(Click Here to See Melanie LIE on Video)
From the start, it was obvious the girl was fabricating the story. She conducted media interviews and the videos and news articles were ripe with discrepancies. First, she made a claim that her Social Studies teacher required she complete an assignment to design a protest sign. Texas schools are participating in state testing, the TAKS test, in three weeks. If the class is a core class, she should be spending class time reviewing. If it’s an elective, those teachers know students need to be focused on their testing and aren’t assigning random projects.
Next, she said her poorly made protest sign, "If you love your nation, stop illegal immigration" was somehow magically passed around the cafeteria. She had no idea how it got passed around, she said. Then she said Latino children became angry. She did not know why. Then she claimed three of them jumped her in the hallway. She went to the assistant principal to report it. The asst principal saw no marks on the girl when the student asked to go home and instead kept her in school. The following Monday she came to the school with red scratch marks on her cheeks and bruises and scratches up her arms. She then picked out 21 Latino student pictures she alleged were involved in the incident and brought in new claims that students threatened her with rape and death threats.
Today, the investigation was complete. An independent analysis was completed of the school videotapes. School surveillance video captured Bowers injuring herself. Bowers parents have signed a letter of apology for Bowers' false accusations.
I started seeing reports of the girl´s allegations on Monday. The story was picked up immediately by the local newspaper. Various ANTI blogs got wind of it and spread it to Michele Malkin, Beck and Dobbs who published the accusations as facts and encouraged their commenters to post hateful comments towards not only illegal immigrants but to ALL Latinos in general. Some of these comments included sending all citizen Latinos back to Mexico. Most recommended putting all the 21 children on suspension and or jail immediately and the deporting of many of them although all were citizens.
I joined some of the comments and attempted to bring reason and logic back to the discussion.
My quotes: "Innocent until proven guilty", "let the police investigate" were my words the angry commenters did not want to hear. Instead they called me the usual names ANTIs toss at anyone with different opinions than theirs including "ethno-centric" "la raza" "rule of law" and names much too profane to print here.
My last comment on one of the blogs was:
"The Latino Community wants an APOLOGY for all of these False Allegations, anger, racial verbal threats, etc by the commenters here and on other forums. But don´t worry. We won´t hold our breath waiting for it!"
This story falls in line with the Arpaio article and all others that blame all the ills of our Nation on Latinos and Illegal Immigration. I blame the ANTI Community, Bloggers, Websites and her parents for this CRIME! Yes, False Allegations are a CRIME. Many in the ANTI Community constantly promote anger, hate and a RACE WAR against Latinos!
I Pray that this story will prove as an excellent example as to why we need to Stop the HATE and the Anger in these discussions. It is clear, WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER IN OUR NATION, AS A COMMUNITY! STOP THE ANGER AND THE HATE! WE MUST SUPPORT COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM!
I´m going back to all of these discussion boards and to DailyKos to post the update to this story.
Here are some links to some of the very racist ANTI Latino Comments:
(I wonder how long these sites will keep them up now that the allegations were proven false?)
Houston Chronicle:
lccat wrote:
These ILLEGALS and Anchor Babies are upset in "their" free schools when the SUBJECT is mentioned about the ILLEGALS invading the United States. And of course Mexico Complains Of Too Many Repatriated Mexicans. Heck, the mexican government doesn't even want their OWN ILLEGALS to return to their HOME COUNTRY, can you blame them for not wanting all the additional madness! The ILLEGALS and their Anchor Babies are wanted only by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce and ILLEGAL EMPLOYERS!
Michele Malkins Dumpsite:
On April 8th, 2008 at 11:56 am, geminicontender said:
If those mexican kids have illegal parents here and they are babies born here, send them all back. This is where there needs to be change. Remind these ‘illegals’ that we appreciate our Constitution and if they want any of what we have they need to do it right
On April 8th, 2008 at 12:11 pm, yt1300inHtown said:
Another macho latino takes down a girl from behind. Useless punks.
On April 8th, 2008 at 12:12 pm, tgusa said:
Anyone who has ever pissed off Mexican nationals (BB’s, borderbrothers) knows that there is a good chance they will come after you after dark with a carload of buddies, fair warning. Its sop, sorry pcmc’s but that’s the way the tortilla crumbles. Attacking whitey is dangerous unless you have a ten to one advantage that’s how I see it anyway.
On April 8th, 2008 at 12:18 pm, Soliel said:
I hope justice prevails and those who attacked her get punished severely. And maybe deported. Perfect. Jerks.
On April 8th, 2008 at 12:19 pm, feeler said:
Our “educators” have been teaching brown and black children for decades that white people, collectively, “owe them” something.Now those children want to cash-out! Who can blame them? It’s a lot easier to indoctrinate children with hatred for their national heritage than it is to actually teach them to think.God forbid, what if a student ever asks why today’s white people hold a collective responsibility for crimes against blacks, for slavery, which happened 150 years ago. Yet today’s black people hold NO responsibility for crimes against whites, for the one-hundred white women they rape EACH DAY here in America alone? Why so bass-ackward?Why should whites hide their heritage, while browns and blacks get their “History Months” and TV channels? In areas where non-whites excell, it’s because of their skill, but in areas where whites excell, it’s because of RACISM!Anyone else tired of the scam?
On April 8th, 2008 at 12:29 pm, orlandocajun said:
If I were her father, I would be celebrating and congratulating her and not whining about the assignment.
Her next sign should read, “save our nation and deport latino illegal alien punk students first”, or “end the anchor baby rule”.
On April 8th, 2008 at 1:24 pm, brooklyn red said:
Hmmmm, me thinks this might just be the one that sets it off…“Remember Athens!”
If the girl did indeed make false accusations, she should be punished and apologize.
Now the next question for the hypocrites is, "when are the pro-illegals going to apologize for making false accusations against Sheriff Joe, ICE and any other law enforcement personnel who enforce our immigrations laws"? Or their false accusations that American citizens for the rule of law are racists, xenophobes, haters, anti-hispanic, etc."? I won't hold my breath.
Hi Patriot,
Which rule of Law are you talking about when you said she should be punished?. Parental or civil punishment?
Do you believe her punishment fit her ilegal behavior and civil conduct? Just an apology?
Look at all of the Anti Immigrants sites and blogs how they described those poor kids. Even they are U.S. Citizens.
If the Undocumented do something bad they blame it all on them and on the white people they can do whatever they won't. They don't tell them anything,"
Then what should be the punishment of the undocumented Immigrants when the only missconduct was just crossed a border for a better life?
Could you measure both conducts and behaviors.
Know do you believe labeling the undocumented as Ilegal alliens, and list goes on and on. Should their punishment fit their crime?
pro, she should be punished to the fullest for her actions both civil and parental. I have no use for liars.
I know of no anti-immigrant sites, only anti-illegal alien sites.
Our laws demand that illegal aliens be deported no matter if that was there only crime here. No one has a "right" to come here for a better life. You have to ask and be accepted by being given legal papers to do so.
I don't have to measure anyone's conduct vs anothers. Our laws are set in stone and whatever punishiment that has already been determined for a particular crime including illegal entry into our country should be administered.
Where are the anti-IMMIGRANT sites?
I have seen anti-ILLEGAL sites which have nothing to do with immigrants.
Every so called anti-illegal immigration site is also very much apposed to legal immigration as well. FAIR, NUMBERS USA, and ironically ALIPAC (Americans for legal immigration). They all rally against H-1bs and family reunification just as strongly as they do against undocumented immigration.
It's not about the rule of law, you people just don't like immigrnats.
Michele Malkins site and Alipac site all made derogatory statements against the Latino citizen children that were falsely accused. I listed some of their negative comments here on the bottom of this post.
Many of the commenters on those sites just dont like Latinos, citizen or not.
So when are you going to run the story about the illegal alien gang member that shot and killed that black kid out in LA one day after being let out of jail Did you see the victim's family crying before the Los Angeles city council?
Yes, this girl in your story lied and yes she should be punished and yes she is going to be punished, and yes, Michelle Malkin published that the story she got from the PRESS (she didn't make it up) about the girl was a lie even before you did.
Now what about the DEAD innocent black kid who would be alive today if he had not been let out of jail?
correction to last sentence...if "the illegal alien" had not been let out of jail.
I am glad that your pointed the fact of that crime and I condemmed that crime but what we see on this article is not only a crime but scapegoating, incorrect civil behavior, and a crime of Hate towards Hispanics Legals and Undocumented.
Could you open your eyes to that fact. Those poor kids are U.S. Citizens and their only problem is being a different of color of skin and ethnicity!!!!!
anon, you are full of it! Those groups or sites you mentioned are not against legal immigration. They just feel we need to cut back on immigration right now to stabilize our population and assimilate those who are already here. That doesn't make one "anti-immgrant".
