Discuss Immigration Issues with a Mexican American. Truth, Honesty and the American Way!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Soap Opera Politics Vol 1 Issue 19: McCain´s Desperate Ad Comparing Obama to Spears Makes Him Look Like a Grumpy Old Cryptkeeper
The McCain campaign, extremely jealous of Obama´s popularity domestically and around the world, is beyond desperate. Their most recent ad compares Barack Obama to two people who are famous for being airheaded and infamous: Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. McCain is wearing his jealousy on his sleeve. Now, he just appears to be a Grumpy Old Cryptkeeper. Why doesn´t he focus his ads on ending the War in Iraq, the Economy or Domestic Issues!! As Barack said to McCain, "Is THAT the Best You Can Come Up With??" Advice to OBAMA Campaign: Now, the Cryptkeeper´s team is counter attacking with the "Race" issue. My suggestion: Dont FALL for it!! Dont even discuss it. McCain started this whole argument with a comparison to Spears and Hilton. Stick to the Topic. DO NOT LET THEM Divert from the true topic!!! (Typical Dirty Tricks on the part of the Cryptkeeper!!)
I believe it is an apt comparison. Obama is an empty suit. He is a extreme left wing performer who is not presidential material and that is all McCain was trying to point out.
Ultima, I liken the McCain campaign to 8 more years of the same.
I liken the Obama campaign to the Prayer of St Francis: Make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
And to add: Where there is War, Fear, Hate and Estrangement, he will bring Diplomacy and Peace!
Dee, you are aware that Obama will not be pulling the troops out of Iraq, right? All he will be doing is taking them out of the front lines, and moving some to Afghanistan.
Obama brought up the race issue himself and played it to try to use to his advantage.
Obama will not do nor change anything that has been going on in Government since its indoctrination. He's already a legend in his own mind.
Actually it was McCain who brought up the Brittany, Hilton comparisons due to his jealousy of Obamas popularity in Europe. Obama merely responded to the McCains ridiculous commercial by saying, "So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," he told voters in Springfield. "You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky. That's essentially the argument they're making." which is absolutely NOT race baiting but actually the TRUTH!! What is obvious to me is, McCain, who is now being counseled by Rove, waited for his chance to find something he could claim to be a race issue and he thinks he found it. Most enlightened people can see right through these Rovian tactics. Regarding the redirection of troops, it is about time we focus on where Al Quaida is vs that darned mistaken left turn to Iraq.
So because McCain compared Obama to a Pop Star, Obama can come back with the Race Card??? Get real. Obama is only popular in Europe with Europes Socialists.
"Inderjeet Parma, head of the politics department at the University of Manchester in England, said he read every Obama speech since 2002 before concluding that Obama would not represent a basic change in U.S. policy. This would inevitably lead to a serious loss of popularity in Europe, he said. «Obama hasn't said too much of great substance yet, he's made a lot of friendly overtures, but he'll be asking for commitments and burden sharing, and that's when other countries might find it hard to go along,» Parma said.
He said the next president _ be it Obama or McCain _ will immediately face a number of pressing crises, particularly the dispute with Iran over its possible development of nuclear weapons. He said America is likely to believe these crises can best be solved with a military approach, which may well alienate much of Europe. Political analysts also believe that Obama's trade policies, as spelled out during the primary campaign, are more protectionist than McCain's and more likely to lead to a confrontation with Europe."
Many in Europe see a different view if Obama is elected.
Read what he said Liquid. NOTHING about Racism. JUST FACTS!!! Today, the McCain side is even saying he is too skinny. What a stretch. What I like best about the internet is, our side has an avenue to SUPPORT THE TRUTH!!! What is clear is McCain and his 527s DO NOT HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON WITH THEIR ROVIAN TACTICS!! Hurray for the Internet so the WORLD knows the Truth!!
What Obama said: "So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," he told voters in Springfield. "You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky. That's essentially the argument they're making."
Frankly, I'm getting kinda tired of the hype surrounding Barak. I'm told he will bring change. But no one seems to know what change he will bring. I'm leery of this viewpoint. Many people throughout history have brought change: 1. Pope John Paul II 2. Joseph Stalin 3. Martin Luther King Jr. 4. Adolf Hitler 5. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi 6. Napoleone di Buonaparte Ect.
Change is not allways a positive thing. Without truly knowing what Barak intends to do, I leave it all at hype.
