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Soap Opera Politics Vol 1, Issue 1
Both sides are starting the mud-slinging and the soap operas. Here is what I am seeing: Dems Frontrunners:
John Edwards: The juiciest rumor is being reported by several blogs, "Rielle Hunter and John Edwards have been rumored to be having an affair for months. It’s only this evening, when the National Enquirer announced that it had, not only photos of a pregnant Rielle, but also testimony from several sources close to her and Edwards, that her name became well-known." Say it ain´t so John (for the record, he has denied it but now, supposedly, there are witnesses and a baby). We love your wife and if you did this, you have lost your shot, forever!
Obama: The mud slingers keeping bringing up Obama´s loyalty to America. False! Obama is a very loyal American! Now, are the Hollywood Superstars helping or hurting him?Hillary: Quite honestly, I think the Republicans want Hillary to be the Candidate. I think they think they have the best shot of beating her. Republican Front-runners (the rest don´t stand a chance!)
Huckabee: Using his religion on his shirt-sleeve. Gilchrist as his backer. Flip flopping on border security. Even the ANTI sites say there are other scandals blooming!Romney: Flip Flopper Supreme, plus his Mormon religion are all targets.Guiliani: Affair, Divorce, Marriage, Funds, Unethical Business Practices, Shady Friends, ANTIs hate his past stance on Immigration, plus he dressed like a girl. He has it all, most of it old news, but still very relevant!Well, maybe an Independent will win.After all, Liquid has thrown his hat in the ring and is now a candidate!
Holy cow. If that is true about Edwards, he is a real snake ! Specially since his wife has cancer. I really hope it isn't because as much as I really dislike his politics, I don't wish such hurt on any family.
As for the Republicans, I am still with Romney. I changed my mind on all kinds of issues the older I grew..abortion (against) being one of them. Thompson is ok, but he doesn't really seem to want the job. I really like Duncan Hunter but he can't make it. I don't like Giuliani - wife cheater, etc.
I would vote for Hillary over Obama if I was forced, but since I'm not, I won't vote for either.
Merry Christmas everybody!!!!
Some of what you state is just personal opinion, dee. But you always try to state it as if it were the facts. Try to use words like "I think this or think that" rather than projecting your views as if they were fact. For example your remarks about Obama being a loyal American. There is no way of really knowing that for sure, so you should have said "I think" Obama is a loyal American. Same thing with your rants about the MM, for example Rund. You stated as if it were a fact that he is a MM. You should have said "I think" he is. That is why you will never be a good debater.
Well, I was wrong. Just heard on tv that Tancredo endorsed Romney!
No need to make anything up. As I often say, I go to NEWS SEARCH or BLOG SEARCH by date. I type in my various subjects. (Type in Immigration in NEWS, or type in Blog Search - John Edwards Rielle Hunter)
It is all there!
Just want to keep my readers aware of the latest info on the Blogs regarding Immigration and the Candidates.
Dianne, I hope it isn´t true, but the odd thing is, Enquirer has had this story since Sept and they are not backing off. They have pictures and witnesses. The Drudge report picked up the story. No one is backing off, even with threats of litigation.
Personally (and I am saying personaly here Pat) I think it is a set up. I think someone (RNC??) got this "hussy" to get pregnant on purpose. Of course if he did it, first, morally he should not do this, second, he should be smarter then to fall prey to these types of people. Nowadays, no one has to get pregnant unless you want to. This woman is in her 30´s and a business woman, videographer. These things don´t just happen.
The only thing I will say in your regard Pat, in my blog, I did summarize what the Blogs are saying about Obama, Hillary and the RNC candidates. For Edwards news, I copied and pasted.
dee, you have an uncanny way of turning hearsay into facts. A lot of it is just gossip. Are you the office gossip too?
dee, the "Enquirer"? You mean that gossip rag at every checkout stand in the stores? lol.
Pat, meet Blogosphere.
Google Blogs.
Type name you wish to search.
Click on Search Blogs.