As far as family reunification, if that means for the immigrant to be able to bring in not only his immediate family but extended family as well, then I am against it too. We have to put our country and it's citizens first.
dee, if Malkin and others made deragatory statements about those Latino kids it was probably before the truth came out. It was assumed at first that the girl was telling the truth.
pro, carrying a sign that says that one is opposed to illegal immigration is not a hate crime against Latinos. To say that is to say that the only illegal aliens in this country are Latinos and you know that isn't true. This has nothing to do with legal Hispanic citizens. Why do you try to make it so? What in the world does skin color have to do with anything?
You are lying to yourself if you believe the whole "illegal immigration" issue is not about Latinos. Your side believes all latinos are Mexican and they believe Mexicans are illeeeeegals or anchor babies. That is exactly how this whole school scenario played out.
I am constantly appalled by Malkins hate site. Look at the trash she spreads. She hates everyone. She hates McCain. She is bashing him on her headline today. She hates Obama, Hillary. Earlier she was bashing Elton John. She says derogatory stuff about most minorities, Latinos, Blacks, Asian and Middle Easterners.
Her site is so full of anger and hate. Her commenters are worse than she is. It hurts my eyes to read the comments there.
I do object to Malkin constantly looking for an excuse to raise the level of anger in this country. I do object to Malkin constantly targetting stories looking to start a race war in this country and pit people against people. I do object to politicians, looking for re election, jumping on the bandwagon of someone who is greiving to try to push for nativist laws being passed.
I feel very sad for the Shaw family and the way people like Malkin and Councilman Moore are using their sad plight for their personal gains.
What happened to Shaw was a single incident of violence that should never happen. I abhor gang violence and I have said many times felonious criminals should be convicted if guilty and if illegal, should be deported. But these are single instances and each should be processed judicially, individually.
None of us should say one criminal reflects an entire race or group of people. That would be like me saying Pat is guilty for the crimes of BTK because they are both middle aged white men. It makes no sense at all! That is what you and Malkin are trying to say about the lone accused.
dee, you are the one lying. It isn't about just Latino illegals, it is about ALL illegals. I have said this time and time again but you just don't WANT to get it. The reason that Mexican illegals are the focus is because they are the majority of illegals in this country. I means nothing more than that. It doesn't mean that Americans are racist against Hispanics/Latinos or Mexicans, illegal or otherwise. Stop playing the victim and race card. What is it to you anyway? You are an American citizen not a Mexican one.
The Hispanic children that took the sign, have been suspended from school for a few days. What gave them the right to take the sign from the girl? The girl accused them of all the things they supposedly done to get back at them for taking her homework. The girl still had no RIGHT or BUSINESS doing what she did, crying wolf, but to think that all parties are innocent is a fallacy. The Hispanic children had no business taking her sign. Two wrongs don't make it right.
This girl should be convicted and held responsible for her false reports and owes all of America an apology. The Hispanic children also owe an apology to her for taking her homework.
The least you can do, Dee, is post the entire story instead of what you want to direct it at.
dee, I haven't visited Malkin's site but I will now just to prove you wrong. You have a biased view and have a tendency to twist other's words to fit your agenda. You are one of the last people I would think about where truth is involved.
You are stretching.
First, the girls sign was not part of an assignment. Read my post. The students are participating in State testing now.
Here´s what happened.
The girl was taunting the Latinos with this sign in the lunchroom. One of the little Latino boys did not like the taunts and grabbed the sign. Melanie did not like her sign taken away and scratched herself. She went the the office. The asst principal recognized Melanie for the trouble maker liar she was and told her to go back to class. This made Melanie madder. She went home. Abused and scratched herself further. Notified her parents who were obviously ANTIs. (that is where she learned this behavior from) Who then notified the media before she went back to school. She went on tape via the media with her outrageous lies. The media and bloggers contacted Malkin, Dobbs and others who incited the nation of ANTIs to go nutz over this issue. The school, seeking to protect themselves from the media and from the ANTI callers, called in professionals to view the tapes and to help them investigate the true story here.
The ANTI blogs did their usual bad deeds.
In the end, this is all about truth. The girl lied. The ANTI blogs did their usual hate mongering.
THANK GOD the school took the high road and allowed the EVIDENCE to speak for itself!!
Otherwise the poor innocent 21 latino citizen children would be in prison or deported.
Shame on ALL you ANTIs!!
"The poster was indeed taken from Melanie by one student, but she reported the incident to a teacher and was sent back to class. 3 students involved in taking Melanie's project were in 'in school suspension' for today only - 1 boy for taking her project, and 2 girls for not telling the teacher about the incident."
Athens School 'Attack' Proven To Be False, Girl To Be Charged
It's a little different than what you describe.
Girl lied about immigration poster assault, school says
Three Hispanic students had been suspended for their role in the alleged scuffle. Hayes said their punishment remains valid because they helped take the poster, but did not hurt Bowers in doing so. Hayes said on Tuesday that witnesses reported seeing the three make physical contact with their white classmate. The Hispanic students returned to class Wednesday.
Bowers brought the sign to Athens Middle School on Friday as part of a class project on political activism. Each child was assigned to pick an issue and prepare a poster supporting a position.
Nearly 50 percent of students in the Athens school district are white and about 34 percent are Hispanic, according to the Texas Education Agency.
Hayes said the class project was not appropriate for middle school students.
Yes Liquid. As I said. One little boy in the cafeteria did in fact snatch her heinous sign.
No one touched her or hurt her.
Melanie scratched and hurt herself.
This was NO Homework assignment.
The parents even signed a note saying Melanie lied.
Then the evil websites, Malkins, Dobbs, Beck and alipac ran with the story, instigating their blind followers to preach hate and foam at the mouth against these 21 innocent Latino children. They advocating deporting them. Called them anchor children. Foaming. Inciting. Hating.
Malkin, Dobbs, Beck, Alipac did this, inciting RACIAL HATRED!!
I will take you at your WORD that you do NOT support their Heinous Behavior!!
Love the use of the "TRIGGER" word, TAUNTING. Makes for an embellished sense of racism, does it not?
Your link to the Houston Chronicle, states: "Hayes said she was showing the sign in the hallway when a group of students tried wresting it away."
You state: "The girl was taunting the Latinos with this sign in the lunchroom."
You need to get your stories straight, your facts correct, and your fallacies verified. You have to many errors in your story.
Every article I have seen and read, says that this was a homework assignment. The Principal said, after the fact, this assignment should not have been given to an 8th grade class.
They all also state that it happened in the hallway, not the cafeteria.
Her parents are doing the right thing. Though I do like your: "Notified her parents who were obviously ANTIs. (that is where she learned this behavior from) Who then notified the media before she went back to school." it adds a bit of nastiness to the FAMILY instead of the girls lies.
You are bordering on the ridiculous.
The girl LIED.
Her parents even signed a statement saying so.
This was NO homework assignment.
What don´t you understand about the school recognizing the lying girl went to the media and they needed to treat this issue sensitively. They were not refuting her story. They gave her enough rope to hang herself.
Geesh Liquid. What dont you understand??
Read my original blog. I have g-babies in TX schools. I know this stuff.
As I said in my blog,
"From the start, it was obvious the girl was fabricating the story. She conducted media interviews and the videos and news articles were ripe with discrepancies. First, she made a claim that her Social Studies teacher required she complete an assignment to design a protest sign. Texas schools are participating in state testing, the TAKS test, in three weeks. If the class is a core class, she should be spending class time reviewing. If it’s an elective, those teachers know students need to be focused on their testing and aren’t assigning random projects."
Her WHOLE story about this being a homework assignment was a LIE.
The school didnt say so at first becuz they were giving her enough rope to hang herself.
Catch up here!
I even provided you a picture. Look at the picture on this blog.
I could do a better poster with my left foot.
This was no homework assignment.
This was a piece of paper meant to TAUNT the innocent Latino children in the Cafeteria. The little child merely grabbed the paper to stop the taunting.
No one touched her.
The video cameras capture the poor demented girl scratching and raking herself.
Look at the videos.
The true lesson with this whole event was Malkin, Dobbs, Beck and alipac ran with the story, instigating their blind followers to preach hate and foam at the mouth against these 21 innocent Latino children. They advocating deporting them. Called them anchor children. Foaming. Inciting. Hating.
Malkin, Dobbs, Beck, Alipac did this, inciting RACIAL HATRED!!
DEPLORABLE. They need to stop the Hate!!
Both links I posted, and every other article on line states, this was a homework assignment. You have a comprehension problem again. Comprehend the articles. Even your own link to the Houston Chronicle article says it was a homework assignment.
