Consider it a classic pincer move: two separate, ongoing efforts to recall the most powerful, hateful politician in Arizona, state Senate President Russell Pearce. First into battle was the irrepressible DeeDee Blase, founder of Somos Republicans, an organization loathed by wingnut GOPers and mainstream Democrats with almost equal intensity. Somos Republicans' stated intent is to increase the Latino Republican voting bloc. In working toward that goal, the group fervently attacks the nativist right, which is now dominant in the party of the pachyderms. The group supports the DREAM Act and humane immigration reform, has opposed Pearce's breathing-while-brown law, state Senate Bill 1070, and continues to denounce the efforts of wingnut legislators to undermine the birthright citizenship clause of the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment.
Indeed, it was on the day that anti-birthright citizenship legislation was getting introduced by Pearce's lackeys in the state House and state Senate that Blase and a libertarian ally, Halina Reed, filed recall paperwork against Pearce at the Secretary of State's Office. The official "grounds" for the recall by Blase's new group, Arizonans for Better Government, specifically cites Pearce's "overt disdain" for the U.S. Constitution, and Blase clearly was motivated by Pearce's attack on birthright citizenship. "This guy is evil," Blase said of Pearce on the day she filed. "I was really bummed out because of the 14th Amendment [bills]. Now I'm so excited."
The recall effort will need to score 7,756 signatures of registered voters from Legislative District 18 by May 27. Once these are obtained and verified as legitimate, Pearce either has to resign or face a recall election on a date set by the Arizona Secretary of State's Office. Voters of all party affiliations can sign the recall petition, and there's a large pool from which to draw: 68,409 registered LD 18 voters, as of last count, according to the Secretary of State's Office.
This means that forcing a recall election on Pearce is doable. So much so that Assistant Secretary of State Jim Drake told me that his office is preparing for the eventuality that both the Blase-skippered recall and one filed days after hers by another group, Citizens for a Better Arizona, might be successful. If this occurs, Drake said his office will seek a judicial order combining the two recall elections into one. Pearce could face High Noon at the ballot box as early as November of this year or spring 2012. It's conceivable that Pearce could lose. In 2008, Pearce bested his Democratic rival for the state Senate by 5,343 votes. In 2010, Pearce exceeded the combined vote totals for both the Libertarian and Democratic candidates by just 4,081. Even if Pearce ultimately prevails, a recall would damage him politically.
See, Pearce longs to seek higher office, anything from governor or congressman to U.S. senator or — perhaps most powerful — Maricopa County Sheriff, should alterkocker lawman Joe Arpaio ever take a powder, get indicted, or just keel over while in office. But if Pearce has to campaign to beat back a recall in his own district, it will distract him from exploring other options, robbing him of time, money, and energy in the process. It also will expose an otherwise un-remarked-upon weakness: Many in his own district and party loathe him.
Indeed, I'm convinced that Pearce could never win a statewide election. Congress or sheriff? Maybe. U.S. senator or governor? No way, Jose. See, Pearce's ham-fisted use of power, his narrow, negative agenda, and his status as an icon of intolerance make him a hero to Tea Baggers, nativists, gun nuts, and the East Valley wackadoodles who dominate the Maricopa County Republican Party. To a broader audience, Pearce simply looks like what he is: a bigoted, far-right extremist.
Sure, many despise Republican Governor Jan Brewer for her policies or for signing SB 1070 into law. Still, as ditzy as she can be, she doesn't come off as an aggro redneck in need of some serious meds, as the Senate president most certainly does. Hell, even Sheriff Arpaio seems like a teddy bear compared to the truculent madman from Mesa....The grounds for CBA's recall are broader than those given for Blase's Arizonans for Better Government. CBA's statement knocks Pearce for "his failure to focus on issues and concerns that affect all Arizonans," demanding better representation on various issues.
"Mesa and Arizona need a leader who will pass laws to create jobs, protect public education, and ensure access to healthcare for our children and those most in need," CBA's petition statement reads, in part. "By signing this petition, we publicly withdraw our support for Russell Pearce and what he represents."
1 comment:
It seems that the Arizona Republicans want to devote all the Time, Energies and Money of the State to a single problem : "Racial Profiling". - They are Monothematic. Psychological Pathologies and Delusions of Arizona Republicans :
Happy Valentine Day for You and Me : One day in the Future Everybody will be beautiful :
All the Time, Money, Energies, Economic Resources, all Police Time in Arizona will be devoted to the persecution of the "Ugly Brownies" .... While many other problems in Arizona become graver and the state experiences losses of Income in Hotels, Tourism, Visitors, Business, Investment, etc ... loss of tax income, and the state finances are not in the best shape. Consider the Economic Slowdown and Home Foreclosures. Consider people abandoning the State while the Real Estate Market is Depressed.
A Monothematic Delusion is a delusional state where the subject is only concerned with one particular topic. It is an obsession
From Wikipedia, about the Monothematic Disorder and Psychological Pathology :
"These disorders can occur within the context of schizophrenia or dementia or they can occur without any other signs of mental illness. When these disorders are found outside the context of mental illness, they are often caused by organic dysfunction as a result of traumatic brain injury, stroke, or neurological illness".
"People who suffer from these delusions as a result of organic dysfunction often do not suffer from any obvious intellectual deficiency nor do they have any other symptoms. Additionally, a few of these people even have some awareness that their beliefs are bizarre, yet they cannot be persuaded that their beliefs are false".
My Comment :
Well, Jan Brewer is beginning to suffer from an "Organic Dysfunction", like when she appears to have Alzheimer during political debates, and stays silent for long, while the audience waits and waits for her to clear her confused mind and while she finds another angle for her obsession, delusions and paranoia with "Illegal Aliens".
Given enough time, all of us will be "Very Beautiful" and "Very acceptable", and there won't be any need of "Racial Profiling".
Vicente Duque
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