What the hell does that prove? Blogs are still mostly opinions and gossip.
I understand from NBC Nightly News that Hillary is making hay out of Obama 200+ "present" votes in the Illinois legislature and a great number of absences for votes in the U.S. Senate. Obama says, "Yes, but I did vote on more than a thousand other measures." Did Obama dodge being on the record on controversial issues by voting "present" rather than yea or nay? Hillary thinks so but Obama is now in a dead heat with her in NH.
Yesterday, three Clinton surrogates -- Reps. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Anthony Weiner, and Joe Crowley -- held a conference call with reporters whacking Obama over his “present” votes while serving in the Illinois legislature. (Just asking: Has any other campaign used its congressional supporters to attack a fellow colleague?) And the pro-Clinton AFSCME, using Edwards’ name, is hitting Obama over the issue of health care. Indeed, the Obama campaign emailed reporters that, per FEC numbers, pro-Clinton groups (like AFSCME, AFT, and Emily’s List) have spent $2.1 million in independent expenditures, while pro-Edwards groups have spent $1.3 million.
Ulty, So indirect vs direct attacks. I guess that is due to the "soft" Holiday campaigns going on now and because Iowans do not like direct attacks.
I still think the RNC would love to have Hillary as the candidate because they think they can beat her.
The Republicans are in such disarray I'm not sure they could beat Dennis Kucinich.
Ulty, I agree. I think both sides are in disarray.
Maybe Liquid will win after all!
Thank you very much for this blog Dee. It is very informative, smart and truthful. There's ANTI's a plenty but you have truth, justice and the American way on your site and right always wins over wrong
PRO anon
Pro Anon,
Thank you!
I hope you come back often!
We PROs really need to stick together and become informed. I believe we must talk civilly to the other side so we all understand we are all Americans with different viewpoints.
We have some very good, smart ANTIs on this blog. What I like best about them is they are civil and open when we talk together.
I do take some bashing sometimes but I´ve learned to be resilient and keep moving forward.
Both sides have to talk if we are ever going to come together as a nation.
Snicker, snicker as dee replies to herself ten minutes later, lol.
You are the most cynical person. LOL.
I answer you in one minute. Am I you? LOL
Be full of the Christmas spirit Sweety! Nothing Else! xxx ooo
How original. You have a twin. lol
I received an email from PRO Anon.
As with many other PROs, the ANTIs make them nervous and they do not wish to argue with you.
However, they do like the Blog and the interaction that we have - PRO and ANTI discussing these issues civilly.
As always, I invite all readers to email directly. any time you have questions or would like more information. More and more of us PROs are starting to post and it is important that we communicate with each other!!
The Immigration Con Artists
Here is a decent article regarding politics and the con-game. Make of it what you will.
Truth often makes scam artists and liars nervous.
Liquid, This is a great article and I agree with the author. He says what I have said all along:
"What is illegal immigration actually about?
The answer is exploitation. Employers looking to maximize profits want an economically desperate, politically disenfranchised population that will accept ever worse pay and working conditions. Illegal immigrants perfectly fit the bill."
I may post this as a blog.
Thank you!
Yes, Dee, but on the other hand, you argue how we need more workers for the employers. So, you see how you leave everybody here very confused with your ideals? There are more then 8 visas for working in the USA, it is up to the employer to obtain these visas, the problem is it is made to be cumbersome for them so that they hire citizens first, they just decided to circumvent the whole process, hire 'Illegals' for cheap, and save or pocket all the profit.
The system we have is a good system, it just may need to be tweaked a little, getting rid of family based immigration, not all together, but limiting it, would be a big help. Sub-sidies being removed for large corporations would be a big help. Enforcing the laws against employers, exploiting the loopholes would be a big help. Trade policies being re-addressed would be a big help, we don't need all new laws, but to tweak a little on the laws we already have.
"The answer is exploitation. Employers looking to maximize profits want an economically desperate, politically disenfranchised population that will accept ever worse pay and working conditions. Illegal immigrants perfectly fit the bill.""