You need to do more research before putting your assumptions into the article. NONE of them state that State Testing is going on right now for this particular school.
I agree that the girl lied, I agree she should be held accountable for her lies, but what gives you the right to make the assumptions that you have, which I have already pointed out? The picture means exactly what?
I'll tell you what, assemble all the news articles on this story from beginning to end, read each one, and report back with the actual facts instead of your fallacies, in other words get the story correct before you opine on it. Otherwise, you are no different than what you proclaim others to be.
Theres that trigger word again, TAUNT, and it did not happen in the cafeteria, it happened in the hallway after lunch. Comprehend the articles Dee, keep up, follow along, and most importantly, GET IT RIGHT!!
I have yet to see you admit to or scold the 3 Hispanic children for taking the poster in the first place, had they not done so, noe of this would have progressed to the point it is at now.
dee, how can you say "this is what happened"? For Gods sake you weren't even there! You have no idea what happened or what went down!
Malkins sight has a disclaimer:
"Note from Michelle: This section is for comments from michellemalkin.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that I agree with or endorse any particular comment just because I let it stand. A reminder: Anyone who fails to comply with my terms of use may lose his or her posting privilege."
Yet you label her an "EVIL WEBSITE" for doing the exact same thing you are doing, except she got the article correct where as you embellished it quite a bit.
AISD investigates alleged beating
Here, Dee, this link will help you better understand the actual facts and the order in which they happened. Maybe then you can recant your biased view and post the truth and facts.
dee, you are the one going nuts over this incident! You'll still be ranting about this one a week from now while everyone else will be moving on. Who the hell cares what the anti's or the pro's in blogs and forums are saying? It was one isolated incident and as I said the anti side can bring up just as many incidents of so-called hate crimes by those who would be considered pro's. Here in Calif. there have been many incidents on school premises where Latinos have taunted Blacks and made racial slurs against them but you don't want to talk about or hear about those, do you? Look how many times you tried to tie the fires here to the Minutemen and one person in particular. What happened with that one? Did you get proven wrong as usual?
dee, the evidence always speaks for itself. Since these latino kids didn't do what the girl said they did, how would they have gone to prision? If any were here illegally though they should be deported and it has nothing to do with this incident.
What gave those latinos the right to snatch her paper away from her? Were they illegals themselves or were they taught ethnocentric racism and disrespect for our immigration laws at home?
dee, what the hell does "shame on you anti's" mean? Every anti in here has admitted that the girl lied and that she should be punished and apologize. Are you looking to beat up on people in here who did nothing wrong and in fact said the girl was wrong? What the hell is wrong with you in here foaming at the mouth at us? You are totally irrational most of the time.
"Heinous sign", dee? What is heinous about being opposed to illegal immigration?
What do you mean there was no homeowork assignment? Liquid just described to you what it was. The students were to address political issues facing our nation today. How can you come in here and lie like that?
No one in here is denying that the girl lied and that she should be punished to the fullest extent and apologize to all involved. Have you gone off your rocker tonight?
The facts are the girl lied.
She scratched herself.
She falsely accused 21 children.
The school gathered the facts.
Caught on tape.
The parents apologized.
The only thing 1 child did was grab the heinous, shabbily made sign that the Lying Girl incited this whole incident with in the cafeteria. Period.
Malkin, Dobbs and Beck are GUILTY of inciting hatred on their websites.
It is sad you and your side cannot Apologize to the 21 innocent children FALSELY ACCUSED of Torture and Rape.
Your side Does NOT apologize for Malkin, Dobbs and Becks websites chastizing these citizen children and threatening them with Deportation.
Shameful, Shameful behaviors by these commentors condoned by the owners. These are typical comments by these websites. They incite HATE! and Deporation for Citizens.
Very Curious!
Liquid, Liquid, Liquid,
Your article you allege as facts is full of lies. The article was from April 7. The only ones interviewed were the parents and grandparent. It alleges the lies about the attacks on the girl.
The girl and the parents admitted the attacks were all lies. What makes you think the story she told about the homework were true?
As I said, we did not hear from the school that this was a homework assignment. These were merely words spoken by the lying student. The only thing she got right was the teachers name.
I live in TX. I have g babies in TX schools.
Texas schools are participating in state testing, the TAKS test, in three weeks. If the class is a core class, she should be spending class time reviewing. If it’s an elective, those teachers know students need to be focused on their testing and aren’t assigning random projects.
Shame on you Liquid.
I only report the truth!
What the hell is wrong with you tonight, dee? Where did any of us deny this?
dee said:
The facts are the girl lied.
She scratched herself.
She falsely accused 21 children.
The school gathered the facts.
Caught on tape.
The parents apologized.
Anyone who has to repeat the same sh@t over and over, even though we have agreed with the above, has some sort of mental disorder!
How is it you get away with fallacies? I support there freedom of speech, just as I support yours. You can blame the commenter's, however you can not blame the bloggers, unless you are willing to redact your falacial statements and apologize for inciting further racism and hate from your side.
None are guilty of inciting anything, they got the story correct, you got it wrong, your facts aren't even correct.
None of the children (21) should have been involved, unless they saw something that should have not been happening and then not reporting it to t teacher, thats why the 2 girls were suspended. The school has apologized to the 21 and so should the girl, however why should I apologize to any of them, I said nothing slanderis to any at all? I am not responsible for other peoples opinions nor am I responsible for their views.
The facts are: the Hispanic student took the sign from her instigating this whole scenario, had he not done so, none of this would have come about. The fact the girl lied to make it worse is just that, her lies.
More trigger words "HEINOUS", you keep inciting hate yourself with all these trigger words, trying to provoke others are you?
Nobody was "ACCUSED of Torture and Rape", what was said was they threatened her with it. Get the facts correct!! IT DID NOT HAPPEN IN THE CAFETERIA!!!!!!!!
Redact your false accusations and fallacies, apologize to your posters and readers for incorrectly stating the facts of the case and apologize to all.
dee, why in the hell would any of us in here have to apologize for some one elses words? They weren't our words!
Are you going to apologize for the radical reconquista, white haters words just because they view illegal immigration as you do? You are being totally ridiculous and irrational! You are sick!
"Students were asked to create “protest signs” dealing with a past issue and a current one by history teacher Janet Skelton."
"Hayes also said the district will think twice about similar class projects in the future.
“I think that probably what we ought to look at is, if it’s a current issue we probably don’t need a protest poster made on that issue,” he said."
From the Athens Review article.
"Hayes said the class project was not appropriate for middle school students. He said the immigration issue has become so politicized and polarizing that "it's much more than illegal now. It just becomes sinister and evil."
From the Houston Chronicle article.
"The poster was indeed taken from Melanie by one student, but she reported the incident to a teacher and was sent back to class. 3 students involved in taking Melanie's project were in 'in school suspension' for today only - 1 boy for taking her project, and 2 girls for not telling the teacher about the incident."
From the KLTV article
They all say it was a school project, therefor I don't care what you think you know, which you obviously have no real clue about. I will await your apology to all who read your blog and bogus, interjected, biased, racial articles.
The point is that the girl has EVERY RIGHT to voice her opinions! This is not Latin America (at least not yet)! We have freedom of expression here! That sign read, "If you love your nation, fight against illegal immigration" or some such thing. THERE WAS NO MENTION OF "HISPANICS/MEXICANS" ON IT!!! So, just exactly how was she "taunting" Hispanics! They were completely free to construct a sign which expressed their pro-illegal views. That's they way we do things in the good ole U.S.A. We don't intimidate people into silence. This is a good teaching moment for our little Latino students!
If she wants to express her opposition to illegal immigration in her country, she is quite free to do so, even if it weren't a class project! Tearing her sign away from her was an attempt to shut her up and create a climate of intimidation for anyone else who would DARE to voice anti-illegal opinion.
Yes, she was at fault for lying, but they were wrong for taking her sign which was an attempt to shut down her opinion and create a climate of intimidation for anyone else who might hold that view. That's how the pro-illegals operate; look at what they tried to do to Lou Dobbs.
Dee, you are more stubborn than my 2 yr old. When yo are shown to be incorrect, you still stand by what you stated. Do the research, read the other articles, redact your false statements and apologize to all who read your posting. Its not that hard to do, stand up and take responsibility for yourself and your statements and admit you made a mistake, it'll go much further then repeating the same lie until you believe it your self. It will also give you back some credit, instead of being shown to be a story teller.
Maybe they should go after the Hispanic student for violating the girls Civil Rights? Where is her Right to the FREEDOM OF SPEECH? What gives him the right to deny her that? Like I asked earlier, that none of you PRO's have attempted to answer, what gave this boy the Right to take this girls sign to begin with?
