Halloween is a notable day for Julie Myers.
On Halloween, 2008, the AP reported a “federal law enforcement official” said Barack Obama’s aunt was living in the United States illegally. Tim Dickinson at Rolling Stone questioned whether ICE Assistant Secretary Julie Myers may have been the source of the unauthorized leak. On November 5, 2008, the day after Barack Obama won the Presidential election, Ms. Myers announced her resignation.
Obama’s “Auntie Zeituni” came to the U.S. legally on a temporary visa in 2000 to join a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston. She applied for political asylum from war torn Kenya. She stayed in legal pending status until a judge turned down her application for asylum in 2004. Auntie Zeituni is working with an Immigration lawyer and continues to fight her deportation order (a civil violation). She resides in a Federally funded apartment leased by a relative living here legally.
When the news of Aunti Zeituni´s immigration status was leaked, ICE acknowledged the leak came from one of their officials and their officials are “prohibited from commenting on any individual’s status or the status of any case.”
The official who leaked this information purposely broke this Federal law in order to influence and corrupt the National Election. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has written to Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff requesting an immediate investigation of the leak, which he deemed "deplorable" and said "was not the first leak of law enforcement information apparently designed to influence the Presidential Election."
Myers has been a controversial figure since the day that President Bush nominated her. She was widely criticized as being a CRONY hire, being the daughter of former Air Force Gen. Richard Myers and the wife of Chertoff´s chief of staff and possessing next to no immigration or customs experience.
According to the Washington Post:
More recently, Myers was accused by Democrats of misleading Congress after photographs emerged of Myers at a 2007 Halloween office party honoring a white employee dressed as an escaped prisoner with dreadlocks and makeup that made him look African American or Hispanic. ICE runs the nation's 33,000-bed immigration detention system. Myers subsequently apologized for leaving "a negative impression" of ICE's respect for the people it detains.
Myers has presided over a dramatic increase in enforcement activities (ICE Raids, including Postville, Laurel) and spending at the $5 billion agency, setting records for three fiscal years in arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal records and those violating administrative deportation orders. Actual deportations also soared to record levels during her tenure.
ICE helped drive the political debate over immigration. However, its heavily publicized raids also drew condemnations from civil liberties and immigrant advocacy groups, which say ICE violated humanitarian standards and trampled on due process rights by using criminal-style tactics and charges in massive roundups of workers. Myers also oversaw a burgeoning detention system whose growth has led to noncriminal immigrant detainees often being medically neglected.
On Halloween, 2008, the AP reported a “federal law enforcement official” said Barack Obama’s aunt was living in the United States illegally. Tim Dickinson at Rolling Stone questioned whether ICE Assistant Secretary Julie Myers may have been the source of the unauthorized leak. On November 5, 2008, the day after Barack Obama won the Presidential election, Ms. Myers announced her resignation.
Obama’s “Auntie Zeituni” came to the U.S. legally on a temporary visa in 2000 to join a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston. She applied for political asylum from war torn Kenya. She stayed in legal pending status until a judge turned down her application for asylum in 2004. Auntie Zeituni is working with an Immigration lawyer and continues to fight her deportation order (a civil violation). She resides in a Federally funded apartment leased by a relative living here legally.
When the news of Aunti Zeituni´s immigration status was leaked, ICE acknowledged the leak came from one of their officials and their officials are “prohibited from commenting on any individual’s status or the status of any case.”
The official who leaked this information purposely broke this Federal law in order to influence and corrupt the National Election. House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has written to Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff requesting an immediate investigation of the leak, which he deemed "deplorable" and said "was not the first leak of law enforcement information apparently designed to influence the Presidential Election."
Myers has been a controversial figure since the day that President Bush nominated her. She was widely criticized as being a CRONY hire, being the daughter of former Air Force Gen. Richard Myers and the wife of Chertoff´s chief of staff and possessing next to no immigration or customs experience.
According to the Washington Post:
More recently, Myers was accused by Democrats of misleading Congress after photographs emerged of Myers at a 2007 Halloween office party honoring a white employee dressed as an escaped prisoner with dreadlocks and makeup that made him look African American or Hispanic. ICE runs the nation's 33,000-bed immigration detention system. Myers subsequently apologized for leaving "a negative impression" of ICE's respect for the people it detains.
Myers has presided over a dramatic increase in enforcement activities (ICE Raids, including Postville, Laurel) and spending at the $5 billion agency, setting records for three fiscal years in arrests of illegal immigrants with criminal records and those violating administrative deportation orders. Actual deportations also soared to record levels during her tenure.
