Over the weekend, Meb Keflezighi became the first American to win the New York City Marathon since 1982. But CNBC's Darren Rovell wan't impressed. Darren Rovell doesn't think Meb is really an American. Rovell sees that Meb is NOT White. He is NOT of Northern European Descent. Therefore, Rovell twittered and wrote on his Blog: "Meb Keflezighi, who won yesterday in New York, is technically American by virtue of him becoming a citizen in 1998, but the fact that he's not American-born takes away from the magnitude of the achievement the headline implies."
I was SHOCKED when I read Rovell's words. I read Meb's Bio. I KNOW he IS an American. It does NOT matter that he is NOT white! It does NOT matter that he is NOT of Northern European descent.
I know ALL Americans should be proud of Meb's accomplishments.
According to Meb's Bio: Mebrahtom "Meb" Keflezighi was born May 5, 1975 in Asmara, Eritrea. He is an American athlete specializing in long distance running. In 1987, when Meb was only 12 years old, his family immigrated to San Diego. In 7th grade, track coaches take an interest in Meb and they train him as a potential American Olympian. He and his brothers lead their schools to track titles. Meb graduated from San Diego HS as the 1st person to win the all academic/athlete team captain for two years in a row. In 1994 he placed 2nd in the Footlocker Cross Country Championships. Meb also won a full scholarship to UCLA. In 1998, Meb becomes a naturalized citizen as do other members of his family. Throughout college years, Meb wins scholastic as well as athletic awards. He completes his degree. In 2004, he won a Silver Medal for the USA! From 2005 - 2009 Meb was married, had 2 beautiful daughters as well as placing in several National/International Track events. This past weekend, Meb became the first American to win the New York City marathon since 1982. Since Meb was 12 years old, he and his family have strived for and achieved the American Dream, following the rules, following the legal path, loving America, accomplishing for the country he loves.
Yet, Rovell says he is NOT American enough to proclaim himworthy of our praise of him for being an American, trained in America, who has accomplished such a feat. As I read Rovell's comments, I asked myself, "What does it take to be "American enough" for someone like Rovell." I read through some of the comments on his blog. Most respondents were angry at Rovell, like me, for making such blatantly racist remarks. However, there were some members of the birther/tea-bagger movement that agreed with Rovell. One commenter in particular, named trupatriot, commented, "Nov 3, 2009 12:33 PM ET. ROVELL DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE LIBTARD IDIOTS! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK AND I DON'T CARE IF THEY WIN MARATHONS THEY DON'T BELONG HERE!!!!! BORN IN AFRICA JUST LIKE THE MUSLIM OBAMA WHO WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT!!! GLENN BECK AND LIMBAUGH ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. IT IS TIME TO DRAW THE LINE IN THE SAND AND WE NEED NOT CELEBRATE IT JUST BECAUSE OF HAVING "AMERICAN" NEXT TO THEIR NAME IT MEANS NOTHING IF YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! "
These statements are incomprehensible! The commenter said, "I want MY Country back? I don't care if THEY win marathons?" My questions back to him is, "Meb is an American. Why do YOU think he doesn't belong here? Just because of the color of his skin? Because he was born in Africa? You think people from Africa cannot immigrate here? People of color? Do YOU only accept those who are White skinned from Northern Europe?? Why do YOU think YOU name the criteria?"
The bosses at CNBC must have gotten to Rovell because the next day he issued a half-hearted apology for his first "Not a Real American" blog. In his 2nd column, Rovell wrote, "Here's what I got wrong. All I was saying was that we should celebrate an American marathon champion who has completely been brought up through the American system. This is where, I must admit, my critics made their best point. It turns out, Keflezighi moved to the United States in time to develop at every level in America."
A commenter to Rovell's 2nd column, S.Katz, got Rovell's original intent right when he said,"Nov 3, 2009 12:22 PM ET: Rule #1 - when you find your self in a hole, stop digging. "because there was a difference between being an American-born product and being an American citizen" They PAY you to write stuff like this at CNBC? If this man were of white European ancestry, we wouldn't have ever had this discussion to begin with. You know it. I know it, and so does everyone else."
I wonder if people like Rovell or like his birther, tea-bagger supporters, or Orly Taitz, will ever learn! Being American does NOT mean being of White, Northern European ethnicity. America is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic melting pot! We are the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave! All colors, all ethnicities, in our beautiful melting pot, salad bowl!
I disagree with what Rovell said but how did you manage to turn this into a race issue when neither he nor most of the commenters did?
This was about being a native born American vs being a naturalized citizen. Where was the race part of it? We have many white people who are naturalized citizens rather than native born also. We have many native born and naturalized American Blacks who have excelled in sports and I haven't heard any claims that they aren't American because of their race. It appears that you are putting your own spin on this when plainly Rovell was talking native born vs naturalized. He was still wrong in his summation of who is an American and who isn't but race wasn't a part of it. You are the one that turned it into a race issue.
