UPDATE: Brandon Piekarsky was released Tuesday and is now staying with his grandmother in Shenandoah. Under the terms of that restriction, he cannot leave the home except for work; education; religious services; medical, substance abuse or mental health treatment and visits with his lawyer in Stroudsburg.
WNEP Reports:
One of two teenagers waiting to go to trial on federal hate crime charges in connection with the 2008 beating death of a Mexican immigrant in Shenandoah may be let out of jail but under certain conditions. A federal judge ruled that Brandon Piekarsky will be released from jail once the probation department checks out where he will stay: his grandmother's and uncle's apartment in Shenandoah.
His lawyer hopes Piekarsky is out of jail as soon as Tuesday. Piekarsky's mother had nothing to say Monday after a federal judge in Scranton ruled her son could be released from prison. Piekarsky is awaiting a federal trial on hate crime charges in connection with the 2008 beating death of Mexican immigrant Luis Ramirez in Shenandoah. Piekarsky is accused (by team-mate Walsh) of delivering the deadly kick to Ramirez and helping concoct a cover-up story with police (Mother's boyfriend, Officer Moyer). The government argued that since Piekarsky faces life in prison he now has a greater incentive to try to obstruct justice but the judge said, "Everyone has the right to be released when charged with a crime."
There are some condition's to Piekarsky's release. He has to stay with relatives, not his mother because investigators believe she may have played a role in the cover-up. Also Piekarsky must wear an electronic monitoring device.
The judge said Piekarsky is not a flight risk but added, "One mistake and you're back in that costume." Derrick Donchak remains in prison, also facing federal trial.
The USA is employed in the "War on Terror"
Many Children, Women, and the Old die every month in Airstrikes against the Poorest and most Illiterate Villages or Hamlets in the World. They are considered a Great Threat against America.
But there is a lot of Impunity and Laxity with some Domestic Terrorists. There is permission for Lynchings, but only in Racist Cases. Lynch a person of a lower race and that is less grave than killing a dog.
Luis Ramirez, a small man, was killed by Six Football Players, in Shenandoah Pennsylvania in July 2008.
While the men yelled racial epithets at Ramirez, they punched and kicked his head and body so severely that he lay foaming at the mouth with two skull fractures.
Once Ramirez was on the ground he was continually kicked until brain matter leaked from his skull.
And there was a shameful cover-up of the authorities, a Shameful Fake Trial that was a Circus of Racism : Racist Judge, Racist Prosecutors, Racist Distric Attorney, Racist Jury, Racist Detectives, Racist Criminal Investigation or Forensics, and a shameless Racist Town that has adopted the Coward Scoundrels as Great Heroes. Great Demonstration of Affection and Support as if they had won the World Series.
Vicente Duque
While disappointing, I'm still infinitely more confident in a competent federal prosecution of this crime than with the local yokel farce that took place prior.
thanks for this info, hope you can post updates about this.
Bookmarked this. Sometimes non-standard due to you looking for sharing. Definitely benefit my time.
The Most Coward Terrorist has been released from Jail. - Shenandoah Pennsylvania is Mad with Racism and Hatred - Tales of a Racist Justice System
While the USA fights the "War on Terror" there is Topmost Tolerance and Impunity with Domestic Terrorists, but only when they are Lynching the "Lower Races".
Pa. teen charged with hate crime released on bail
The Associated Press
Updated: 01/07/2010 09:52:22 AM EST
Some excerpts :
SCRANTON, Pa.—A teenager charged with a federal hate crime in the beating death of a Mexican immigrant has been released from prison pending trial.
A spokeswoman at Lackawanna County Prison in Scranton said Wednesday that 18-year-old Brandon Piekarsky of Shenandoah has been released.
U.S. District Judge A. Richard Caputo ordered Piekarsky confined to his home pending trial in the July 2008 beating death of 25-year-old Luis Ramirez.
My Comments :
The attackers of Luis Ramirez are Coward Terrorists.
And the behaviour of the Shenandoah Pennsylvania town has also been an orgy of Cowardice, Terrorism, Racism, Brutality, Sadism, Insensitivity, Unkindness.
These people don't have the slightest idea of what is Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion, Kindness, Charity, Commiseration.
And the strong Shennndoah Bastardy : That is proceeding as BASTARDS !
Not content with having a Racist Justice System on their side for their depredations, then now they want to intimidate bloggers.
"Luis Ramirez, a small man, was killed by Six Football Players, in Shenandoah Pennsylvania in July 2008.
While the men yelled racial epithets at Ramirez, they punched and kicked his head and body so severely that he lay foaming at the mouth with two skull fractures.
Once Ramirez was on the ground he was continually kicked until brain matter leaked from his skull."
Nothing but coward terrorists. This way the "War on Terror" becomes a laughingstock.
Why should Minorities go to fight in such a war if they are not secure at home against the most coward domestic terrorists ??
You see ?? --- Everything is connected ! --- And the World is astonished with this spectacle of Justice Denied !
Vicente Duque
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