Even Latina Lista's post of this situation has better and more correct info than you do, she completely contradicts your story. Then you run over there and post fallacies when you get caught here, how pathetic you have become.
I guess the only thing you and yours believe is videos.
Here is an article of one of the 3 falsely accused and who was held in in-school suspension.
here is what innocent gabby said - also many reports I read said Melanie passed her own poster around the cafeteria. Thats where the kids saw it. Thats where one kid took it. They have that on video too.:
13-year-old Melanie Bowers is seen on the school's surveillance cameras scratching herself, and another student is seen taking her sign and throwing it away. Gaby Barrios was one of the students placed on in-school suspection in connection with the incident.
"I feel that I was discriminated against," said Gaby.
Gaby told KLTV 7 News the same thing the tape shows - she never touched Melanie. Nobody did.
"They were passing the sign around at school. I saw it. I just got up to ask her about it. Nothing else, nothing more," said Gaby. "They placed me in ISS because they accused me of hitting her, scratching her and threatening her, when I didn't do that. I didn't touch her. I didn't do anything to her. To me they put me in ISS for something I didn't do."
Gaby's mother didn't speak much English, but said through an interpreter she is humiliated and thinks her daughter was targeted because of her race.
"She's very upset that the little girl lied, you know?. Being the fact that she's Hispanic, what the sign said - it's very offensive to Mexican people."
A problem that both Gaby's aunt and former students say has been at the school for a long time.
"All these schools - they discriminate against all the Mexicans. Always," said Maricela Cerrillo, Gaby's aunt.
"There is a pretty big racial comments. Everybody in our school calls each other the N word and the Mexican people call each other the W-word," said Athens High School junior Kevin Till. "There have been 4 or 5 fights over racial stuff at our school. It's ridiculous."
These tensions weigh heavily on Gaby's cousin, who will be at Athens Middle School next year.
"The Mexicans, if they do something, they blame it all on them and on the white girls they can do whatever they want. They never tell them anything," said Vernice Cerrillo, Gaby's cousin.
Now there is some relief from the girl at the center of all this - happy that the truth finally came out.
"I feel much better because it's not all on us that 'Oh, well the Hispanics did it, so I guess they're the bad people here,' when we're not the bad people," said Gaby.
Sorry you are wrong. I have read the facts and report the facts. If you are so sensitive you cannot stand the truth then that is up to you.
Gaby was placed on suspension due to her not notifying a teacher, she was caught looking back at the incident where the boy was taking the sign from the girl in the hallway. See the KTLV link I provided earlier,
"3 students involved in taking Melanie's project were in 'in school suspension' for today only - 1 boy for taking her project, and 2 girls for not telling the teacher about the incident."
Sorry, you get your facts from a poor source, and yet have not disclosed a link to them.
Here is the video of Melanie herself and a reporter saying the sign was passed around AT LUNCH!
It is EXACTLY as I reported.
Since you called me a liar (fallacies) Liquid, then say I am pathetic. Shame on you. I do expect an apology from you.
Listen to her talk and weep!
I followed this story and I reported the Facts!!
The 3 falsely accused????? Your biasness reeks of racial division and ethnocentric fallacies. The videos show the boy who took the sign, the videos show the 2 girls who did nothing. When are you going to answer the questions I have proposed?
The report said the sign got passed around at lunch, it angered a group of Hispanic students who then, when through with lunch one of them took the sign from her in the hallway. Even the video states the opposite of what you proclaim.
You said it did not happen at lunch Liquid and said I was lying. I proved in video where she said it did happen at lunch. Why are you not apologizing?
Did you see the video?
Melanie incited the incident by passing this sign out at lunch.
It did anger the Latino students. No one touched her.
One student took her sign.
Did you see the tape where she lied. She was smiling as she falsely accused 21 students.
Why are you defending her?
I stand by what I reported. Watch Melanie´s video. Her sign was passed around at lunch. The latino kids became angry. Then she claimed she was jumped her in the hallway.
Still waiting for your apology!
What I said:
Next, she said her poorly made protest sign, "If you love your nation, stop illegal immigration" was somehow magically passed around the cafeteria. She had no idea how it got passed around, she said. Then she said Latino children became angry. She did not know why. Then she claimed three of them jumped her in the hallway. She went to the assistant principal to report it. The asst principal saw no marks on the girl when the student asked to go home and instead kept her in school. The following Monday she came to the school with red scratch marks on her cheeks and bruises and scratches up her arms. She then picked out 21 Latino student pictures she alleged were involved in the incident and brought in new claims that students threatened her with rape and death threats.
Pat and Liquid,
One thing I do want to clear up. I am not saying either of you are like the commenters on those other ANTI websites or even on Malkins.
I also admit some of those commenters from those angry blogs did raise my ire.
I feel sorry for those falsely accused innocent kids. I don´t know how they get over this.
You are stating that the sign got passed around at lunch as the incident, "One little boy in the cafeteria did in fact snatch her heinous sign." and "This was a piece of paper meant to TAUNT the innocent Latino children in the Cafeteria. The little child merely grabbed the paper to stop the taunting." , I am stating the taking of the sign happened in the hallway not the cafeteria. For which you keep proclaiming it happened in the cafeteria, when in fact he took it in the hallway.
Then you proclaim:
"This was NO homework assignment."
When it has been more than verified that it was.
More of your own fallacies:
"First, she made a claim that her Social Studies teacher required she complete an assignment to design a protest sign. Texas schools are participating in state testing, the TAKS test, in three weeks. If the class is a core class, she should be spending class time reviewing. If it’s an elective, those teachers know students need to be focused on their testing and aren’t assigning random projects."" Again proven incorrect by me.
Are you still persuing your exercise in semantics?
I proved the lunch-cafeteria which you disputed.
One of the videos shows 1 boy grabbed the paper. The paper was passed around in the cafeteria. The little girl said she put the paper back on the table. Whether the other child grabbed it on the way out of the cafeteria or as she was walking from the cafeteria to the hallway -- if that is your argument, it is pure semantics.
The facts are she lied. No one attacked her. She falsely accused 21 people.
Regarding the homework assignment, as I said, the news report indicate the family reported it was a homework assignment. The Administrator alludes to "shouldnt have been assigned." Now we never heard from the teacher or the VP that this was the assignment. I questioned the validity of whether it was in fact an assignment because here in TX our students are in the midsts of TAKS test preparation.
The facts are she lied. No one attacked her. She falsely accused 21 people.
Let's get one thing straight right now. I will not apologize for this incident and I am insulted that I am accused somehow of what a 13 year old girl did 100's of miles away from me or from what some commenters on blogs said of which I was not one.
Second, if Texas schools do nothing but study for tests three weeks before they occur, then they sure are a lot different than Kansas schools because that NEVER happens in our schools. Where in the world do you get an idea that kids do nothing but study for some state tests for weeks and weeks and do nothing else? That's irrational.
Passing the sign around the cafeteria? None of the videos that were provided say or show that.
Last, but not least, none of the antis on this blog have condoned this girl's behavior...none of us. All of us have said she should be punished.
Maybe it makes you feel better to vent on us. Who knows.
I didnt ask you for an apology. Please re read my blog. I asked those bloggers who made derogatory comments to the wrongly accused children to apologize.
Also, Liquid did into a dither about semantics. He said I was lying (fallacies) and for that I asked for an apology.
Regarding the cafeteria - lunch episode, you had to see the video.
Check out this link.
And, here is my message for my viewers:
I Pray that this story will prove as an excellent example as to why we need to Stop the HATE and the Anger in these discussions. It is clear, WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER IN OUR NATION, AS A COMMUNITY! STOP THE ANGER AND THE HATE! WE MUST SUPPORT COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM!
Or support deportation.
So you weren't blaming US in your blog for commentators remarks outside of this blog, dee?
Quote dee:
It is sad YOU and your side cannot Apologize to the 21 innocent children FALSELY ACCUSED of Torture and Rape.
Your side Does NOT apologize for Malkin, Dobbs and Becks websites chastizing these citizen children and threatening them with Deportation.
Shameful, Shameful behaviors by these commentors condoned by the owners. These are typical comments by these websites. They incite HATE! and Deporation for Citizens.
Very Curious!"
1. We anti's don't want your kind of CIR and that incluedes the majority of Americans.
2, Yes, we are angry that our govenrment has allowed millions and millions of illegals to enter our country.
3. Hate doesn't apply in the illegal immigration issue. It is merely race card pulling by you and yours.
As I said, my message for my viewers:
I Pray that this story will prove as an excellent example as to why we need to Stop the HATE and the Anger in these discussions. It is clear, WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER IN OUR NATION, AS A COMMUNITY! STOP THE ANGER AND THE HATE! WE MUST SUPPORT COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM!
Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same old crap over and over, dee? I know we sure get tired of hearing it. The anger and hate are mostly on the pro side, not the anti side. And it means nothing to us anyway. We want our borders secured and the illegals to be deported or self-deport aka the Save Act. Nothing will stop us from pursuing what is right for America and it's citizens.
What is sad is you say you do not recognize the hate and anger by many on your side towards all Latinos. This whole incident was the result of a young girl, listening to adults talk negatively about Latinos, jumping to conclusions that they are all illegal immigrants. Her behavior was initially positively rewarded by so many on your side.
We need to stop the anger.
We need to stop the accusations towards innocent people.
You cannot blame all the ills of the world on Latinos and say they are all illegal immigrants and should be deported as many of the commenters did (as I posted in the blog). That is shameful behavior.
I feel sad for the innocent children.
Dee said...
The facts are she lied. No one attacked her. She falsely accused 21 people.
Everybody agrees with this, Dee. Semantics do play a role here, they tell the story by way of time line. Your jumping time and leaving out time, falsifies your substantiations.
Now, What gave this boy the RIGHT ti take the sign? Why did he stomp on her Civil Rights? Why are you condoning the action of this child? Why are you condoning the actions of the 2 girls that did nothing when they saw the "ATTACK" (using your trick here with trigger words)?
Dee says:
"This whole incident was the result of a young girl, listening to adults talk negatively about Latinos, jumping to conclusions that they are all illegal immigrants."
Kind of like you are doing by making this statement, right? Jumping to conclusions, making assumptions, no factual statement to back it up, just your opinion, which amounts to nothing but hearsay.
Your attempts at diverting the subject are not working.
The facts are she lied. No one attacked her. She falsely accused 21 people.
Everybody agrees with this. Even you!
The rest of the relevant facts are, Malkin, Dobbs, Beck and their commenters ranted and raved and attacked indicted the innocent students as guilty. Some of them demanding these citizen be deported. Shame on them.
That is the problem with this discussion! The impact on innocent Latino citizens! (Remember the 21)
No I don't recognize the hate and anger directed at ALL Latinos in this country because that is a bald faced lie made up by you and your ilk to extract sympathy, play victim and justify your disrespect for our immigration laws.
dee, so now you are going to put words in that girl's mouth? You are going to project things about this girl's family and what her feelings are based on? How dare you assume things about someone while not really knowing them.
These are the very things that create hate and anger and you and your ilk are the instigators of them.
dee, why to you LIE so? Who is blaming the world's ills on Latinos? WTF?
Neither you or I can ever control what some radicals or racists think, say or do so why do you keep harping about it? There is a whole spectrum of humans out there that we can never change. Are you into controlling other's thoughts and deeds now? You sound like some kind of Nazi. We have freedom of speech in this country. The problem is that everyone who says something that doesn't fit with your agenda, you call it hate speech. Think majority dee as they are the ones who count in this world.
Why are you as an American siding with illegal foreingers rather than the rule of law? Why do you relate to illegal foreigners rather than your own fellow law abiding citizens?
How is Liquid diverting the subject, dee? He is still talking about the INCIDENT. He is talking about the details that led up to all of this. How many times do we have to keep saying that we agree that the girl lied? Yet you keep repeating it over and over as if we haven't! There was another part to this story and that was these kids who denied her the right to freedom of speech. You totally want to ignore that part though, don't you? We acknowledge both parts of this story, you don't and that is dishonest!
dee, the commentors on those sites such as Malkin, etc. made those remarks assuming that the girl's story was true at the time. Why would legal Hispanic children in our schools take offense at a sign like the one she made anyway, that is why they thought they were illegals. Did it say anything about Hispanics though? NO!
After the truth came out I saw on Malkin's blog where she set the sorry straight and admitted that the girl had lied. So what is your problem? Who the hell cares what a few people on a blog say anyway? Why is it so godamned important to you? They aren't the majority in this country, dee!
You know what's funny is all the ANTI comments towards this article somehow want the latino children punished more for ripping a piece of paper that RACIALLY PROFILES them as ILLEEEEEGALS simply because their skin is brown (I find it funny how mysteriously this paper gets passed around the lunch room), an obvious TAUNT, you ANTI's are truly pathetic, Dee wins this debate hands down, i yes PAT dances to SNL It's Pat again
Nobody wants the 3 Hispanic children punished any further, Anon. Your ignorance of comprehension reeks of ethnocentric division. What I would like for you ethnocentric panderers to do is to acknowledge that the 3 of them did something that was incorrect by denying this girl her right to freedom of speech. The bay had no business taking her sign. The 2 girls I feel should have said something to a teacher, but they didn't, this doesn't really bother me, but the boy had no business taking the sign - period!! Had he not taken it, none of this would have escalated to where it is now. For you ethnocentric racial dividers, all you see is the girl LIEING, yet nothing about your own skin color doing anything wrong, you act as if he had a RIGHT to do so. You people act as if only your side gets while the other side should be condemned. If you equate Hispanic to Illegal Immigrant, than it is your side doing so, not ours.
anon, please point out any one of our "anti" posts that say we are in favor of the latino students getting more punishment than the girl. I will tell you right up front that the girl is the one who deserves the most punishment in this incident. So now what you going to say, liar?
No, what profiled them as illegals is the fact that they thought the sign offensive, not their skin color. Did the sign say anthing about a particular group of illegals? Hell no! Any sane and loyal American no matter what their ethnicity or skin color should be opposed to illegal immigration.
FYI, dee has never won any debate in here because she twists, spins, lies and plays the race card at every turn.
You calling Anon 1 ethnocentric is funny. He is now one of my frequent emailers and he is more anglo than you are. LOL
BTW Liquid, I am going to post a new article which destroys your assumptions of the story. Those 3 kids were innocent!
Pat, Shame on you! Let me post this article. It proves the innocent kids were merely asking questions and Melanie made copies and was stirring up trouble to begin with.
(looks like this reporter completed some additional investigation)
This time, innocent kids get caught up in rush to judgment
...Melanie Bowers definitely got attention. She concocted a story that 21 Hispanic classmates -- 17 boys and four girls -- attacked her Friday, slamming her face into a wall and threatening to rape and kill her. Supposedly it was because she drew a notebook-page "protest sign" for an American history class assignment on protest movements.
Her sign read: "If you love our nation, [stop sign] illegal immigration."
Anybody waving a sign like that should expect questions.
Do you support more legalimmigration, or less? How do you feel about the illegal immigrants living among us -- perhaps including the parents of some of those Athens children?
Don't their American-born children also share "our" nation?
In the hallway, Gaby Barrios, another girl and a boy asked Bowers about her sign.
Then the boy -- Elvia Bojalil of Athens says it was her son -- grabbed the page and ran into the cafeteria.
What happened next eventually turned into a talk-radio whipping of every Hispanic child in Athens Middle School.
First, Bowers scratched and bruised herself. Then, she identified 21 children as her attackers and said 10 of the boys threatened to rape, stab and kill her.
According to KETK/Channel 56, she specifically accused the "Hispanic" kids.
When school officials seemed doubtful and gave only three children a short study-hall suspension, Bowers and her parents went angrily before TV cameras to display her scratches and bruises.
Bowers' father, J.R., said his daughter was the victim of a racist hate crime.
Immigration-enforcement groups across America immediately made Bowers their new poster child. On the Web, white supremacists joined in for old-fashioned, East Texas-style race-bashing.
By Wednesday, according to the Athens Daily Review, Fox News Channel and national shows called to ask about the girl who was beaten up for protesting illegal immigration.
Finally, Athens school officials found a security video of the girl cutting and scratching her own face, arm and neck, and then calmly walking in to blame Hispanic students.
School officials have asked police to charge her in juvenile court with filing a false police report, a Class B misdemeanor.
Gaby Barrios, one of the three students who was given a short suspension over the original incident, told KLTV/Channel 7 that the students were only asking her about the sign. "I didn't touch her," Barrios said. "I didn't do anything to her."
The Review agreed that Bowers was never touched.
One of the other girls told a Dallas TV station that BOWERS HAD BEEN LEAVING COPIES OF THE "POSTER" ON TABLES IN THE CAFETERIA.
Elvia Bojalil, the mother whose boy grabbed the sign, is a Texan but primarily speaks Spanish. On Tyler TV, Bojalil said softly in Spanish that she feels very sorry for Bowers and that "I hope God blesses her."
That's more compassion than I hear in English on talk radio.
Bud Kennedy's column appears Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 817-390-7538
Assumptions of the story? There are no assumptions, only the information given by the articles.