Dee, even the liberal pundits on MSNBC had to admit Obama played the race card. He got away with it on Hillary (Bill) during the primaries, but not this time.
Obama's tour and in particular his speech in Germany showed the American people he is a socialist and self-annointed "King of the World." That doesn't sit too well with the folks in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and for darn sure Kansas.
Arizonian, You have the Pope, MLK and Gandhi on the same list as Hitler, Stalin and Napoleon? Yikes!
Barack does advocate change, hope and one more thing that is most important yet desperately absent from Bush or his mirror image McLame, Barack brings Presidential Diplomacy and we here in the US know it and so does the world. That is the biggest difference.
I read the ANTI and GOP sites every day. I listen to Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck. They all drip with racist rhetoric against Obama. The currency comment was not at all advocating racism. It was saying he looks different than anyone on there. McCain has the same haircolor as most of them.
Dee said... "Arizonian, You have the Pope, MLK and Gandhi on the same list as Hitler, Stalin and Napoleon? Yikes!"
Yes, I did. The reason is simple: all those men brought change. Not all change is good. Without Obama saying what change he will bring, and how he plans to bring that change, I'm reserved.
Ulty, Talk about an empty suit, GW Bush was the emptiest of suits. Now McCain is asking us to vote for 8 more years of the same. Additionally, he and his spokespeople do not think we have economic issues in our country. America does not want 8 more years of the same.
Well Dianne, Real Clear Politics has a summary of ALL the polls and it really does give you a better picture of who is leading who in all the polls. I have this link on my homepage
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Immigration Talk with a Mexican American
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A PRO Forum where people, both PRO and ANTI, can discuss American Immigration Issues and Political Issues civilly, freely and safely thereby reducing the hate, anger and misunderstandings currently inherent in most of these discussions.
This Blog promotes the discussion of opinions of the Blog Owner and commenters who wish to participate in the discussion about Immigration Issues and Political Issues.
Many blog entries contain details from actual news articles and urls are included for reader reference.
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It should be noted by all Blog Readers and this is to officially confirm that for all articles on this blog where court cases have not been ruled upon, the word ALLEGED is inserted prior to the defendants name/crime.
Hello. My name is Dee. I live in Texas. I am an American. My ethnicity is Hispanic. Many would call me Mexican or Mexican American. Some call me a female, PRO-Immigration Reform - Ann Coulter.
My parents, their parents and theirs were all born in the USA.
My husband and I have been happily married for over 20 years. My husband is a big, Irish-American. We have two grown sons. We are happy and my family is doing well. I have been employed as a mid level manager at a very large, well known corporation for over 25 years, now recently retired.
In May, 2006, after the Immigration Marches, I started seeing the cable news channels talking very negatively about illegal immigration. I found many internet sites were talking negatively about legal and illegal immigration issues as well.
Since I do research on the job, I started conducting Immigration research on the web. I joined several Immigration websites and I researched others. I´ve learned so much about Immigration issues over the last year.
What you don´t see on the internet is the Mexican American perspective.
I am here to share my views with you.
I believe it is an apt comparison. Obama is an empty suit. He is a extreme left wing performer who is not presidential material and that is all McCain was trying to point out.
I totally agree,Ultima and IMO McCain isn't presidential material either.
"Advice to OBAMA Campaign: Now, the Cryptkeeper´s team is counter attacking with the "Race" issue."
Maybe I missed something?
And where was this uttered?
Arizonian, Here is one link. There are many more out there. Google News: McCain Obama Race
I liken the McCain campaign to 8 more years of the same.
I liken the Obama campaign to the Prayer of St Francis:
Make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
And to add:
Where there is War, Fear, Hate and Estrangement, he will bring Diplomacy and Peace!
Dee, you are aware that Obama will not be pulling the troops out of Iraq, right? All he will be doing is taking them out of the front lines, and moving some to Afghanistan.
Obama brought up the race issue himself and played it to try to use to his advantage.
Obama will not do nor change anything that has been going on in Government since its indoctrination. He's already a legend in his own mind.