You always throw in a slur in your comments, Dee. I am a "tea bagger" as you put it, and I don't agree at all with Rovell. We march. We protest. Just like your side. Our right ! And, I'm sure you know the pornographic meaning of tea bagger.
Congratulations to Meb and to all African American Friends.
I need to take some Pills against the pain of Republicans dominating the Political Map after electoral Triumphs in New Jersey and Virginia
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Vicente Duque
Judge Land and now judge Carter, smack down the crazies (case dismissed), poor little Birthers.
Not even “Fake News” Bill O’Reilly believes the crazies, how funny.
To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true (TOUGH WHEN YOU KEEP LOSING CASES), if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up.
In my opinion the Republican Party has been taken over the most extreme religious right (people who love to push their beliefs on others while trying to take away the rights of those they just hate) and that is who they need to extract from their party if they real want to win. Good Luck, because as they said in WACO, “We Ain’t Coming Out”.
I heard that she now wants to investigate the “Republican 2009 Summer of Love” list: Assemblyman, Michael D. Duvall (CA), Senator John Ensign (NV), Senator Paul Stanley (TN), Governor Mark Stanford (SC), Board of Ed Chair, and Kristin Maguire AKA Bridget Keeney (SC).
I wonder if she is a mail order bride, just like her law degree? She is perfect reporter material for “Fake News”, where unfounded rumors and innuendo reign supreme , unlike a our US courts of law, where you need to present documented facts, not half baked lies (prepare for more failures).
A lawyer, dentist, realtor and black belt, WOW I must say a JACK of all trades master of none.
Mr Obama lost in the Elections of November 3, 2009 - He is a Great Man - That is the Trouble ! - People find it difficult to perceive Greatness !
People have a lot of difficulty perceiving Greatness, it is not easy for them to recognize or acknowledge it.
Greatness means orientation to the Future, and not to the Past. But people want what is familiar, customary, normal.
People want to live in "Gone with the Wind" .... even when the conditions that worked and operated in the Past are no longer present.
These results are going to cause a lot of Trouble for Obama, but he has something very powerful called "Intelligence", his Rationality, Culture, his thoughts and Reason are the most powerful tools of Government.
Mr Obama has superior Powers of Mind. .... We will see !
The Politics of Youth and Minorities :
Vicente Duque
Actually, I (and most people) started calling the teabaggers by that name right from the beginning, when they asked all of their supporters to mail in a teabag to Washington DC. If you go back to my original post about them you will see that is when I started using that term.
I had no idea it had a negative meaning until I read it a month or so ago on alipac. I also heard of the negative meaning about 3 weeks ago on the Bill Maher show. But to me, it is really unrelated. There are plenty of words with multiple meaning.
Actually, it was the commenter and also Orly Taitz that claimed Meb wasn't American and said he was African. The commenter said "I want my country back." Is he saying because Meb is black that it isn't his country too?
And the 2nd commenter got it right when he said, "If this man were of white European ancestry, we wouldn't have ever had this discussion to begin with. You know it. I know it, and so does everyone else."
Because in reality, had Meb been a blonde, blue -eyed Brit born American with a name like Harry Smith, I doubt Rovell would have written this article.
"Actually, it was the commenter and also Orly Taitz that claimed Meb wasn't American and said he was African. The commenter said "I want my country back." Is he saying because Meb is black that it isn't his country too?"
No, what you did was to make Rovell out as a racist. African isn't a race but a nationality anyway. Rovell said nothing about race but American born vs naturalized citizen. Who cares what a couple of idiot commenters said? You apparently love bringing up the few white idiots instead of concentrating on the majority of sane white Americans to keep the white vs minority thing going.
"And the 2nd commenter got it right when he said, "If this man were of white European ancestry, we wouldn't have ever had this discussion to begin with. You know it. I know it, and so does everyone else."
You nor the commenter have any proof of that at all. Just assumption and a biased opinion. Rovell could just as easily have claimed that a naturalized citizen from Ireland wasn't an American either. So no, neither you nor anyone else can make that claim. You and some others with a victimhood mentality need to stop bringing race into every issue and stop hating on whites so much.
"Because in reality, had Meb been a blonde, blue -eyed Brit born American with a name like Harry Smith, I doubt Rovell would have written this article."
Again, you have no proof of that at all. Only biased assumption. Constantly interjecting race into every issue does not make for a healthy and healing America. When are you going to realize that we are 50 years beyond the Civil Rights Era? Yes, racism does still exist but let's not look for it everywhere where it doesn't exist unless we have proof of it.
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