As I said, Melanie INSTIGATED this WHOLE MESS!!!
"One of the other girls told a Dallas TV station that BOWERS HAD BEEN LEAVING COPIES OF THE "POSTER" ON TABLES IN THE CAFETERIA."
First, Bowers scratched and bruised herself. Then, she identified 21 children as her attackers and said 10 of the boys threatened to rape, stab and kill her.
According to KETK/Channel 56, she specifically accused the "Hispanic" kids.
It doesn't prove anything. The article still states the boy took the poster and ran into the cafeteria with it from the hallway. By what RIGHT does he have in order to take the girls sign? Yet the story rebuts its own cantor with the girls argument of "she was leaving copies of it in the cafeteria". So which is it, did the boy take it?, or did she leave copies in the cafeteria? And if there were copies, then why are none of them found, only one that was found that was in the garbage according to all the other articles. Seems this "One of the other girls" needs to get her story straight, doesn't it. Why did the school officials, after reviewing the tapes still give the 3 students ISS?
Liquid, If there werent copies and the ONE was ripped up and thrown in the garbage, what was she holding in the picture she was waving to all the TV stations and that I posted on this very blog?
No article I have read said that the sign was torn, only that it was taken and later thrown in the garbage.
Every article about the incident. This should help you with some research.
Here's a hypo for you PRO's:
What if the girl was Hispanic and had a sign stating: "No Amnesty for Pilgras or their Anchor Babies", she took it to school for a class project. Wind of her poster gets around school, she "taunts" other students with it, an Asian boy sees her with it and takes it from her. She goes to the office to call her parents but is told to go to class. She later says she was attacked by a mob of students, but not just any students, racist students, she goes on the local news with her story.
A few days later it is found out that she lied. Everything is the same scenario, except the student perpetuating the lies is Hispanic.
Who would you PRO's then blame?
Oh Liquid,
I feel so sorry for you.
The facts are she lied. No one attacked her. She falsely accused 21 people.
So sad YOU have to go to such lengths.
You still fail to see the whole picture, Dee, Your racism slip is showing again. Remove your biasness, look at the whole picture.
1.) Teacher should never had assigned this "project" to an 8th grade class.
2.) Boy took homework sign.
3.) Girl went to office to call parents, office denied her the phone call and told her to go to class.
4.) Girl lies and embellishes story.
I should expect no less from you or your kind to actually ignore your biasness, change the girls skin color, change the boys skin color and evaluate the situation. YOU CAN'T. You only see a racial issue, thats all you can see, you are blinded by race, only goes to show your ignorance.
Answer the hypo. honostly, maybe then your readers will have a better view of you and you may gain some respect........until then, I won't hold my breath for an answer though.
You are assuming again. My responses to your 4 points are in caps below.
1.) Teacher should never had assigned this "project" to an 8th grade class.
2.) Boy took homework sign.
3.) Girl went to office to call parents, office denied her the phone call and told her to go to class.
4.) Girl lies and embellishes story.
dee, why do you say that "apparently this was done to antagonize latino children"? Based on what??? The sign didn't mention latino children!!! Oh, I would love to see you try to spin your way out of this one!
Just some more of your false accusations based on your own ethnocentric hatred.
Go back and see the various tapes Pat.
Of course she was out to antagonize Latino children. She made COPIES and was taunting the children in the lunchroom. Why do you think one grabbed a copy away.
The problem your side has is you continue to racial profile Latino citizens as illegal immigrants. You say this is ok for Arpaio and others to do. Then you wonder why when Latinos are taunted with these actions, they respond.
It is so obvious. Plain as the bulbous nose on the evil sheriff´s face!
dee, so in otherwords you are saying that only Latinos are illegal aliens? Where did her sign say Latino illegals? Why would they be taunted by her sign?
I gave you a link that shows each and every article about this girl. You obviously didn't read any of them. They all say it was a homework assignment, even Marisa at Latina Lista has the story saying it was a homework assignment. Your refusal to accept anything further than your racist biasness is atrocious.
Keep up Dee, and get your facts correct.
1.) Every article and news report says it was a class project.
2.) Your witness testimony is false, the Hispanic Girl is lieing about the copies, there were no copies, not taunting, no nothing.
3.) She said they "threatened" her with rape and attacked her. Get it correct. The office still denied her a phone call to her parents and sent her to class.
4.) Everybody agrees she lied.
You still fail to see the culpability of the others and you still have not researched this information, nor have you answered the hypo I gave to you PRO's. As I expected, you are blinded by RACE, you accuse ANTI's of everything that you are doing here, yet now its OK. Pathetic on the PRO's behalf.
Please show my assumptions, since I have proven all your points inaccurate, and that your facts are all your biased assumptions. Even the little LYING HISPANIC girl who thinks they were copies, yet not one additional "COPY" has been found anywhere.
Heres a post by one of Melanie's friends in one of the articles.
manderr64 wrote:
I know Mel, and I knew the story was a little off, most of ams did. But I think that its ironic how people are saying that she was wrong by doing all this and then you get on a computer and basically do the exact same thing, without the crime. We are here calling her crazy and racist, when she was just mad. The ast. principle didn't do anything about her report being torn up and it infuriated her. Melanie has always been the one to get what she wants and work until she gets it. And yes we have taks in a few weeks but we were about to have a math taks the next week and our history teacher decided perhaps we could go something a little easier and the slightest bit fun. We were learning about people standing up for what they believe in and Melanie Bowers believes you need to earn your right, like everyone else living in America, to be here. I know the Hispanics didn't threaten her or anything but they did rip her sign, unless you have illegal family members you should have no problem with what she is saying, do you just assume illegal is Mexican? I know you will all think what you please... but remember she is being punished enough. Along with all the citizens of Athens. She is not going to be going to our school any longer and I will honestly miss Melanie.
4/11/2008 10:35 PM CDT
Here is a more detailed sequence of events for you Dee.
Bowers was walking through the hallway, after lunch, when a male student walked up behind her and took the sign away from her. Bowers ran after the student, who ran into the gymnasium. Bowers then passed several teachers — not approaching any of them for help, according to Hayes.
She then entered the school office with two other girls and told Assistant Principal Mark Castleberry a boy had taken the poster. The girls were seen leaving the office a few seconds later.
The tape then shows Bowers in the hallway scratching her own face, arm and neck. However, the tape never shows the girl being assaulted by others.
Hayes said Bowers had a “slight rash on her arms and neck” when a district police officer photographed the injuries last Friday.
On Tuesday, three students involved in the incident were given in-school suspension. Hayes said one student was suspended for destroying the sign and two others were suspended for inciting the first student. (your LIEING HISPANIC GIRL, Gaby told KLTV 7 News the same thing the tape shows - she never touched Melanie. Nobody did.
"They were passing the sign around at school. I saw it. I just got up to ask her about it. Nothing else, nothing more," said Gaby. "They placed me in ISS because they accused me of hitting her, scratching her and threatening her, when I didn't do that. I didn't touch her. I didn't do anything to her. To me they put me in ISS for something I didn't do.", or the other LYING HISPANIC GIRL, One of the other girls told a Dallas TV station that BOWERS HAD BEEN LEAVING COPIES OF THE "POSTER" ON TABLES IN THE CAFETERIA.
They were in ISS for inciting the boy to take the sign.)
“It’s what we would do to anybody who destroys a project or takes a book or something like that,” he said.
The suspended students were allowed back in class Thursday. Bowers hasn't been back in school.
I believe the video link I linked to in my above posts shows all of this, which is nothing like what you have described.
Gosh Liquid, you are getting mighty desperate. Certainly comical.
You just dont get it.
Your girl Melanie Lied. She admitted it. Her parents acknowledged it. All the early articles were based on what Melanie said.
So why would we believe 1 word she said? I dont.
You are quick to say the Latina lied. My, my. How telling. You take the word of a self acknowledged liar over the hispanic girl. How wrong of you Liquid.
Go watch the girls lying video. WAtch here LIE through her teach.
What is curious is, why are you protecting her? Very strange for you to hang your hat on this one.
Did you watch her video? Doesnt sound like you did.
Additionally, there had to be copies Liquid. What is she holding in the picture in front of cameras? Remember the other copy was torn and thrown in the trash.
I agree, liquid. Dee is so dishonest and biased that it is pathetic. Notice she didn't answer my questions either. I wonder why either of us waste our time in here. Her blog would be a graveyard without us. An occasional pro shows up in here an that is all. Sometimes even they are just her sock puppets.
What is interesting is teh News video of Melanie prancing out of the cafeteria, holding up her sign, you can see that she is talking and blatantly badgering people around her displaying her sign. Then someone out of camera grabs the copy she has in her hand and runs.