ICE helped drive the political debate over immigration. However, its heavily publicized raids also drew condemnations from civil liberties and immigrant advocacy groups, which say ICE violated humanitarian standards and trampled on due process rights by using criminal-style tactics and charges in massive roundups of workers. Myers also oversaw a burgeoning detention system whose growth has led to noncriminal immigrant detainees often being medically neglected.
In light of Myers being unqualified for the job, poor performance and breaking the law, it is good Conyers is pursuing the investigation. Additionally, it is also good the Obama administration will be reviewing the performance of every agency.
As CNN.com reports:
The head of President-elect Barack Obama's transition team said Sunday that the incoming administration is conducting an extensive review of President Bush's executive orders.."I would say that as a candidate, Sen. Obama said that he wanted all the Bush executive orders reviewed and decide which ones should be kept and which ones should be repealed and which ones should be amended, and that process is going on. It's been undertaken," ..he pointed out that there is a lot the president can do without waiting for Congress, and voters can expect to see Obama do so to try and restore "a sense that the country is working on behalf of the common good." "I think that we're looking at -- again, in virtually every agency -- to see where we can move forward..
I hope they further investigate ICE and check into the Crony Owned private prisons for abuses in no bid contracts and the poor treatment of detainees, particularly ICE awarding no bid contracts to the GEO Group: The GEO Group is an international corporation that operates prisons around the country and is frequently in the news for its abuse of prisoners in its care resulting in many preventable deaths. Its operations in Texas have been sharply criticized over poor conditions and the treatment of some of its prisoners.
The GEO Group owns and operates the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, WA, under contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the largest and primary investigative wing of the United States Department of Homeland Security.
GEO Group is a Major Contributor to the RNC, Bush and McCain campaigns.
The Cronyism and Abuses MUST END!!
The contract with GEO Group should be fully investigated!
I'm thinking the leak of, Aunti Zeituni, was by Obama's team looking to lock up the Hispanic/Latino vote. This would fit right in with his Chicago style tactics and nobody would be the wiser all the while Julie Meyers or even McCains own team are having the finger pointed towards them. More deception by Democrats to fool the sheeple??
It can be shown that by Obama having a family member as an 'Illegal Alien', he understands the plight of many families in the USA, he now has become one of them by this. Many forums and blogs point out the fact that since Obama had an "Illegal Alien" family member, it solidified there vote for him.
as for the 'cronyism' to end, Obama said the Rule of Law should be held to and relied upon, even in regards to his own family member. I think yo are going to be looking at a continuation of the status quo with few small changes.
"“Auntie Zeituni” came to the U.S. legally on a temporary visa in 2000 to join a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston. She applied for political asylum from war torn Kenya. She stayed in legal pending status until a judge turned down her application for asylum in 2004."
And during this time she went back and forth between the USA and Kenya several times. The denial of Asylum reflects that.
Asylum: Asylum is a form of protection granted to individuals in the United States who have been persecuted or fear they will be persecuted on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Individuals who meet this definition of a refugee and who are already in the United States or who are seeking entry into the United States at a port of entry may qualify for a grant of asylum and be permitted to remain in the United States as long as they are not barred from either applying for or being granted asylum. Individuals who are granted asylum are eligible to apply to adjust their status to that of a lawful permanent resident.
ICE acknowledged their "official" provided the leak.
Then the next day Myers resigned.
She is inFAMOUS for her Halloween tactics!
She is also infamous for being a crony and hiring cronies like GEO who own those heinous detention centers.
The Laurel raid filled up the Jenna Detention Center just in time before the end of her reign!
Conyers is ensuring an investigation holds the perpetrator of this felonious crime accountable!
Liquidmicro said...
And during this time she went back and forth between the USA and Kenya several times. The denial of Asylum reflects that.
heinous, cronies, heinous, cronies, heinous, cronies, heinous, cronies, heionous, cronies...polly want a cracker?
Onyango has visited America multiple times since 1975, returning to Kenya each time until the 2000s.
Onyango came again to America on temporary visa in 2000 along with a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston.
Look it up in Wiki yourself.
"heinous, cronies, heinous, cronies, heinous, cronies, heinous, cronies, heionous, cronies...polly want a cracker?"
I think we have a Pat sighting
Your 1st comment said she made several trips back and forth after 2000 when she came to the US seeking asylum.
When I asked for a url, you provide me info about trips made prior to 2000. We all know how volatile Kenya has been. I see nothing that says she went back to Kenya after she sought asylum here.
Liquidmicro said...
Onyango has visited America multiple times since 1975, returning to Kenya each time until the 2000s.
Onyango came again to America on temporary visa in 2000 along with a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston.
You are right.
He just can´t stay away!
He should at least sign his name.
Hey Pat, Use Nancy this time. It will keep you anonymous but we will know who you are.
LMJ said...
"..polly want a cracker?"
