As Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce replaced three members on the state's Ethics Committee over an investigation of a fellow colleague's domestic abuse charges last week, his own campaign in the upcoming recall election spiraled deeper into allegations of fraud and ethic violations.
On the verge of blowing up into an irreparable scandal for Pearce, the self-proclaimed "Tea Party President" and first senate president to face a recall election in American history, a series of blatant efforts by his campaign supporters to fraudulently set up the sham candidacy of Olivia Cortes to undermine his main opponent's support has unraveled into a damaging comedy of errors.
After the Secretary of State's office deferred on an investigation into Cortes' campaign for fraud, long-time Mesa Republican Mary Lou Boettcher and attorney Tom Ryan filed a suit yesterday in the Superior Court of Maricopa County for a "verified statement of election contest." Boettcher, the co-founder of one of the oldest Mesa Republican women's clubs in 1962, contends:
Olivia Cortes is currently listed as a candidate for the office of Senator for LD 18. Upon information and belief, Contestant alleges Ms. Cortes is a registered Republican and a member of the "Tea Party." Ms. Cortes is a well-known supporter of recalled Senator Russell Pearce. Upon information and belief Ms. Cortes has voted for Russell Pearce. Upon information and belief, Ms. Cortes has no campaign committee, no volunteers for her campaign, and her campaign is being financed and operated entirely by those who wish to dilute the vote in favor of Recalled Senator, Russell Pearce.
Contestant contests the right of Contestee Cortes to be on the ballot and to run in the Recall Election currently set for November 8, 2011 because Contestee Cortes is a fraudulent and diversionary candidate within the meaning of Arizona law.
While Cortes refuses to appear in public, answer media calls or return emails, and claims on her website that she doesn't know Pearce or his opponent Jerry Lewis, the Mesa educator and Republican moderate, Cortes certainly knows the Tea Party. Last fall, she subscribed to the Tea Party Express TV tour, which featured Pearce at its rally in Phoenix on October 22, 2010. (read rest of article here)
“We wish her well, and formally extend our apologies to Ms. Cortes for not having provided the same generous level of assistance to her campaign given by Senator Pearce’s family and supporters,” former Mesa vice mayor and Lewis spokesman John Giles said in the press release.
Giles went on to take a dig at Cortes for not speaking to the media, saying the Lewis camp was eager to watch “her interviews on some of the local stations” and expected her to participate in an Oct. 6 candiate debate.
AZ Capitol Times: Pearce opponent turns up the heat
By: Jim Small, Arizona Capitol Times
September 26, 2011
Some excerpts :
The second email the campaign sent out is a point-by-point criticism of Pearce, contrasting Pearce’s words with his actions on a variety of subjects, including fiscal conservatism (state spending grew by 67% while Pearce was chair of the budget committee), public campaign financing (Pearce took more than $70,000 in 2008), money from special interests (nearly all of his campaign cash last year came from outside LD18), education (Pearce spearheaded deep cuts to education spending) and immigration (Pearce’s views are opposed to those of the Mormon church).
The lengthy, but comprehensive and well-sourced email, was written by Colleen Wheeler, an elected officer in the LD18 Republican Party – but it’s dissemination by the Lewis campaign is an endorsement of the message and a clear signal that the challenger is beginning to implement his strategy.
Ninth Circuit Court Ruling against a Redondo Beach ( California ) Ordinance Similar to SB 1070 - This is not good for saving the life of Arizona Baby 1070 in the Supreme Court - Violation of First Amendment ( Free Speech )
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco CA. This may be related to loitering, jaywalking, or the right to ask for a job, etc ...
Uploaded by AZPBS on Sep 22, 2011
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently struck down a Redondo Beach, California anti-solicitation ordinance that's very similar to provisions of Arizona's Senate Bill 1070 that are currently in effect. ASU Law Professor Carissa Hessick shares her views on whether or not the ruling opens the door for a legal challenge on parts of SB 1070.
Ninth Circuit Court Ruling on Ordinance Similar to SB 1070
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