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Paul Ryan Thinks Americans Are Stupid About Medicare Advantage Plans!
The Republicans must think that Americans are very stupid. I just heard Rep Marsha Blackburn talk about Rep Ryan's Budget proposal. She said Ryan's Budget proposal was "just like Medicare Advantage and we know they like Medicare Advantage." OBVIOUSLY Rep Blackburn DOES NOT understand the Medicare Advantage program. Medicare Advantage is a program that allows Private Healthcare Companies to offer and manage custom Medicare Plans to Seniors for the Government. These private healthcare companies ONLY provide these programs to very highly populated locations. Understand, these healthcare companies are IN BUSINESS FOR A PROFIT! These companies say to hell to the elderly that live in rural areas or to the sick or to the needy. They are in business for Profit! They are funded BY THE GOVERNMENT to offer these very special rates to Seniors. Seniors pay their $110 (varies based on when they signed up) per month, and, if they are in a Medicare Advantage location, they can sign up for Medicare Advantage. In many locations, they pay another monthly co-pay in order to be enrolled in these plans. Side Note: To the Alert Reporter: Go to "" and then go to Medicare Advantage Plans, and then put in a Zip Code for Miami, San Antonio or Los Angeles. Please Note that the copay for these residents is Zero Dollars. Ask yourselves why. Talk to local residents who are enrolled in these plans. Then ask how often they are "forced" to participate in tests that are not needed. Also Note: The rates for Medicare Advantage plans ARE MUCH HIGHER for Medicare Advantage plans in High Income Areas. (Reporters: Please also check Silicon Valley Zip Codes and CHECK OUT their co-pays!) If anyone looks at these Medicare Advantage programs holistically, they would understand the problems with them. Also Note: I ask reporters to check out rural areas with NO Medicare Advantage plans. Those who are Left Alone to Fend for themselves. Ask local seniors for their view of Medicare Advantage plans! Study the FACTS!!! Don't take for granted what Ryan or Blackburn are saying! The end result will be: Many Seniors are left with NO MEDICARE ADVANTAGE Plans and are left fending for themselves. With Ryan's plan, Seniors will be left with a little voucher in their hands, looking, pleading, for a healthcare company to accept their voucher! Who is going to take care of Grandma in 20 years? The answer: No One! Unless Grandma is Rich and has plenty of dollars to spend. To any Reporters interested: email me at and I will send you the links that will provide you additional resources to uncover the facts on what Medicare Advantage really does!
I have Medicare Advantage. My cousin who lives in a rural area does not. However, she gets just as much coverage as I do. So you are wrong!
Prescription Drug Benefit.
The final version (conference report) of H.R. 1 would create a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients. Beginning in 2006, prescription coverage would be available to seniors through private insurers for a monthly premium estimated at $35. There would be a $250 annual deductible, then 75 percent of drug costs up to $2,250 would be reimbursed. Drug costs greater than $2,250 would not be covered until out-of pocket expenses exceeded $3,600, after which 95 percent of drug costs would be reimbursed. Low-income recipients would receive more subsidies than other seniors by paying lower premiums, having smaller deductibles, and making lower co-payments for each prescription. The total cost of the new prescription drug benefit would be limited to the $400 billion that Congress had budgeted earlier this year for the first 10 years of this new entitlement program. The House adopted the conference report on H.R. 1 on November 22, 2003 by a vote of 220 to 215 (Roll Call 669).
Marsha Blackburn Voted FOR this bill.
Marsha Blackburn is a Hypocrite.
Marsha Blackburn is my Congressman
See her unconstitutional votes at :
No. I am not wrong.
Go to or to Enter your zipcode. Enter your cousins zip code.
Remember: These plans are all FUNDED by the Federal Government.
You continue to pay your $110 to Medicare. They are actually paying for your coverage. Actually, if you had NO Medicare Advantage plan at all, Medicare would pay 80% of your hospital costs and 80% of your doctor costs. For the majority of locations, this is what would be paid.
Now, go to these websites and enter a zip code for Miami, San Antonio or Los Angeles. You will find Medicare Recipients pay Zero Copay for their healthcare needs. ASK YOURSELF WHY!
I have numerous more examples!!!
Overall, Ryan and Blackburn are VERY WRONG!!! America just needs to understand what is happening and I hope some diligent takes me up on my offer!
What worries me most is, IF Ryan is successsful, what will happen to the seniors in the low income, rural areas.
It will be a nightmare!
You cannot rely on the Rich Healthcare companies to care for our elderly sick and poor!!!!
You are right. The Prescription Drug program (PDP) is a nightmare and is an example of what happens when private healthcare is allowed to manage a program without much oversight.
Here is what is currently happening with most PDPs:
1. Healthcare providers are allowed to set the price of the plan
2. They are also allowed to set the co-pays.
3. DoNut Hole: The donut hole is a HUGE surprise for most consumers. Again, the private healthcare companies set the donut hole starting rate. So, for example:
1) PDP subscriber pays the deductible.
2) DoNut Hole = STOPS paying when out of pocket cost of drugs (for example)= $2500. What they don't tell you is, this is the actual cost of drugs and NOT what seniors pay for the drug. When the plan 1st began, when seniors reached Drug Costs of $2500, then they began paying 100% of cost of drugs until they reached the catastrophic drug costs of $4500, then they again received the lower rate.
Everyone needs to understand that these Healthcare Companies are ALL IN IT for PROFIT!
Secure Horizons does not cover my cousin's area. However, she has a different Medicare plan that gives her just as good of coverage as my Healthnet Medicare Advantage plan does.
There are several companies one can choose from for Plan B coverage.
Apparently you are not understanding how the Medicare Advantage plans work. The GOVERNMENT FUNDS these plans with Medicare $$ and allow private healthcare companies to administer them. These plans are carefully regulated to NOT allow private healthcare companies to deny coverage or to charge willy nilly / whatever they want. AND, these M.A. plans are NOT available in all areas across the country.
I will write another blog about this to help you and others understand how the process works.
Additionally, the LARGER ISSUE is, with Ryan's plan the government/Medicare will NOT FUND his New Plan. Instead, seniors will be provided a Voucher and Healthcare Companies will charge seniors whatever they want and refuse pre-existing conditions, etc etc, as they want. In other words, Medicare, as we know it, will END and will be obliterated.
Humana Gold is a Medicare alternative that involves copays. Secure Horizons is a Medicare/Public Aid type coverage.
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