Discuss Immigration Issues with a Mexican American. Truth, Honesty and the American Way!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Jury has announced its verdict! Minutemen Group Leader Shawna Forde has been sentenced to death for plotting a deadly home invasion that murdered 9-year-old Brisenia Flores and her Dad. A Pima County jury deliberated just four hours over two days before deciding Shawna Forde, 43, should join the other two women on Arizona’s death row. Hopefully, this harsh sentence will deter others from even contemplating the thought of such vicious, vicious HATE Crimes! We never want to see such HATE Crimes happen again!
Meanwhile, Minutewoman Shawna Forde continues to be non-repentant for her crimes!
While I don't support the death penalty, the harsh penalty the Jury imposed was meant to send a message. The Message: "Hate Crimes MUST STOP!" I agree with the Message! Justice for Brisenia and her Dad!
The death sentence is both barbaric and overly kind - Shawna Forde should be allowed the privelege of a full life sentence in 'la tuna', a prison midway between El Paso and Las Cruces, NM.
Yes, a very sad story yet perhaps less sad than a society whose class, ethnic and racial contradictions churn out groups such as minutemen/women; groups clearly incapable of understanding the great material and cultural importance of immigration.
While I applaud the verdict in Arizona that will sentence this miscreant to death, on the other side of the country justice unfortunately has NOT prevailed: http://www.wnep.com/wnep-shen-piekarsky-donchak-sentenced-beating-death-ramirez,0,2135528.story
@juan.. La Tuna is a Federal prison and not applicable in this case.
@anonymous No evidence of drug trafficking was found in the home nor had Raul Flores been arrested or convicted of same.
I'm personally opposed to the death penalty, but in this case, it's entirely appropriate.
Forde will live another 15 to 25 years in an 8x10 foot cell, alone, only being allowed out for 1 hour of exercise etc per day, by herself. If and when the sentence is carried out, she will have lived a long life, something she denied Brisenia and Raul.
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Immigration Talk with a Mexican American
Blog Mission
A PRO Forum where people, both PRO and ANTI, can discuss American Immigration Issues and Political Issues civilly, freely and safely thereby reducing the hate, anger and misunderstandings currently inherent in most of these discussions.
This Blog promotes the discussion of opinions of the Blog Owner and commenters who wish to participate in the discussion about Immigration Issues and Political Issues.
Many blog entries contain details from actual news articles and urls are included for reader reference.
In some instances, individuals referenced in the blog are defendants who may be coming to trial or whose trial is in progress. All defendants are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
It should be noted by all Blog Readers and this is to officially confirm that for all articles on this blog where court cases have not been ruled upon, the word ALLEGED is inserted prior to the defendants name/crime.
Hello. My name is Dee. I live in Texas. I am an American. My ethnicity is Hispanic. Many would call me Mexican or Mexican American. Some call me a female, PRO-Immigration Reform - Ann Coulter.
My parents, their parents and theirs were all born in the USA.
My husband and I have been happily married for over 20 years. My husband is a big, Irish-American. We have two grown sons. We are happy and my family is doing well. I have been employed as a mid level manager at a very large, well known corporation for over 25 years, now recently retired.
In May, 2006, after the Immigration Marches, I started seeing the cable news channels talking very negatively about illegal immigration. I found many internet sites were talking negatively about legal and illegal immigration issues as well.
Since I do research on the job, I started conducting Immigration research on the web. I joined several Immigration websites and I researched others. I´ve learned so much about Immigration issues over the last year.
What you don´t see on the internet is the Mexican American perspective.
I am here to share my views with you.
While I don't support the death penalty, the harsh penalty the Jury imposed was meant to send a message. The Message: "Hate Crimes MUST STOP!"
I agree with the Message! Justice for Brisenia and her Dad!
I hope she burns in hell for what she has done !!! No one in this country or other countrys should be killed because of there race !!!!!!!!!!
Very sad story. A child is killed. I do believe that her parents put her in jeopardy by drug trafficking. And that makes the story even sadder.
The death sentence is both barbaric and overly kind - Shawna Forde should be allowed the privelege of a full life sentence in 'la tuna', a prison midway between El Paso and Las Cruces, NM.
Yes, a very sad story yet perhaps less sad than a society whose class, ethnic and racial contradictions churn out groups such as minutemen/women; groups clearly incapable of understanding the great material and cultural importance of immigration.
While I applaud the verdict in Arizona that will sentence this miscreant to death, on the other side of the country justice unfortunately has NOT prevailed: http://www.wnep.com/wnep-shen-piekarsky-donchak-sentenced-beating-death-ramirez,0,2135528.story
@juan.. La Tuna is a Federal prison and not applicable in this case.
@anonymous No evidence of drug trafficking was found in the home nor had Raul Flores been arrested or convicted of same.
I'm personally opposed to the death penalty, but in this case, it's entirely appropriate.
Forde will live another 15 to 25 years in an 8x10 foot cell, alone, only being allowed out for 1 hour of exercise etc per day, by herself. If and when the sentence is carried out, she will have lived a long life, something she denied Brisenia and Raul.
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