I think we have a Pat sighting
November 12, 2008 9:54 AM
The issue is the "ICE official" committed a felony. She needs to be prosecuted.
"returning to Kenya each time until the 2000's."
Note the 's on the end of 2000, meaning through and beyond 2000. She filed for asylum in 2004, to file for asylum she must first have come here on a visa, otherwise she would not have made it through the airport. So, between 2000 and 2004, she had to have traveled back and forth.
Now, come up with a spin as to why you can't understand that.
" Dee said...
The issue is the "ICE official" committed a felony. She needs to be prosecuted."
It may have been an employee of ICE, that does no make one an official. It is also not a felony to disclose the information. Besides it was a Federal Law Enforcement Official described by the media. If anything the leak may result in company regulations violations, not a felony as you so incorrectly state.
She filed for asylum in 2000, stayed in pending status and was denied in 2004.
Even your earlier reference and url said 2000 NOT 2000s.
Her own words then:
"She said: “I have been coming to America ever since 1975. I always come and go.” "
As for her application of Asylum, there is no date as to when she filed, your speculation of the year 2000, is just that, speculation.
As for me showing 2000 in prior posts, you need to re-look at them and spot where I quote what you say in "" and what I show after.
No speculation. The urls I provided gave 2000 date.
No urls I have seen said she "went back and forth" after she applied for asylum in 2000.
If you have a url, provide it please.
There is no URL stating she applied for asylum in 2000, mere speculation on your part.
Look at the wiki link I gave you, your lack of comprehension is becoming very telling.
What your links state is that she came here on a Temp Visa in 2000, and that she was denied Asylum in 2004. NONE, and I repeat NONE of your links says that she filed for Asylum in 2000. There is NO known information out right now about when she filed.
Again, the wiki link I gave you states the following:
"Onyango has visited America multiple times since 1975, returning to Kenya each time until the 2000's.[8]"
Here's another link for you which states that Asylum cases are usually handled within a year or two. This would place her application in 2003 or the earliest 2002. Further giving my previous statements even more credit of having gone back and forth into the 2000's as wiki states.
"One federal law enforcement official confirmed that a federal administrative judge ruled in 2004 she was not legally entitled to be in the United States and that a final order was entered for her deportation.
While such denials can be appealed, cases are generally decided within a year or two, according to federal statistics."
Also from wiki:
"In 2002 Onyango applied for political asylum in the United States citing violence in Kenya; a federal immigration judge eventually rejected the request and instructed her to leave the country."
What do you know, more credit to my statements. You are beginning to look a little less credible in your arguments, Dee.
How about the day the Hispanics forgot about the rule of law. The fictional Confessions of a Mexican American might be instructive.
You know Liquid, I know how you like to turn the discussion. Your strategies are very telling.
Here is what wiki actually says:
Zeituni Onyango (zay-TUHN on-YANG-oh) (born 29 May 1952) is a part-time public health advocate in Boston and the half-aunt of United States President-elect Barack Obama.[1][2][3] Onyango is the half-sister of Obama's late father Barack Obama, Sr..[3] She is referred to as "Aunti Zeituni" in Obama's memoir Dreams from My Father.[4]
In 2002, Onyango, a native of Kenya, sought political asylum in the United States citing violence: Kenya and East Africa have seen an escalation in violence in the 2000s.[5][6] Her case was denied in 2004 but she remained in South Boston.
Onyango came again to America on temporary visa in 2000 along with a son who had been accepted at a college in Boston.[16] Commercial databases show she received a Social Security card in 2001 indicating she was legally present in the country at that time.[6]
Now back to topic.
ICE has acknowledged one of their officials ILLEGALLY leaked Confidential Information to the media. Julie Myers, a crony hire, resigned under very suspicious circumstances the day after Obama was elected.
The same Myers that awarded an employee for a racist costume mimicking ICE detainees.
The same Myers that increased the number of ICE raids and sent numerous workers to crony GEO Group´s private prisons.
Meyers turned in her resignation back in September. NONE of your articles say that it was an ICE official, they all state it was a Federal Official. That could be anybody in the Federal Government. I still think the Obama team outed her to lock up the Hispanic Vote, dirty Chicago style Politics at its best.
Your side harps how Hispanics/Latinos are scapegoated, yet you do the exact same thing. Your doing nothing more than Scapegoating Meyers, simply because you did not lie her job of running her Department. Talk about being a hypocrite.
It was not me that made the accusations about Myers. There were many notable publications including Rolling Stone.
And they all made that accusation, all without fact. You even fed into it, by regurgitating the accusations, without proof. It's one thing to hedge an opinion but to claim that opinion as fact as you and so many others are attempting to do, is libel.
Then Myers should sue.
I doubt she will.
Fact is hard to dispute in court.
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