Joe "You Lie" Wilson is sympathetic to Illegal Immigrants. Well... maybe he is just sympathetic to illegal immigrants that are NOT LATINO!!!
1. Hypocrite: Since he yelled "You Lie" to the President when he mentioned "illegal immigration."
2. Racist: Since he attempted to delegitimize our President and is sympathetic to Legalization for Non-Latinos only.
3. Lies: There is little evidence to prove he ever worked as an Immigration Lawyer. He was a Real Estate lawyer.
TPM reports:
Wilson Authored Bill To Let Illegal Immigrant Stay In U.S.
Rep. Joe ("You Lie") Wilson's outburst during President Obama's speech last week didn't exactly make him out to be sympathetic to illegal immigrants, to put it mildly. There's also little evidence he ever worked as an immigration lawyer, as he's claimed. But the South Carolina Republican's hard line on the issue may not be as consistent as you might expect. In fact, on one recent case, it looks like he went downright soft -- and what's even more interesting is the possible reason why.
In July, Wilson introduced legislation that sought to gain permanent resident status for an illegal immigrant named Sainey H. Fatty. You can see the text of the bill here.
George Finnan, a veteran immigration lawyer, told TPMmuckraker that the measure is what immigration lawyers refer to as a "private bill" -- that is, an effort to win legal residence for one particular immigrant. "It's done, but it's not done often," said Finnan. "If I were a congressman, it would be a nice way to make a constituent happy." So why would Wilson -- the new face of the anti-immigration movement -- have acted to help Fatty? Wilson's spokesman didn't return our call. But could Fatty's Christianity -- and his work on behalf of a Christian ministry -- have spurred Wilson to intervene?
It's unclear what level of threat Fatty would have face were he forced to return to Gambia. A 2008 State Department report found that the Gambian government "generally respected religious freedom in practice." If Fatty genuinely faced persecution in Gambia, Wilson may have acted compassionately in trying to use his position to help him stay in the U.S. (There are many countries with much more dangerous persecution policies, particularly in Central America, particularly Guatemala and El Salvador). But, if nothing else, the congressman's efforts suggest he's a little more selective in his anti-immigrant fervor than the hard right might like to imagine.
Love to friends :
Love to Dee, Xicano, Tamale Chica, Dave and others that come to Dee's pages :
You write many beautiful pieces. Thanks.
About poets and poetry :
I heard that a famous American Lady Poet Emily Dickinson felt somewhat alone .... It would be very interesting to know more about Emily, her life and her times.
I have to work very hard and sometimes I have no time for those beauties of poetry. But the few things that I have read of Dickinson are beautiful.
Every time friends, that you write, you are teaching us .... I love shorts essays and beautiful prose, even if it is in little pieces.
Poetic hearts are more tolerant, Friends .... I have seen that many times .... Literary hearts do not want harm for others and do not want revenge against others ( In most cases )....
So I have a feeling that poetry and prose and in general ART makes us better human beings : Kindness and Humanity.
Love and Joy to all humans
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor leans to uphold the McCain-Feingold law of 2002 - Restrictions on Corporate Spending in Elections
The McCain-Feingold law bans the broadcast, cable or satellite transmission of “electioneering communications” paid for by corporations in the 30 days before a presidential primary and in the 60 days before the general election.
This finance law was applied to the documentary “Hillary: The Movie,” which was produced by a nonprofit advocacy corporation called Citizens United. This Citizen United is asking a reversal of the law because according to them banning corporate contributions during a political campaign violate First Amendment rights.
Sonia Sotomayor, the last appointed Justice in the Supreme Court is beginning to look like a Liberal. It appears that she doesn't want Big Corporations to spend unlimited amounts of Money on Elections, supporting candidates, advertising, propaganda, etc ...
Los Angeles Times
A few firsts at Supreme Court hearing on campaign finance
Elena Kagan makes her first argument as solicitor general, and Sonia Sotomayor asks her first question as a high court justice.
By Johanna Neuman
September 13, 2009
A few firsts at Supreme Court hearing on campaign finance
Some excerpts :
Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina justice and President Obama's first high court appointment, spoke her first words from the bench. And the world took note.
By all accounts, she jumped right into questioning. She appeared skeptical of arguments by Citizens United that the conservative group's 90-minute campaign-era movie about Clinton ("Not a musical comedy," observed Justice Stephen G. Breyer) was protected speech. And she questioned Olson about why he had abandoned a former argument -- that Citizens United was not really a corporation -- for a more sweeping one, that campaign funding restrictions discriminate against corporations.
Upbraided by several Republican senators during her confirmation hearings about the importance of respecting court precedents, she asked Olson why he seemed so intent on toppling it in this case. Her first words:
"Mr. Olson, are you giving up on your earlier arguments that there are ways to avoid the constitutional question to resolve this case? I know that we asked for further briefing on this particular issue of overturning two of our court's precedents. But are you giving up on your earlier arguments that there are statutory interpretations that would avoid the constitutional question?"
His answer: No.
Everything about Sonia and the Supreme Court, including videos of Sonia dancing Mambo with a young famous actor in these last days :
Vicente Duque
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