A Republican TeaParty official in Indiana has been FIRED for urging "LIVE AMMUNITION" be used on Peaceful Teacher protesters in Wisconsin. Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox was removed on Wednesday for saying on his personal Twitter account that police should "use live ammunition" on Teachers Peacefully Protesting in the Wisconsin legislature for their rights.
TeaParty Republican Extremist Cox made the comment last Sunday in response to a Tweet from Mother Jones magazine that riot police might force protesters out of the Wisconsin capitol building.
In a Twitter exchange with Mother Jones editor Adam Weinstein, Cox argued, "Against thugs physically threatening legally-elected state legislators and governor? You're damn right I advocate deadly force."
The back-and-forth continued with Cox telling Weinstein, "I support police unions. Funny you would advocate for a police union when liberals hate police." He later told the journalist, "Typical leftist. Try to silence anyone who disagrees with you."
Weinstein at the time did not know he was talking to one of Indiana's deputy attorney generals.
Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller said late Wednesday he was dismissing Cox after a "thorough and expeditious review" of his online postings.
The same day, Indiana lawmakers dropped a similar ANTI-union bill after Democrats followed their Wisconsin counterparts and fled the state.
Cox's postings include blog entries in which Cox called President Barack Obama "incompetent and treasonous," and former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and members of the Service Employees International Union "brownshirts," referring to the paramilitary group of the Nazis. The COWARDLY Cox has since deleted his blog, but his Twitter comments remain online. "We respect individuals' First Amendment right to express their personal views on private online forums, but as public servants we are held by the public to a higher standard, and we should strive for civility," Zoeller said.
The removal of Cox occurred on the second day of a boycott by Democratic state lawmakers. The lawmakers are in neighboring Illinois to prevent a quorum required to pass the Republican bill.
The removal of Cox occurred on the second day of a boycott by Democratic state lawmakers. The lawmakers are in neighboring Illinois to prevent a quorum required to pass the Republican bill.
The following is a statement from former Indiana Deputy Attorney General Jeff Cox regarding his dismissal after tweets regarding the Wisconsin Legislature protests:
Today I was fired from my position at the Office of the Indiana Attorney General for statements that I made on my personal Twitter account and blog Pro Cynic outside of work.
This past weekend I was contacted by a far leftist blogger from San Francisco who didn’t like a recent Twitter post I made which was clearly political satire. My post used a ridiculous tone and solution to the challenges associated with the Wisconsin statehouse protests. In no way was my post meant to be taken literally and I don’t think any reasonable person would conclude otherwise.
Cox says this only because he was CAUGHT!
Cox posted his comments on the very reputable "Mother Jones." However he posted them under the name "JCCentCom."
The Cowardly Cox has since deleted his comments.
Now he hides saying his evil, violent posts were "satire." Hmmm... same excuse Loughner is using for his odd posts on his website. Same excuse the "shoot Obama" teapartier used last week. These TeaParty Republicans say words don't count when they use them, only when the opposition uses them. Shameful!
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