No one touched her.
The little brat scratches herself and lies saying she is attacked, and jumped on and smashed into the brick wall, she shows the brick mark. ALL LIES ! She accuses innocents of threatening to Rape her. She names 21 innocent Latino children.
How on earth can you defend this Liar?
I dont know why you are defending her.
The girl lied, we all agree, I am not hanging anything on her, I'm wanting you to admit the culpability of the 3 Hispanic children. If you can't get the facts in order and correct, why should anybody then believe you? What about the culpability of the school for denying her from making the phone call to her parents after this incident first happened? You keep interjecting this as a racial issue, when its not. Most of my information is coming from all the articles combined, I gave you the link. I also gave you the link to the video of the boy taking the sign from her. Semantics does play a role, without semantics its nothing more then mere chaos.
Miss. Bowers is getting her just do punishment with a possible class B Misdemeanor. She hasn't been back to this school since either. This will effect her, probably, for the rest of her life.
The 3 Hispanic children, who took offense to the sign, do not have the "RIGHT" to take or "INCITE" the taking of Miss. Bowers sign. By definition, the boy assaulted Miss Bowers, stole from Miss Bowers, and quelled Miss Bowers Freedom of Speech, he violated her Civil Rights.
In my Hypo I gave to you PRO's, for which NONE of you have even attempted to be honest and answer, this is the first thing you people would have been clambering about, the violation of her Civil Rights by the Asian kid. None of you would have even admitted to the girl being at fault. All because she is Hispanic.
Again, I am not defending her at all!! I want you to admit to the culpability of all the other things that lead up to her lying. There are more than just her as being at fault with this scenario. All parties should be held accountable.
The boy and the 2 girls were held accountable for their actions, 2 days of ISS, I would have only given them 1 day.
Bowers, is getting what she deserves, false report filing and various other charges.
The school office is also at fault, for not allowing her to call her parents after the incident occurred.
Your problem is you have only zeroed in on Bowers and not the additional parties at all.
Maybe this screenshot of Melanie angering the masses by badgering people with her poster. Look at her!!
View it and Weep Liquid. The girl was egging people on!! No wonder someone in the crowd snatched it from her. She is ONE BAD EGG!! And an Admitted Liar!!
The one taunted kid who grabbed the poster was punished. The other two were wrongly punished according to the videos Ive seen.
If Melanie had not antagonized people with her posters, the little boy would not have grabbed it.
The worst offenses by far are Melanie LYING and Scratching herself as she did and indicting 21 innocent children.
The worst offense by the ANTI bloggers were running with the story and treating the 21 as if they were guilty until proven innocent.
The sign in the picture, the one you posted on the blog, has very bad pixelation, it is very hard to tell if it is clean or damaged. Since the sign was later found in the garbage, she could have taped it back together and flattened it out. Still there is no evidence, anywhere, of any copies.
The last video I linked shows her walking in the hallway with a group of people around her, your trigger words are nothing more than exaggeration on your part to try to instigate a racial issue, "taunting Hispanic kids", as it were.
BTW Liquid,
Please give me the url for the article you said you referenced to obtain the quote you said was from Melanie´s friend manderr64.
Ive been searching for it on google and can find it nowhere.
Please give me the url.
All that screen shot explains is Gaby's version of her asking questions to Bowers, as she stated (see your own link).
Yet you claim it as "taunting". Nothing like jumping to conclusions on your behalf.
Goto Marisa's story, to the Houston Chronicle article, the one you posted your info in, her post is after mine.
You sure are stretching it trying to defend the admitted liar. I ran the tape in slo mo for the screen shot. It is very obvious what she was doing.
What is very telling is how you immediately claim the hispanic child as a liar (copies) and except the admitted liars version over hers.
Hmmmmmm Liquid.
Now I think you are just taunting me!
The facts are, the girl lied.
I dont blame her for changing schools after what she did.
I don't blame her either, I am "taunting" you, admit the culpability of the others at fault as well, thats all you have to do. And until there is evidence or proof of copies, or there is evidence supporting that Gaby didn't incite the boy, then by your own recognition in many of your other blog posts and articles, they are Liars and guilty, too.
Gosh liquid,
You took the word of an anonymous commenter in the Houston Chronicle as being truthful and actually a student?
I dont think so. First of all, the school is not close to Houston. It is closer to SE Dallas.
You take their word vs the Hispanic schoolmate on video?
What a stretch!!
At no point and nowhere have I excepted Bowers version over anybody's, all my information has come from the many articles that have been published throughout the news. Please show me where I am defending Bowers at any point.
You are wrong. The girl Lied and Admitted her wrongdoing. She knowingly falsely accused 21 Latino children of something she knew they didnt commit, assault and threatened rape. This is a HATE crime. She only named latino children.
Then the ANTI blogsites did the same! They were also guilty of hate crimes.
The only thing the little boy did was grab a piece of paper from a girls hands. On video it appears Melanie was taunting those in the hallway. She said the sign was passed around in the cafeteria and the Latino children were upset by it. She is the one who continue it into the hall and it was caught on video. You cannot compare this piece of paper snatching after taunting to her Hate Crime.
As far as the other two children, I dont believe they did anything wrong as indicated on tape.
You are looking more and more ridiculous as you attempt to defend Melanie or compare her Hate Crimes with a little boy grabbing a piece of paper.
At no point does she say anything about being in Houston. Your comment shows your lack of comprehension again.
manderr64 wrote:
I know Mel, and I knew the story was a little off, most of ams did. But I think that its ironic how people are saying that she was wrong by doing all this and then you get on a computer and basically do the exact same thing, without the crime. We are here calling her crazy and racist, when she was just mad. The ast. principle didn't do anything about her report being torn up and it infuriated her. Melanie has always been the one to get what she wants and work until she gets it. And yes we have taks in a few weeks but we were about to have a math taks the next week and our history teacher decided perhaps we could go something a little easier and the slightest bit fun. We were learning about people standing up for what they believe in and Melanie Bowers believes you need to earn your right, like everyone else living in America, to be here. I know the Hispanics didn't threaten her or anything but they did rip her sign, unless you have illegal family members you should have no problem with what she is saying, do you just assume illegal is Mexican? I know you will all think what you please... but remember she is being punished enough. Along with all the citizens of Athens. She is not going to be going to our school any longer and I will honestly miss Melanie.
4/11/2008 10:35 PM CDT
Where does she mention anything about Houston? Any body can post in an article comment section, nothing in her post discredits what she is saying as you would try to have anybody believe. So, please show us any discrepancies in her post to make her not be what she says she is.
Dee says:
"The only thing the little boy did was grab a piece of paper from a girls hands."
Is this not wrong? What gave him the RIGHT to do so? You still don't admit the Hispanic child did anything wrong, in fact by your lack of conviction, in your own heart you condone this act. Admit your racial fault, then.
You also misrepresented.
You said: "Heres a post by one of Melanie's friends in one of the articles."
This is false.
This was NOT one of Melanies friends. This was an anonymous commenter in a Houston newspaper claiming to be one of Melanies friends. You should have said so and NOT misrepresented it! (look how long it took me to track this down and get this accurate for you Liquid! You are wearing me out! but dont worry, I will re energize tomorrow!)
Dee said...
You are wrong. The girl Lied and Admitted her wrongdoing. She knowingly falsely accused 21 Latino children of something she knew they didnt commit, assault and threatened rape.
I don't see from the screenshot that she is egging anyone on. All I see is her holding the sign out. Who would she be egging on anyway? The sign didn't mention any ethnic group.
How did I misrepresent it, when the first sentence says she knows Melanie? Thus, one of Melanies friends.
13 year olds are not "little" boys. Why aren't you calling Melanie a "little" girl? I see what you are trying to pull here, dee. You are trying to make people envision a little boy being tormened by an older girl. You use every nasty trick of the trade, dont you dee?
You should have said this was an anonymous commenter in a Houston newspaper claiming to be one of Melanies friends.
You are turning this into another one of your sick obsessions, dee. Liquid and I both admitted that the girl is guilty and she lied and should be punished. Even her parents are against her. And yet your persist with this. What is wrong with you?
The reason the commentators on the anti blogs thought the girl's story was true at first was because of the reported scratches on her. Most people wouldn't go as far as the girl did. After the truth came out, most every anti I know of admitted that the girl was guilty of lying. What the hell is it that you want? A pint of anglo blood or something?
You are funny.
Liquid was yanking my chain tonight. He knows it. I know it.
We agree Melanie Lied and falsely accused people. It was wrong.
Yanking your chain???? I was "taunting" you, trying to get you to admit the boy is also wrong in doing what he did, yet you still refuse to admit that.
