The postponement of the trial may have been a result of the fact that the prosecution has decided to seek the death penalty for Baker, who –according to reports- will plead "not guilty" to the three charges against him: two charges of homicide, three charges of attempted homicide, as well as opening fire at an occupied lot.
In addition to murdering Racine Balbotín and Nicolás Corp, Baker also seriously injured three other students after entering the residence where group was gathered with a 30-calibre rifle.
In addition to murdering Racine Balbotín and Nicolás Corp, Baker also seriously injured three other students after entering the residence where group was gathered with a 30-calibre rifle.
Update: Accused murderer Dannie Baker did not appear in court Tuesday as originally scheduled.
Instead, his attorney Lenny Platterborze entered a written plea of not guilty on March 27. On March 31, the State Attorney's Office officially notified the court they intended to seek the death penalty for the crimes Baker is charged with, according to the Walton County Clerk of Courts Web site.
Instead, his attorney Lenny Platterborze entered a written plea of not guilty on March 27. On March 31, the State Attorney's Office officially notified the court they intended to seek the death penalty for the crimes Baker is charged with, according to the Walton County Clerk of Courts Web site.
For me it is clear that the Merchants of Hate, the TV Racists are powerful motivators and instigators of these murders, Dannie Roy Baker, Keith Luke, Richard Poplawski, and other lone wolves of Murder. These TV anchors are an open invitation for Murder.
Here is a passage from Wikipedia that shows the Grandfather of the Radio Racists and TV Racists :
Charles Edward Coughlin :
"On November 20, 1938, two weeks after Kristallnacht, when Jews across Germany were attacked and killed, and Jewish businesses, homes and synagogues burned, Charles Coughlin said "Jewish persecution only followed after Christians first were persecuted."[17] After this speech, and as his programs became more antisemitic, some radio stations, including those in New York and Chicago, began refusing to air his speeches without pre-approved scripts; in New York, his programs were cancelled by WINS and WMCA, leaving Coughlin to broadcasting on the Newark part-time station WHBI.
This made Coughlin a hero in Nazi Germany, where papers ran headlines claiming "America Is Not Allowed to Hear the Truth". On December 18, 1938 two thousand of Coughlin's followers marched in New York protesting potential asylum law changes that would allow more Jews (including refugees from Hitler's persecution) into the US, chanting, "Send Jews back where they came from in leaky boats!" and "Wait until Hitler comes over here!"
The protests continued for several months. Donald Warren, using information from the FBI and German government archives, has also argued that Coughlin received indirect funding from Nazi Germany during this period.
After 1936, Coughlin began supporting an organization called the Christian Front, which claimed him as an inspiration. In January 1940, the Christian Front was shut down when the FBI discovered the group was arming itself and "planning to murder Jews, communists, and 'a dozen Congressmen'"[19] and eventually establish, in J. Edgar Hoover's words, "a dictatorship, similar to the Hitler dictatorship in Germany".
Coughlin publicly stated, after the plot was discovered, that he still did not "disassociate himself from the movement", and though he was never linked directly to the plot, his reputation suffered a fatal decline."
Vicente Duque
Coughlin = Beck
Coughlin = Hannity
Good post Vicente!
All these guys of Fox News are motivators and instigators to Violent Action. And we have witnessed too many of them in the last year.
Racists and TV Anchors are easy targets for comedians and writers of Humor and Fun, because of their high level of Hyprocrisy.
Glenn Beck is an easy target because he is very Histrionic ( meaning exaggerated ) in his grimaces, smirks, contortions of the face.
Let us study this Great Hypocrite and Jingo, best Friend of "God" and preacher of Hate, Intolerance and Idiotic Wars, as his friends of Fox News.
Glenn Beck practices ridiculous postures of the body and ridiculous walking before the cameras, as inviting people to his Great Experiences with "God" and Hatred. He acts as if being a great friend of "God" and having The Cel Phone Number of the "Lord".
I think that Glenn Beck studies Facial Expressions and Gestures before the Mirror.
Smiles, Simpers, Grins, Frowns, Smirks, Squints, Flinces, Winces, contorsions and winks of complicity.
He easily defeats Sarah Palin at this unmanly game.
And he is a true heir of Father Charles Edward Coughlin (1891 – 1979) and his Nazi Radio Hatred and AntiSemitic Radio Intolerance during the 1930s.
Vicente Duque
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