when Mr McCain, in a flak-jacket, walked through a Baghdad market last year to declare it safe, helicopter gun ships hovered overhead and 100 security men stood guard.
Obama will be the next president, I just hope that he's all we hope he can be. The ppl are tired of the hate, tired of the fear. OBAMA '08!!!
What hate? What fear? Fear of the war lasting another 100 years? Yes, you would be correct on that. Fear of our economy and our jobs going down the tubes? Yes, you would be correct on that. Fear of the continued rise in gas and food prices due to greed? Yes, you would be correct about that.
I doubt that Obama is going to be the savior to fix all of the above.
I think he will be!
Based on what? Talking the talk is one thing, walking the walk is quite another. He knows nothing about what it will take to lead this country and get us out of all the messes we are in. In fact some of his statement indicate that he will create an even bigger mess. Besides the fact that he has already shown his racist side.
You claim that you are opposed to racists and yet you are going to vote for one?
What a false accusation against our next President. Shame on you Pat. Where is your Red White and Blue? We all need to stand behind the next Prez. Be a Loyal American!!
False accusation? The facts are right out there, that he attended a racist church for 20 years. You don't sit in a pew where the preacher spews racism that long and not be a racist yourself. Get real, dee! I am a loyal American and that is why I don't want a racist for president or a first lady that said, "for the first time in my life, I am proud to be an American"! I would question why you are going to vote for him considering how you scream about racism all the time. Maybe it is only "white racists" you disapprove of. The "brown" ones are ok?
Pat, I do not war for the next 100 years and I do not want more of the same administration for the next 8.
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