Egotistical, Racist Wilson said, "People know my civility (LOL), they know that this was a one-time event and was out of frustration," he said. "It's politics. This is exactly what the American people do not want to see, do not want to hear. As the White House advised, let's get to the issues." But Wilson repeated his claim that our President Obama is a LIAR: "I believe in the truth. What I heard was not true."
Wilson is laughing in the face of Nancy Pelosi, the Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the American People. When Nancy Pelosi asked Wilson to stand in the well of the House and apologize to its members, he said, "I will NOT Apologize!"
Reports are saying Pelosi will schedule a resolution disapproving of Wilson's remark Wednesday night — which Wilson would most likely wear as a badge of honor.
I believe Wilson should be CENSURED! His disrespectful behavior towards our President on the floor of Congress should be held in Contempt, for all to see! Nancy Pelosi, CENSURE JOE WILSON!!! He is Reviled! He is RACIST! His behavior towards our first Minority President will NOT be tolerated!
What can YOU so do to ensure Wilson's racist, heinous behavior NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN?
Remember Martin Luther King! Remember Ghandi!
Peacefully Boycott!
This time, BOYCOTT North Carolina!
BOYCOTT All of Glenn Beck and Fox News Advertisers on the Fox News Network and on the Fox Channel!
Personally, I am boycotting Fox News and the Fox Channel this year!
What can YOU so do to ensure Wilson's racist, heinous behavior NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN?
Remember Martin Luther King! Remember Ghandi!
Peacefully Boycott!
This time, BOYCOTT North Carolina!
BOYCOTT All of Glenn Beck and Fox News Advertisers on the Fox News Network and on the Fox Channel!
Personally, I am boycotting Fox News and the Fox Channel this year!
Please JOIN ME!!
I used to watch American Idol on Fox! I am boycotting Idol this year. I only watched for Paula anyway and now she is gone!
BOYCOTT Advertisers of the Glenn Beck Show and anyone who advertises on Fox!!
Join the NAACP! Join the Black Publishers of America!
BOYCOTT FOX, FOX NEWS, Advertisers of Beck, Teabaggers, and anyone who supports them!
This is the ONLY Way they will listen to us!!
Let your money do the talking! Just like Martin Luther King and Ghandi!
AUSTIN – Eight months into Barack Obama’s presidency, as criticism of his administration seems to reach new levels of volume and intensity each week, the whispers among some of his allies are growing louder: That those who loathe the nation’s first African-American president, and especially those who would deny his citizenship, are driven at least in part by racism.
It’s a feeling that’s acutely felt among those supporters of Obama who are themselves minorities. Conversations with Democrats at an otherwise upbeat Democratic National Committee fall gathering here, an event largely devoted to party housekeeping, reflected a growing anger at what many see as a troubling effort to delegitimize Obama’s hold on the office.
“As far as African-Americans are concerned, we think most of it is,” said Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), when asked in an interview in between sessions how much of the more extreme anger at Obama is based upon his race. “And we think it’s very unfortunate. We as African-American people of course are very sensitive to it.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0909/27120.html#ixzz0R6vdxyj4
The Problem with the Teabaggers:
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush stole two Presidential Elections. No Problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush gave himself and the ruling class obscene tax cuts. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush started two wars of imperial aggression. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush jacked up the Federal deficits. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush deregulated the financial markets. No problem.
But when a new Democratic, Minority President wants to HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND EXTEND HEALTHCARE TO ALL AMERICANS, suddenly a Big Problem.
Hey, if the president might be shady concerning certain issues...then someone needs to speak up, right. This is politics, no one can tell me that all that is said, even about the health care reform, that it will take place-plus there are a lot of UN specifics concerning who will get health care benefits...ups, sorry, I got off the subject
Jade John,
Shady? What at odd term. Are you trying to be hip (e.g. Slim Shady MM?) Or are you trying to delegitimize our President by using racist street terms??
Wilson was WRONG! HE BROKE CONGRESS' RULES OF DECORUM!!! And if the big crybaby Refuses to Apologize, then he should be CENSURED!! His actions were SHAMEFUL and DISGRACEFUL!! An obvious act of the Republicans trying to delegitimze our 1st Minority President!!
Re: UN specifics on Healthcare, go to one of my posts on Healthcare and tell us your issue!
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