Actually it was McCain who brought up the Brittany, Hilton comparisons due to his jealousy of Obamas popularity in Europe. Obama merely responded to the McCains ridiculous commercial by saying, "So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," he told voters in Springfield. "You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky. That's essentially the argument they're making." which is absolutely NOT race baiting but actually the TRUTH!! What is obvious to me is, McCain, who is now being counseled by Rove, waited for his chance to find something he could claim to be a race issue and he thinks he found it. Most enlightened people can see right through these Rovian tactics. Regarding the redirection of troops, it is about time we focus on where Al Quaida is vs that darned mistaken left turn to Iraq.
So because McCain compared Obama to a Pop Star, Obama can come back with the Race Card??? Get real. Obama is only popular in Europe with Europes Socialists.
"Inderjeet Parma, head of the politics department at the University of Manchester in England, said he read every Obama speech since 2002 before concluding that Obama would not represent a basic change in U.S. policy. This would inevitably lead to a serious loss of popularity in Europe, he said.
«Obama hasn't said too much of great substance yet, he's made a lot of friendly overtures, but he'll be asking for commitments and burden sharing, and that's when other countries might find it hard to go along,» Parma said.
He said the next president _ be it Obama or McCain _ will immediately face a number of pressing crises, particularly the dispute with Iran over its possible development of nuclear weapons. He said America is likely to believe these crises can best be solved with a military approach, which may well alienate much of Europe.
Political analysts also believe that Obama's trade policies, as spelled out during the primary campaign, are more protectionist than McCain's and more likely to lead to a confrontation with Europe."
Many in Europe see a different view if Obama is elected.
Read what he said Liquid. NOTHING about Racism. JUST FACTS!!! Today, the McCain side is even saying he is too skinny. What a stretch. What I like best about the internet is, our side has an avenue to SUPPORT THE TRUTH!!! What is clear is McCain and his 527s DO NOT HAVE A LEG TO STAND ON WITH THEIR ROVIAN TACTICS!! Hurray for the Internet so the WORLD knows the Truth!!
What Obama said:
"So nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face, so what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me," he told voters in Springfield. "You know, he's not patriotic enough. He's got a funny name. You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills, you know. He's risky. That's essentially the argument they're making."
"You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills"
Thats not playing the race card in your view?
Now, neither McCain or anybody else ever said that, Obama brought that into play on his own.
"You know, he doesn't look like all those other Presidents on those dollar bills"
As far as I have seen, Barak was the only one to use those words.....
So Mcain's "entourage" pointed it out, big deal. It's no different than Barak saying "....and did I mention he was black?".
Frankly, I'm getting kinda tired of the hype surrounding Barak. I'm told he will bring change. But no one seems to know what change he will bring. I'm leery of this viewpoint. Many people throughout history have brought change:
1. Pope John Paul II
2. Joseph Stalin
3. Martin Luther King Jr.
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
6. Napoleone di Buonaparte
Change is not allways a positive thing. Without truly knowing what Barak intends to do, I leave it all at hype.
Dee, even the liberal pundits on MSNBC had to admit Obama played the race card. He got away with it on Hillary (Bill) during the primaries, but not this time.
Obama's tour and in particular his speech in Germany showed the American people he is a socialist and self-annointed "King of the
World." That doesn't sit too well with the folks in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and for darn sure Kansas.
Arizonian, You have the Pope, MLK and Gandhi on the same list as Hitler, Stalin and Napoleon? Yikes!
Barack does advocate change, hope and one more thing that is most important yet desperately absent from Bush or his mirror image McLame, Barack brings Presidential Diplomacy and we here in the US know it and so does the world. That is the biggest difference.
I read the ANTI and GOP sites every day. I listen to Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck. They all drip with racist rhetoric against Obama. The currency comment was not at all advocating racism. It was saying he looks different than anyone on there. McCain has the same haircolor as most of them.
Dee said...
"Arizonian, You have the Pope, MLK and Gandhi on the same list as Hitler, Stalin and Napoleon? Yikes!"
Yes, I did. The reason is simple: all those men brought change. Not all change is good. Without Obama saying what change he will bring, and how he plans to bring that change, I'm reserved.
Ulty, Talk about an empty suit, GW Bush was the emptiest of suits. Now McCain is asking us to vote for 8 more years of the same. Additionally, he and his spokespeople do not think we have economic issues in our country. America does not want 8 more years of the same.
Dee: Results of the Rasmussen poll on Mccain's ad and Obama's comments:
Well Dianne, Real Clear Politics has a summary of ALL the polls and it really does give you a better picture of who is leading who in all the polls. I have this link on my homepage
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