We all have argued this as a reason, you have argued to give amnesty to the 'Illegals', thus doing nothing to the employers other than letting them off the hook, back to square one.
While Ulty, Pat, Anon, and myself have argued enforce existing laws, which would be "Enforcement through Attrition", and the 'Illegals' would self repatriate, thus penalizing the employers by eating into there profits, increasing wages for citizens, and making business more fair across the board for the Mom & Pop owners.
I agree we need the Immigration laws tweaked to ensure the Employers follow the laws and are sanctioned if they do not follow them. We do need to stop the exploitation and hire legal workers.
The dilemma is, we have 12M here. We need to get them in a Guest Worker program and legal. One other alternative is to post jobs and have them fill them. Once in legal status, they can no longer be exploited.
My take is, we do people to fill the jobs. We just don´t need them exploited.
I do think we need some group of people like us to develop a way of doing this that all can agree upon.
Diane has a good idea about birthright citizenship, in another headline here, about not offering it until 2 -5 years after birth, I would make it until the child is 18, no benefits at all, once an adult he can use whatever is entitled for him, i.e. unemployment if he was laid off from work, section 8 housing if he needs, and so on. Getting rid of the incentives is the goal, this will dramatically cut down on 'Illegal Immigration'.
We have, hopefully, 12 million and declining due to self repatriation. To place them in "guest worker status", the employers need to go through the proper channels and apply for the available visas, which I have shown in a different headline, that it would cost roughly $17 - $20 to employ a visa holder, or they could hire a citizen for roughly $ 15 per hour and achieve the same thing. It is up to the employers as to which they prefer, we can force the employers to do this or put them out of business. It would be a win win situation for all.
By the time this thread is done, Dee, I will have you voting for me as well. ;-}~
Will Americans do the jobs the illegal immigrants are doing? Will they bring the work ethic? Will employers hire at twice the price workers who do not provide the output and require benefits? That is the question.
I think Arizona is a good place to determine this.
I am about to post a new Blog on the impact to business in AZ. Should be out in about 5 minutes.
Dee asks:
Will Americans do the jobs the illegal immigrants are doing? Will they bring the work ethic? Will employers hire at twice the price workers who do not provide the output and require benefits? That is the question.
1. Americans have always done the jobs construction, service industries, etc., about the only one that would be a toss is Agriculture.
2. Work ethic? They work no differently than a citizen, unless you call being under slave conditions work ethic.
3. Employers would be paying twice the price they are now if the 'Illegals' were i.e. made 'legal' by your wants, or if the employers were forced to obtain the visas required to employ them.
Dee, your heart is in the right place, its just that your arguments still let the employer off the hook for all that he has done. There will be only benefiting of the 'Illegal' by granting legality to him, and no punishment to the employer for past or present cheating. The employers need to be and must be punished and brought into conjunction with the law. This will have meaning and benefit those that wish to come here for work in the future, it will put an end to EXPLOITATION of the immigrant.
I don´t know the solution. I wish I did. I know we need secure borders. I know the flow of illegal immigration has to stop.
However, given our history, what do we do about those here? How do we not let the employers off so easy. How do we keep these essential jobs filled?
From an AgJob perspective, establishing lush farms in Mexico makes sense to me. They have the laborers. They have the fertile land. They need help with their economies. We need the fruits and vegetables harvested. I think it could work and I am sure they would love to stay employed in their country if they were paid a living wage. These farms could be like the maquiladoras.
"However, given our history, what do we do about those here? How do we not let the employers off so easy. How do we keep these essential jobs filled?"
Force the employers to obtain the visas.
As far as Ag in Mexico, repeal or re-negotiate NAFTA and CAFTA. This alone would have a tremendous effect on Mexican farms and migration north. American farmers moving to Mexico, I think is a good thing as well, however it depends on the Mexican Gov't and how they regulate working conditions for their own people with these farmers, meaning, hopefully they aren't being exploited there as well.
"Republican Front-runners (the rest don´t stand a chance!)" A truly creditable site.
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