The Problem with the Brainwashed Teabaggers:
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush stole two Presidential Elections. No Problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush gave himself and the ruling class obscene tax cuts. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush started two wars of imperial aggression. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush jacked up the Federal deficits. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush deregulated the financial markets that put us Trillions in debt. No problem.
But when a new Democratic, Minority President wants to HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND EXTEND HEALTHCARE TO ALL AMERICANS, suddenly a Big Problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush stole two Presidential Elections. No Problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush gave himself and the ruling class obscene tax cuts. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush started two wars of imperial aggression. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush jacked up the Federal deficits. No problem.
Funny, these teabaggers were silent when Bush deregulated the financial markets that put us Trillions in debt. No problem.
But when a new Democratic, Minority President wants to HELP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND EXTEND HEALTHCARE TO ALL AMERICANS, suddenly a Big Problem.
Comment on MSNBC The Ed Show:
Black Family Reunion was the same weekend in DC as the 912 marches.
The teabaggrs deliberately looked for confrontation with the African Americans at the Black Family Reunion.
For a more rational view of all of this click here
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