Dee says:
"The only thing the little boy did was grab a piece of paper from a girls hands."
Is this not wrong? What gave him the RIGHT to do so? You still don't admit the Hispanic child did anything wrong, in fact by your lack of conviction, in your own heart you condone this act. Admit your racial fault, then.
So let it go then, dee! Is this going to be another story that you will drag out for weeks on end and beat to death just like Sheriff Joe?
You will just drive liquid, myself and it appears Ultima already out of here with you constant nonsense. There will be no one but you and your sock puppets posting in here.
Exactly, liquid. If it had been a Hispanic girl carrying a pro-illegal sign and an anglo grabbed it from her, dee would be spitting and screaming "violation of civi rights" like a banshee on speed. She would be defending her and going on for days about the Nazi anglo who denied her freedom of speech. Hypocrite!
I studied the video you provided liquid. Screen shot by screen shot in slo mo. It was obvious she was taunting the crowd as she passed by. No wonder the innocent child grabbed it.
Pat, I go to Ultys blog and he hasnt posted much on his own either. I hope he is ok.
We agree (just like Liquid and I) on most things except Immigration.
We also like each other. (Just like Liquid and I)
I just hope Ulty is ok.
THE BOY HAD NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER IN TAKING THE SIGN!!!! Whether it was offensive or not, he had no business, if you believe that he did and has no fault either, than you are giving him a pass to steal, quell Civil Rights, and to assault others, all because he has brown skin like you!! You advocate for equal treatment, yet deny equal prosecution, in fact you condone the Hispanic boy for his actions by not condemning what he did and failing to admit it.
Liquid, You are losing it again.
I said all along that the little boy who grabbed the sign after being teased has already served his in school suspension. I didnt say he shouldnt be suspended. He served his time for the crime.
Now Melanies HATE Crime, knowingly falsely accusing 21 people of assault and rape, physically assaulting herself, going on National television to falsely accuse, THIS IS A SEVERE HATE CRIME. She should be put in Prison or at a minimum be charged for a FEDERAL HATE CRIME.
You still make my point, Dee. Earlier you called the boy "innocent": "No wonder the innocent child grabbed it."
Melanie is being punished for filing a false report. The Hispanic children were given ISS.
Yet you want a Federal Hate Crime filed against her, if thats the case, then the boy should also have Federal charges brought against him for Assualt, Civil Rights Violation by quelling Freedom of Speech, and theft. You call for fair treatment of all, yet you are willing to prosecute this girl further without doing anything to the boy, all because you condone the Hispanic boy for his actions.
After all, fair is fair.
"Little boy"? Aw, how sweet!
Why did the boy find the sign offensive? It didn't target latinos. You won't answer that though will you, dee?
dee, a 13 year old should be put in prison?? You're kidding right? Did she kill someone?
I havent seen that Melanie has received any punishment. I have been checking google news every day and nothing.
Is your girl getting off scott free?
Wow, that was a very interesting discussion Saturday night.
Over all I'd have have to say that the girl and especially her parents should be the main focus here. For all the obvious wrong things she did. Also her parents should be punished as well for encouraging her to move on with her hatefilled poster and display it freely in school. What kind of sick parents tell their kids that this kind of behavior is ok. Or is this just the norm in their household. Kids just learning tricks of the trade from good ol' mom and dad, "Those damn messikin's need to go back to their country." Even though they aren't ILLEEEEEEEGAL. Oh well, hopefully justice be done
anon, what was hateful about her sign? She was supporting the immigration laws of our country. She didn't point out a particular group of illegals on her sign. What she did in retaliation (lies) for her sign was despicable and all the anti's in here have already admitted it and said she needs to be punished fully for it. But you bloodthirsty fools are still not satisfied.
FYI, when her parents found about her lying they didn't support her, they agreed that it was wrong and that she should be punished. So now you lower yourself to assuming things about her parents and attacking them now? No one even knows if there were illegals in the school or what country they would be from. So what do you mean by "messkins"? All illegals should be deported anyway no matter where they are from.
As I said, you bloodthirsty fools will never be satisfied until you get a pint of blood out of every White-Anti in this country. The problem is that it isn't only Whites that are for the rule of law in this country and there is nothing racist about it.
Anon says:
"What kind of sick parents tell their kids that this kind of behavior is ok. Or is this just the norm in their household. Kids just learning tricks of the trade from good ol' mom and dad, "Those damn messikin's need to go back to their country."
Maybe we could ask you the same question. Nothing like jumping to conclusions, or is that a lack of comprehension on your behalf?
The girl is the main focus, she is being punished for what she did, the Hispanic children were also punished for their roles in the matter, the problem came when Dee wanted further punishment for the girl (Federal hate Crime), and kept calling the Hispanic children innocent, when clearly they were not. Her condoning the actions of the Hispanic boy showed her racial biasness, and unfairly punishing the girl further without bringing the crimes against the boy further (Civil Rights Violation, Theft, and Assault). She always clammeres about equal and fair treatment, yet Hate Crimes against the girl are well beyond equal punishment.
it's so obvious she was taunting, she's a racist and was only stirring up trouble by her actions, I will give her some slack because she's a kid but what parent doesn't keep track of their kids feelings towards race unless they're racist themselves and install that same feeling in their kids, it's pretty disgraceful, the whole thing is disgraceful
How did her sign portray racism? There was no race mentioned on the sign. The sign was only in support of our immigration laws. Please, explain if you can.
Is it not also obvious than that Gaby, as she herself states, was doing nothing more than questioning Bowers on the sign in the hallway, thus confirming the holding of the sign in question by Bowers? Still, you jump to the conclusion that Bowers was "taunting" the "Illegal Immigrants" with her sign. Who were the "Illegal Immigrants"? Oh, you deem Hispanics as "Illegal Immigrants", yet you call us racist or Bowers Racist, when in fact it is you making the racial assumption that the Hispanics are "Illegal Aliens".
From Anon4
I can't help but wonder, what these discussions would have been like IF there was no evidence and no video of the girl injuring herself?
What would Rodney King's fate have been, without "those" tapes? He would be just another bitter black man, who had told some lies about police brutality.
Where would Timothy McVeigh be today, if no one had ever connected him to the OK bombing? He would be alive and well in the Michigan Militia, and some innocent Arabs would have been given the death penalty.
If she had never been caught on tape, Melanie Bowers would be the new media darling today, and there would be 21 Hispanics in some state of trouble. Every single blogger would have condemned them, and would have urged penalties against them to the full extent of the law.
exactly anon4, and imagine if this all happened before the 1950's, they all would've been lynched faster then the ANTI's could spell MAYBERRY (wouldn't hold my breath though), thank goodness for truth and justice, it's funny how ppl take certain sides until a funny thing like PROOF gets in the way
Its funny, now that a camera system has been used to help show the actions and to discredit a lie, you are all for it, but if it is used on the border, its an invasion of privacy. Look to Dee's prior posts regarding the towers on the border.
Only when it benefits your own agenda do you agree with it, however if the shoe is on the other foot, then its racial profiling, racism, xenophobia, nativist, etc.....
From Anon4:
Dee is entitled to think whatever she wants. Please do not assume that I think ONLY one way, and please do not add words to my vocabulary, such as racial profiling, racism, etc. I personally think that smart detective work and cameras are good things. But my point is not about the technology. The point I tried to make is that, IF NOT FOR SOME INTERVENING PROOF, an innocent person would have been prosecuted, or a guilty person would have gone scot-free. In this case, 21 innocent people could have been prosecuted, if the girl had not been caught on tape.
Sometimes, there is no need for any new technology or detective work. Here is an example from a 1943 Henry Fonda movie called, “The Oxbow Incident,” wherein three innocent men are hanged for murder and cattle rustling. The posse acted before the sheriff could arrive to arrest the three and bring them before a judge. When the sheriff finally arrived, he told the posse that the “murder” victim was only wounded, and that they caught the fellas that shot him too. It is also confirmed that the cattle were legitimately purchased, without a bill of sale. So, the posse is actually a lynch mob. The three men would have been proved innocent in a court of law, if only they had been afforded an opportunity to provide proof.
Intervening proof (camera), don't you mean good detective work (investigators)? Whether the video was their or not, eventually the truth would have come out. Others would have stepped forward to reveal a pattern that would have eventually discredited Bowers. Look to your McVeigh statement.
Since you Anon's refuse to post with a name, If I mistook you for Anon that posted in the border articles, then my apologies. Keep in mind it is hard to distinguish Anon from Anon.
As for the "Oxbow Incident" (on TV recently), modern technology has come along way, communication has increased significantly since then, possibly to the point of making it impossible from happening again.
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